Stupid is as Stupid Does

The Unfortunate Series of Jung Hoseok

Hoseok being his stupid self


Hoseok is not avoiding his friends. He's just avoiding her. But he is avoiding his friends as well since the said girl, the affection of his heart are friends with his own circle of friends.

It's been a month since he went to their biweekly dinner. The first two times was easy to excuse himself from attending. He just gave them the lame excuse of practicing for his showcase and also the choreography for the rookie group debut. But the third time he bails, they're having a hard time believing him because Jimin is part of the damn showcase, but he's not attending extra practice with him. The fourth dinner he had skipped out, he just gave the lame excuse of "I need to perfect the choreography. They're going to debut soon." He can practically hear Jin rolling his eyes through the phone. "Don't be stupid. I know this is about Ara and her friend, Aiken. Jimin said you already perfected the choreography for the showcase and also the rookie group. Come to dinner tonight, Hoseok. Tae misses you. We all misses you." of course Hoseok being Hoseok, he skipped out on their dinner.

This all started a month ago, when Ara brings her handsome Eurasian friend, Aiken Park Jae Seung to their biweekly dinner. He just move to Seoul after spending all his life in London. "Wanting to get to know my Korean heritage" he said in his accented Korean. They both looks so chummy and whispering in each other ears that makes Hoseok sees green. He thought all his subtle flirting (or so he thinks) is working because Ara is laughing and smiling shyly, sometimes blushing when he subtly (or so he thinks) touch her hands, brush her hair or just simply looking at her. But he guess he's fooling himself. So the logical thing he can think about is avoiding her, thus avoiding his friends in the process.

He's been contemplating on skipping again tonight and spending a sad, lonely dinner with a take out and a repeat  of Criminal Minds. He was closing up his studio when he notices someone sitting in the lobby. "Excuse me, we are closing... Ara?" The girl, goddess, angel that stole his heart is there, sitting on the couch looking beautiful as the first time he had seen her in the elevator. "Hey, Hobi. Wanna grab dinner with me?" Since his brain had short circuited because, hello, the love of his life is here, asking him to go to dinner with her, he just give her a terse nod. The walk to his favorite restaurant is quiet and a bit awkward. After nth time of their hand bumping into each other, Ara heaves a sigh and slid her fingers into his hand. Holy mother of... Abort! Abort! Abort! "I miss you." Her whisper is soft just like the evening breeze but Hoseok heard her loud and clear. He clears his throat and squeeze her hand and say, "I miss you too."

Dinner was quiet. Hoseok doesn't know how to breach the question. He wonders what she's doing here instead of spending time with Aiken. His mind is full of why, why, why, why. "So, are you avoiding us, me, avoiding me because of Aiken?" Okay, this is it. This is the moment where she's said she's marrying Aiken and moving to London and...

"No. Why would you think that?" Ara snorted. So not lady-like, mind you. "Yeah. Then why do you skipped out on eight dinner plans?" He shrugs. "I have to practice for the showcase, and do the choreography for the new group." "Then why didn't Jimin practice with you? Isn't he part of the showcase as well? Aren't you two a duo?" Hello, ladies and gentlemen, Detective Areum in the house. "What are you doing here, Ara? Why are you not with Aiken?" Okay, do not stare like that. "Sometimes you're so stupid, Hoseok. We're not like that, Aiken and I. Besides, he likes someone else." Wait, what? "What?" "He likes someone else and he does not play for our team. Anyway, I'm interested with this guy, hot, great body, but a bit dense." God, her lips are so tempting and it is so, so, so close. Hoseok blinks. "Who?" She just smiles and then her lips is tempting him and so close and the next thing he knows is the soft tempting lips is pressing on his and he can hear the bells of heaven ringing and fireworks in the back of his mind. "Like I said, hot, great body, but a bit dense." After spending time exchanging soft kisses, they talked about the misunderstanding. Aiken likes someone else and Ara have been developing an interest towards him. Hoseok admits to being stupid and Ara agrees wholeheartedly. 

They decide to go to Jin's house because they can still make it in time for dessert. Also because Hoseok feels like he should apologize to them for avoiding them. When they arrived at Jin's apartment, he saw Aiken pressing someone into the wall and exchanging spit with "Taehyung?". The two of them jumped away from each other as though they have been electrocuted. "Hobi! Err... Aiken just leaving. Say bye, Aiken." Hoseok couldn't help gaping at Taehyung. Ara just had an amused smile playing on her lips. "So, what did I miss?" Taehyung only can shrug and said, "Apparently, a lot." Huh.

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