Kurogane Art Studio ♠ Graphic Shop ♠ Status: UNDECIDED. PM IF NEED

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- Kurogane Art Studio -

1. I'm a sensitive, grumpy and definitely not a nice person. I'm not rude, but I always sound rude and mean. So, read and understand the shop's status, the info, the rules and follow them.

2. I DON'T take a request for birght/ funny /happy poster. 

I DON'T take a request for more than 2 characters poster. 1 group is NOT ONE PERSON. I don't care if the group motto is 'we are one'. If that group have 100 people in it, its 100 people. Not 1.  

I DON'T take a request that need a pic of half- boy, so, if your story is about striper-dancer or you-know-what-i-mean-and-what-you-need, its better you ask someone else.

I DON'T redo. Unless I'm in the mood to redo my work or you have good explanation to ask for a redo.

DON'T ask me to watch this video or that video. NO, I DON'T watch any video. I don't keep up with kpop. Even my fav band I only listen to the song but already stopped watching their video. If I use wrong characters, let me know because I don't keep up with these kpop idols. I don't know 99% of them. 

For OC character, let me know who you want me to represent your OC. If you don't mind anyone, tell me you don't mind anyone. Don't just tell me your OC has blue eyes without telling me who he/she look like. Unless you want Blue Eyes White Dragon in your poster, then you can do that. My imagination and your imagination are different.  

I DON'T take request for children's poster unless there's adult with him/her. It make me feel like I'm a Pedo. Can ask or show me first who I consider as 'children'.

I'm listening if you have something to say about all above. If you don't say anything but still send request consist of all above, oh boy, I'm sure you going to have trauma requesting poster in any shop after this. why? read info no 1. 

My background mostly black and it's ok if you don't use it.

3. Don't try to rush or pressure me. If you don't like my poster, say it right away and tell me why. I'll try to redo it.  Don't keep silent, not using it, 'kiss-' and judge me later. I'm zero given even if you are featured author or the most rich-famous author here. 

4. I'm not a pro designer or an Art student. So, don't judge or compare my work with other people. If you want a redo, explain why and give me a good reason.

5. Sometimes, my art /poster could be random. I might not use any real ‘human’/your idol’s pic sometimes. Deal with it.

6. Believe in me and respect my works. But, don't expect too much. Just enough.

7. Got a problem or question? Comment here or pm me. No bashing.


1 Subscribe And Upvote. Please subscribe and upvote if you request. I don't post in feed, msg in wall or pm once the request finish. After a week if no pick up, the poster will be delete. I don't take any payment but many people had taken my work lightly. So, upvote is the paidment. Upvote if it is the first time you send the request. After that, you can request as many time as you like but please mention in the comment you had sent request and upvote. 

2. Credit. Credit me in your description/ forewords with the banner/my name/shop's name and link it to this shop. Current banner kinda big, resize it or ask me for a small size one.

3. Comment. Leave a comment saying you had request and upvote after you submit the request form, so I would know you requested. If I don't respond, that's mean there's something wrong with your request form. Leave feedback after pick up to notify me that you had picked up and help me improve.

4. Time. Depend on the real-life issue, work or mood, I could take 3 days to 1 month to finish your request. I have another obsession and 'mind block' too. If you think it's too long and want to cancel your request, leave a comment here or pm me.

5. Duration. You have 1 week to pick up the poster stating the date I post your poster. Use the poster at least 2 weeks starting from the day you pick up.

6. Shop. Currently, I only accept 3 requests at a time because if you can't wait, you can go request at other shops. Once you have sent the request here, you cannot request at other shops until I finish with yours and you had use mine at least 2 weeks. 

7. Draft. For me, draft story mean any story that not yet been post/publish. I don't accept draft story because I no longer believe the author would post the story (you can blame on all those authors that broke my trust since the day I start this shop). Convince me that you would post your story and use my poster if you still want to request for your draft story. I'll be waiting.

8. Request Form. Click the yellow words. Please check and read carefully everything when you fill in the request form. If you did it wrong or I think you didn't read the info and rules, its either I don't respond to your or you will get 'rude' response. Let me know if the link didn't work.

9. Info and Rules. Read info and rules. Please remember them too when you fill the request form.I know when you don't read them because my info and rules are different.

+ BANNER (Let me know if you want a small size or link.)





Shop Status:
Open & Accepting - Shop open,accepting request.
Finishing - Shop open,NOT accepting requesting until all request in the list are done.
Revamp - Shop under revamping,accepting request.BUT only would work on it after done with revamping..
Close - Shop is close.PM if still need.


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737 streak #1
Chapter 400: I love it, it's exactly how I had imagined it and I love the combination of colors! 👌😉 So hard to choose! You did an amazing job! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

And no need to apologize. ^^
737 streak #2
I made a request! ^^
737 streak #3
Chapter 398: Chapter 398: I actually love all three of them! Also, don't apologize! It's okay :D

Ah, sorry, my mistake about that! Won't happen again, but thank you once again for the great posters!
Chapter 397: Hello! Thank you for your hard work! Don't be intimidated by the number of subs. Lol. I think the posters look great although they might be too dark for the fanfic? Lol. I'm not sure if they fit well as well. I do like the second poster. It's a good depiction of good and bad Sehun. The 3rd one isn't bad either. I'll have to see which I like best. Thanks again!
Chapter 397: Wow, they are awesome!!!
737 streak #6
The request is sent! ^^
737 streak #7
Chapter 395: Thank you so much! I actually love all three of them so it's hard to choose, so I will probably display them as well. ^^

I will probably choose the second one to be the main poster, but as I said, all three are great!

You did a fantastic job and I hope your vacation will be great :D
737 streak #8
Hello! ^^

I have already upvoted and I have sent a request! I hope it gets accepted! Thank you!
Chapter 394: OMG thank you thank you thank you Kuro!!!! *hugs* I absolutely love all of them T^T All of these posters are perfect and I love all of them!!! <3 My absolute favorite is the first poster but all of them are so creative and very awesome to look at! I can tell you put a lot of effort into each of them, and as usual, I genuinely appreciate you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to create these for me :) You are so awesome!!! I wish I was talented to create a work of art like this T^T Thank you so much!!! You did not disappoint!!!
Chapter 393: The posters are amazing istg ❤️ and they match perfectly with my Story. Will use both in turns. Thank you so much!