Part Time Lover(8)

SaiDa: Compilation of Stories
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The prom day


She's applying some make up for last minute touch while waiting for her prom date to pick her up. She took a glance at the clock and it shows that it's 15 minutes before 8pm. The prom will start at 8.30 so she's quite early. She didn't know why she feel a little nervous while waiting. Her hands can't stay still, she always find herself brushing some compact powder to her face, or adjusting her hair, she fixing her dress, checking stuff inside her pouch. Anything but stay still.


A knocking sound can be heard from her room. Her heart beating faster now. She knows who's here. She check her phone, and she gets a message with a misscall coming from the same person.


"Sana, she's here." Nayeon popped up, peeking from the door. 


"Please tell her to wait up for a minute. Last minute checking." She said. Her housemate nodded and disappear.


"This is it Sana. The last day. The moment of truth." 


She look at herself once again in front of the mirror. Staring looking and judging her outfit and appearance from head to toes. A simple white dress which exposing her right shoulder, and the length is just nice covering her slim body until above her knee, showing off her perfect thin waist, along with a silver sparkling high heels.


The dress was picked by Dahyun, and paid by Dahyun. Which she strongly disagree and she reminded her about the agreement but Dahyun still with her point that she can change the agreement plus Dahyun said, she will never let her paid anything. She sigh.


Why Dahyun always being sweet and make her fall harder when she's supposedly not to?


She step out from the room, and head straight to the main door. She can see Nayeon talking to someone, Dahyun as she assume and when Nayeon turn around, there she can see Dahyun in black dress with lacey patern at her sleeves, so she can barely see Dahyun's arm up until her shoulder, knee length, and paired with black high heels.


This is the first time she witness Dahyun in that kind of dress, and she's stunned with Dahyun's beauty that was enhanced with simple and light make up, and her smoky eyes.


She's beautiful.


"Hello there, pretty lady." Dahyun greet her, making her blushing slightly.




"You're so beautiful." Dahyun compliment her as she kiss her hand, a habit that Dahyun said she can't help it.


"Same goes with you." They smiled.


"Have fun, guys. And Dahyun, please return our Sana safely, okay?" Nayeon interrupted them. Dahyun giggled beautifully.


"Sure, Nayeon. Don't worry. Sana is too precious for me. I won't let anything happen to her. Never."


"Aww, you're so sweet. You're lucky to have her, Sana." Nayeon said to her. She just smile bitterly and nod.


"Let's go, Dahyun." She said. Dahyun take her hand and they walk together, hand in hand. And Dahyun's eyes never look away from

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I already fixed the link for Married [Part 13]. sorry for taking a long time to fix it T_T anyway, stream TT !


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allanis #1
Chapter 56: How can I open married (13) scene?
TwiceDonkey #2
Chapter 67: I cried reading this.
67 streak #3
Will re-read this little by little again. This is one of the original saida fanfics to ever exist. Very memorable and fun times when sprites were still a small community. Look how far we've come.
Chapter 116: Ahh I need more updates on this collection it’s been an amazing journey🥰🥰🥰

(Also if we could get a sequel for this chapt🤩👀)
Chapter 9: 😭
Chapter 2: I was like oh jeongyeon is in a relationship with sana..? Then the oH dropped 🤧🤧
Twice_bibimbap #7
Chapter 63: This is AU is too cutee and fluffy aaaaaaaahh imma die!
Twice_bibimbap #8
Chapter 79: Whyyy?? ㅠㅠ
Woah I remember this compilation... One of the first
Chapter 50: Wow! Surtando tipo muito!!!!