The end of normal life

Heart 4 Two

‘This is woman trainees’ practice room. You will have dance lessons here with other girls. They are here few years but some of them are still worse in dance than you so don’t worry about that. And each day they are learning something different so you won’t feel joining them that much.’ Sohyeo explained to Lexie showing here very big dance room full of mirrors. And when there was no mirror then posters of After School and NU’EST. Lexie nodded and followed her manager to the next room.

‘Here we have another room, this is smaller practice room, usually for Orange Caramel. This one’ she pointed and door ‘Is for NU’EST. Now they are not here so you can use it whenever you wish and you don’t have classes. This is the only room always opens’ she opened the doors and Lexie could see room she always watched on YouTube. She smiled a bit as she entered it.

‘Anytime?’ she asked and manager nodded.

‘Yes, any. Even at night however I’d like to know about that earlier. There is always bodyguard here so you can always show you badge and enter.’ She answered and blonde girl felt like in heaven. She loves dancing at night when others are sleeping. She was afraid about losing it as in L.A she had her own room. ‘Let’s go’ Sohyeo left to the next room.

‘This is recording room.’ She was shocked that recording room is that big. There was very big couch on the one side, on second desk with simple computer. ‘Sometimes especially when NU’EST are bored during recording Aron and JR sit here and write their raps. Also Baekho loves to use this computer while writing songs.’ She explained. Then at the end she saw very big window to the real studio with microphone in the middle. ‘This  one is for group recording. Sometimes we prefer them to sing together than record them one by one and mix. It sounds more realistic so it’s better during lives. The second one is for alone recording’ she pointed at small doors to not very big room with mic. Also in front of both rooms there were big stations for editing and mixing. ‘Usually recording one member’s part takes around 4-6hours. For main vocal sometimes even more. Or if band has only one rapper. Let’s go, I’ll show you gym, lunchroom and conference rooms.’


It took around half an hour to show her what is where. But it wasn’t hard to remember , she was that excited and most places she already saw on YouTube so everything stays in her mind. After all she signed the contract. Contract was for 3 years or it could changed in case of debut, then it switches to idol contract for seven years. Trainee and idol contract had one big difference. You can’t just simple leave from idol contract. But she didn’t care. They also took every her detail needed for visa.

‘You will need to go back to Los Angeles for worker visa. Maybe next week? Until this time, enjoy Seoul.’ She said when she put her contract into the locker. ‘Now, let’s go, I will show you your dorm and I will give you your keys. Please, move from your hotel as soon as it is possible. And I will call you as soon as we have answer from your embassy.’


She throw her language on the floor and shut the door. She looked around once again. She couldn’t believe she is here. In Pledis apartment. Maybe not Pledis’… There were other people living here but from she knows on the same floor there is trainees’ woman dorm and After School and two floors above 17’s and NU’EST’s. Managers also live close to them. She was curious about other girls she was wondering if she will be friends with them. Soft sigh left . She was also a bit scared. She’s gonna be first white kpop idol. That can’t be easy. But she was ready for it and she’s gonna show them than she can be as amazing as Korean girls can be.

Dorm was for at least 5 people. 3 rooms, two of them for two and one alone room. All of them light blue walls, simple bed and beautiful view on Gangnam Avenue. She chose this lone one and start unpacking her language, playing her favorite songs from her mobile. Then she checked bathroom. Big bathroom, with big lockers, it was for sure woman’s room, shower like for two, toilet… She was like in bath-heaven. Kitchen was like a part of living room parted only by cabinets. Living room with coach in front of big TV screen with Blue-ray pleayer and Xbox also stereo system. And all that’s for her. For now. Yes, that was heaven.

She took quick shower and went to bed. ‘As soon as I will fall asleep, I will wake up in the morning’ she thought laying in bed. But falling asleep wasn’t that easy. This day has been so emotional. She got to the label, she’s Pledis trainee from now. She probably will debut in few years, maybe faster. And… Smile grown on her face as she closed her eyes ‘Soon..I’ll meet you. I wonder… If you are really like I imagine you. And I hope my feelings are gonna be clear.’ With imagines of their first meeting she finally  slept.


That week came to the end very quickly. She was looking around Seoul to know what is where and after few days she felt like in home. Her Korean wasn’t perfect but good enough to communicate with people. She was in love with this city and Korean people. They were so nice to her. During this week she heard how beautiful she is so much more than in her whole life. They were so helpful anytime she got lost. She had only one disrespectful situation and it was in hotel. Girl, around her age, leaving elevator pushed her probably by mistake however she turned to her warning her to watch her steps and disappeared mumbling something about blind foreigners.

On Friday she got a call from her manager.

‘Lex, it’s time for you. Tomorrow you are going to Los Angeles. On the next day of landing you have to visit Korean embassy and you have only that day to farewell your family and friends. On Tuesday you’re coming back to Seoul and from Monday you will start your training. Later on I will bring you some documents you will need to show in embassy and your schedule for the rest of October.’ In few hours she was there. She packed all of her documents and talk with manager.

‘I’ve already informed your teammates about you. You have to be prepared, some of them think it’s very bad idea. I asked them to be polite however… You have to be careful and please if someone will bully you, inform me. I won’t accept this behavior in our company. You will have it hard anyway. Also! Aron’s mom asked me if you could meet her as last time Aron forgot about his laptop and he needed to use Minhyun’s all the time. They are coming back to Korea this weekend for two weeks so he will be able to take it from you.’ Soheyo drink a bit of tea and looked at surprised blonde ‘Is it fine for you? Of course it is not very important but Aron for sure would be happy. Sharing something with Minhyun is not very easy’ she giggled and Lexie followed her. ‘Btw. I have never asked you. Why Pledis? We are not big company.’. The girl try hard not to blush. That was the last thing she wanted to be asked. What to say? She can’t just simple confess that she always dream about being star however she chose Pledis mostly because… she couldn’t stand that feeling she had for Ren. She needed to know him, to check if she will react for his presence like she react when she see him in video.

‘I was always impressed by After School. They are so talented. I think they are better than other girlsbands because they are unique. Every time they learn something new like drums, step and pole dance. I adore them and I wished to be part of After School someday.’ She said hiding part about NU’EST. Manager nodded interested.

‘Hmmm. We’ve just lost one member in After School but you know, in After School they don’t need rapper. It’s not this type of band and they have Nana, Lizzy and Uee. They can rap if they must. And now… I plan to make 5 members band in more hip hop style. Something like B.A.P and BTS but in female version. I think it might go through. There are already a lot of male bands like that but few girls bands. I thought about you to be main rapper. So this band would be unique in every way.’ No hiding, Lexie’s jaw dropped. She was so impressed and touched, she was already planned to debut and band she wished to be. She wouldn’t stand it if her band was like previous Hello Venus or any other cute band.

‘It’s such a great idea! I have to work hard so I won’t disappoint you!’ manager laugh at her determination and look at her.

‘I hope so. You really impressed me. Now, take a rest, you have flight at morning. Let me know after landing and when you pick up your visa so I can be sure everything is fine. Ah, and here you have contact to Aron’s mother.’ she gave her small paper with number and name. Lexie nodded hiding it to her pocket. She couldn’t believe she’s gonna meet his mother before him. But… She already knew his sister Grace. Not very personally, Grace was in swimming team trained for life savers last year she was there once to replace trainer. She didn’t talked to her but she saw her on photos with Aron and also she knew her surname.

‘I’ll call her right after I call you.’ She promised as Sohyeo prepare to leave.

‘Thanks. I’ll let Aron know that he will have his mac back. He will be happy as child.’


‘This is my last visit in Los Angeles as normal person. Wondering if I will ever come back here. I mean… For sure I will be able to come here sometimes maybe next year or something. But… It won’t be same anymore. I wonder about my schoolmates faces when they now I’m idol. Haha, you bullied wrong person, guys! I will show you!’ Lexie though as she left duty free zone. She didn’t take anything with her. No need for it, she will be here until Tuesday so… She has only tomorrow in LA.

‘Lexie, here!’ young, tall boy waved to her.

‘Hi, Jamie.’ She greet her brother kissing his cheek.

’How was your flight?’

‘I love flying so even if I would took the worst airlines ever I would be happy, you know.’ She laugh heading to his car and taking off her phone. ‘You can drive, I need to call my manager and that guy’s mother. How can someone forgot about his laptop… Especially macbook…’ she mumbled and loud laugh answered her.

‘What? Who forgot macbook?’

‘Aron. You know, NU’EST member from Los Angeles. He was in LA at the beginning of this year. He forgot about his macbook and my manager asked me if I can take it for him cause he needs to share it with Minhyun.’ She laugh dialing number ‘Unnie, I’m already in LA. It’s sunny here so I will go to embassy now and I will call Aron’s mother in a sec. Yes… Fine~ Thank you. You too. I’ll text you after embassy, yes. Bye’

‘Rich people.’ He commented and Lexie laugh

‘What’s that about?’ she asked dialing Aron’s mother’s number.

‘Forgetting laptop’

‘Oh c’mon. You forgot your phone from school once. Oh… Hello, my name is Lexie. Sohyeo unnie from Pledis asked me to call. She said Aaron forgot his laptop last time and you’d like me to pass it for him. I’m free tomorrow. We can also meet today if you need but first I have to visit embassy. Oh, really? Sure. Oh, one moment. Yes, I’m listening. Yes. Ok. I’ll be there around 7pm. See you.’ After talk she put her phone back to her pocket. ‘Woah, she is supernice. Any way. Take me to embassy first and then we can go home.’


How she hated that. Queues in embassy. One hour. Second hour. Third. Finally! Huh… Passpord, docs from Pledis and stamp? That’s all? Three hours waiting only for it? Ah, anyway, the most important this is already her. They went back to home and she packed all of the things she thought to be useful. Of course all of her music CDs. ‘Oh, Jamie! Soon my signed album from Lady Gaga will arrive, I’m gonna leave you my address, please send it to me, ok?’ she asked her brother. He agreed. As always. ‘Thanks, I’ll go to Aron’s house then. I didn’t know we live so close to each other, we are like neighbors. I’ll be back soon so tell mom to wait with dinner!’  she said before living. His house was really close. It took just around 5 minutes by walk. Maybe they played on the same play ground or something.

‘Woah…..’ she sighed looking at big house with “Kwak” name on post box. She crossed the gate and rung door bell.

‘Chuchu, c’mon. I swear, I’ll kick your small someday’ she heard woman’s voice and giggled. Chuchu… Aron’s dog. ‘You’re Lexie, right?’ woman around 40 opened door. For sure it was his mother, he really reminds her. Lexie nodded.

‘Nice to meet you’

‘Nice to meet you too, sorry for troubling you, I know you might prefer spending last days in LA with friends. I really appreciate it. Come in, dear, come in. You’d like some tea?’ she asked closing doors behind. Lexie took off her shoes laughing at hyper Chuchu jumping and running around her.

‘Ah, yes please. I haven’t drunk anything since plane.’ She answered.

‘Oh, you poor thing. Come on, take a seat, I’ll be right back. Hannah! Bring your brother’s laptop!’ she shouted last sentence.

‘One sec!’ someone shouted back. Aron’s mom left to the kitchen and soon young girl run from stairs.

‘Hi, you’re Aaron’s friend?’ she asked giving her laptop bag to Lexie.

‘Not yet. We haven’t met yet, he is in Japan now.’

Oh, I see. I hope I removed everything from it. He would kill me if he knows I used it.’ She said and Lexie laugh. His family was so nice.

‘So, you’re new trainee there?’ their mom asked and put mug in front of Lexie, Hannah took a seat next to her.

‘Yeah. I’m gonna start from Friday.’

‘You are not scared? Aaron often talked to me. He said it’s very hard for him. Also I saw so many times when he has to go through some hard moment with… self called fans,’

‘Hannah, don’t scare her.’

‘No, it’s fine. I know it’s gonna be like that. He is Asian tho. And still he is bullied. I will be for sure but I’m ready for it.’ Lexie smiled to both females and drink a bit of tea.

‘You can always lean on him. Anyway… You look familiar. Have we ever met before?’ Hannah asked.

‘Don’t think so. I met your sister Grace when she was trained for lifesaver on beach. But I don’t think I ever met you’

‘Oh, right. Still you look very familiar.’ She claimed.

Soon Aron’s father came back to home and Lexie realized it’s getting late. She finished tea and say goodbye to his family.

‘Have a safe flight to Korea and text me sometimes! Hope everything will be perfectly fine. Good luck, Lexie!’ Hannah hugged older girl and smile wide, she was such a nice person in Lexie’s opinion. Pity she had never met here before. She could have some friends in LA…

Next day she spent mostly with her family. Shopping with mom, playing games with brother. She’s not gonna lie, she will miss them. But it was time to live on her own. Her father took her to the airport next morning. This time during takeoff she had tears in her eyes. That was the end of her normal life. Since tomorrow she’ll start training.

And that won’t be nice beginning.


A/N: From next chapter I'll probably start writing POVs it would be easier I think~

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Chapter 1: update soon :)