
I Must Be Crazy

After a fun whole day outdoor activities, the student’s were all now gathered in a function room for dinner.

“Can you eat all that food in your plate?” Tzuyu stared in her plate full of food.

“I have a huge appetite especially when I’m exhausted, like today. Imagine we run, hide, climb and rolled in a mud.” She said, speaking with full. “I need to regain my strength after those extremely dangerous activities.”

“You’re exaggerating again.” Chaeyoung chimes in.

Dahyun picked out a full sliced of meat and stuffed it in . She slum her eyes shut as she can’t believe how good it taste while chewing the meat in . Food here is incredibly delicious. She would definitely come back here. She grabbed a big handful, stuffing full.

Her cheeks stay stuffed as she tries to swallow the food in but then felt something stuck in . She grabbed up the glass of juice and drank it so rapidly some spilled down her chin and onto her white tee-shirt. She groaned when she saw stain on her shirt and ran in to the stairway heading to the bathroom to wash her shirt and got to the last set of stairs where she bumped into someone, losing her balance but the guy grabbed her arm and helps her to stand straight.

“You’re fine?”

Dahyun looked up and her eyes were blessed by the sight of him. She frowned when he all of sudden cracked up a little.


“Never mind,” he shook his head slightly.

“Wait, are you laughing at me?” she asked, feeling desperate.

Jungkook inhaled as he tried to refrain himself from grinning, “Are you always this clumsy?”

“Yes,” she turned away feeling embarrassed. Great Jungkook noticed how dumb I am.

“I find you cute.”

His voice was so calm that she wasn’t sure if she had heard him right. Did he call her cute? “What did you say?”

This time he stared at the ground and his lips a thin line. “Hmm… I said if you want to come with me?”


He just smiled, “I will introduce you to a friend of mine.”

Dahyun followed him through the other side of the resort and down the gravel road that led to the river. As they walked along he pointed out a cabin and heard a dog barking as they get closer to their destination.

“Mocha!” Jungkook ran toward a dog on leashes in front of the cabin. The dog started to wiggle its tail and jumped, Jungkook’s hand.

Resting a hand on the dog shoulder, Jungkook said, “Please meet my friend Mocha. I named him that because of his fur. Mocha, this is Dahyun.” Dahyun peered out at him again. “I know he looks scary, but the truth is, he wouldn’t bite a flea to get it off his back.” Jungkook laughed.

Dahyun crouched down as she stared at the giant dog. “Is that a Jindo?”


“What a beautiful dog.”

Mocha growled that made Dahyun squeaked and shrank against Jungkook’s back.

“Don’t be afraid, that’s just how Mocha says hello to a cute girl. If you don’t say hi back, you’re going to hurt his feeling.”

He’d told me that I was cute twice! Dahyun smiled at that thought but then shut down this good feeling before she burst out.

“How did you find this dog?”

“I had visited this place last summer and met Mocha.”

“And he still recognized you?”

Jungkook nods, “That’s pretty awesome right? I came here early and I was surprised when he greeted me as if he misses me so much. Why don’t you give him a pat?”

Dahyun studied the dog and gathered the courage to stretch out her hand to pat Mocha on the head. Looking beyond his sagging lids, she searched his re-rimmed brown eyes and saw no viciousness, only an appeal to be friends. Mocha started her fingers and then rested his face on her knee.

“See?” Jungkook said. “He’s such sweet gentle dog.”

Dahyun nods. Though she’s not really fond of animals but she might eventually start to like dogs.

No words were spoken as they walked together back at the hotel. She learned more about him and it seems like they’re getting closer.


“Yeah?” she looked at him, flashing her bright smile.

“Um…” he trailed off. Jungkook rubbed his hand self-consciously up his nape. He looks nervous and anxious that made her curiosity rise. “Have you ever thought of dating like… now?”

Dahyun stared right through him as if trying to read his mind. Her heart suddenly beat fast. What does he mean about dating? Why he suddenly ask her about that?

“Hey! Don’t get me wrong… We’re still minors I know I'm just curious that others in our same age who already gone through this.” He laughs. “Beside, aren’t you confessed already with a guy so I just want to ask your thoughts if you’re ready to enter a relationship?”

Dahyun gasped at his statement, her eyes flying open. So she’s right, Jungkook misunderstood that incident. “No, I didn’t confess!”

“Oh c’mon, I know I shouldn’t be telling this to you that I overheard your conversation that day.” He said, giving her a teasing smile. “But to be fair with you, I’m going to tell my secret as well.”


Jungkook sigh heavily. “I like this girl but she likes someone else.”

She stopped in her tracks that made Jungkook paused too. Her heart wants to believe it’s her but her mind opposed and tell it was someone else.

“Wow… that sounds complicated.” She said, not looking at him.

He shrugs and they continue walking. “So? What will you advice to me then?”

“What will I tell? I’m not a love expert.”

“But you’re a girl maybe you could help me. So should I give up or make her fall in love with me?”

Dahyun clears . “Well, it’s up to you. If you really love her then go fight for her but first you need to understand the situation, weigh the pros and cons and see if there’s a possibility that you two will end up together.” She let out a sigh, she can’t believe those words came from her.

“Thanks,” he said with a big smile plastered on his face.

They reached the hotel and say their good bye at each other. Dahyun was left thinking about the things their conversation had brought up. She hugged herself when a cold wind flows and touches her skin and makes her body shivers. She was standing in front of the hotel, staring at few people going in and out of the building when someone threw clothes on her head. “Waa!”

 “You’ll get cold so wear that.” She didn’t notice Taehyung already standing beside her.

“I will back in my room so no need for that.” She said throwing back his jacket.”

He groaned and forcedly made her to put the jacket on, placing it over her shoulder. Is that him being nice again?

“You’re acting as if you’re my brother.” She rolled her eyes as she slipped her arms through the sleeves.

“Just be grateful that you have another thoughtful brother, okay? Now go back to your room before you get caught wandering around this hour.” Taehyung said, putting his hands inside his pocket.

A small smile escaped from her lips as she eyed him walking over the building. Right, he said mean things and pretends to be unfriendly but the truth is he is nice.

A/N: I'm pretty busy this past few days but finally updated this story. Thanks for those who subscribe and follow this story. Pls anticipate next chapter.

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kdahminn #1
Chapter 19: Update T-T
kdahminn #2
Chapter 19: Update T-T
iLoveTwiceSoMuch #3
Chapter 1: Hello anyone having problem with not being able to read some chapters? it says like 961 words for chapter 1 but it’s not showing anything same goes to chapter 2 but then chapter 3 i’m able to read. been having the same problem with other story as well pls Help :((
Chapter 19: I need a update author-nim! Pleaseeee pleaseeee and i need jungkook to fight for dahyunnn~ pleaseeee
Chapter 19: Ok, the moment i started reading this, i just can't stop.
Now i am so conflicted whether to ship dahyun with jungkook or with v.
Damn, the story is getting more interesting, can't wait to read more,.
Hope you update soon
Chapter 19: This is so cuuuuuuuuuuute! Why author-nim, why do this to me? hahahahaha <3
louieistrash #7
Chapter 19: Awwww. This was so cute and nice! I wish it was longer though. Please continue writing! Thank you!
Authornimmmm update juseyo T.T
Kat2601 #9
Chapter 19: this is so cute!
mariatiarap #10
Chapter 19: Oh so wow...