30 day bias challenge. [grabbed from Kiseops_Wife_] Days 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10.

Posts/answers for the first five days are found here. :)


30 Day Bias Challenge


 DayOne; Your favourite band/group. []

DayTwo; Your bias from your favourite band/group. []

DayThree; Your second favourite band/group. []

DayFour; Your bias from your second favourite band/group. []

DayFive; Your ultimate bias. []

DaySix; The cutest picture of your ultimate bias. []

DaySeven; Any picture of your ultimate bias. []

DayEight; A song of one of your favourite bands/group that makes you cry. []

DayNine; A picture of your ultimate bias smiling. []

DayTen; A picture of your ultimate bias that makes you smile. []

DayEleven; The cutest picture of your ultimate bias.

DayTwelve; A song of one of your favourite bands/group that makes you smile.

DayThirteen; Your favorite photoshoot of your ultimate bias.
DayFourteen; Your first bias ever.
DayFifteen; Your second ultimate bias.
DaySixteen; A picture of your ultimate bias performing.
DaySeventeen; A picture of your second ultimate bias.
DayEighteen; A song by your favorite band/group that makes you happy.
DayNineteen; Your top six pictures of your ultimate bias.
DayTwenty; A cute picture of your second ultimate bias.
DayTwentyOne; A funny video from one of your biases.
DayTwentyTwo; A cute video from one of your biases.
DayTwentyThree; A random quote from one of your biases.
DayTwentyFour; The hottext picture of your bias.
DayTwentyFive; An old picture of your bias.
DayTwentySix; A second picture of your second ultimate bias.
DayTwentySeven; The best song of your favorite band.
DayTwentyEight; The best performance of your favourite band/group.
DayTwentyNine; Your favorite interview of one of your biases.
DayThirty; A charming/cute/funny Quote of one of your biases. 


DaySix; The cutest picture of your ultimate bias.

Does a childhood/predebut picture count? Because if it does, then I choose this. Himchan is so adorable ok. ;~~~;

DaySeven; Any picture of your ultimate bias.

I chose this because this picture pretty much tells about who Himchan is. For one, he likes taking selcas and he loves to drink coffee. And he's "effeminate", as Yongguk will describe him. (Which reminds me, I ship Himchan with Leader Bang. Ang Jongup, too.) Plus let's all admire his blond hair. In my opinion he looked best during the Warrior/Stop It era. ;)

DayEight; A song of one of your favourite bands/group that makes you cry.

For this one, I choose the band DBSK. Their song "Magic Castle" makes me cry sometimes. Maybe it's because of the song's mellow rhythm and because of the song's meaning itself. "Even if we fly up into the sky, freely, don't be scared. The world unraveling in front of us can be so special if we're together." Not to be overly dramatic, but I think the last two lines of the song may apply to how TVXQ and JYJ is now. Even if they take different paths as idols, I still think it would be better if they're together again.

DayNine; A picture of your ultimate bias smiling.

I've got tons of pictures of Himchan smiling, but I chose this because this happened to be my favorite. His smile in this picture just gets me every. Single. Time. (Credits to whoever took this photo! This is fantaken, so please do not edit it out.)

DayTen; A picture of your ultimate bias that makes you smile.

WAIT GUYS. YOU KNOW HOW TINYPIC LETS YOU TYPE IN A VERIFICATION CODE SO YOU COULD GET THE LINKS FOR THE PICTURES YOU UPLOAD RYT. THE VERIFICATION CODE FOR THIS PICTURES WAS "YES, SIR" AND I CRY BECAUSE "WE ARE BAP YES SIR" AND IDK OK. Anyway. I chose this because despite the injury, he still managed to look cute. :') And look at him in this. He looks like he's trying hard not to laugh. :)


That's all for now. Til tomorrow! :)


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channie ;D i love his hair during one shot . its like red wine or something . oh , no no. he looks good in everything ;) bap daeeebak ~!