Changing Seasons (October 2nd)

October Writing Challenge

          *This comes from a little thing I wrote like a year ago about winter, but I changed it for fall and added Yoongi cuddles.*

          Prompt: How pairing deals with changing of the seasons, how do they feel.

          I sit in the soft, worn leather chair with a plush fleece haphazardly tucked around my curled legs. I wrap my hands tighter around my mug of cider, letting the slightly too hot contents burn lightly at the palms of my icy hands. The steam curls humidly around my face as I breathe a cooling breath over the surface of the amber liquid; I allow my eyes to drift over the room lazily before looking to the large picture window filling the majority of the wall to my left. I intend for it to be a passing glance, nothing more than a glimpse at the woods encompassing my quaint wooden cabin, but when my eyes are captured by the wildfire haze both assaulting and caressing the earth I can’t help but to become ensnared by the wistful elegance of the falling leaves. The fall and I are long acquainted comrades, for as long as I can remember I have been transfixed by the feelings conjured by the cooling of the air and the changing of the trees. I wish there was a way to capture this feeling, the one that can only most simply be described as magic, in a form that could be kept and admired for its nostalgic attractiveness long after this world of fierce color is lost to bleak white winter. Though I suppose that that’s the appeal of autumn and the many joys it brings; the essence of nostalgia and the ephemeral life span it carries. I wish to remain here endlessly to watch the leaves abandon the trees that have carried them through the summer, though all good things must come to an end and my moment of peace is shattered by an icy hand landing on my shoulder.

            I yelp at the sudden cold against my skin, nearly tipping the mug in my hands but somehow managing to keep the liquid safely contained. My head snaps up and around to face the thief of my paradise.

            “Yoongi! Why do you always sneak up on me like that?” I demand, a little flustered from the scare his hand had caused. Though, most of my anger dissipates with the gentle chuckle that follows my statement.

            “Because it’s fun and your reactions are cute.”  He replies simply, plucking the mug out my hands and motioning for me to make room as he steals a sip of my cider. I heave a sigh, but comply and shift in the chair. He is quick to fill the open space, plopping down beside me and pulling me onto his lap. I adjust my blanket so it covers us both and settle against chest before reaching for my drink.

            He returns it to my waiting hands and wraps his arms around my waist before asking in a teasing voice, “What were you thinking about just now? You seemed to be thinking very hard about the trees.”

            I return my gaze to the window’s view and I see him turn to look as well out of the corner of my eye. “Oh nothing, I was just admiring the leaves. You know I love fall.”

            “I do know,” he returns, “It’s my favorite season too. Fall means cold weather, coffee, and cuddles my three favorite C’s, what’s not to love?”

            I laugh at this and set my now empty mug on the coffee table beside us before settling back against Yoongi and wrapping my arms around his neck with a soft sigh. Neither of us speaks as we return to watching the comforting magic of autumn, content to spend the day in each other’s arms.

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Coffee, fall, and yoongi; what could be better? <3 Good job!!