
Everything Can Be Loved

Get your hearts ready.

Hope you enjoy!

He watches on in envy as the failure strolls along the village next to the hunter. They are far too close for comfort, smiling at each other and laughing at secret jokes. He doesn’t like watching the hunter timidly reach for the failure’s hand, caress it and look into his eyes.


Kyungsoo is so petite, so frail and weak. He can’t even live up to his family’s name.


Baekhyun waits until Chanyeol finally drops off Kyungsoo at the lead induk’s hut. A place where only a few days ago Baekhyun had witnessed that filth touching his family.


“Hello hunter.” Baekhyun greets, walking up to a surprised Chanyeol.


“Baekhyun! Where did you come from?” his old friend greets, “It’s been awhile since we’ve seen each other. How are you and your family?”


It stings. Had he forgotten seeing Baekhyun a few days ago? Baekhyun had sat right in the room when Ketua had declared the failure to be an induk. He had been there, and had Chanyeol really not noticed him?


“Fine.” Baekhyun snaps. Already he is starting to regret coming over and speaking to this moron. “I see you’ve been trailing behind the failure more often.”


A flash of anger goes through Chanyeol’s body, stiffening and then relaxing again as he forces a laugh. “Am I not allowed to speak with my friend?”


“You know it’s unlikely and rare for a male induk to bear children.” Baekhyun says back, and he hates how confident Chanyeol looks, how unphased he is by the craftsman's words. His pride and ego boil in his blood, “He’s more likely to end up being the next pure gift for the Rakasa Serigala than give birth to a child.”


Chanyeol’s smile is wiped away instantly, and Baekhyun is partially smug and partially frightened by the glare he is receiving. The hunter walks till he is inside of Baekhyun’s personal space, teeth bared and eyes set to kill.


“There is no way Kyungsoo will be the next suci kado. None.” he growls down at the tukang, “And so what if I’m thinking of making Kyungsoo my partner for life. He is induk after all. Even if I can’t have children with him, we can always practice every night. I’m sure he won’t mind.”


The lewdness of Chanyeol’s words makes Baekhyun back away with an affronted gasp.


His words rip through Baekhyun’s fantasies. Because even if Kyungsoo was to be the next suci kado, and really it was likely with how displeased the tribe was with him, Baekhyun would always and forever be a tukang. And pencari did not mate with tukang.


Induk’s were the only ones in the moon tribe that were allowed to bear children, or give life. A female pencari would have to find a male induk, a male prajurit had to find a female induk. A male pencari like Chanyeol could mate with another male, just because he was induk. Even if they did not produce children, Kyungsoo the failure was an induk and that was all that mattered.Those were the rules, the laws set by Ketua long ago.


So even if Kyungsoo became suci kado, Baekhyun would never get the chance to win over the pencari’s heart.


An evil thought arises in Baekhyun’s mind. As he watches Chanyeol walk away from him, leave him alone by the road of the noble families, Baekhyun knows that he doesn’t care.


If he can’t have Chanyeol because Ketua’s law separates them, then Kyungsoo can’t either.


Kyungsoo will become the next suci kado, Baekhyun will make sure of it. His father is after all a part of the noble families. And the noble families are the ones who nominate the weak members of the tribe to become suci kado.



Everything can be defeated, so says the prajurit.


Everything can be killed, so says the pencari.


Everything can be molded, so says the tukang.


Everything can be fixed, so says the dukun.


Everything can be loved, so says the induk.


Everything is alive, says the Candra Suku.


Howling and yipping echo through the trees, up the hills and down into the valley. It is two nights till the full moon. The moon tribe prepares diligently for the upcoming ceremony.


The pencari cross the shark river to hunt a beast with many teeth and claws, they will prepare an elaborate feast for both their people and the monster wolf.

Every tukang carves out a new wooden figure for the moon goddess, as well as weapons for the hunters and warriors.

The lead dukun and other healers prepare the flower perfume that the pure gift will be washed in for the monster wolf.

Luna and her induk teach the children by telling stories of this tradition, about the monster wolf and how it came to protect their village for a small price.

And the prajurit arm themselves for the day, the day the wolf will come out of his cave and take the offering they provide. For they always fear that one day, one gift will not be enough.


Everyone is dressed in silver necklaces and chest pieces, head pieces and chains wrapped around their bodies. The tukang provide beautiful pearl pieces for the noble families, and Kyungsoo has a pearl crown placed on top his head.


Several silver chains dangle across his chest and connect to a blue jewel at his navel. His father wears a thick silver band around his neck and carries a silver dagger with a pearl carved into the handle. His mother wears a silver headpiece that holds a halo behind her head, and a long pearl necklace falls over most of her body.


Tonight a suci kado will be chosen. Anyone who is not a leader in a trade, a parent of a young child, or person older than the age of Ketua, is available to be nominated. All young who have not been formally trained cannot be suggested. Two or three names will be nominated by the noble families, and whomever received the most pearls from the people will be selected.


A fire is made, large and hot as the flames at the dense air. Everyone is silent as they stand around the fire, as Ketua sings a song to the moon. She is draped in seashells and pearls, blue jewels crown her head and fall in wisps of flower petals.


“Noble families, bring me your selections.” she commands, throwing a white powder into the flame that makes it explode.


The head of the families step forward, and Kyungsoo feels his heart beating loudly. He’s never felt so nervous for the nomination, children from noble families usually aren’t chosen. But recently he’s shown he’s a failure. For the last month he’s been staying with Luna and learning the ways of an induk. The village knows he has failed, that he is weak, and they will not let that rest.


“It will be fine.” Chanyeol whispers to him from behind. The tall hunter had walked with him here, stayed by his side all night while others sent him odd looks. The new caregiver grabs for the hunter’s hand, shaking slightly as Ketua listens to the head of the families’ whispers.


Chanyeol has the audacity to chuckle and wraps his arms around Kyungsoo, hugging him tightly before letting him go with a pat on the back.


“There are two nominations.” Ketua announces, and everyone holds their breaths. Kyungsoo can feel a bead of sweat forming on the side of his face. He can feel Chanyeo’ls gentle hand rubbing circles into his back. He can definitely feel the eyes watching him.


“First, Joonmyun, of the Kimdukun clan.” Ketua points at a boy with kind eyes and a fake smile plastered on, “Come forth Joonmyun. You may serve a great purpose for our tribe.”


Whispers erupt with wonder and annoyance. Joonmyun is well liked throughout the village, he is a prodigy healer with great skill in herbs. He walks toward her with that plastic smile strapped on. The noble families nominated him to die. What an honor.


“The second and final nomination will be,” Ketua speaks and everyone listens, “Kyungsoo of the Doprajurit clan.”


Silence. And all eyes fall on him. Chanyeol’s hand stops moving. Kyungsoo’s father is not looking at him, and at the back of the crowd he knows the sound of his mother’s weeping.


“Come forth Kyungsoo. You may serve a great purpose in our tribe.”


Kyungsoo’s body stops trembling, his mind is clear and he understands that he will be chosen. The moon tribe is in favor of Joonmyun and will not throw away such a good healer. They will sacrifice the weak one, the failure, the one who cannot live up to his family’s name.


But he cannot fail at this job given to him. He knows he can excel at this task.


Joonmyun and Kyungsoo stand side by side in front of Ketua, the great fire between them and their people. Kyungsoo can hear the dukun sniffling quietly and he can feel all the eyes on him ready to pounce.


“Noble families, vote.” Ketua orders. First come the children of the noble families, Baekhyun seems a little too eager to put his pearl in Kyungsoo’s basket. Jongin, the lead healer’s son looks apprehensive, for he must choose between his cousin and a friend. But with one glance back at his father he puts his pearl in Kyungsoo’s basket.


Chanyeol marches right up to Joonmyun and almost slams his pearl down, angry scowl on his face. He sends Kyungsoo a look, a look of pain and need, and then slowly returns to his father’s side where disapproving eyes watch him.


Hyeri and Junho are ushered forward, wide eyes and bodies trembling slightly, they hold hand and walk toward the two nominees. This is their first time voting, they have both excelled in their skills with a knife, and as the lead induk’s children it is their duty to participate. Little Junho looks back at his parents for a sign but only sees his mother close to tears and his father holding her tightly. Junho puffs out his chest and walks up to Joonmyun, dragging his sister along. They both put their pearls in and run back to their parents.


The noble mothers are next. Luna is first, in a hurry as she holds her pregnant belly and puts her pearl in Joonmyun’s basket. She surprises the crowd and Kyungsoo by leaning in to the nominated induk and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. It is a clear sign of the lead induk’s loyalty to him.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s mothers both put their pearls in Kyungsoo’s basket without hesitation.


Jongin’s mother does as well. It is predictable that Kyungsoo’s mother would put her pearl in Joonmyun’s basket and she too kisses Kyungsoo’s forehead with tears streaming down her cheeks.


Finally the noble fathers step forward, all of them with wise eyes and most carrying scars. Jinki is first, and follows his wife’s steps by putting his pearl in Joonmyun’s basket. And he is the only one of the fathers to do so. Every other father walks to Kyungsoo with zero remorse in their eyes and lets the small pearl fall in the induk’s basket. Even his own father, with multiple scars and cold eyes, votes for Kyungsoo to die.


And with the noble families’ votes, Kyungsoo is at a disadvantage. The rest of the moon tribe will vote based off of the nobles’ opinion. A majority will vote for him, they will send him to his death, like they have so many others.


With every pearl dropped into his woven basket he feels the hope of being a parent slip through his hands. And he feels a sense of responsibility rise in his chest. He will die for his tribe, if he can do one thing right for them it is this.


At the end of the voting, Joonmyun barely holds 20 or so pearls, while Kyungsoo’s arms are ready to give out. His basket is overflowing, and it is obvious who will die.


Joonmyun gets to run to his father’s arms and be calmed down by his mother. Kyungsoo stands next to Ketua with a basket of white round jewels in his hands. Chanyeol has a deep scowl and Kyungsoo’s mother is biting back more tears. He should feel rejection and betrayal, but he feels assured. This is his task, he will die for them. And they will be grateful.


They chant their thankfulness to him, three times total.


“Thank you Kyungsoo, for becoming suci kado.”



“Come in.” Minseok’s voice is calm and soothing, as any dukun’s voice should be. Kyungsoo steps in to the small hut with a cut out roof at the top. A small fire is going, a large bowl with water and many flowers boils gently sits on top. The steam makes the room smell wonderful.


“You will only drink rose water and honey for the next two nights, you are a correct?” Minseok checks as his nimble fingers stir the boiling water.


Kyungsoo nods and seats himself on a large piece of animal hide. It looks like a tiger, orange and black strips fanning out beneath him.


“You must only wear the robes I give you, and you will sleep in here alone. No one must touch you except for me, not even your mother. Understood?”


Kyungsoo nods again.


“This perfume will be done in the morning, I will come and bathe you first tomorrow and then again the next night for the full moon. Sleep now.” are Minseok’s final words. He leaves Kyungsoo in the small hut with the sounds of the crackling fire and the chirp of crickets.

Kyungsoo wipes away the scarce tears and closes his eyes. He dreams of a large beast with teeth running at him, a tiger with buffalo horns.

Dun dun dunnn!

I wonder what will happen now?

Once again feel free to ask any questions and I'll do my best to answer! Don't forget to subscribe, share and upvote if you feel like it :)

I hope you enjoyed this and I hope you continue to anticipate future chapters.


Much love doves,



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Sleepless #1
Chapter 22: Hopefully you can update it, no worries tho, I just found this story and read it in one go
Never_anonymous #2
I'm not on aff all that much anymore but this is the one story that always brings me back here. Hope you'll finish it someday. Supporting you until the end ❤❤❤
Chapter 21: My goddddddd. This is amazing please continue with your magic ❤
Chapter 21: GDI this chapter got me in all the frickin' feels WHEEZES
Rb2012 #5
Chapter 21: Loved the chapter
wait, this story is going again?? i can't even remember where i left off. what a shaaame, guess i'll just have to completely re-read this! /s like god, this is about to take me way back. you were my favorite ff author ever since i found you through devil's paramour. very glad to see you back! o/
thelongestnovel #7
Chapter 21: Woow this chapter was the best!!!
Love this story ❤️
i miss this. :(
Chapter 21: Yay so happy to find this again
But I only get an author's note for the Fall chapter
Are you just treasonous author-him?
Looking forward to more