Of Arts and Past.


Kibum was trying to draw a boy (and failed miserably) when someone came to lend a helping hand.



"Nurse, scalpel?" He said.

"Huh?" I exclaimed like an idiot. He chuckled and I felt all the blood rushing to my cheeks for thinking that his laugh was the cutest darn thing in the whole world.


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Chapter 1: Dang, you write so well! I loved this scenario πŸ’— it's always a pleasure to read about the quiet kid finally making a friend and vibing ✨
SteampunkInformants #2
Chapter 1: Awww this is so sweet.

But if you want to talk...I'm here.
Rellamellow #3
Chapter 1: This is so cute, oh my god. "Nurse, scalpel" I think I just died, I love my otp so much. ;;β™‘