Until I Met You- Kim Jongin

Naeun One Shot Collections


She was spent. She knows she was but she raises her finger to ask for another shot. The handsome bartender shakes his head but Naeun manage to get it with a glare.

“Last one miss. Don’t ask for more.”

She chuckles and sips a little and hiss when the drink burns again. She closes her eyes and drink it all; grabbing her clutch, walking with an ounce of consciousness until she stumbles and falls on someone.

“Are you okay?”

She barely hears the voice of a man and she giggles.

“I’m not.”

“Are you driving here?”

“Naeun gave him her car key.”

“I’ll send you home.”

Naeun doesn’t response after that and she saw blurry image, people dancing, deafening music and DJ’s voice which makes her head throb.

“I’m leaving.”

She heard the stranger said last before she completely lose her conscious.




Waking up to a bad headache, Naeun groan, holding her head and trying to sit up.

“Urghh my head.”

She murmurs and heard her door being opened. Flicking her eyes towards the silhouette, she gasps.

“Who are you?”

And she quickly checks her appearance, thanking God that she still is in her clothing, though it reeks of perfume and alcohol that makes her head spins.

“I am Kai”

He said with a small smile. Hands inside his jeans pocket.

“I send you home last night and I can’t leave. The door stuck.”

Naeun bites her lips, she forget that her door was broken. Of course she has ways to open it but this stranger doesn’t know how to.

“How much?”

She asks; rummaging her clutch to find her purse and when she found it, she looks at the guy who seems confuse.

“You are a substitute driver, yes?”

“No I’m not.”

He said while waving his hand. He laughs with one hand still inside his pocket, awkwardly standing.

“I need to go and I can’t just break your door.”

“Oh right. Give me a second.”

Naeun said and he nodded, turning around to leave the door frame. Naeun walks out of her bed, standing to stabilize her body and walks to the door with a screwdriver.

“Thank you Kai ssi.”

She said when he was outside. He nodded and smiles.

“Don’t drink until you are spent like yesterday. World is not that safe anymore.”

He said and Naeun knocks her head after he left.

“Is it a need to make your self vulnerable in front of a stranger? And a handsome one at that?”

She trotted her way to her room and take a shower. Hugging her body at how cold the water is.

“You too are being cold at me.”

She sobs and closes her eyes; only walks out to change her cloth when she was shivering.

“Gurae. World doesn’t always revolve around you.”

She fists her hand and walks to her workplace.





As soon as she arrived, Naeun has to go for an errand. She starts to wonder if she is a PA now.


She took her bag and slings them on her shoulder before she walks to the elevator. Krystal is taking her revenge on her right now and Naeun knows it clearly.

She was once Taemin’s lover and now that he is with Krystal, she is being mean with her just because.

“Two americano, make it bland.”

She was reminded to Krystal instruction and kicks a stone on her way.


Naeun paled and turns to her right and saw a guy rubbing his head.

“Mianhe. I didn’t see you.”

“I thought you saw me.”

Said the guy and smiled. Naeun widens her eyes.

“Kai ssi.”

“I’m flattered that you still want to acknowledge me.”

“Of course I will. You are so nice.”

She said, tip toe-ing to see his head.

“Does it hurt?”

“It just sting a bit.”

He said, putting his hand inside his pocket again. Maybe its his habit. Naeun thought, awkwardly standing.

“Where are you heading though?”

“Oh. My superior wants me to buy her coffee.”

She said, crooking .

“I better go now. She will pick on me if I’m late.”

Naeun reasons, nearly stomps her feet when she remember Krystal’s order.

“I only drink from that cafe outside. Don’t buy anywhere else.”


Naeun mumbles as she hugs her body.

“Do you want a ride?”

“It’s okay though.”

“Come on. I’m going to get some coffee too.”

“Are you running on an errand too?”

She asks and he raises his shoulder. She smiled.

“Okay then Kai ssi.”

She said and walks with Kai to his car. Kai turns on the ignition and smiles when she keeps complaining in a slow voice.




“You should go now.”

She said as she unfasten her seatbelt.


Said Kai as he smiles.

“Can you give me your number? We can go out for a talk.”

“Oh that would be perfect.”

Said Naeun as she places the coffee in Kai’s hand. She took her card and places them in his shirt pocket.

“Give me a call.”

She pats his chest and took her coffee with her and bows at him.

“Thank you for the ride Kai ssi.”

She ran away even before Kai could answer her. He chuckles as he look at the building.

“See you soon Naeun ssi.”




“You can’t even do thing right.”

She expected her to said that. Even if she only took 5 minutes, Krystal will pick on her.

“Sorry the cafe was full.”

“Just say it Naeun. Tell me that you are taking your revenge.”

“I did not so why should I? I’ll sure had poisoned you if I want to take a revenge.”

Krystal laughs, walking to her.

“You are pissed that Taemin is now mine right?”

“I am mad but not anymore. I had cried and drink my off to forget about that jerk. Why would I ruin my life thinking of ways to take revenge on people who are ing on me behind my back?”

Krystal was fuming but Naeun doesn’t care. She is just her superior, not that she is the big boss.

“You know why he come to me. You don’t know how to treat him well.”

“I know that would be your reason. Maybe I didn’t but I am not cheap enough to sleep with my friend’s boyfriend.”

Naeun bows a little and left Krystal’s room and slams the door shut which makes some of her staffs look at her way. She smiles and make her way to her office.

“I just dig my own grave.”

She mumbles after she was seated on her place and drops her head on her table.

“I’m doomed.”




Naeun runs to her phone and quickly answer them without looking at the ID.


She said while having a battle with the fish in her pan. She yelped a bit at the hotness which makes the caller chuckles.

“Are you making your dinner?”

“Kai ssi?”

“Yes I am.”

He said, and she laughs.

“My mom send me some so I have no way other than cook it. Have you had your dinner?”

She asks, feeling comfortable talking to him.

“Not yet. It’s still early.”

“Oh right.”

Naeun said when she look at the clock. It’s 5 pm.

“I was about to ask you out for dinner but I bet you can’t.”

“You can come over if you want. I’ll just cook for two.”

She said with a smile.

“Will it be okay? I mean.”

“Of course it will. I haven’t thanked you properly too.”

“I’ll be there then.”

“Okay. I’ll text you the time?”


Kai ended the call and smiled.

“I’ll just approach her this way then.”

He peeled off his clothing and took a comfortable shirt, along with a pair of jeans.


He said and fetch his car key.




Naeun opens the door and smiled at the latter who holds a flower bouquet.

“You don’t have to.”

She said while clicking her tongue but Kai just raises his shoulder.

“I cannot come empty hand.”

“Of course you can. We can drop formalities.”

“It’s okay.”

He said and walks in when she gestures him to.

“It was a lot tidier.”

He said and she chuckles. She puts the bouquet on the coffee table and went to fill a vase with water before she organise the flower in them.

“I was not mentally stable at that time. I just saw my boyfriend cheat on me.”


He responds and she laughs.

“I’m over it now. That day when you see me in my awful self. I’m going to live my life now. I spend almost a year thinking that he actually loved me. Pathetic right?”

“No. He is pathetic for not actually see how you worth.”

“Thank you for the nice words.”

She chuckles again which makes him smiled.

“Let’s eat?”

She asks and he nodded.

“It looks good.”

“I can’t really cook well but this is edible I swear.”

Kai laughs and holds the chopstick that she gave to him.

“Thank you for the meal.”

She chanted and he repeats the same before both enjoyed the dinner together.




“I am the only child.”

He said when they were sitting in her living room, talking over a cup of coffee.

“That explains your quietness. I have a sister and we both love talking a lot.”

She said and chuckles. He looks at her and admire this girl. How can she be so casual and pure at the same time?

“What do you do for living?”

She asks and Kai smiled.

“Nothing impressive but I make enough for living.”

“That’s good. I am a designer. I love arts but grows up loving needles and threads so I pick them as a major. You saw the company I worked for right?”

He nods again.

“Is it fun? Working there?”

“It is, except for the manager. She always picks on me. Just because she is now dating my ex.”

She huffs and sighs.

“And she was a friend too. People betrays so easily. Who knows they always met behind my back.”

She said and laughs when her tears threatens to fall. Kai quickly wipes the tears that manage to fall with his thumb and places his palm on her cheek.

“Don’t think of unpleasant things. You are pretty when you smile.”

Naeun smiled and they stare at each other for a moment of time. Naeun only takes his eyes off of him when her phone rang.

“I have to take this.”

He removes his hand from her cheek and awkwardly rubbing his nape few times before he chuckles.




Naeun had grown closer to Kai as the time pass by. They will go out for a cup of coffee or even had lunch together. She even let him cook in her house and they will eat together before spending the night watching dvd.

They had become a lot comfortable to each other that she can finally let go of her feeling for Taemin.

Who needs boyfriend when she have a good friend like Kai. Despite his intimidating gaze, Kai is a sweetheart and Naeun thank God she met him.

“What do you think of me?”

Kai asks her when they was out, walking near a park. Naeun look at him and raises her eyebrow.

“As a man, how do I look.”

“You are handsome Kai. You are nice and lovable. I’m glad that we are friends.”


He asks and she nodded. Kai took her hand and Naeun stops walking.

“What if I say that I like you?”

“You like me?”

“Deh. I like you so much. I love you even when you dressed this way.”

He said as he addresses the way she dressed; a skinny legging and oversized sweater.

“I love you.”

He said with a smile and Naeun hugs him.

“Thank you. I never thought.”

She murmurs and he caresses her back.

“Be my girlfriend?”

He asks in a whisper and she nodded.

“Let’s date and go through the end.”

She said and he chuckles.

“Let’s love each other until we have people calling us grandpa and granny.”

“Of course.”

Naeun said and pecks his lips.

“Naeun ah. I still have one more thing to tell you.”


She asks and he shakes his head while he hugs her tiny waist and look into her eyes.

“It’s a surprised.”

“Okay then. Tell me when you are ready.”

“Let’s go home?”

“Let’s go.”

She said and the holds hand while they walk to her apartment.

“Wear pink tomorrow.”

“Since you love pink, I will.”

She gives him a kiss on his cheek and waves when he waves at her.

Naeun closes the door and walks to her room with bliss.

“We are dating!”

She screamed and jumps on her bed before she muffles her excitement on her pillow. Naeun went to her wardrobe and pick the nicest pink outfit ever and nods.

“I chose you.”




The next day, Naeun was going to the cafe as she was instructed by Krystal when she bumps onto him.

“Coffee again?”

Naeun nods at Kai with a pout but smiles when she saw how he was dressed.

“Are you going for a job interview? You look good in suits.”

“I do? Thanks.”

He said shortly and she nodded, helps him fix his slightly crooked tie. She pats his chest, grinning.

“All the best then Kai ah. I have to go. Fighting! Call me if anyone gives you hard time okay.”

She made an expression with her face and Kai grins before he waves at her. He stares as Naeun run slowly to a nearby cafe and nods at his secretary. They walk inside the building then.




“Where is the Head Designer? I didn’t see her at the meeting.”

“She is out for an errand CEO.”

“What errand? Why?”

The PA was hesitant but she told him anyway, when he demands for her to answer him.

“The manager send her for coffee.”

“Why is a designer buying coffee? We even have a cafe down there.”

“I don’t know CEO but this had been going for few weeks.”

“I see. Tell the manager that I need her in my room. And that she have to come with the designer.”

“Sure CEO.”

The PA walks out and Kai looks at his secretary.

“It will be exciting right?”

“It will sir.”

He responds and Kai chuckles.




“Can’t you take shorter time? Now follow me.”

“Where are we going?”

“There is a new CEO and he wants to see you and me.”

Naeun widens her eyes.

“Why didn’t you tell me? I should attend the meeting?”

“Who cry that you didn’t? You are just a designer.”

Naeun makes face behind Krystal’s back which fortunately she didn’t see. She tidy up her outfit and grins when she wears something good today.

Krystal knocks on the door and they walk in when the CEO’s secretary opens the door for them.

“CEO, I was told that you want to see us. Is there anything that I can help?”

Naeun tries peeking but she can’t see his face as he was sitting on his chair while his back facing them.

“Why did you send a higher staff for a coffee errand?”

Naeun thought that her eyes almost pop out when she heard the voice and she closes when he finally let them see his face.

He winks at her and Krystal was biting her lips.

“The others are busy.”

She said short and Kai chuckles as he stands up, hands inside his pocket.

“Are you saying that our designer doesn’t have work to do?”

She looks at Naeun who was still in shock and she squints her eyes.

“Yes CEO.”

“Oh well. If one doesn’t have work to do, we should sack her right secretary?’

“Yes sir.”

Krystal had that smug grin on her face while Naeun frowns.

“So tell me who designs the new product that I approve this morning? Is there another Head designer other than Son Naeun?”

He asked and Krystal stutter.

“Oh. The one who was unwell that she had to stay in her room. That designer is the one we should keep.”

Kai added as he stares at Krystal. Naeun fists her hand while she look at Krystal.

“You tell them that it was someone else?”

She let out an unbelievable laugh as she claps her hand.

“I stay up all night just to finish the project despite the petty little job you make me work at office. I even got panda eyes trying to not doze off while working on the design and you didn’t even give me the proper credit?”

“Yes Naeun ah. She still hold the grudge on you.”

Krystal look at Kai in horror when she heard how he address her and swallows when he shows her a displeased look.

“What do we have for employee who mix personal life at work.”

“It’s a discipline order sir.”

“Hear that Manager Jung? You could be demoted you know.”

“I. J just.”

“I know what had happen between you and my girlfiend. The way you act makes you look so cheap despite your position as a manager and friend. This is a company and people do job that they are appointed to. With you sending our designer out for your cup of coffee makes you come out as unprofessional.”

Krystal still had her eyes on the ground and Naeun huffs.

“I am so angry right now.”

Naeun said and she glares at Krystal before she look at Kai.

“You can go now Manager Jung.”

Krystal bows at him and quickly walks out of the room. Who ever thought Naeun and the new CEO is an item? Naeun walks closer to Kai and pouts.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It was supposed to be a surprise but you are out again.”

He said, chuckling as he dismissed his secretary.

“Can you give me a congratulary hug? It is really hard to gain my father’s and the board trust.”

Naeun groans but did hug him and Kai spun her around which manage to make her laughs.

“Congratulation honey.”

“Thank you love.”





This had been in my draft for so long and I just feel like posting it now..
Hope you enjoy!

Love, Cherry.





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Chapter 9: Hii author nim, how are you? ^^ i hope you are well and healthy!!
If you perhaps see this, i want to have a request naeun x jeonghan please hahah c: thank youu
Chapter 32: I missed this update more please
Winter_Sakura #3
Chapter 31: I like this one too....the jealous type Taemin🤪
Winter_Sakura #4
Chapter 4: This is so cute... please write more of Taeun
Chapter 32: apink son naeun 😿
Chapter 20: Ohhhh...i really miss this..
Chapter 4: This is so cute! >< thanks for writing taeun, hoping for more♡
Oliviafamic #8
Chapter 31: Thankyou so much authornimmm<3 looking forward for another taeun story!><
Chapter 31: Awww so cute :3 thank you for accepting my request^^~