

It was October. Seulgi fondly remembered the Halloween celebrations she had participated in. Back then, she had no worries to speak of. She always joined her friends and went trick or treating together, wearing the most ridiculous self-made costumes. But now as an adult with a regular job, she couldn’t do that anymore. She had to grow up.


That’s right. Seulgi had become the adult who gave out the best candy bars. None of that lame, fun-sized candy that her neighbours had when she was a kid. She couldn’t disappoint her younger self. She had vowed to be the best neighbour possible.


Seulgi decorated her house well. Nothing too scary--that would make children afraid to go near her house--although that wouldn’t be the worst thing ever, she could have all the candy to herself. She made sure to use her favorite color, orange, to decorate, as that suited the weather and the theme well.


Looking at her house, she was proud of what she had created. She couldn’t wait for Halloween to come.




“Knock knock.”


“Who’s there?”




“Joy who?”


“Joy who is gonna beat you up if you don’t open the dang door right now.”


“Oops. Sorry. Thought you were gonna make a knock knock joke.”

“I was gonna but realized I had no punchline prepared, so violence it is.”


Joy agreed to go over to Seulgi’s house for Halloween to help out. Also because the younger woman lived in an apartment, so it wasn’t really suitable for trick or treating anyway.


“Looks nice.” Joy complimented Seulgi’s creativity as she took a look at the preparations and decorations.




After being in the relationship for a while, she had been more straightforward and generous with her compliments. Seulgi was glad for that change, as strange as that was.


“Anything I can help with?”


“Nope. We just gotta put on our costumes and wait for kids to knock on the door.”


“And scare them?”


“Sure. If you’re up for it.”


“I’m down.”




Quite literally, Joy was down to scare some kids as she hid near the base of the stairs.


This year, she had chosen to be Sadako from The Ring, the movie that gave people numerous nightmares.


Her costume was professionally made, according to Joy. She had paid a hefty amount to get her outfit as close to the one in the movie. It also came with a portable TV and well.


Honestly, in the beginning, Seulgi had thought it was hilarious when Joy carried the props around with her, but not anymore, now that it was dark out. Even knowing that Joy was hiding inside the well, she could barely see her.


They also coordinated well. Seulgi was the smiley faced homeowner, standing near the entrance of her house who gave out candy. When the kids had gotten their candy and was about to leave, Joy would crawl out from her well and chase behind the kids.


It had a 100% success rate of scaring them to death. A few even peed their pants, which prompted Joy to chase them out before they could soil the soil.


“Someone’s coming.” Seulgi whispered to warn Joy to get back to her position.


Far away, they saw a blob of purple and blue. To no one’s surprise, it was Irene and Wendy.


Seulgi greeted them excitedly, even though they meet every weekday. She was always happy to see her favorite students.


Irene and Wendy returned her gesture with the same enthusiasm.


“What characters are you dressed as today?”


“Purple and blue.” Irene replied.


“Purple and blue…?”


“The colors.”


Seulgi nodded, even though she didn’t really understand.


“I was almost worried that you guys wouldn’t come here.” Seulgi’s house wasn’t the closest to their neighbourhood.


“We asked Wendy’s mom to bring us here.”


Seulgi saw a car in her driveway and she bowed towards the driver, knowing that it was one of the parents.


“Anyway, I’m glad you came. Here, take your pick!” Seulgi showed the children the bucket of candies available.


Irene quickly picked the grape flavoured Hi-Chew.


“Is grape your favourite?” Seulgi asked.


Irene shook her head.


“No, but everything purple is mine.”


Seulgi had not forgotten about her purple obsession.


Meanwhile, Wendy was having the biggest crisis of her life. She held her head in her hands, looking troubled. Her eyebrows scrunched together and Seulgi just wanted to squish her little cheeks.


“What’s wrong, Wendy?”


“I cannot pick.”


“What’s your favourite candy?”






“But I also like Hi-Chew.”




“Butterfingers taste good, too!”




“But Airheads are great.”




“I cannot pick!”


Wendy looked like she was about to cry.


“Take everything!” Seulgi handed the entire bucket to Wendy.





Wendy’s smile in response to Seulgi’s actions was brighter than the sun.


“Yay! It worked!” Irene high-fived with Wendy.


Seulgi stared at them in confusion.


“What worked?”


“Our plan to get the most candy.” Irene answered.


Seulgi sighed in defeat. She couldn’t believe this. Her kindergarten students tricked her? She would admit that it was a great plan, but she was disappointed in herself for being so soft and predictable.


“Thanks again, Ms. Kang!”


The two of them waved happily and turned to leave.


Then came the loudest shriek Seulgi had ever heard.




Seulgi saw pale hands grabbing onto their legs. She thought they were under attack by paranormal creatures until she heard the familiar voice.


“Irene and Wendy... I have waited for you two for so long…”


After that conversation, Seulgi almost forgot about Joy in the well.


“Give me some candy, too…” Sadako-Joy said.


In their panic, Irene and Wendy dropped the contents in their buckets directly onto her head when they tripped.


“Ow!” The oversized candy bars hit Joy hard in the head.


Seulgi ran over to check whether her girlfriend was OK.


Joy sat up and patted where she got hit.


“Are you alright in the head?”


“Of course I am!”


Seulgi exhaled in relief and then turned her attention to the two kids who were now frozen in fear.


“Irene? Wendy?” Seulgi poked them in the arm.


There was no response, so she and Joy walked closer to them.


And they bawled. Tears were streaming down their faces.


“Uh, Joy, I think you scared them.”


“Thanks, Captain Obvious.”


Seulgi looked at her outfit and raised a curious eyebrow.


“I’m Captain Marvel though?”


“Never mind.”


Joy wiped off her makeup and faced her students again.


“Irene? Wendy? It’s Ms. Park.”


“Ms. Park…?”


Wendy was the calmer of the two and was able to respond. Irene on the other hand was hiding her face in the crook of Wendy’s neck.


“Yeah, it’s Ms. Park. I’m sorry I scared you two.”


Joy patted them on the head.


“Are you guys hurt?”


She scanned them for any injuries and didn’t notice anything, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask.


To their relief, Wendy said no.


Joy signaled Seulgi to help her get the two children to the car and explain the situation to Wendy’s mom.


Fortunately, the parent was understanding and also found the incident hilarious. She drove off and promised to message the teachers when they got home safely.


“Phew… Glad we still have our jobs.” Seulgi wiped the non-existent sweat from her forehead.


Joy was in deep thought.


“Just one mistake, just one regret, and we could lose both our jobs.”


“I need a time machine...”


“Oh, gimme a time machine...”




Irene was silent during the entire ride home. Her head now rested on Wendy’s shoulder.


“Are you still scared?” Wendy asked.


Irene nodded.


Honestly, after discovering that the “ghost” was in fact human and Ms. Park, Irene had already calmed down a lot. But she didn’t want to let go of Wendy, with how warm and comfortable she was.


“Don’t worry. I will protect you.”


Wendy pressed her lips onto Irene’s temple and hugged her tightly.


Unknown to them, the scene was captured into a picture and sent to Seulgi and Joy from Wendy’s mom.


They were inseparable throughout the night as Irene clung onto Wendy everywhere she went.


It was adorable for the most part, until...


“Uh, Irene, I’m going to take a bath though?”


“Please? I’m scared.”


Irene blinked her eyes innocently. Internally she was thanking her dear teachers.


Wendy sighed and accepted her fate.




“We actually did something great.” Joy read the messages from the parents and said to Seulgi.


“We almost lost our jobs. Are you really sure you’re alright in the head?”


“If you keep asking that, I will make sure you’re not alright in the head.”



Happy early Halloween. 

I debated whether to post this, because I think it is kinda boring. But then I thought to myself, any update is better than not having one, right? 

Anyway, this happened because I got a sudden burst of motivation to write something. Sorry if it's boring and not enough Wenrene or Joygi :(

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I updated the PDF link and put it in foreword.


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Chapter 21: all the stories are very entertaining. I need more children's versions of Wenrene's stories 😭
Chapter 8: please i can't stop laughing at them they look like a long term couple but they're still kids is so cutee😭😭
mklarisse_ #3
Chapter 21: I love this story so muchhhhh what a serotonin boost
jowjow24 #4
This is a really cute story! Im glad i found it ヽ(´▽`)/
hi_mitochondria #5
Chapter 21: So cuuuuuute :">> thankyou, author!!!
1697 streak #6
Chapter 21: So cute
Chapter 14: I can't count how many TT rv has a lot of songs TT
Chapter 13: We rise joygi rise 😌🔥
Chapter 12: I wish we have build a bear here TT