- 06

His Other 5%
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Myungsoo carried limp Sena and headed to hospital wing where cancer patients placed in intensive care. The nurse stationed there - who was very familiar to Myungsoo because he’d been there for too long - immediately stood up from her seat. To welcome them in panic.

"Jesus, Myungsoo, how could you get here? What happened to Sena?" The nurse realized that Myungsoo looked so healthy and strong. "You’re okay right, Myungsoo? Why are you carrying Sena?"


"I'm fine, don’t worry about me. Where is Sena’s room? I'll put her to bed."


"In that hallway, go straight. The farthest one right across your room. Gosh she looked pale, she isn’t allowed to stroll out, she must had slipped earlier." The nurse's face paled. "I'll call a doctor."

Myungsoo nodded his head and took Sena to the room the nurse told him before. Her room was located at the far end, right across his room - which will soon be his ex-room - during illness Myungsoo hardly could get out of his room, except when he had to do some check ups. No wonder he had never seen Sena before although their room just opposite each other.







Sena’s room impressed feminism as bed sheets covered in pink, seemed like she brought it from home. Gently and carefully, Myungsoo laid Sena on the bed, he noticed how pale that woman. Suddenly his heart was sad to imagine a young woman was experiencing pain like this and became as fragile as now. If only Sena wasn’t sick, she will definitely be a cheerful woman. Sena’s thick and long eyelashes moved and her clear brown eyes opened, looked confused. Sena tried to sit up but Myungsoo immediately prevent her.

"Dont get up yet, you just pass out, you would have a headache." Sena looked up at Myungsoo and stared, unaware of his presence.


"Ah.. you. You helped me in the alley." She winced as if in pain.


"The doctor is coming soon, are you dizzy?" Myungsoo knew how it felt, moreover the headache and dizzines. Sena nodded, smiling weakly.


"I always feel dizzy and nauseous every time. After a long time, I get used to it." Sena looked at Myungsoo again. "Are you visiting someone here?" Myungsoo smiled and shook his head.


"No. I’m a patient in this hospital wing, my room is just across yours."


"A patient? But you look too healthy for a cancer patient." Myungsoo chuckled.


"I’m cured."


"Cured?" Sena beautiful brown eyes widened. "How come?"


"I'm just.. cured." Myungsoo smiled, shrugged. Sena opened to speak, but then Doctor Hoya entered. He smiled at Myungsoo who also was in the room.






"Here you are apparently Mr. Kim, I was waiting for you in my office to discuss your check up results.” Myungsoo smiled apologetically.


"I'm sorry, I was already on my way there when I found Sena almost passed out in the hallway."


"Ah yes, Sena." Doctor Hoya turned toward Sena who was laying in bed with flushed cheeks. "You apparently decided to take a walk alone again. Fortunately, Myungsoo was there to help you, otherwise you will be lying in the hallway for some time until somebody else see you. I told you if you want stroll out you can call the nurse to stay with you." Sena increasingly red cheeks giving hue in her pale skin.


"I'm sorry doctor. I really didn’t intend to go out alone, I had called the nurse. But no one came so I tried to walk out and turned out there was no one in

the nurse post. I finally came out into hallway looking for a nurse." Dr. Hoya nodded.


"Don’t do it again. Is your head dizzy?" He murmured and began checking Sena.


"Pounding as usual."


“You’ll feel better after taking the meds. Okay, I will check the other patients first." He turned toward Myungsoo and smiled. "About your test result—“


"I don’t actually need to know the result, I’m sure it will the same like yesterday." Myungsoo interrupted. Dr. Hoya stunned, then nodded his head.


"Well it is same, it’s a miracle. However, we need you for further examination. We must find out what happened. Probably it can help other patients too."


"I will try to help as much as possible, doctor."






After Dr. Hoya doctor went away, there were only Myungsoo with Sena who looked shy to be around him. "Once again thank you for your help before, I was really careless and so troubling." Sena finally muttered.

"You’re welcome, glad to help you. By the way I'm Kim Myungsoo." Sena welcomed Myungsoo’s helping hand, smiling warmly.


"I'm Sena."












Done! Jieun closed the report files with satisfaction and sighed, it took much longer than time she promised to Myungsoo, it took Jieun more than forty-five minutes to finish everything. Hopefully Myungsoo won’t be angry with her, hopefully Myungsoo want to understand her situation. She's really late so she decided to take a taxi to save time.

Jieun stood up, put a stack of thick files on Woohyun’s desk then half running towards the exit door. Immediately she collided with a large firm body, with sandalwood scented perfume. The collision was so hard that Jieun nearly fall if only Woohyun didn’t hold her with both of his sleek-and-powerful hands on her shoulders.

"Hey, hey, I’ m sorry. Where are you going in a hurry?"

Woohyun straighten Jieun who was staggered, and then let her go. Jieun sighed, staring at Woohyun who now was wearing casual clothes and looked incredibly handsome, seemed like this man had come home earlier and get dressed, and probably even took a shower as he smelled so fresh. Suddenly Jieun compared him to her own condition, ushowered and would meet Myungsoo soon, Jieun directly determined to spray perfume on her clothes and all over her skin later in taxi.


"I'm sorry, I have to go to hospital."


"Hospital again? Yesterday, we first met at hospital. Is one of your sibling sick?"


"Not my sibling, you can say he’s my future husband."


"Oh.  I'm sorry Jieun, hopefully your future husband will get a speed recovery. Have you finished your work?" That man glanced at files that Jieun placed on his desk.


"Yes. I’ve made a report as informative as possible. I hope you’re satisfied with all of the information contained there."


"Okay you may go. I'm sorry to make you overwork. Be careful."


"Yes, thank you sir." Jieun bowed respectfully, then hurriedly half ran toward the elevator.


"Oh, Jieun?" Suddenly Woohyun called, made Jieun’s step stopped and looked back.


"Yes sir?"


"You can use my driver, he's down in front of elevator. He will take you to the hospital."


"No, sir! No need! I can take a taxi—“  


“It’s raining outside and waiting for taxi takes a long time, your future husband will be waiting for too long. Just use my driver, assume it as my apologies for making you work overtime and late to meet your future husband." Woohyun muttered quietly, his eyes stared Jieun sharply, irrefutably. Jieun momentarily stunned, but then she realized maybe Woohyun was right, it would be more practical if she used his driver and it was still raining outside anyway.


"Thank you sir." She muttered and the elevator door opened. Before Jieun got into the elevator she glanced at where Woohyun stood earlier but that man wasn’t there and his office door closed.











That black car stopped right in front of hospital, after thanking Woohyun’s driver who'd just said nothing, just nodded and didn’t make a sound, Jieun half ran into hospital lobby. She’s really late! Although Woohyun’s driver trying drove as fast as possible, but the traffics prevented them from arriving sooner, Myungsoo must had gone to see Dr. Hoya by himself. With regret, Jieun walked to Dr. Hoya's office, where they often consulted about Myungsoo’s health. But his door was closed.

Well she was really late, Myungsoo should be back to his room. With hasty steps, Jieun walked toward the hospital wing where cancer patients were placed, nodding at the nurse who knew her so well, then half ran toward Myungsoo’s room. It was empty.

Where’s Myungsoo oppa? Jieun stepped out of the room, confused.


Is Myungsoo oppa having another checkup? Or is he undergoing intensive treatment in other places? But didn’t Myungsoo already healed? Or perhaps ... the test results was wrong?


Bad thoughts occupied her minds, made her more anxious. She was about to walk into nurse post to ask about Myungsoo when she heard a laughter. A very familiar one, Myungsoo’s laughter. And

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youdontneedtoknowme #1
Chapter 7: please,please,please update this please:"
Chapter 6: I really looking forward for the updates..I wonder if woohyun will ever fall in love with jieun???its must be difficult for him if that happen..hehehe
Chapter 5: I wonder if Sena is one of Woohyun's acquaintances. Or he might just cast weird spells on random girls lol. He is freaking sly! I can't choose between those two but hopefully the nice one /snorts/
Dreamwritter #4
If you are looking for more stories about myungsoo and woohyun check out the story: my world upsidedown.
Chapter 4: Myungsoo-jieun got my vote..i want both of them get married but I don't want its happen quickly without any trouble.. So,I waiting for woohyun to stell jieun heart..hehehehe
Chapter 4: I go for myungsoo-jieun but honestly woohyun-jieun seem to be more interesting! You know, like bad guys want to be loved lol it is adorable :3
thesyassi #7
Chapter 4: I like your story author! For me, I like both..but i like myungU more than wooU..
Chapter 4: Ah woohyun is so evil here...myungsoo have to fight for his lover. Most importantly, will jieun's heart wavers? It's going to be more interesting
ririyin #9
Chapter 4: I'm at myungsoo jieun side....I still hope they will end together