24. Not a Dream

Marrying an Idol

But even if we can’t fly

And just cry

Love is like a beautiful dream

I can hold your pretty hands

Fly in the night sky

Towards the castle

Flying , Deep in the night - Kyuhyun


It didn't pay much and would take some hours of sleep from her schedule, that she definitely needed, but there were many dull moments when she could study or finish things from college, besides it was money coming in.

That was why Minseo started working at a convenience store after classes.

She squatted behind the counter and grabbed her bag from under it. She took a book out and placed it over the counter. She flipped through the pages finding the one marked with a pencil.

She finished reading a couple of lines when someone entered the store. It was a young man wearing ripped jeans and a white shirt under a black jacket. He had a cap and a mask covered his features and that was why she didn't pay him much attention. He turned his back to the counter and walked through the corridors.

Minseo got back to her readings and she was so immersed in it that she only noticed that the man was at the counter when he placed a bottle of soda and a pack of chips on top of it.

She used the pencil to mark the page again and closed the book. Minseo grabbed the bottle to register it and that was when the man grabbed her hand. She flinched surprised and then raised her eyes to the men's.

"Hi." If she hadn't recognized him for his eyes she would when he spoke.

"Taemin, what are you doing here?"

"I was close by and hungry."

Minseo chuckled "But you live far away from here and...chips really?"

He cleared his throat knowing that he was caught. " Actually, I was going to go to practice and I...missed you."

She smiled and intertwined her fingers with his.

"I can't stay long because my manager is waiting outside. " He grimaced "It was already hard to convince him to let me come buy something instead of him...Anyway, It worked and I can come and visit you more often."

"It's dangerous, someone might see you."

As a cue the door of the store opened and an old man entered. Taemin leaned on the counter, pulled his mask down and kissed Minseo's lips quick before pulling away. She stared at him surprised and he moved his head in the direction of the bag of chips. Minseo quickly got back in character and registered it asking for payment politely as if she didn't know him. He paid just when the old man approached the counter to pay too.

Taemin bowed his head quickly and Minseo did the same back. He blinked an eye at her and left the store. She watched him go feeling sorry that she couldn't give him more attention. Only once the customer left and she was alone again did she realize that they forgot about the cameras. She raised her eyes to the one over the counter in the corner and frowned. At that angle, it was hard to see Taemin's features so it was only a random unknown guy kissing her. She knew the manager of the store wouldn't check the footage if nothing happened or got missing but still it was embarrassing. She looked around the store at the other security cameras. Next time they needed to be more careful.




Jules checked her phone again and placed it with a sigh over her bed.

She grabbed her favorite navy sweater and put it on before grabbing her phone again. The last time Kibum contacted her was the night before with an apology about the reason why he didn't answer her call and wishing her a good night. By then she was already asleep and only answered his message that morning. He didn't reply yet so either he was asleep or was busy again.

Jules looked at herself in the mirror and cheered herself with a pat on her back. No time to cry over her relationship, she had to go to work soon too.

The living room wasn't empty. A very nervous looking Lillie was drinking coffee and eating toast slowly with her eyes on the screen of her phone even though it was black. It was the big day and for sure she was worrying herself sick over it. That was Lillie, the overthinking queen.

"So how is Onew's official girlfriend feeling today?"

"Not ready….scared!" Lillie answered, raising her sleepy eyes to Jules. She clearly didn't sleep much.

"That's not the right answer! You should say that you were born ready for this! Super girlfriend Lillie!"

Lillie groaned, ignoring her friend's cheerful disposition. Jules poured hot water on her mug to make tea and sat next to her roommate.

"I wonder how shawols will react if Jinki will get some backlash from the news. And I also worry if that won't become another reason for us to argue."

"Right you said you fight all the time now." Jules didn't seem to take it seriously though "It's normal. You both are stressed and nervous about coming out."

"You think so?"

"For sure! You threw a tantrum yesterday when you were doing laundry and you couldn't find a sock." As a cue, Bummie passed by and Jules grabbed it to her lap to pet "And then we found out this troublemaker stole it."

"Yes. Although yesterday…'' She took a small bite of toast and looked into space with dreamy eyes. Jules chuckled.


"All my worries and doubts completely vanished! I want this and he does too and when we hugged in public I…" she blushed remembering how happy she felt. "Still I can't help but be anxious."

"Look this is happening and it's not like it's really a big deal if you think about it. Everyone when they start a relationship also go public with it. The only different thing here is that he is famous. But if you take that away you are just a normal couple and it's not like you would be able to keep this fake relationship for much longer. Sooner or later fans have to realize that their idols are dating too. Besides, Onew already revealed he was in a relationship before. I’m sure some hardcore fans even know about you already!”

Lillie took a deep breath and nodded, Jules words filling her with energy. She was right. That would have to happen sooner or later. It was the next step in their relationship if they wanted to stay together.

"I wonder if Kibum is the next one…" Lillie remarked playfully but Jules didn't smile.

"Highly doubt it. I don't think he wants to reveal he is dating. Not soon at least."

"Because two members revealing to be dating one after another wouldn't be good."

"No. Because he doesn't want to. He is too focused on work right now. It's the only thing he seems to care about these days."

"Ah…" Lillie bit her lower lip remembering how Jules said that they were having problems.

When she was only a fan she barely blinked her eyes when she read articles about famous people breaking up. The reason was usually the same one, either differences or the lack of time. When she thought about it, the fact her relationship with Jinki hadn't ended after everything they went through was already amazing. And still, she complained when they argued, when they didn't agree on things. The fact he didn't walk away from her giving up on what they had was a major win. She knew how hard she always made things for him. It was true it wasn't easy for her too, having to date in secret; share him with many other people, most of them women; spend a long time away from each other. But she also came into that relationship with the heavy baggage of a failed abusive relationship, which left her with many scars that made her not the easiest person to date.

Yes, it was definitely a huge victory that they got so far together.

"Cherry, you must dress up prettily today!" Jules said nuzzling Lillie's arm playfully "Today you become Onew's girlfriend!"




“Are you nervous?” Jonghyun asked Jinki.

That morning Minho invited Jinki for lunch and Jonghyun joined them. It was a rare thing to be able to have a meal together like that out of the dorm. Even at the dorm, it was something they seldom did recently. Sadly Kibum and Taemin were busy and didn't join them. Jinki was grateful because he knew Minho prepared that because they knew it was a big day for Jinki, and therefore SHINee.

“Actually I’m not.” When he woke up that morning the first thing he remembered was his date with Lillie from the previous night. She was adorable after the awkwardness left them. They walked beside the Han river for a long time holding hands. At first, he cracked some silly jokes to make her relax but soon they completely forgot they were being watched. They chatted about so many different things and it was so refreshing after the awful weeks they shared lately. He was totally enamored with the way she smiled at him, how her eyes shined once in a while as if she was near crying of happiness. At least he hoped that was the reason.

Usually, the perfect end for a date like that would be or making out but they only shared a sweet kiss as if it was their first date together before he left her home. He didn't mind it, it felt perfect for the start of that new phase of their relationship.

The idea that in a few hours everyone would know her as his girlfriend left him more excited than nervous.

“It’s a big step.” Minho said warmly “I'm really happy for you hyung.”

Jonghyun nodded agreeing with Minho in silence. He seemed a bit moody that day so Jinki nuzzled him playfully.

“Jealous that I’m revealing my relationship before you take the chance to reveal yours?”

“No.” Jonghyun didn't even realize Jinki was only teasing him “I’m upset over something my sister did.”

Minho raised his head immediately as if he was a puppy that was called by his owner and then tried to act more coolly. Apparently, Jinki nor Jonghyun noticed his sudden interest in the topic.

“What did she do?” Jinki asked.

“She dared to ask me to set her up on a blind date with one of my friends! Can you believe it?!”

Minho sniffed and ate his food, his head downcast. What did he expect, of course, she was actively searching for a boyfriend. She did confide in him how she felt lonely.

“Why not one of your friends?” Jinki asked even though everyone knew what Jonghyun would answer.

“Of course not! None are good enough for her!” The truth was that Jonghyun would always find a fault in any man that approached her.

“I feel offended!” Jinki said with a painful expression and Jonghyun groaned. He knew Jinki was only teasing him. “Minho too!”

Minho almost choked on his food and stared at Jinki wondering if he suspected anything but he seemed to be only joking. “Y-yes I’m offended!”

“You know you are good guys and I respect you but I would also kill you or anyone that hurt my sister. No, it's best if she stays single until the right guy comes along!”

“Who is this right guy then?!” Jinki asked “Does even a guy like that exist? He must be extremely perfect!”

Jonghyun opened and closed his mouth knowing how silly he looked saying things like that. He knew he was being unrealistic and inflexible but the idea that a man could break his sister's heart scared him. He was that overprotective!

“It would be so much easier if she was a man!” Jonghyun remarked making Jinki chuckle.

“She would be a hot guy then!”

Minho nodded smiling. A very very hot one…

Jonghyun sent both of them a dirty look and Minho stuffed his face with food trying to suffocate his feelings inside him.

He was probably the one who needed a blind date. Soon he would go insane.

Jinki watched him curiously and Minho stopped chewing wondering if he sensed something, if he was connecting the conversation he had with him before to his reaction now. However, he looked away to Jonghyun and then back to his food. Jinki was the kind to forget things like that which was a blessing sometimes and the best person to talk with when you needed someone to keep a secret.

Minho almost sighed of relief but he couldn't since he had his mouth so full of food he looked like a hamster.




“Alright then...here it is!” Minseo announced placing Lillie’s phone in the middle of the table. SHINee singer Onew was caught on a date by the Han river and pictures were taken “in secret” and revealed on an article online, the topic trending now. Rin leaned over the table to check it and Lillie took a deep breath and did the same.

They already had finished the fabulous lunch Rin cooked for them and were only waiting for the news to come out. Lillie didn't know the exact time but she hoped it was during her break and not while she was at work because she was barely able to concentrate the whole morning. For the whole lunch, Minseo kept refreshing naver’s page since Lillie was too chicken to do it.

And now there it was in big dark letters, trending as the most seen article that day. SHINee’s Onew caught on a date with his foreigner girlfriend. She wished that the fact that she was a foreigner wasn't used in the title but she knew that that was probably the point that would be more discussed in the comments besides her lack of beauty.

Lilie scrolled down quickly after reading the article. It didn't have much information, stating how long they were dating, how she wasn't a Korean, and her first name and how they met. Then it had a small paragraph detailing how cute they were on the date, how they laughed having a good time, and how they held hands the whole date. They made them look so...in love that she covered her cheeks that were burning now. And then the pictures proving that the date was real. The first one was of them looking at each other, in each other's arms, Jinki holding her by her elbows, her hands on his chest and both looking at each other as if it was all planned and they were posing for a magazine. It was indeed planned but she wasn't posing at all, that was real, the moment, the feelings...They looked amazing! Truly extremely cute and it made her smile.

If that was the first picture, the one that would represent them as a couple then it was a perfect one.

“You look so adorable!” Minseo exclaimed, notably excited. Rin nodded agreeing and Lillie chuckled.

The other pictures were adorable too. She swore to her friends they didn't pose to any of them even though it looked like they did, the mood fitting perfectly the one of a good date.

There was a pic of Jinki with his arm around her listening to her attentively while she explained something, then other of them holding hands and laughing probably at something stupid he said, and then the last one was taken when they stopped to look at the river. She remembered that moment perfectly. Jinki stood and stared at the water and then pointed at it. She tried to see in the dark what he was pointing at and then he silly said 괴물 (monster). She seemed confused and he explained his silly pun mixing the word water with monster, saying the 물 (water) looked scary because it was too dark. The picture didn't show what happened next and how she laughed at his joke and slapped his arm while he giggled cutely.

“Oh god!” She needed to save those pictures of them because for sure she didn't have any of them together that looked as adorable as those.

“Lillie, you two look so good together!” Rin said, caressing her friend’s back “Everyone can see how much you love each other, how much you make him happy!”

Rin’s words pulled Lillie back to reality and she scrolled down to the comments. The reaction of the public was more important than the way they looked in the pictures.

The first comment was of a fan wishing Jinki and Lillie happiness and that was a good sign so she read more of them. Many were similar, others showed disappointment that he chose a foreigner to date. Some said that she didn't look that pretty, others said she was cute and they did make a good couple, some remarked that they wouldn't last long. For two good comments, she got a bad one.

Lillie bit the inside of her cheek nervously reading them all.

“They are idiots!” Minseo said, “Most of them are just jealous!”

“That's right!” Rin agreed “You probably shouldn't read many of the comments. I mean, you knew some people would be mean.”

“And there are many who received the news happily.” Minseo showed Lillie her phone where she had chosen one of the comments.


They look so in love. I’m so happy Jinki found someone to love. I support him! It was time he dated and got married!


“The good fans will stay and support him always.” Minseo spoke earnestly and Lillie smiled knowing she was right.

“You will be fine!” Rin added.

“I’m going to leave a great comment too!” Minseo announced and Rin grabbed her phone ready to leave a comment also.

Lillie smiled, finding both of her friends' gesture very sweet “Thank you!”

“You don't have to. I totally ship you two!” Minseo stated making Lillie giggle but the thing that made them laugh even louder was when Rin, that never cursed, suddenly called one of the netizens a jealous .

They were right, even if there were some voices wishing them to break up there were many more supporting them and wishing Jinki happiness.




Kibum’s eyes hurt. He didn't sleep much and he had a full day. It was his fault because he took too many projects at once because he was balancing his work with college life. He could be having dinner with friends, relaxing with his dogs, or seeing his girlfriend but instead he was working on his thesis.

Comme Des sniffed his leg catching Kibum’s attention.

“I know. I don't take you for a proper walk in a while.” He petted the puppy and sighed grabbing his phone. He had zero calls from Jules and he couldn't even blame her for not trying. Lately, they didn't seem to be on the same planet at all. Everything in their lives was keeping them apart. She started a new business that was going well but left her with almost no time for anything and he….well he was his usual busy. He wasn't the kind to complain since he liked that lifestyle but he missed her.

Kibum typed her number and waited but she didn't pick up even after he tried again. It wasn't still late so she was probably at the language center so he searched for the number of her workplace and tried again.

The receptionist took the call which wasn't a surprise but he realized he didn't think through what he would say.

“I-I want to talk with the director.”

“And who is this?”

Who was he?! Her boyfriend, Kim Kibum. It was weird to say he was her boyfriend, after all, why was he calling her workplace and not her mobile phone directly. He did try her cellphone but...He could say his name, there were too many Kibums so he was sure she wouldn't make the connection.“It's aaa...Kibum.”

“She isn’t in right now but she will be back shortly. If you want you can leave her a message and I’ll deliver it to her.”

“No….no it's fine. Just tell her I called.”

“Alright, she will get back to you soon.”

Kibum thanked the receptionist and turned off the call with a sigh.

It has been a while since they met, and he didn't do anything romantic in a while ever since their rendezvous at her workplace. Kibum hummed thinking about what he could possibly do next to surprise her.

Then a sudden idea struck him. He only said he was Kibum, what if she didn't know that the Kibum who called was her boyfriend Kibum. He had no idea how many Kibums she knew but maybe there were more. Also, she might find it weird that her Kibum called her workplace. She would see his calls on her phone though.

Kibum groaned, rested his head on his hands, and closed his eyes. He needed to sleep more than anything. He was overworking himself lately and his brain wasn't working properly anymore.

Maybe he should text her. He opened his eyes and grabbed his phone again.


Jules, it is me. Your boyfriend Kibum.


He rolled his eyes after sending the text.


Of course, you know it's me. You only have one boyfriend and my number shows up on your phone. Forget this...I tried to call you but you are probably busy. I’m also the Kibum who called the language center to ask for you.


He his lips. It was never that hard to text his girlfriend before and maybe he was the one complicating everything.


I wanted to hear your voice. Please call me when you can.






A couple was cutely bickering about what type of fruit to buy at the supermarket and Lillie watched them while she took her time choosing which brand of milk she would buy. She giggled to herself imagining her and Jinki buying groceries together, acting like that couple. They probably would look as adorable as they did in the pictures of that article. The pictures…

Only thinking about it made her heart turn into jelly. She didn't realize it before but now any hardcore shawol fan could recognize her in the streets. That made her too self-conscious and Lillie looked around. No one was even noticing her and she grabbed the milk she needed and placed it inside her basket.

Her phone vibrated and Lillie quickly pulled it out of her bag. Seeing that it was Jinki almost made her gasp and she looked around again. It was the first time they spoke after the article was released.

Hi.” His cute greeting made her blush deeply and she almost slapped herself for being so silly. It wasn't as if they just started dating so she had no reason to start acting like a fool.

“Hi.” She mumbled in a low voice as if someone was listening to their conversation.

“How are you feeling?”

Wow, that was a good question! She was bursting with happiness and fear. It was a rollercoaster of emotions like everything was in their relationship.


“Good! Don't forget we have dinner later at my hyung’s house.”

She didn't forget about it at all. The previous night, during their date he told her about it. It was the first time he took her to meet one of his friends. Of course, she met them on previous occasions when they went out in a big group but she was never invited to a private meeting like that, besides his hyung was the famous singer K.Will and she loved many of his songs. That was a big event, the first one of her as officially Onew’s girlfriend.

“I didn't forget. I’m only grocery shopping and then I’ll go home to get ready.”

“I’m picking you up there.”

“I’ll make an effort and get really really pretty!”

He laughed on the other side and once he spoke she almost melted because he was using that sweet deep tone he always saved for her.

“You are always pretty.”

Every girl loved to hear that from her boyfriend and Lillie wasn't the exception. “I am?”

“Yeah, and I’ll be very proud to introduce such a beauty as my girlfriend.”

“Beauty…” Lillie giggled covering so that none of the other customers would notice how she was acting.

“Well, that’s it then. I have to go now.”

“Ah…” She didn't want him to go. There were so many feelings inside her, so many words she wanted to say to him. “Jinki...h-how did everyone react?”

He knew immediately what she was talking about.

“My parents are happy for me, the members congratulated me, many friends too...everyone is being supportive. Even many of my fansite headmasters and the general fans seemed to take the news well.”

She bit her lower lip.

“You checked the comments didn't you?” His tone of voice went back to the one he saved for her “Don't...I will protect us. You don't have to worry. We aren't alone, the ones who care for us will be by our side. We didn't do anything wrong, Lillie…”

“I know. I'm really happy.” He didn't say anything so she had to ask because that was the person she was “And you? How do you feel?”

“I’m happy too. Very happy. I usually like to keep my life private but it was hard for me to hide this all the time. I was so relieved when I was able to tell everyone I was dating because I don't want to hide from the ones who loved me all these years how happy I am. Being able to share with them how I really feel, be honest, and not keep the pretense that I'm single makes me really happy. Besides now I can take you on proper dates like you always dreamed of.”

“Jinki…” She didn't know what to say.

“Now I don't have to hide this part of me anymore. I’m very fond of it, the part of me that loves you.”

“Only a part?” she asked, biting her lower lip, beginning the flirtation.

“It's a big one. I might show it to you in private later!”

“Aigo…” She chuckled. He had to go but before he did she wanted to try something. Lillie looked around and entered the hallway with the cleaning products that was empty and therefore she could speak more freely there. “Before you go let me just try something.”


“I’m proud to say at last, in a public place that I am dating Lee Jinki also known as Onew.”

“It sounds good.” he remarked with amusement.

“It does. Very liberating!”

“I’m dating Lillie...well I'm alone in a room. Doesn’t have the same magic but I'll try outside later.”

She laughed “No need. It’s fine…”

“See you later.” his voice was as sweet as honey and Lillie smiled remembering one comment Jules sent to her earlier that day, of a fan saying how their eyes were filled with honey when they looked at each other in the picture.

“See you later.”




“I know I know....” KIbum placed the bowls with food on the floor of the kitchen and crouched to see his dogs eat. He petted Garçon and crossed his arms over his knees watching them.

It wasn't only his love life that was suffering, he barely had time to spend with his furry kids.

Garçon quickly finished his food and then jumped on Kibum to his face.

“Hey, stop...your breath smells like dog food!” He pushed Garçon away but the dog saw that as an invitation to play and invested against Kibum again so he had to stand up groaning. His two puppies couldn't be more different from each other.

While Garçon was running all over the place playing with his toy, Comme Des was still calmly eating his food. The sound of the doorbell changed everything. Both dogs ran down the stairs to the door and Kibum followed after them. He wasn't expecting anyone and he stopped by the entrance door to peek at the peephole.

He smiled seeing who it was and then opened the door with a blank face.

“Surprise!” Jules said playfully being assaulted by both puppies. She pet them pushing them inside with her and Kibum observed the scene amused. Even his dogs missed her.

“Are you surprised?”

“You saw my text?” he asked.

Jules pushed the door of his apartment close and nodded. They stood facing each other for a short while and then she groaned before throwing herself in his arms. He hugged her back and their lips met in a long wet kiss.

He didn't open his eyes after the kiss so she touched his nose. “Are you in shock with my assault kiss?”

He tilted his head as if he was thinking and then opened his eyes and cupped her face. “Did you eat?”

“Yes, you?”

“Yes. Just fed the kids too.”



He didn't feel like talking because they either would talk about work or their relationship and he was sure both wanted to avoid that.

Jules moved her hand over his chest slowly, her eyes burning with need and he swallowed hard.

“You still have a couch, right?”

“And a bed.”

She smiled and they kissed again. She grabbed him by his t-shirt and pulled him up the stairs. They almost tripped on Comme Des that released a cute squeal and then stumbled inside the living room still kissing. She laid over the couch pulling him on top of her which he did pushing all pillows and dog toys off of the couch. They kissed for a while, humming in delight and need, legs rubbing against each other, hands exploring each other's bodies over their clothes.

“God I miss this…” He confessed rubbing his lips against her cheek.

“Making out?” She asked, whispering in his ear.


She exhaled deeply and wrapped her arms around her neck. He pulled away to take a good look at her. They stared at each other's eyes and like a fool, he couldn't stop smiling. Her heart was beating like crazy. It always felt so right when they were together. If only loving each other was enough, if only the world and their ambitions wouldn't get in the way.

“I missed you too.”

“Stay here tonight.” He asked, kissing the corner of her lips and down her neck. She hugged him close and smiled, letting the familiarity of being on his embrace lull her back to that place where nothing else existed besides both of them.

“I’m tired.” Tired of being away from him and feeling insecure.

“Then sleep here.” She wasn't sure if he truly knew what she meant but either way that would be a way to rest.


He kissed her again, more passionately, moving his hands down her waist and then up to pull her sweater up her body so that he could caress her tummy. She shuddered under him and then moaned when he cupped her s over her bra.

“Eager aren't we?”

He raised his head from her neck where he just had given her a hickey and nodded.

“You have no idea!”

“Oh, I do!” She pulled at his t-shirt and helped him take it off. He sat over her pulling it off and she giggled clapping.


“I’m just happy to see you getting !”

He rolled his eyes and then laid over her again, kissing her lips over and over again, while he pulled her sweater up to her neck. She raised her arms for him to help her take it off but he stopped and groaned.


Kibum turned around and pushed Garçon out of the couch. “Get out, daddy is busy here!” However, the puppy didn't obey and saw Kibum’s tries to push him out from the couch as an intention to play.

Jules covered laughing watching Kibum struggle.

“Out!” Kibum raised his voice sounding more severe and the dog eventually left them alone. “Damn, can't we have one moment of peace here…”

“One moment of peace to have you mean?!”

“Yeah!” both giggled and Jules pulled him down to her lips again.




Lillie was running late. When she got home she found out Bummie had thrown up balls of fur all over the floor and she almost stepped on it barefooted. She quickly washed the floor, showered, and then it took her half an hour to decide on what to dress. She didn't want to impress K.Will but she wanted to look acceptable as Jinki’s girlfriend. For that she curled her hair until it looked as perfect as Jules taught her, she ended up choosing a white skirt that Rin gave her as a birthday present and a very fashionable long sleeve pink blouse that had a cute ribbon on the neck. It made Lillie look feminine and didn't seem as if she tried too hard to impress. Jules had a nice black purse that looked good with it and Lillie borrowed it and a pair of earrings. Then she did her makeup, something light that gave more emphasis to her big eyes. When she was done she was really proud of herself. The Lillie that arrived in South Korea years ago would never think that someday she would be able to look like that.

She sprayed some perfume on her neck and wrists and then rushed to the entrance to check which heels she would wear that night. She wanted something discrete and she had some possible candidates for that.

However, before she was able to take them out from her shoe rack her phone rang. Thinking it was Jinki she rushed to grab it from her bed almost slipping on the floor because of her tights.

However, it was Do Joon.


“Lillie, hi. I'm sorry I'm calling but it's urgent!”

“Urgent? What happened, are you alright?”

“Fine! Look I need that file from the new client. The one who came today after lunch.”

“Oh, I know. I placed it with the other ones, on the second shelf in the case behind my desk…”

“I checked but it's not there.”

Lillie blinked her eyes. She was almost sure she put it in that cabinet. She always did that and she was very organized. She could be disorganized when it came to other things but at work, she always tried her best to keep things in order. But it was also true that that day she was a bit unfocused because of the news about her and Jinki.

“I will go to the office tomorrow to see if I find it.”

“Tomorrow is Saturday.”

“Oh, it's fine.”

“No, Lillie you don't get it. I need it now!”

“Now? But I have a date. I can't go search it now!”

“Date?!” Do Joon seemed to hesitate and Lillie prayed that he would let that go and wait for the next day. If she went to the office she would be late for her date with Jinki for sure.

“Lillie, I'm really sorry but this is really urgent. Your job depends on it!”

She widened her eyes wondering why that was that important.

“So, now, right now please pick it up!”

Lillie tried to argue back but he turned off the call. She looked at the phone astonished and groaned.

The only solution was to ask Jinki to pick her up at the office. He probably wouldn't like it but what could she do?! As long as they didn't arrive late for dinner.

She groaned, grabbing the first pair of heels she found and she rushed to pick up her coat so that she could catch a taxi back to her office.




“What are you doing?” Jules asked peeking from behind Kibum at the pot on the stove.

“The best ramen you ever ate.”

After making love she confessed that she didn't eat much after all and since he was a little hungry too they decided it was time for some ramen.

“Best….you are only boiling water.”

“You will see!”

She slapped his and walked away and he turned around to stare at her. She looked ravishingly beautiful and y only wearing socks, , and one of his sweaters over her almost body.

“Couldn't resist that cute .”

He was only in his underwear and placed his hands on his waist making a funny pose that made her laugh.

He truly missed that, lately his apartment was always so quiet, and hearing Jules's laughter fill it only made him want to laugh also.

“Can you help me out here?”

“Help?” She asked throwing a toy for the dogs to catch.

“Yes. Can you get me a pack of ramen from that cabinet!?!”

Jules approached the cabinet near Kibum and taking that as an opportunity he slapped her too.

She pulled away and leaned against the wall, facing him and protecting her for a possible new attack “That's not fair, you tricked me!”

“In love and war, anything goes!”

She pushed him playfully and he wrapped his arms around her pulling her against his chest.

“My prisoner now.”

Jules giggled and they kissed for a while ignoring the water that was already boiling. The only thing that made them pull away was Kibum's phone that vibrated over the table. He grabbed it and checked the text he received.



“I..” he looked at her apologetically “I need to go out. It's really fast.” he grabbed his clothes from the floor next to the couch.

“Go, where?”

“I'm doing this project related to my thesis and there is something I need to give to my colleague with whom I'm working on it.”

“And needs to be now?”

“Yes, because we have a deadline to meet and...I'm really sorry.”

“How long will it take?”

“The time for the ramen to be done. Can you do it for me? We will eat it together once I'm back!”

“Sure….I won't eat the best ramen but…”

“I'll compensate you!” He zipped his pants. “I promise!”


“I'll do anything you want!”

She bit her lower lip and nodded with a smile.

“Great, you are the best!” he kissed her quickly and then grabbed his t-shirt pulling it down his body before running down the stairs.

Jules heard the door close soon after and the apartment became silent again, only the bolling water being the exception.

She sighed and noticed the two dogs sadly looking at the stairs, already missing their dad.

“Yeah...I know what you feel.”




Lillie entered the expensive-looking restaurant and searched for Do Joon. A few minutes after she arrived at an empty office he called her asking her to deliver the document to him, which was at a restaurant nearby. She texted Jinki the restaurant’s address so that he would pick her up there instead and then rushed to it. The sooner she got read of the folder the better. The most infuriating thing was that it was exactly where she told Dojoon that it was. He was either blind or he lied to her and didn't even search for it. Whatever the reason she would scold him if she had the chance. Usually, he was a good boss and wouldn't mess up with her plans like that, but that time he was completely ruining the night for her.

“Do you have a reservation?” The waiter at the entrance asked Lillie and she hesitated, looking over his shoulder at the tables searching for her annoying boss. The last time she was at a restaurant like that was years ago with Jinki on one of their first dates. She knew it had private rooms for the ones who wanted quiet but also knew how expensive those were.

“I-I’m searching for my boss.” She mumbled his name and the waiter smiled immediately.

“Yes, we have been waiting for you. Miss Lillie right?”


“Follow me, please.” Lillie followed the man and like she suspected he took her in the direction of a private room. He opened the door for her and Lillie entered it with a murderous gaze. Do Joon, the victim of her temper got up immediately and smiled at her. He looked very handsome, wearing a different and more refined outfit from the one he wore at work that day and he wasn't alone. An older woman was sitting in front of him and Lillie stopped recognizing his mother.

A trap! That was a damn trap!

“You look beautiful!” Do Joon remarked a little surprised and Lillie realized that he thought she would come wearing her usual less fancy clothes. He probably thought he was lucky she got ready for a date, even though it wasn't a date with him.

“W-what is…” before she had time to ask Do Joon grabbed her arm and pulled her aside to talk in private.

“I’m sorry I did this but please go along with it!”

“Go along with what?” Lillie asked.

Do Joon peeked at his mother “Remember the dinner with my mother I told you about.”

“I can't believe it. I told you I wouldn't do it. I have a date, Jinki will...wait...OH MY GOD!”

She searched inside her bag for her phone and quickly texted Jinki to not pick her up, that there was an emergency and she would call him as soon as she could. If he came there it would be the end, he would totally misunderstand and think she went behind his back - again - and was pretending to be Do Joon’s girlfriend. And the worst part was that she chose that over meeting one of his best friends for dinner.

“Is something wrong?” Do Joon’s mother asked, noticing Lillie’s pale expression.

“No, nothing. Everything is fine, right Lillie?!”

She stared at Do Joon wanting to rip his neck and he smiled weakly “Please, this is the last time, I promise!”

“I don't trust you! You keep tricking me into situations like this!”

“I know but...please. I’ll give you a raise.”

“Are you now paying me to be your fake girlfriend? Do you think I want that?! You will end up making me break up with my boyfriend. We have a date and…”

“I’m sorry. We can make up a lie and you can leave earlier. Just ten minutes, please.”

He begged, making puppy eyes at her and Lillie groaned.

“Alright, ten minutes. And…” She pushed the file against his chest with all the force she mastered and he grunted in pain “Take your stupid file!”

Do Koon chuckled and then pulled a chair for Lillie to sit at the table, like a true gentleman. She did, exhaling furiously and then smiled at his mother, trying to act normal.

“I’m really sorry my husband isn't here. He had a business trip.”

“Oh, that's perfect!” Lillie answered, that was one less person she had to convince that she was Do Joon’s girlfriend. “I mean, that he has...a job.”

Do Joon blinked his eyes looking at Lillie knowing that she wasn't making a big effort at acting properly because she was furious with him.

“Lillie you are so funny!” Do Joon laughed awkwardly.

“Sadly I can't stay for long too.” Lillie said immediately “I’m sorry that I know that you really wanted to meet Do Joon’s girlfriend. “ which wasn't her for sure because she would never ever date him. “But I have something urgent to do. Isn't it right Do Joon. Why don't you tell your mother what I have to do.”

She stared at Do Joon and his jaw fell open. His eyes moved from Lillie to his mother and he tried to find something plausible to say. Lillie smiled to herself happy with her small revenge.

“Lillie----she.. it's her best friend's birthday today. She is going overseas tomorrow so they need to meet today.”

“Oh, I had no idea.”

“They are really close.” Do Joon added.

“We are.” Lillie remarked, “I hope you don't mind that I leave in…”She checked her phone “Eight minutes.”

Do Joon frowned and shook his head “She is joking, of course, she will stay a bit longer.”

He told her it was only ten minutes. Lillie pressed her lips together.

“Of course I am.” She kicked Do Joon under the table that groaned and grabbed the fork and knife from the table.

“Should we eat? The food is getting cold.”

Lillie looked at the wonderful steak in front of her. That would be an amazing meal if she didn't plan another one with Jinki. Did she really have to eat that?! She looked at Do Joon apologetically. She couldn't do that after all.

“Actually, I’m truly sorry but…” She was going to tell his mother the truth. He probably would be mad at her and there was a small chance she might lose her job but she simply couldn't do that.

However, before she could come clean about the lie someone knocked on the door at the waitress opened it.

“Excuse me but another guest arrived.”

Lillie almost groaned and stared at Do Joon but he seemed as lost as she was.

“Another guest?” Do Joon’s mother also didn't seem to know what he was talking about.

Lillie gasped when the guest entered the room.

Jinki’s eyes immediately settled on her and she panicked grasping the napkin over her lap. He then looked at Do Joon with his usual poker face, the one that she was never able to decipher.

“I'm sorry I am late!” Jinki said after the waitress closed the door of the room.

“And you are?” Do Joon’s mother asked.

Jinki’s eyes settled on Do Joon and then he walked towards Lillie. Was he going to spill the beans for her?! Was he going to argue with her?! She stood up immediately and her chair almost fell back if it wasn't for Jinki to grab it. He stood beside her and she mumbled a silent I'm sorry to him.

He inhaled deeply as if he was trying to calm himself down and then spoke.

“I’m Onew, I’m a singer.”

“Oh, you are?!” Do Joon’s mother seemed even more confused now. “And why are you here? Do Joon did you invite him also? I thought I was only meeting your girlfriend.”

Jinki’s jaw tightened and a cold gleam flashed on his eyes. Lillie bit her lip nervously looking at him apologetically.

“I swear I didn't know. I was tricked.” She explained nervously grasping the napkin.

“Alright what is happening here?” Do Joon's mother stood up “What is Lillie talking about?!”

Do Joon rubbed his temple distressed that his lie was crumbling to pieces.

“Yes, Why don't you explain what I am doing here?!” Jinki calmly said looking blankly at Do Joon and Lillie.




“I'm sorry it took longer than I expected but I'm here now!” Kibum announced climbing up the stairs. He stood in the middle of the room with Comme Des and Garçon waving their tails around him. Jules was nowhere to be seen, an empty glass and a bottle of wine and a pot, probably with the ramen over the table, a small piece of paper over it. He grabbed the note she left.

“I made you the ramen and waited with a glass of wine. Sorry, I opened a bottle…

Since I had no idea when you would come back I decided to go home.

Love you.”

He sighed reading more in the words she wrote. She waited, got upset and left. He screwed up...again.

Kibum peeked inside the pot at the now soggy ramen.

She didn't even eat it. He picked up the bottle of wine, pouring it in the glass and drank it.




“Mother the truth is…”

“The truth is I was tricked coming here, we are not…”

Do Joon interrupted Lillie before she confessed” Actually the truth is quite funny. Lillie had the party today, the one I told you about, and I asked Onew, which is a good friend of mine, to pick her up since he is also going to the party. Lillie was tricked coming here, you see, as a surprise..because ahh...she didn't know you wanted to meet her…”

Do Joon finished his ridiculous explanation and then looked at Jinki. Lillie wanted to step away from the middle of both men, fearing that Jinki’s fierce expression would turn into something physical but that was also the reason why she couldn't move at all.

“The truth….” Lillie tried to say again, wanting to finish that lie once and for all but Jinki touched her arm stopping her.

“That's the truth.” He said smiling politely at Do Joon’s mother. “I only came to pick up Lillie.”

Lillie widened her eyes and stared at Jinki surprised. Wasn't he the one who wanted that lie to end? What was he doing?!

“Thank you.” Do Joon said sitting at the table again. His mother did the same, still seeming not totally convinced and Lillie moved her hands nervously not sure what to do.

“Maybe you can stay for a little bit before going?” Do Joon’s mother suggested pointing at the chair on the other side of Lillie for Jinki to sit.

“Sure, a few minutes. Thank you.” He sat down and Lillie nervously grabbed her glass of water to drink it.

“Well, this is not how I imagined that this dinner would go.” The older woman remarked, “So that's why you haven't started eating yet, are you having dinner at this party?!”

“Yes.” Jinki answered for Lillie and she nodded too.

“Oh, my son is such an idiot!” Jinki laughed and Dojoon frowned on the other side of Lillie “We should reschedule this for another day.”

Lillie sighed not wanting to go through that again. That actually reminded her of the awkward moment she shared with Jinki and Jin Ho when they met at a coffee shop. That wasn't that far from it, but this time it was with Jin Ho’s cousin. Why was that always happening to her?!

“Anyway, tell me more about yourself Lillie. We only have a few minutes but I really want to know about how you win my son's heart. I know many tried and failed.”

“Well...I…” She was afraid to even peek at Jinki.

“We started working together.” Do Joon helped out “And she is so hardworking, has such a lovely heart that it is hard not to fall for her.” He placed a hand over Lillie’s on the table and she blinked her eyes and looked at Jinki swallowing hard.

He pressed his lips together and rubbed his nose with the back of his hand before placing it on his lap “She is quite naive too and doesn't know how to say no to other people's requests, which makes her fall into all kind of weird infuriating situations but also makes her very charming.” He added grabbing her free hand under the table so that Do Joon’s mother wouldn't notice.

“Oh, you are close?” the woman asked, confused that her son's friend was also praising Lillie.

“They are good friends.” Do Joon explained trying to save that lie that didn't seem to have any chance of surviving when both Lillie and Jinki weren't trying to keep it at all.

Lillie smiled at Jinki embarrassed and looked down at their holding hands under the table, over her lap.

It was insane how much chemistry they had and after the way Jinki spoke about her it would be hard to keep that ridiculous situation going. Why was even Jinki allowing it? Why didn't he say the truth?

“We should make a toast!” he suggested after a while.

“A toast?” Do Joon almost cried out.

“Today is a big day for me. The news of me dating came out.”

“Oh really? Isn't that a bad thing for idols?”

“Usually it is mother…” Do Joon explained. “But he was the one revealing it, well kinda.”

“Oh, I see. Let's toast to the lucky lady then.”

“Oh very lucky!” Jinki said, grabbing his glass of wine. All eyes fell on Lillie that didn't take hers, both her hands being held by the men beside her. She didn't hesitate and pulled her left hand from under Do Joon's and took the glass embarrassed.

“A toast to the lucky lady Onew is dating!”

“Yes, to my girlfriend, such a special lady that has many admirers!”

Do Joon almost choked on his wine and Jinki drank it victorious. Lillie looked at him with her cheeks red almost forgetting to drink her wine.

Do Joon’s mother laughed finding Jinki’s words funny. “Truly?”

“No, it's only one, he doesn't seem to realize how much she loves me.”

“I'm sure he knows!” Do Joon quickly added and Lillie saw herself leaning back on her chair so that both men could talk about Onew's girlfriend which was none other than her.

“He probably does and yet he is so envious of what I have with my girlfriend that he has to keep bothering her and asking her for favors!”

Lillie chuckled nervously “I’m sure he isn't envious of them. He isn't the kind to be envious…” She rubbed her neck. That was ridiculous, why were they discussing that as if they weren't the people involved in it “I - I...what are we doing?!” She looked at both men desperate, releasing Jinki’s hand and he swallowed hard knowing what she meant. He wanted to punish Do Joon entering the ridiculous roleplay but that was enough.

“He is envious though.” Do Joon confessed, “When he found out about a relationship that had gone through so much as if it was out of a romance novel, that still survived it all, he couldn't help but want to experience it too.” He his lips “Well that's what I suppose that happened.”

“This is surely not how envisioned this night to go!” Do Joon's mother repeated “But let's toast to that man also. May he find someone to love too!”

“Yes!” This time Lillie was the first one to grab her glass. She drank the wine in one go much to both men’s surprise and then stood up from her chair.

“I’m truly sorry for everything. But I'm done...I mean I must go.” She bowed politely at Do Joon’s mother and turned to Jinki that stood up too.

“Onew is taking me now!” She remarked grabbing his arm and pulling him with her but then stopped and turned to Do Joon’s mother again.

“You do seem like a really nice person and I'm sorry but ...I must go.”

She pulled Jinki again but he resisted clearing his throat, his eyes set on Do Joon.

“We have to talk!”

“Do you?” Lillie asked, her lips. Were they going to argue or something? Was he going to punch Do Joon again?!

“Yes, we must. Outside.”

Outside….was that a western or something?!

Do Joon stood up and after he told his mother to wait, which seemed perplexed with what she just witnessed, the three of them stepped outside.

Jinki gave Lillie the keys to his car. “It's over there.”

Her eyes moved from his car parked not far away and back at him “I'm not leaving you two alone.”

Jinki sighed “Yes you are because this conversation is between both of us. “

“But it's about me!”

“You don't have anything going on, you are only friends, right? That's clear for you, isn't it? I'm the one who has problems with it. Let me just settle this with Do Joon alone, as two men interested in the same women.”

“I'm not interested in her!”

Jinki growled at Do Joon “And yet you introduce her to your mother as your girlfriend!”

“You have a point there.” Do Joon admitted. “However…”

“However you keep asking my girlfriend to pretend to be your girlfriend and I have a problem with that!”

“Understandable!” Do Joon chuckled nervously.

Lillie blinked her eyes “You aren't going to…”

“We are not fighting Lillie. He is right. Let us talk alone.” Do Joon reassured her but still, Lillie tugged at the sleeve of Jinki’s coat.

“You trust me right? I’m not kicking his even though I truly feel like it! Trust me!” Jinki didn't even need to ask. She nodded and then walked to his car without looking back.

Maybe he was right, maybe it was time they had a serious conversation.

Fear came from the unknown. Know your threat and stop fearing it was the way to go.

She opened Jinki’s car and sat on the passenger's seat watching both men talk.

She chewed on the inside of her cheek nervously. She was on edge all day, everything seemed to happen in such a short period.

Pictures of her coming out on an article online, becoming the girlfriend of a famous person, meeting the mother of her fake boyfriend and having two interesting handsome men discussing their feelings for her. And she still has to have dinner with another famous singer.

Never in her wild imagination did she imagine a day like that.

Both men were still talking and that was taking longer than she expected. At least Jinki wasn't punching him and they didn't seem to be raising their voices which was good. For now...
I hope everyone is doing well and are healthy!
Here is another very late chapter...T__T
If you are still reading this thank you. We came a long way. From a one side love to a public relationship. I'm going to fast-forward things from now on. After all this story is called Marrying an Idol...so you know what I mean. XD There are still some stories to tell until then but we are closer to the end.
Love you. Take care of yourselves! <3
PS: I love how mature our couple became. 
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I forgot to say after chapter 18 but this chapter was dedicated to our Kibum! Please support his solo album! <3


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Chapter 36: Yay girls night!
Why does it seem minseo is scared because taemin is acting more loving toward her? Like it’s a bad thing. Oh. Is it a bad thing? No right?? Bc he loves her. Maybe feels guilty for meeting w Melody?

Hello jongie, I missed you ^^
Did he tell them already??
The suspense!! Haha. Ok it’s not Lillie.
Omg minseo??? Maybeeee
I’d love for it to be Rin tbh. The baby will still be healthy if she didn’t know and drank early in the pregnancy. But they would probably be super worried if it was Rin.
Hm I didn’t picture Jules with kids either but if it was with Kibum I think she would warm up to it. And they don’t have to rush in figuring it all out. Babies and marriage can just come if they are ready. I like that Jules is sure she needs marriage to be forever. She seems like such a free spirit but doesn’t take marriage lightly. I love their relationship.

Holy crap is it really minseo??
OMG RIA???? Haha jonghyun thinking Mr eye smile is Jinki.

Ok let’s get some stuff straightened out with Taemin please lol.
Am I weird bc I like that they are arguing lol. Sort of arguing. Well they’re talking honestly finally. Wait no they’re breaking up =[
What. I thought they would talk and work it out! I guess I was wrong. But I’m hoping for the best for minseo. She can’t catch a break =\

Do joon. Ah my do joon. I still really like him haha. He’ll be a cute dad who is learning day by day.

Ah what a fun chapter! Every couple in different stages of relationships.
Chapter 35: I have no idea what has been happening in this story lately but I suddenly missed your characters so here I am.
Ahh we are starting w Minho! Hehe. Omg I love sodam. She’s provoking him to tell the truth >_<
YAAAAAA a real kiss!! Minho is in trouble now. He can’t run away.. right??
Omg Minho just confessing his love like that.
I cry they’re finally together!!

Jinki and Lillie are so cute I can’t stand it haha. Car stuff.. brings back memories of my early relationship LOL.

I almost forgot who jimin is. I do remember I don’t trust her either lol. I’m always on Jules side hehe.

Hm.. Minhee.. why is she still there lol.

Ah thats the end. But yay I’m not caught up and I have more to read.

I’ve missed you Lili!! It so hard to keep up with anything on my phone while doing life stuff lol.
2026 streak #3
Chapter 15: Minho and Taemin's interaction was nice and it was for the best that Taemin stopped Minho from talking to Minseok. That was a smart move. Also, Kibum was the best at reading the people and handling things that way. I'm not sure if it's good thing for that friend to have her attention in this way. Nonetheless, they are just extras in the story. So I know I shouldn't care much. And for Lillie and Jinki, they were cute. Their date at the baseball and everything. Talking about Lillie, one can't be that clueless. Even I, who haven't been to Korea even once know the meaning of "Ramyeon meokgo gallae?" slang. So it's kinda too unnatural that she didn't know of it even after living there for years. Only that part I kinda couldn't agree with. And talking of the slang, at least Will had the decency of retreating like a gentleman, even though his initial approach was anything but being a gentleman. Also, her manager . That guy is creepy as hell. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 14: Kibum and Taemin trying to cheer up Minho like that was the sweetest! Also, Jonghyun's a cute brother, being worried about his sister like that. And Jules is coming back soon? Yay!! Also, what's up with that Half-Korean guy from Sweden. He was kinda hitting on her, wasn't he? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 13: Aw poor Minho! I mean I really can't accept what Eunha did and I'm not even Minho biased. Her doing whatever it takes to climb up the ladder is, although I don't support it, still all her personal belief. But cheating on your boyfriend for it is a totally different thing. No excuses at all for it. Her breaking up with him directly would probably have hurt him less than this. Anyway, you living out your kinks through Jinki and Lillie though! I'm starting to have no words to comment on the bunnies anymore. And I miss Jules for some reason. I will be back later to read more!
2026 streak #6
Chapter 12: you might probably come and finish me for saying this, somehow I'm starting to ship and root for Taemin and Minseo more than the main pair. lol... These two are simply so cute. Taemin's and Kibum's interaction was kinda funny. and Do Joon annoying Jinki is totally another story. here's just me hoping he wouldn't end up buried under somewhere with the extreme of his jokes. lol. Also, i'm glad Minho is finally doubting about Eunha and that Jonghyun was with him when it happened. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 11: I'm glad Taemin and Minseo are finally getting somewhere. Hopefully they get to resolve them soon. They are cute together. I don't know what happened between Jonghyun and Rin but I think it's good that they made up? I know I'm here because of Jinki and Lillie but these days it's the other couples I'm here more for I think. LoL... Guess I enjoy drama more than lovey-dovey/spicy romance. And Bummie curled up on Jules sweater because he missed her is so cute. Last but not least, Eunha is really something. I mean whatever kinks she has, it's totally up to her but cheating is a whole different thing. Can't justify it for any reason/cause. Anyway, I will be back later to read more.
2026 streak #8
Chapter 10: There were to many cute moments in this chapter indeed... Lillie and Jinki were cute and hornby too. LoL... And Jules and Key finally resolved their misunderstanding. And Kibummie is sooo cute. Hopefully he(?) soon develops a bond with Jules soon. I mean she's already jealous that he got along well with Lillie and Jinki but not her. Also, Do Joon is funny. I mean him teasing her like that even in front of Jinki is kinda ask for a death wish. LoL... Also, wonder how things are gonna go better Taemin and Minseo. And I don't know how I feel about Eunha. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 9: First of all, I'm glad they are back together finally. But I'm worried about your a/n. What do you mean by little bumps? NVM, no spoilers please... and although I'm unsure of the method Kibum decided to take to console Jules. Can't wait to see how that goes. Hopefully not bad. Also, Minseo should start being to herself about her feelings even though I understand where she's coming from. And whoa! Definitely wasn't expecting that turn of events for Eun Ha and that ert senior. Not sure if I should feel relieved that he was being honest and also sincere about what he's expecting. Anyway, so much happened. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #10
Chapter 8: Jules and Key fighting like that... I really hope things would get better between them soon. Main Lillie should intervene or something like she was thinking. And whoa! Dojoon and Lillie went beyond what I expected but the turn of the events later wasn't expected either. Jonghyun and Jinki were being cute together as well. And when Lillie pulled the reverse Uno card on Minseo, I laughed a bit. Also, Eunha should really do something about that creepy sunbae. I mean that's definitely not a message a rational person/friend would send. Kinda sent me shivers while reading it. I wasn't expecting Jinki's mother to react like that to Lillie being back in Korea. I mean she saw firsthand how much Jinki suffered when Lillie broke off with him. So if kinda came as a surprise. Anyway, I'm glad that they got back together finally after all that drama. Also, the cartoon pic at the end of the chapter is cute. But the red scarf kinda reminds of the drama Goblin. LoL... I will be back later to read more ^^