Chapter 6

The Blooming Wallflower



It was about noon as Min Hee was sitting on the floor in front of the ginormous TV in Ren’s dark room. An interesting music video was playing on the screen as Ren sat next to her looking excited. They were watching Lady Gaga.


“It's interesting.” Min Hee muttered, sounding focused as she watched. She had heard of Lady Gaga and heard her music. She was definitely a fan but she hadn't checked the idol's music videos out before! Ren was completely surprised when she told him she hadn't watched Momma Monster's videos. He took it upon himself to show her the world of Lady GaGa, of course he asked if she was interested first and she totally was. Anything to be in Ren’s company.


It was already a week into summer break and Min Hee was really enjoying this time since she got to stay home and hangout with her friends, especially Ren. The others wanted to go out and do something fun today, but Ren still wasn’t comfortable enough to participate so Min Hee offered to stay behind. He felt a bit guilty, but she assured him that she wasn’t really feeling up to going out today, that’s when they got to talking and Lady Gaga came up in their conversation. Then the music videos happened and they were having a really good time.


After Born This Way played, they decided to take a break since it was about lunch time now. She asked Ren if he was hungry so she could go make lunch and he agreed, looking so excited when she mentioned she’d make him his favorite again. He looked so eager to help, too!


“It’s funny…” Min Hee chuckled as she came over to check on how he was doing with cutting the vegetables.


“What is?” He stopped, looking over at her worried, wondering if she meant that towards how he was cutting things.


“Before my mom got busy with work, we’d cook together sometimes. I remember how annoying it was when she’d correct me, it got to the point I wouldn’t let anyone help me cook…”


“Really?” He frowned, putting the knife down. “Should I go?”


“No!” She shook her head with a small laugh. “You’re okay! Don’t worry, I got over it by now.”


“So, does that mean you don’t let Minhyun help cook?” Ren asked curiously. It’s hard not to notice how close she and Minhyun are and honestly, sometimes he can’t help but feel a bit jealous. Minhyun knows a lot about her while Ren was still just getting to know her better… It’s okay to be jealous of friends?


“At first I didn’t, but then he told me to get over it and so I did.” She explained. “It was a little difficult at first, but in the end I’m glad he pushed me otherwise you wouldn’t get to help me cook today!”


“Right! I’m glad!” Her bright smile managed to put a bright smile on his face, too. He just really liked spending time with this girl, seriously. Chucky, I really like her company… what does this mean? He wondered to himself quietly as they returned to the task of making lunch.




After the two ate lunch, they headed to the living room this time since the others weren’t back yet. She asked if there were any other Lady GaGa videos he wanted to show her and sure enough, there was. He looked so happy while talking about his favorites, Min Hee just adored him as she listened to him go on and on about his favorite artist. They were having a good time and she wished it could always be like this… just the two of them.


Then her phone started to ring. Her expression fell as she could already tell who it was that was calling her. Ren looked worried as she answered the phone, greeting her mother with a sigh. He tried not to listen in on her phone call by focusing on the music video playing on the flat screen. Min Hee didn’t give too many replies and when she did they were either one worded or brief. She didn’t sound too happy to be talking with her mother and that made him feel bad for her. He didn’t like it when she was upset…


Finally hanging up the phone, she sat there while processing everything her mother just told her on the phone. Because Ren was sitting next to her, she kept her replies short and simple because she didn’t want to get into an argument with her while Ren was around. She was going to have to meet with her mother again, soon. They were going to talk about her grades and ways to bring them back up to where they used to be, straight A+s. Her mother still didn’t get that she didn’t want to attend the all girls private school. Now she wondered if she should just go and do something ridiculous and get expelled. Maybe then her mother would give up on her? It was sad that she’d have to think these kind of things...


“Min Hee?” He asked softly, snapping her out of her negative thoughts. “Are you okay?”


“Oh?” She looked over to see that worried look on his cute face. “I’m fine.”


“Are you sure?” He wasn’t buying it and she knew that.


“I will be.” She nodded with a weak smile. “So, where were we?” She faced the TV once more.




Two weeks had passed since Min Hee’s mother called and ever since she met with her the following week of that call… she hadn’t been in the best of moods. She didn’t tell anyone what was going on because she was just too upset. Her mother managed to get the all girls academy to accept her for the remaining school year. She’d be transferring from Pledis High to the school she absolutely despised once summer break is over. This was completely unfair and no matter how much she fought with her mother… she just couldn’t get through to her. She couldn’t get out of it. As the days went by after being told she’d move out of the boarding house and return home, her mother blaming the friends she made while living there for her bad grades and influences, she felt like she was on the verge of breaking. How could someone be so controlling of their child’s life?


“Min Hee?” Suddenly she heard a knock on her door. It was Ren. “Min Hee?”


The blonde had been quite worried about her ever since that phone call with her mother. He could tell something was wrong but Min Hee wouldn’t say anything about it to anyone. He didn’t want to pry either, so he’s just kept silent all this time… but the more she avoided him and the others in the boarding house, the more worried he got about her. Did something happen? Was something going to happen? If he could help her in any way he could… he would.


She never replied to him, remaining in her locked room. Ren stood at her door, a dejected look on his face… he really wanted to see her. Her absence lately seems to be affecting him in ways he couldn’t explain. He felt sad, really sad. He felt pain in his chest sometimes, like a small ache where his heart’s located. Small things would remind him of her, like watching Lady Gaga, or standing in the kitchen where she’d make dinner for everyone. He was missing her, he was missing her terribly.




Another week passed and summer break was almost over now. Min Hee still avoided her friends and remained locked up in her room. Everyone was seriously worried about her now. Eventually Minhyun managed to talk to her when she came out of her room to use the bathroom and get a snack from the kitchen. He wasn’t going to take no for an answer, so she let him inside her room so they could talk in private.


After all, Minhyun was like her best friend, she at least owed him and explanation on everything. But then she thought about Ren and how worried he must be… it broke her heart when she realized how distant she’s been to him. They were just getting closer in their friendship before her mother called and ruined it all… This really isn’t fair.


“You have to move out?” Minhyun was shocked and upset. “I don’t understand…”


“Me either.” She sighed, fiddling with the Choco Pie in her hands. “She won’t listen to me when I say I don’t want to go to that school. She won’t listen to me about anything.”


“What about your father?”


“He’s backing her up on everything. They’re both in on this. They both wanna control my life.”


“And there’s nothing we can do about it, is there?” Minhyun said with a sad sigh.


“No. It’s not fair.” Her voice cracked.


“It really isn’t.”


“I don’t know what I’m going to do…” she tried to keep it together and fight back the tears. “I really don’t want to go.”


“I’m sorry.” Minhyun pulled her into a side hug. “If there was anything I could do, you know I’d help you in a heartbeat.”


“I know, thanks.” She managed a small smile after they parted.


“So… what’s going to happen about Ren? Didn’t his aunt put you in charge of his transformation?”


“Right… I guess you guys will just have to take over. I can’t do anything if I’m not here.”


“He’s probably going to miss you a lot. You were the only one he ever talked to and spent time with.” At his words, the tears she was fighting back finally made their way down her face. She was probably going to miss Ren the most when she’s gone! Thinking about it just made her heart ache because she grew really fond of him…


She started to recall the first day they met, how shy he was about meeting everyone. He’d wear that dark cape and hide in his room all the time. He wouldn’t talk to anyone at first besides Minhyun who basically pestered him too much. Then she started talking to him and soon he became comfortable around her. He stopped wearing the dark cape, and he started to come out of his room more, even joining them at the table. He was making a lot of progress thanks to her.


Their friendship started to blossom when they started to hang out more, talk about their interests… She remembered how happy he always looked when he was around her. He looked happy and calm the most when she was around. He was slowly getting there with the other housemates, but when it was her, he was the most comfortable.


“I’ll miss him, too.” She cried quietly.


“Are you going to tell him you’re leaving?” Minhyun asked the question he was sure she didn’t want to hear.


“... I don’t want to.” She sniffled. “But I’m gonna have to.”


“Well, you probably should tell him soon, you’re leaving next weekend, right?”




“If anything, I’ll break it to him first… then you two can talk.” He said while giving her a gentle pat on her back.


“Thanks, Minhyun.”


“No problem!” He gave a bright smile.


A few more words were exchanged between the two before Minhyun got up to take his leave since she was still thinking about everything… she just wanted to be left alone to think it all through. He respected her request and left her room. When he walked out, he could see Ren standing there looking incredibly sad and Minhyun figured he must have heard them talking inside.


“Min Hee is leaving?” He asked in a small sad voice. Minhyun just nodded, he felt so bad for him. “When is she leaving?”


“Next weekend.”


“...” Ren couldn’t form any words at that reply. Next weekend? So soon?! Was that why she’s been so distant these past few weeks? It was all making sense now, his bad feeling was true. Something was wrong all this time…


“I’m sorry, Ren.” Minhyun rested a hand on his shoulder. He still couldn’t say anything as he stared at Min Hee’s closed bedroom door. “I’m sure you want to talk to her, but right now isn’t a good time. Maybe tomorrow?”


“Okay.” He nodded before Minhyun walked him back to his room.




Ren couldn’t sleep that night. He lied in his bed with a million thoughts running through his head. All of them were about Min Hee. He wondered what she was doing right now? How she was feeling? He was sure it wasn’t anything positive…


He was so upset about this… he wouldn’t even talk to Chucky about it. Knowing he’d get no replies, he just really didn’t think it was worth talking out loud. It’d probably make him feel so much worse because it’d just show how really alone he is. For the past 5 months, he had Min Hee to talk to… but now that she was leaving. This isn’t fair. He thought bitterly. Why doesn’t she have a say in anything?! It started to remind him of his own situation… how his aunt forced him to live in this boarding house, but he thought differently about it now that he met Min Hee. Now he was glad, but still… a controlling family was bad.


After awhile he started to look back on the memories he and Min Hee shared. Memories like when they first started to really talk to each other… the times she spent in his room despite she was scared. All the efforts she made in being his friend. She was truly his first real friend. Thinking about her always made him happy, but right now it was making him sad. He really didn’t want her to leave. He wanted her to stay… if there was anything he could to do make her stay, he’d do it. What am I going to do? He thought to himself while turning on his side.


He noticed the hall light outside of his room was on and the shadow of someone standing in front of his door. Who could that be? He quietly got up and headed over to stand by the door. He heard the person sit down and he did the same, wondering if he could peek through the small opening under the door. Surprisingly he could see and recognized it to be Min Hee. He was about to open the door and invite her in, but realized maybe that wasn’t why she was here. It was maybe a little past midnight right now… everyone should be asleep. She came while everyone was asleep, but he was still awake because he couldn’t sleep.


He sat there, staring at the small shadow the hall light was creating as she sat on the other side of his bedroom door. It was silent at first as he waited to see if she was going to say anything. But she never said anything… the only sounds he heard was her quiet crying. Min Hee… his heart started to ache again as he reached out and rested his hand up against the cold wood door. She was on the other side and he wished the door wasn’t in the way so he could wipe away her tears and comfort her.


It was like this for maybe an hour before she finally got up and left. He got up and headed back to his bed while sighing. How was he ever going to fall asleep now? He was so worried about her… Lying in bed, he finally started to talk to Chucky.


“My heart hurts, Chucky.” He said softly. “It feels like someone stabbed me with a knife, it hurts a lot.” Soon his voice started to crack and he could feel a sting in the back of his eyes. “She was crying… was she crying because of me? Why?” Of course he knew why… “I’m so sad, is this what a broken heart feels like?” Tears fell from the corners of his eyes as he lied there, clutching his aching heart. He eventually cried himself to sleep.




The next couple of nights were hard. He just couldn’t sleep knowing this was the last week Min Hee would be with them in the house. She started to come out of her room after Minhyun filled the rest of the housemates in on everything. They all seemed as equally sad just like Ren. It was her last week, she thought she should spend it with her friends before she leaves since she wasn’t sure if she’d see them too often once she was gone.


It was hard for Ren since he was still a little awkward when around the other housemates, but he pulled through it because he didn’t want to miss a moment while she was out of her room. Even if she wasn’t talking to him directly, he just wanted to be around her. Maybe she’d spend time with him later or something? But that never happened. He wasn’t sure why it was like she was still avoiding him? Could it be she’s too upset to face me? It seemed reasonable, but regardless, he wished she’d spend more time with him before she leaves the boarding house.


It was Thursday night, almost Friday morning as Min Hee finished packing most of her stuff.  Her parents would be picking her up tomorrow afternoon but she had to be ready so she thought to do her packing before bed that way she wouldn’t have to rush it later. Maybe she should have packed earlier than that, but since she really didn’t want to go, she waited.


Staring at her suitcases at the end of her bed, she felt like crying again. This was really happening and she wished it was just a nightmare or some messed up dream, but it wasn’t. Don’t cry… you’ve cried enough already, Min Hee. She thought to herself as she placed her suitcases by the door before heading to her closet to change into her night wear. She wasn’t even tired, but she supposed she should at least try and go to sleep but she already knew she wasn’t gonna get any sleep tonight. There was just too much going on in her head to sleep properly.


She let out a small sigh before turning the light off and was about to head to her bed when she saw the shadow from hallway lights at her door. Is someone out there? She thought while getting closer. She got on the floor to see if she could recognize who it was and instantly figured out it was Ren. What’s he doing at my door? Why is he sitting out there? Despite her confusion, she could feel the tears starting to form in her eyes. Ren was outside her door. She wanted to open it and give him a hug just knowing he was probably upset… but if she did that, what would happen? It was getting harder and harder to face him


She sat there at the door for a bit until his shadow disappeared. For a few seconds she really didn’t want him to leave, but that feeling faded quickly since it was better if he left. It was hard for her to get up and leave the door… she just didn’t have the energy to do it, but she got up anyway after quite some time, really. Instead of returning to bed, she opted to fetch a glass of water, hoping it’d calm her down and perhaps help her sleep. When she opened the door, she didn’t expect anyone to still be near the door. She didn’t expect Ren to still be there!


He was sitting beside the door, staying clear of the door itself just incase she needed to come out. He was wearing his dark cape and she frowned… was he going back to his old ways now? I can’t leave… I can’t leave him here like this. She thought before kneeling in front of him. He was currently asleep, his head hanging to his left while leaning up against the wall. He didn’t have Chucky with him.


She stayed there admiring his sleeping face before reaching out and his hair a bit. “Oh Ren... “ she said really soft. “I’m going to miss you so much.” The tears tried to fall again, this was difficult… having him right there in arms reach. She wanted to hug him… hold him… tell him things she was too embarrassed to tell him before. “I really don’t want to go…”


“Then don’t go.” She heard him say and she looked up quickly to see he was awake now. She worried if she had woken him up.




“Don’t let them control your life, Min Hee.”


“But I’m not an adult yet, I can’t disobey them like that.”


“You have to do something.” He frowned. “I don’t want you to go…”


“I know.” She mirrored his expression. “I’m sorry.”

“Min Hee.” He looked so upset, it was breaking her heart all over again… She couldn’t take it anymore and the tears fell down her cheeks. Seeing her cry again hurt. He reached over and wiped away her tears before pulling her into a hug. He didn’t want to let go of her now...

Chapter six~!







Long awaited update! Sorry for taking so long…

I have a lot of stories running and they’ve also been neglected with updates

Since I keep focusing more on my Meanie fic.

But after looking over this story and working on this chapter, I’ll try to get more updates out for this because Ren’s character is just too fluffy and adorable compared to the Ren in my Meanie fic aha


Two Faced Diva.

Anywaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay~! Hope to see you all again soon ^^


Uljima… Uljimaaaaaaaaaaaaa~! OTL MY HEART IS BREAKING LOL


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06/12/18: if anyone sees this post, I will try to update this story soon. I'm currently recovering from knee surgery so it's taking time to get back into the swing of things. Please be patient, I'll make it worth it, hopefully! ^^


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Chapter 14: This is one of the first stories I found on this website so I'm glad that you'll still continue it :)
StarSongGalaxy #2
Chapter 14: I hope you feel better soon! It's okay, take all the time you need to take care of yourself :)
Baby117 #3
Chapter 1: You're beautiful too Ren.
ckossi #4
Chapter 10: Loved the chapter!!!!! I'm so happy that he was able to see her and that they are planning to see each other. Her parents are so controlling, it's scary. I love how innocent he is about his feelings for her, he's adorable! Even though she's not in the house to help him improve (yet still staying himself), he's starting to subconsciously improve because he wants to be where he can be reminded of her. His mom's idea of marriage and his reaction to it was cute!

My favorite part (it made me laugh): “Did you like her, too?” … “Yah, I thought we were friends?!” He frowned at his doll’s non-existent reply.
Chapter 9: I dont want her to leave Minki!!!!
Why are her parents so stubborn >.<
ckossi #6
Chapter 9: Aw, T^T... Her parents are stubborn and just self absorbed, not truely thinking about her in the decision.

Poor Ren! Poor Minhee! He should hold her captive in his room or just tell her parents that he's marrying her. Ren! Steal her away~!!!!

You're such a good author! I'm so into you're stories that I actually yell out load and talk to the characters as if they'd hear me.
Chapter 8: I just wanted to let you know that I love this story so much! You have no idea how hard it is for me to find good Ren stories that aren't one shots xD
Like i love it!!
And I can't wait for the next update.
Dont stress so much during college have fun and enjoy it ^^
CraaazzyGeek #8
Chapter 1: Umehito Nekozawa!!! Right? Right?
ckossi #9
Chapter 8: I understand that pain. Even though I only on the website to read rather than writing, sometimes I'm not even able to read anything because of homework from school (I'm in college too). I've been going through fanfic withdrawal and I have so many stories to catch up on. Since the end of my semester is near, my professors (I'm lucky that I only have two classes this semester, but both of them have so many projects as one is a reading/writing course and another is an art course) were nice enough to let us start our finals project early, so now I have more free time when I'm not working on my finals projects. But I really understand your pain. Good luck! You're stories are awesome!
Ae-Seul #10
Chapter 6: Yay! All those gifs are killin me. Too cute!