Tagged for the second time in my life :P

This is for ehChanNuneo! Thanks for thinking about me for this~ ^^

1. Did you ever hate kpop before you join this fandom?

2. Are you against people who are multifandom?
3. Who is your first bias in kpop fandom?
4. Do people called you as "that kpop girl/ boy" and if yes what do you feel when they called you that?
5. Do you ever regret anything that you've done regarding kpop and if yes what it is
6. Do you think you will get over kpop and leave this fandom one day?
7. Do you consider yourself as a kpop addict?
8. What's your most ert thought of your bias?
9. What are your requirements of a fanfic for you to read it?
10. What's your favorite fanfic?
1) No, I never heard about Kpop before knowing 2PM :)
2) No, I'm not. But it's difficult to believe in their love... or maybe I'm too loyal to 2PM ^^' 
3)Jang Wooyoung. Always has and always will ^^
4) No, people around me just hear me talk about 2PM xD
5) No, nothing at all~
6) I don't think I will ever get over 2PM, so no :)
7) A 2PM addict, maybe? :P
8) That's something no one will never know~
9) Well, to be honest, I'm really picky when it comes to fanfics, mangas, animes, movies and books; so it isn't easy for me to like just anything. It has to have a very good plot, it has to be interesting. It has to have emotions, if it makes me cry then it's perfect. And I like to see the dedication the author put in the fanfic, because I really work hard to make nice stories and to not make people waste their time reading my work; so I search for that as well when I read a fanfic.
10) I don't have a favorite fanfic, ¿why choose one when there are so many good fanfics? ^^
This was all~ I hope you like it ehChanNuneo!! ^^


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