Baby - First Meeting

TWICE Shots Of Stories

Twice Baby Magical!AU

Nayeon woke up early to wake the members, only the be greet by the silence. She sat up and looked around, Sana still in her 4th dimension world and Jihyo is sleeping peacefully.

Wait a minute, where is Mina?

She's not the type to leave her bed this early, not even when they prank her that there's fire in the dorm. They shouted for a good 5 minutes, then gives up only to found her laying comfortably on her bed. Nayeon quickly get up from her bed to find the team's ballerina.

Unfortunately, she didn't notice the small hump that was covered with Mina's blanket.

She check the bathroom first, maybe Mina was cleaning up but she found no one. Maybe it's too early, then where could Mina go anyway?

She thinks hard... Kitchen!

She walk with confidence thinking she could become Sherlock Holmes for this kind of intelligence, but well..... still no one. She's start panicking right now. She quickly check the shoes at the doorway.










She exhaled and start relaxing because she thought Mina is running away, she'll blame her weird imagination, seriously.

Now, where could Mina go this early? Maybe she's in one of the members room.

That's right! Why don't she figure it out earlier? She walk to the couple's room first since Momo is there, maybe they're talking something that is japan-related.

She knock on the couple's room a few minutes before a sleepy Jungyeon opened the door and mumble something like "I don't want any meat sausage," then she was about to close the door until Nayeon push it open again "I have no time for any delicious sausage, did you see Mina?" She asked hoping Jungyeon can help her, "Yeah, I saw her just now" Yes, she knew she can count on Jungyeon, "Where?"

"In my dream" Or maybe not, no she can't count on her at all. Great, just great.

"You know what? I feel like I want to shove this punch into that empty head of yours but I'll save it for now because sad to be told but Mina is gone" Jungyeon suddenly feel like sleeping doesn't exist in her dictionary because the news she just heard.

"What...what do you mean gone?" Jungyeon is now stuttering, "I woke up this morning and I can't found her anywhere"

"Okay, we need to calm down first, let's wake the rest of members so we can find her together" Jungyeon is getting into her serious mode so Nayeon nodded and went back to the master room to wake the members up.

At the same time, Jungyeon walk over her shared bed with Momo, but she see no one so she pull the blanket and......


"OH MY GOSH!!!!!!"




"IS THIS A..."


All the members had woken up because of Nayeon and Jungyeon's loud voice.

Jihyo get up quickly to check out what happens, leader's instinct.

Sana also woken up by their loud voices.

They look at Nayeon's direction and let's just say there's another loud voice come out from the master bedroom.

After calming down, Jihyo and Sana finally approach the red hair baby. Nayeon keep staring at the sleeping figure, she guessing this baby is around 3 or 4 years old.

A small and cute toddler.

Sana suddenly blurts out, "Mina" Nayeon looks around but didn't saw Mina, "What? Where?" She looks at Sana and saw her finger pointing at the sleeping toddler. "What? Are you serious right now?"

Nayeon was about to scold Sana but Sana defend,"Look closely, that's Mina's pajama, right? And look at those features, looks exactly like Mina's" Nayeon did as she told and man, that is Mina.

"Okay, don't freak out guys, we need to stay calm, let's meet Jungyeon first, I think I heard her shouting over there," Nayeon pull the blanket to cover little Mina's body so she won't catch a cold.

She also stack a line of huge plushie toy at the edge of the bed so little Mina won't fall off the bed.

They quickly wash up first then prepare to go to Jungyeon's room, they saw another blonde toddler sleeping on the bed that was covered with plushie toys that are ten times larger than the blonde toddler's size.

Jungyeon was staring at the blonde toddler's face intensely, she's sure she saw this face somewhere but where..... " It's Momo, you dummy," Jungyeon turned her head immediately, almost broke her neck, "How are you so sure about that?" Nayeon sighed, "Is there any other member whose hair are freaking blonde? And you're her roommate yet you don't know about her features."

Jungyeon looks closely then giggle when the toddler or little Momo rub it's nose with the back of her hands and mumble weird words, toddler indeed.

Nayeon was having fun watching little Momo cute actions until she remember one important thing, "Wait, did any of you guys check the maknae's room?" They shake their head slowly, Jihyo speaks up, "Okay, listen, Nayeon and Sana will check the maknae's room, if anything happens," Jihyo paused signaling that anything means members turning into toddlers, "we'll be gathering at Jungyeon's room like always. I'll go and bring little Mina, and Jungyeon," They all turn to look at Jungyeon who creepily watching little Momo sleeping, "she'll stay here. Now, go go go!"

Nayeon and Sana went to the maknae's room and fortunately the door aren't locked, so they easily get in the room.

"This is worse," Nayeon talked to nobody, "They're all toddlers now" Nayeon said while watching the three toddlers that are hugging each other, she's sure the short-hair toddler that hugging the long brown hair toddler is Chaeyoung, of course the other is Tzuyu and the last one that's hugging little Tzuyu is Dahyun, this is shocking but Nayeon and Sana can't help but smiled at the sight. Even when they're turning to a toddler, they still treasure their maknae so much.

Nayeon snapped out of it and took a closer look to the toddlers, "Let's split, I'll take Chaeyoung and Tzuyu, you'll carr-" Sana interruped quickly, "Why are you get to carry Chewy?"

Nayeon stare at her for a while, "You want to carry Chewy?" Sana nodded excitedly, Nayeon narrowed her eyes "Say, why do you want to carry her only?", Sana answered immediately, "Because Chewy is always so tall, since she's becoming a toddler now, maybe I can understand how it feel to be taller than her for once in my life" Sana stated in her infamous puppy eyes.

Nayeon sighed again, finally give in, "Fine, but please, please don't drop her no matter what happens, you hear me?" Sana smile brightly and nodded again. They already wasted many time on arguing on who's carrying who, so they quickly hold the toddlers in their arms and walk down.

Chaeyoung was hugging Nayeon's neck and on Nayeon's right was Dahyun who doesn't move at all, if she's not breathing, Nayeon could really thought she's dead.

Sana was holding Tzuyu and looking at her as if she's an alien, a cute one she may add. 'So this is how Chewy looks like when she's a little kid, cute' Sana thought while smiling.

When they arrived, Jihyo was sitting on the floor while Jungyeon continues to stare at the two japanese members who are now toddlers.

As soon as Jihyo saw the toddlers in their arms, she seems to be predicting it already since she just motion them to put them down on the bed along with the other two toddlers.

Nayeon gather them to sit on the floor in a circle, but Jungyeon is still in her creepy mode, Nayeon smacked her in the head to stop her fantasy. Jungyeon unwillingly sit in a circle with the not-toddler members.

"Okay, so let's get this straight, our members have turned into toddlers," Jungyeon cut off, "Cute toddlers" Nayeon glared at her while she lowered down her head, Nayeon cleared to gain the member's attention "So as I was saying, someone know why and how they will turned back?" Jihyo raised her hand, "I know, there's a letter that I found under Mina's pillow" Nayeon nodded, "It says here that, uhmm you better read yourself" Jihyo show them the content of the letter:


I'm your worst nightmare, HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Nah, just kidding, actually I'm a jobless fairy who happens to hear two of your member's wish before they sleep.

That one member name is Chewy? Or Joo-hee? Tzuyi?

I forgot so I left this letter under that pretty girl's pillow, call me, pretty girl. By the way this pretty girl also made the same wish that's why I put it under her pillow.

Anyway, their wish is to get back home, I see there're many foreign members but the other two are adapting quite well while on the other hand these two members are home-sick. I decided to grant their wish is because the Chewy girl hometown are hella far. And I'm new to this, so if you guys can make the now toddlers members feel like home in three days, they'll turned back the next morning.

And I put too much magic powder that's why there're five members become toddler, it suppose to be only Chewy and pretty girl.

P.S.: pretty girl, i'm single

Sincerely yours (pretty girl),

Your princess in shining armour

*whisper* I'm a girl that looks like your ideal type

The members are speechless with this weird fairy, "Are you sure this is not a prank?" Jihyo nodded her head firmly. Nayeon sighed for the tenth time today, "Get ready, we have some diapers to buy, guys"


Hey!!! I considered all of your guys suggestion but I really love the thought of Twice being cute and tiny, maybe after this three shots, i'll make a high school or horror? ONCE again, thank you for spending time with this lamey lame author!!!!!! And the supports from your guys comment make me cryyyyyyy, tell me if you guys like long chapter like this hahahahaha

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hiatus but i'll be watching you guys XD


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taeggy #1
Chapter 7: pleasee updatee
F1R3H34RT123 #2
Chapter 7: Update please????
Chapter 7: Please update~~~
Chapter 7: Cutie~
Chapter 4: Please update
Chapter 7: OMG You updated! I absolutely love this story so I'm so glad you're back!! :D
Cutie!!!! And you're back!