Nu'est Ren is in an Anime

So I stunbled on to an anime called Uta no Prince-sama and began to watch it (I love it lol)

Anyway, in the second seson the boys, who are training to be idols and just made their debut, are assigned seniors to guide them. And this is one of the seniors. His name is Mizuki Ai:



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And I'm staring at him like..."He reminds me of someone...." Then it clicked.

He reminds me of Renny! Lol. A bit in his apperance and his attidude. Is it just me? I think he really does resemble Ren lol. 

photo Nuest-Ren_zpsa362b6d2.png     photo tumblr_m11pf0zSG41rrtz5so2_250_zps0a09dfe3.png  photo tumblr_m796u1wp4r1rqidqw_zpscdd5b780.jpg


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