Dear EXO fans, please...

First of all, let me come out clean and say I'm not an EXO fan. BUT I have nothing against them, never joined any anti-EXO movement, or spread vicious rumours about the boys. I respect what they have achieved so far, for such young boys they have accomplished so many things.

Was shocked to learn about Kris and his legal suit, never expected something like this would happen further more they just released a new song/mv/etc...

I can imagine some fans must be really sad, trying to come to terms with happened. So many questions on their minds, angry fans just pressing everyone for answers.

I can't help but express my disappointment, after seeing a few fans posting really nasty stuff at SNSD's IG. Some even blatantly cursed the girls and posted expletives, claiming the girls are to be blamed for what happened. 

Can someone please enlighten my ignorant self, how does SNSD is connected to all of this?

If SNSD being EXO labelmate is to be blamed, what about Kwon BoA, DBSK, SuJu, SHINee and F(x)? Hell, now that we are blaming people, why not drag the SM rookies into this and blame them as well?

I know, not all EXO fans are behaving like this. These immature fans, do they even know that this sort of idiocy will lead to another worthless fandom war? How can Sones provide support to the EXOtics, when all Sones can see is EXOtics constantly bashing /-shaming SNSD? 

Have they ever thought: WHAT IF Kris decided to quit because he can't handle the superstardom and the fanatical overzealous fans? EXOtics go to the entent of issuing death threats to another EXOtic, just because she took a picture with one of the boys. 

Please stop and start thinking rationally. Be a fan, where the artist you support can be proud of. Kpop fandoms are special, we don't get to see this sort of passion and love for other non k-pop acts. But if this stupidity continues, the fandom may cause trouble or be a negative factor to the group/artist they supporting. 


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I'm a huge fan of both groups and this really disappoints me:/ Why would they even bash SNSD? Those childish and immature fans should just stop once and for all.
ForeverSoshiKezh #2
I agree strongly agree with your statement.. I am too, disappointed to those immature fans who keep on bashing Snsd.. For pete's sake.. They are Exo's sunbae!..>:(