{PETITION}: Block B Forgiveness

Sign the petition for Block B's forgiveness!


South-Korean boy band Block B made a big mistake in their Thailand interview and many know that by now, but with P.O. being hospitalised and a senior representative saying he was worried that the band had thoughts of suicide, please forgive the band for their fault. We won't deny that they made a mistake but I'm sure that the band has learnt well from what they did... so please show them that among their haters, people understand them and forgive them

Netizens who are against Block B have been calling them rude and telling them to go and die. Right now, who is more rude, them or Block B after the amount of times the band has apologised?!

Please BBCs, for your band, sign this petition! If we get more and more signatures, Block B will see how much their fans still support them!

Share this with your friends and people you know, we need to convince the antis how sorry Block B is, and how much they DON'T deserve the things that are happening to them.

All negative comments regarding Block B or this post will be deleted immediately. 


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YEAH!!!! OMG I feel soooooooo bad about BlockB even tho Im a hottest or whatever but yeah!!! I am soooo sad!! Please BlockB, dont feel sad! I still love you!!! D: <3