PLEAAAAASE, help me out ^_^"


Do any of you know of any femal idols that have named Infinite's L (Myungsoo) as their ideal type? Or even any female idols that just have a obvious crush on him?


Also, of you know of any of the other Infinite members ideal female idols, that would be great :D



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Um, I just read this... Hope It helps for the second part of your question..

Myungsoo likes girls with long wavy hair. Sunggyu & Dongwoo talked about their ideal girls on a show before. Sungjong’s ideal type is Park Bom. Oh wait, I just found something. :3

Woohyun: I like the fans who love us. I really want to hug those who really like me. /inserst Namgrease
Myungsoo: For me, honestly speaking, I like girls with long hair as well as those who are pure.
Sunggyu: I like those who are cute and a little y. Truthfully. Cute yet y type.
Sungyeol: I like girls who are cute, true to themselves, and kind.
Sungjong: For me, I like someone who has a bright character and someone fun will be good.
Dongwoo: For me, as long as she’s a girl. As long as we match and get along well together~
Hoya: I like girls who are kind hearted.