Sungmin's Marriage

I bet by now almost all of you people might have known about the news of sungmin's marriage. Yes, i am happy for him but i know its hard for some people to handle this. This might have been a huge blow to people. I mean, Sungmin. Who would have expected him to be the first one to  get married? I just wanted to talk about this here cause i have friends who are joyers and they are badly affected by this news and its devastating, I know. But, i can't stand some fans. Editing pictures out, Petitions for our minnie to leave the group. All this just because he decided to get married because he found his significant other? I mean, of course i am in no position to say this since he isn't my bias but as an ELF, who supports the whole group, this really breaks my heart. You can clearly see it. Our whole fandom is tearing apart. International fans and korean fans are bickering with each other. With all this going on, Its hard for SJ to win their most wanted award for the year. THE DAESANG AWARD. 


I really hope people would wake up. Think about other members. Think about sungmin for a minute. I know how he had already done all the things needed way before but, put yourself in his shoes. WORLDWIDE FANS, bunch of Scary fans that would never hesitate to beat your partner up, Reporters who are on your heels waiting to leak news about something that you have been dying to tell but you can't. Why? Cause he knew this would happen. He knew a bunch of fans are gonna leave the fandom and he will be hated on very much. But i won't say its not his fault too. Its just that, ITS NOT ENTIRELY HIS FAULT. People who supported him whole heartedly, I clap my hands for you in awe. You people are awesome. Fansites who closed down due to this, You guys were strong and i thank each and everyone for their beautiful photos. 


And last but not least, Fans who are heart broken, Crying in a corner, let me give you a tight heart other the internet. I know that you need it the most. Cause, Its not easy to deal with things like that easily. :) I am hoping that everyone gets together and help the boys win their most wanted awards and continue to support them in future. Cause, Till to this day it rings in my head the words the hyukjae had said, " I know thats fans have left SJ for newer groups, But people who stayed, thank you very much". 


And, I don't think we guys are the only ones who are crying. I can bet with you, Sungmin is crying to himself, All alone cause he isn't someone who lets out his emotions that easily. Don't worry guys. Time heals. And i hope people found comfort in this post. Cause, Each joyers need a hug and i am more than willing to give one! :) 


His heart whelming message for Us, ELFS. :) 


"To those who have allowed me to be who I am now. Dear E.L.F


Hello, this is Sungmin. Where should I start... I thought about what to say so many times starting with the first sentence. After writing and erasing and repeating this process several times... I'm more reminded of the faces and voices of those I'm thankful towards... and I'm delivering this letter with a heavy and cautious heart.


Everyone, I have met a great person and I will be getting married on December 13.

My heart aches as I think of everyone who must have been very shocked and surprised about the sudden news.


I'm sorry that I made you find out through articles first while I was contemplating how to first deliver the news to E.L.F, who love me and are a dear friend to me, before anyone else...


To be honest, before I delivered this news, there were times that I had to withstand alone as I felt conflicted with the thought of my own decision while thinking of everyone whom I've walked this path with up until now. Rather than it being a fear about the decision I've made, I was more worried about whether everyone that I'm thankful towards would become too shocked or hurt by this news, as it is a situation that they've never gone through before [as a fan]. Although I'm a bit late, I'm gathering the courage to deliver the news myself from all the love and trust you've given me.


I want to say how much I love and feel sincerely thankful towards everyone who has stood by my side like a shadow and watched me grow and cheered me on.


I'm also thankful to everyone who has helped me up until now and the members and the agency who trusted and respected my decision. I will strive to become a Sungmin who continues to work hard in the future to return the love you have shown me."


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I was schocked at first when it was released...

Them her company denied and I was relieved...

Then Sungmin blogged about it and it was real and I was like O_O.

Then I really don't like te girl despite how she was described by Sungmin in LIVSM's letter and how he really wanted to marryvher even convincing SJ and the company...

But then... The K-Elfs want him out and I saw the reason why they were angry at him and honestly, I'm disappointed with Sungmin but if it will make him happy then so be it.

Nothing we can do about it now... His mind is already made up and SJ's schedule will proceed as planned so I'm okay with that...

I hope with this happening... We won't say goodbye to GDA... *sigh*

It's just wrong timing...
I just read some articles on why the fans were enraged by Sungmin's actions. I know as fans we supposedly should accept all his decision because, heck, our oppas would get married someday sooner or later. And if we were true fans, we would be happy and keep standing by their side no matter what, because it's their life's choice. I myself, am not sure what had actually happened behind all this but I cant deny I'm sad. I'm trying to be fine but still.. sad :(
I bet he has other thoughts about all this whole marriage thing as he was ready, announcing it all to the public. But didn't he ever think about the impact to SJ as a whole group? But yes, then again, I have no right to argue about his decision. Time will heal me too. at least he is happy-
fans were angry because they knew about the news but wanted him to announce but he was a coward( according to them ) and left it until it got out by other sources ! also they( company , family friend ) kept beating around the bushes and saying that these news aren't true !
it would have been better if he announced each thing at its time and given fans time to re-adjust , not come in a span of a month and leak dating than marriage news ! what were they waiting for n till a day before the " it" day ?? ! fans know that he is free to do what he wants and owes no one any sort of justifications or apology but when you become an idol you know exactly what you get yourself into it ! you don't really really own yourself anymore . you are a product especially if you are in a band , there is an image you've all worked for for years ( fooling girls that they are lovers; boyfriend/girlfriend ...)!!
korea's boy bands are nothing like international ones ... overseas when you become a fan you don't get to have interaction with your idol like in korea; you know very well that your idol dates , you see the girls who he's out with ; you know he has s**, you know every thing and you don't care because it comes within a package! in korea an idol/ celebrity is not only selling music , they"re also selling themselves in some sort !
Well said! Bless you ^^
as an ELFish myself, I know that any news about Donghae getting married would be devastating for me, but if he's happy, then that's all that matters to me ♡ Of course it will hurt, but I'll support him wholeheartedly bc he's so worth it, his happiness is worth it ♡ :')
mitaminie #5
Yeah, even though its very painful, but now I've been Able to receive this news calmly (with cried for days)
lets move on together... :)