Chocolate Hershey's Kisses

Chocolate Hershey's Kisses

The clock struck twelve with a loud ring. You were at the park with your boyfriend, Jungkook. It was a nice park. A nice big park. You loved the outdoors, especially at night. The cold breeze made you feel nice and cozy in your oversized sweater and there was just something about late-night air that was so refreshing. This wasn’t uncommon for you two to be out so late at night. He knew how much you loved it so there was no way he could say ‘no’.

“(Y/N)?” he asked.

“Yeah?” you answered, looking up at him.

“I…” he paused, turning slightly to you then away again, “I-I kinda really like you.” Despite the fact the he spoke so softly you could still hear him due to your closeness. Physical contact made you nervous because of your newfound cautiousness after what happened with your ex-boyfriend. It took you a while but you felt comfortable around Jungkook now. There was just something about him that was so calming. You were falling for him, hard and you loved and hated it at the same time.

“K-Kookie?” You were taken a bit by surprised. Sure you guys had been together for two years already and he had said this before but it was his nervousness that threw you off, but before you could say anything else though, you found yourself staring wide-eyed at Jungkook who leaned in, eyes closed, about to kiss you. Crap… You had no clue what to do at this point so you didn’t do anything. He sensed your tension and pulled away a second later.

“I-I’m sorry. I thought it was okay. I thought we were-” he bit his lip, afraid you’d reject him.

“No, I’m sorry, Kookie.” You sighed, your eyes burning trying to hold back the tears. “It- That was nice but… I’m scared.”

He knew about your ex and how he pressured you into giving so much of yourself to him but he didn’t know the extent of it. You told him then about how the first time he tried to kiss you, you pulled away saying you didn’t think you weren’t ready yet and how he yelled at you accusing you of not loving him. You were a fool for ever thinking he loved you but all the attention, presents, loving comments, and the claims that he loved you because you were different and special threw you off. He was the first person ever to show you any kind of interest and attention. You couldn’t say no, instead you foolishly put your idea of self-worth in his hands allowing him to use it for his advantage. And use it he did.

You knew Jungkook was different. He was kind hearted and would never do anything like that to you but you couldn’t control your fear. You didn’t plan on falling in love with him, but when is real love ever planned? You knew you had something special and you couldn’t let it go but how was this fair for him? You loved him with all your heart and yet you doubted him.

He sat there listening intently as you told him all this.

“(Y/N),” he said, hands on your shoulders, looking into your eyes, “I’m okay with that. It’s fair for me because you’re worth it. You’re worth waiting for.” You could swear that your heart melted a bit inside you when he said that.



“I love you.” You said, hugging him tight.

“I love you too.” He said, wrapping his arms around you. The air was cold against your skin but at that moment you could swear you were the warmest person there. As cheesy as it sounds, you felt almost as if it was the love and comfort warming your heart.

When you guys pulled away you heard a soft thud on the seat.

“Ah...” Jungkook picked up a small piece of chocolate. “This fell out of my pocket.” He laughed.

You looked closer. It was a Hershey’s Kiss. Random, right? But you thought it was adorable. Your boyfriend loved sweets and he didn’t seem like he’d grow out of it anytime soon. You saw him quickly unwrap it and pop it into his mouth, smiling cutely afterwards.

“Oh, wait,” he said. He pulled another one out of his pocket. “Want one?”

“Sure.” You said. You couldn’t get over how cute he was. He was everything you could ever ask for. Taking you out at night, holding you close to him to keep warm and giving you chocolate. He was too perfect.




You turned to see your boyfriend, arm extended, offering you another piece of chocolate.

“Why do you carry these chocolates with you everywhere you go? And why only Hershey’s Kisses?” you wondered out loud, taking it from his hand.

“Well,” he said, tilting his head slightly, “you kinda inspired me.” You could almost swear you saw a slight tinge of pink on his cheeks. 

“How? Is it because I like chocolate, cuz I know I’m kinda addicted but you don’t needa feed my addiction” you joked. He smiled,

“You’re adorable but that’s not it,” he said, “ever notice when I give you these chocolates?” You shook your head.

“It’s not random?”

“I give you one of these every time I wanna kiss you.” He stated. Now you were the one blushing.

“Oh.” You could remember now all the times you spent cuddling on the couch or walking hand in hand when he’d pull out a Hershey’s Kiss for you. You would feel grateful because it’d break the tension around you guys when you felt a little too close for your comfort. He did this all for you. You always worried it’d be too much trouble for him, maybe even annoying to have a girlfriend so scared of physical contact but your insecurity faded in a second.

“The first time was just a coincidence but then it seemed like a cute idea.” He said. “I didn’t wanna be like your ex. I didn’t wanna be anything like him. I may not understand the pain of what he did to you but I wanted to show you that I’m not like him.”

It was as if all your walls came crashing down. How was it even possible to feel so safe around someone? It had been too long. His respect, admiration and love for you was all you needed to know ‘this is it’ He was the one.

You swore you would never be able to wipe that stupid smile off your face. What he did just meant so much to you. You hugged him tight and didn’t let go for what seemed like forever. You pulled away eventually though only to give him a soft, sweet kiss, surprising both him and yourself.

“(Y-Y/N)?” he squeaked. He quickly cleared his throat, embarrassed. You looked into his eyes.

“I love you, Jungkook.” You said before kissing him again. This time he reciprocated, lips slightly curved at the ends. The kiss was soft, very soft. You wished time would stop right then and there as you wrapped your arms around his neck, him snaking his arms around your waist.

When you finally pulled away you found yourselves smiling dumbly at each other.

“Can we do that again?” Jungkook asked after a while of smiles.

“Sure.” You answered, “wait.” He looked at you confused. “When you gave me that box of Hershey’s Kisses did that mean you wanted to make out with me?” you asked. You saw his face gradually turn a light shade of pink.

“U-Um, I-” he stuttered.

“It’s okay, Kookie.” You laughed, “It’s cute.” You said as you planted a kiss on his cheek, then moving to his lips.

“I love you.” He said between your kisses.

“I love you too.”

The End. 

Thanks for reading and please give be feedback on how you think it was :)

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razberri_100802 #1

consent boizzzz
Canela123 #2
luhan-xiumin #3
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh, I loved this!! So sweet!!
YoTaiSwi #4
Chapter 1: One of the cutest story I have ever read, Thanks for your hard work! (^∇^)
Chapter 1: So sweet!! Really great quick read.
Run_ing #6
Chapter 1: Giving chocolates when he wanna kiss you is a very genius and cute idea!
Aww... It's lovely. :)
takensoul #8
Chapter 1: Omgg, so cute~
Chapter 1: kkkkk...its so cute!!! <3 <3
ZeloBabys #10
i love this omgg so cute! good job author