How EXO Would Treat Their Future Girlfriends


Kris: Would stare all the time at girlfriend. all the time. Tries best to cook for other half but would fail. Will easily succumb to girlfriend’s aegyo. Use face masks together.
Tao: Would defend girlfriend at ALL TIMES. Would be the first to yield in arguments because he doesn’t like fighting. Would be happy by just being around her.
Luhan: W

ould where the pants in the relationship. Would be very manly despite his cute appearance. Would treat her like a princess.
Chen: Would sing her to sleep. Would always hold her hand. Would always be thinking about the other half.
Lay: Will do a shi dansh for said girl. Would be very sweet and gentlemanly towards her. Would bring her back souvenirs from tours because he’s always thinking about her.
Xiumin: Will be very responsible. Would take cute selcas making blow fish faces with the other half. Would always give bear hugs to girlfriend.
Kai: Do a VERY shi dansh for furture girlfriend. Would be very gentle with girl friend. Would cutely get jealous easily because he loves her very much.
Suho: Would be a very caring boyfriend. Would love to meet the parents. Will show husband material traits at the very early stages of the relationship.
Baekhyun: Be very silly and loose around other half. Will have many inside jokes together. Will call her while he’s working just to check how she’s doing.
Chanyeol: Will be very chill around girlfriend but will have those outburst of derp which he can’t control. Will always go out to dates with other half, will get her cute things that she likes.
D.O.: Will cook her breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Will tell her to just stay home and don’t work because he will be making all the money. Will baby her because he doesn’t want anything happening to her.
Sehun: Will be very childish around girlfriend but step up as a man when he has to. Will ALWAYS do aegyo around her. Will love the reaction he gets from her because of his aegyo.




credits to tumblr. .tnx! :)))


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