National Nobodies [ old ] master post!

If you didn't know already, I'm rewriting National Nobodies. I'm leaving links here for my preciously written chapters, since I've had a few people ask that I keep them up somewhere. I've posted them on my tumblr as private links, so the only way you can access them is through this blog post. Please do not do anything with my writing. This blog post will probably be deleted once I finish my revision and decide these ty words aren't needed anymore

Happy reading!

o1 || o2 || o3 || o4 || o5 || o6 || o7 || o8


(Please let me know if the links don't work, I didn't double check and I'm too lazy to do so right now, oops.)


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I know you haven't been here since 2015 but I'm praying you somehow decide to pop up and check your messages. I remember reading this story years ago when you first started(I was a silent reader back then) and I absolutely loved it! Unfortunately the links to the old chapters don't work. I was wondering if you could send me the links, fix the links or send me a pdf file? I would REALLY REALLY REALLY like to reread this T.T