Chapter Seventeen

Million Dollar Boy
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Jongin is besieged with elation, eyes never straying away from Sehun's face. The way his nose scrunches up while he releases that adorable laughter of his stirs all the butterflies in Jongin's stomach to life. They can still feel the remnants of adrenaline rushing through their veins after racing with the ghosts from the horror booth.

"Uh, what's the next booth?" Sehun awkwardly coughs, coming down from his high. Jongin just remains smiling at him like the head over heels idiot that he is. Sehun admits that was surprisingly fun, even though he ran around screaming half of the time (and that Jongin stepped over his foot a lot of times).

Snapping out of his reverie, Jongin fishes out their list from his back pocket, hoping his cheeks aren't that red. But it's impossible not to blush with Sehun's eyes staring at him. "—"

Jongin suddenly cuts his words short. His eyes bulge out the final booth listed on the paper and he rereads it one more time, just to make sure his eyes aren't messing with him. His heart begins to do somersaults as he gnaws on his lower lip, Sehun waiting beside him with questioning brows raised. "...marriage booth."

Sehun's brows knit in between. He didn't quite hear that clearly. "Huh?"

"I-It's…marriage booth..." Jongin slightly raises his voice. He feels like shrinking into a dust that is invisible to the eye.

Sehun's face falls at that. Annoyance unfurls within him but strangely, Jongin isn't the subject of it. Heechul's smug and unattractive face comes into his mind the first thing.

Well, getting mad because of a stupid thing tells Sehun that it's just a waste of his energy. Marriage booth is only a booth, right? What could possibly go wrong? "Come on, let's get this over with."

Jongin is right. This will really disappoint him heaps when it's over. Is it so bad to hope for time to extend so they could be together for a little longer? After all, this won't happen in the future anymore.

Smile dwindling, Jongin starts walking side by side with Sehun to reach their final destination. All around, students are still having the time of their lives, gleefully hanging out with their friends and special someone. Judging by the darkening color of the sky, the fair is about to end soon. It will be the last day tomorrow and after that, they will be back to being occupied with studies again because finals are nearing and the school term is about to reach its end.

Jongin wishes this day won't stop. This is the happiest he has been since he can remember.

While they walk, the back of their hands often brush against each other. Surprisingly, Sehun doesn't feel grossed out by this setting. Going seven months back, maybe he'd even throw a tantrum and run amok for getting stuck with Jongin. But now, he feels strangely at ease. Jongin isn't that bad of a companion. To be honest, the kid has been consistently entertaining him without knowing it for the past hour that they have been booth hopping, especially earlier when Jongin struggled to play 'toss the ring'. His frustration was highly amusing.

It isn't that long before they find their last booth. The Marriage Booth is exactly what Sehun's imagined it to be: all mawkish and tacky. The stall is glittered with hearts and arrows and all that one would generally see during Valentine's day. The queue is consisted of nothing but—surprise, surprise—sappy couples ardently waiting to declare their sham wedding vows. Sehun scoffs.

Jongin gradually grows anxious while waiting for their turn. Numerous eyes are intrusively pinned on him and Sehun and if it doesn't get any worse, he can hear their low murmurs too. Someone even mistook him for being Luna and thought she and Sehun got back together.

They are mostly curious about his identity, wondering who in the world is he and why is he lining up with Oh Sehun in a booth meant only for couples. Jongin throws Sehun a furtive glance, checking to see if the older has caught up to the unwanted attention yet. It seems that Sehun is turning a blind eye to them. Maybe I should do the same...

As the line slowly advances, Sehun tries not to gag at the couples pronouncing their cheesy love for each other. His dull expression is a stark contrast to Jongin's awed one. The younger boy's face is shrouded with a dreamy expression and he personally thinks slipping plastic wedding rings is the sweetest thing ever.

Can anyone ever blame him for being a hopeless romantic, honestly...

When it is finally his and Sehun's turn, Jongin lays out their collected materials in front of the booth manager before they could say anything. "E-Excuse me, um...we were told give you these in exchange for a key...?"

The booth manager, an eccentrically dressed gay 'priest' wearing exaggeratedly long lashes, takes a single glimpse of the things on the table before he peers at Sehun rather coquettishly. "Oh yes, Oh Sehun and Kim Jongin...hmm...Heechul-ssi really did do our agreement, I see..."

"What agreement?" Sehun demands.

"It's not a big deal, really. I just helped lure in some prisoners to their booth and so in return, he'll give me a few couples for my booth. You're the last couple to arrive, by the way."

Jongin blubbers at that. "But you're mistaken, w-we're not a couple..."

"I know, darling," The guy throws Jongin a whimsical wink. "I don't think Mr. Oh here is ready to date again just yet, are you?"

Instead of answering, Sehun just gives the guy a pointed glare, as if to say he should mind his own business. Nonetheless, the guy still beams at the duo. "Well, you've done a good job collecting all these goodies. I have your key here in my pocket."

"Then give it to us," Sehun snaps, impatient. The guy holds his hands up in a playful surrender.

"Nuh uh uh! You still have one task to do before you obtain this key." Then, the guy turns to his two assistants, smiling at them as a signal. Immediately, the two girls separate and saunter behind both Jongin and Sehun. Jongin barely comprehends his vision blurring when a wispy piece of white fabric is thrown over his head, marginally concealing his face underneath. Sehun barely has any time to react as well before a bow tie is strapped around his neck. Jongin's heart goes on a rampage the moment everything dawns on him.

Oh my God...this is...Jongin's eyes are massive as he looks at Sehun, who is looking back at him with bewilderment. The guy in front of them cackles in glee.

"Wait, what the hell is this?" Sehun mutters, shooting the guy a glare. Said guy returns it, but with a wide beam instead.

"As I said earlier, Heechul and I have an agreement, right? You two will only be able to get your key if you help this booth earn points. Which basically means, you have to marry each other!"

Jongin wants to faint. Marry each other. Hah. How ironic. Everyone would have a field day once they find out that he and Sehun are actually engaged to be married.

"I didn't sign up for this ," Sehun's furrowed brow indicates that he is beyond unimpressed. Jongin wants to disappear behind his veil.

"Oh, don't be such a party-pooper, Sehun-ssi!" The guy pouts. "Don't you want to get this done and over with? All you have to do is recite these vows and you're free!"

Sehun presses him with a dark stare, still unconvinced.

"Come on, Sehun-ssi," The guy smirks. "I don't get why you don't want to do this? After all, this isn't real."

Ow. That stings. Jongin pensively muses, a little pout forming on his lips. Reality really loves slapping him in the face every chance it gets, huh?

Sehun holds the guy's eyes for a few more beats, before he sighs in resignation. He looks back at Jongin, who in turn glances away, unable to handle the pressure of Sehun's dark eyes staring down at him.

, this is awkward. Sehun feels like punching someone. The guy claps his hands, a delighted smile crossing his face.

"Okay! Sehun-ssi, hold Jongin-ssi's hands if you please," The guy smiles. Sehun rolls his eyes and takes Jongin's hands in his, causing the younger boy to almost chokes on nothing. Is this seriously happening? "Just say the words written on this paper while you slip the wedding ring on your bride, Sehun-ssi."

Jongin is torn between laughing and running away at the mention of him being the 'bride'. Well, figures since I'm shorter and I'm wearing girl clothes and I'm the one wearing the veil and asdfghjkl I can't believe this is happening.

Sehun throws the guy another nasty look again, but the other is unfazed. Sehun glances down at the paper held out in front of him, brows furrowing. This is ridiculous.

"I, Sehun, take you, Jongin, to be my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." Sehun drones impassively, not having any difficulty of speaking his vows.

Jongin, on the other hand, can't even breathe regularly as Sehun slips the plastic wedding band on his ring finger. Funny how he has an actual engagement ring in possession, which is just kept somewhere back in his room. His thoughts are short-circuiting and his emotions are bursting and attacking him.

"Jongin-ssi? Your turn."

Jongin might as well swallow his tongue whole the moment the paper gets held out before him. He doesn't know if Sehun has already noticed the slightest of tremors from his hand and the crimson shading his whole face up to the roots of his hair.

First, Chanyeol kissed him. It wasn't that much of a kiss, but Chanyeol still kissed him.

And now, Sehun's marrying him. It's not real, but still. Sehun's marrying him.

This day—these two best friends—is going to be the death of him.

"I-I, J-Jongin...take you, S-Sehun, to be--to be my..." Jongin gulps closing his eyes. God, I'm stuttering so much. Hopefully, Sehun won't see how flushed and nervous he is (even though he practically sounds on the verge of crying). This is so embarrassing. "my w-wedded...Husband—" oh my god. "—to have and to hold...f-from this day forward, for b-better o-or for worse, for richer or...or for poorer, in sickness an-and in health, t-to love and to cherish, till...till us part."

Die, Jongin, die!!! Jongin mentally screams, slowly melting as he slips the ring on Sehun's finger. He's unaware of the students forming a crowd around the marriage booth in order to witness such a rare scene of Oh Sehun declaring wedding vows with someone. After all, over the years Sehun has studied on this campus, and past all the girlfriends he had, never did he once even try going to the marriage booth.

Their priest grins saccharinely, eyes gleaming. Sehun purses his lips shut, arching a brow at the little ministrations and other nuptial mumbo jumbos the guy is rambling. Jongin's eyes are glued to the ground and he's trying so hard not to freak out with the way Sehun's hands hold his. This is too much for him.

This day, generally, is too much for him to take.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" The priest—or is it priestess—chirps happily, earning him a dark glower from Sehun.

"Is that even necessa—"

"Hush, groom. Do not ruin the wedding." The priest holds a hand up to silence Sehun. "You're only a step away from possessing your key!"

Sehun huffs. This is the dumbest thing he's ever done in his whole life. He has been shunning the inflating crowd around them since he and Jongin got to this stupid booth but honestly, he just wants to yell, 'ing scram!' to all these nosy idiots.

Jongin is inwardly hyperventilating. He just had his first kiss today, don't tell him Sehun is going to take the second one? This is too ing much—

Jongin in an audible breath when Sehun lifts his veil, allowing him to see his face clearly once again. Their eyes clash and Jongin swears for a moment, Sehun actually looks nervous.

He's not really going to kiss him, is he?

As Sehun bends forward, Jongin shuts his eyes tight and holds his breath. He was expecting a pair of lips to cover his own much like what Chanyeol did to him earlier (he's still not over that) but instead, he feels the warmth of Sehun's lips softly press on his forehead. His heart stops and his whole body shudders. He rarely cusses but—


He has been waiting for this since he began to like Oh Sehun. Even though the other kissed him not on the lips, to Jongin, it still feels absolutely surreal. This kiss has paralyzed him from his mind down to his heart. It's surprising how Sehun's kiss contrasts Chanyeol's so much.

The all-familiar high-pitched squeals he heard hours before pulls Jongin back to the awful reality. He snaps his eyes open, finding Sehun already leaning away from him. Sehun nonchalantly yanks the key from the gawking priest's hand, unlocking their handcuffs. At the click of it, Jongin feels his chest tighten. Breathing evenly does nothing to pacify the knots in his stomach.

Stupefied, Jongin helplessly watches Sehun take his leave. The crowd around them stares after his trail, perplexed. And as they disperse, some finally recognize Jongin as the one who Chanyeol kissed earlier.

Jongin knows the word will spread before the day's over. He's going to brace himself for whatever he might hear from the students tomorrow.

"Interesting," the priest remarks after recovering from his utmost disappointment that Sehun didn't kiss Jongin on the lips. Jongin looks at him, his confused expression saying it all. "Darling, I know for a fact that you're a boy but if you must know, you look very lovely."

The compliment quickly brings a blush on Jongin's cheeks. The smile on the guy's face broadens as he holds Jongin's hand. He heard what the other students said, about Chanyeol kissing Jongin. "What's even lovelier though, is you getting stuck between two walls."

"And I wonder…which wall are you going to push away?"

Jongin's eyebrows knit in confusion. What was that? The other's words are all greek to him.

The guy cradles the younger boy's cheeks, a mysterious glimmer present in his dark orbs.

"Choose wisely, darling."


Now that he's done showering and is all tucked into his bed, gazing at his ceiling, does only Jongin realize how strenuous this day overall was.

“Don’t tell me you think Sehun’s forehead kiss was much better than Chanyeol sunbae’s? It’s an outrage if you do, I tell you!”

“Why are you so eager about this?” Jongin’s sigh is b over with resignation. His best friend has been asking him nonstop about what happened earlier between him and Sehun.<

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Heyyy y’all! Yes im still alive and no, i havent forgotten about this story. I know i said i would update (and that was LAST YEAR holy 😅) Im really sorry for making you guys wait but your girl’s gotta study OTL. Anyways just hang in there, i wont abandon MDB. ill be back soon! 😘


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Chapter 39: Just had to re-read this entire story. Hahahhaa in 2024. I miss this story. <3
970 streak #2
Chapter 39: Yay! They finally said that L word!
This story could actually end here!
Yet, there is still an unfinished business with Junmyeon and Heyjin.
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Chapter 36: WT ... Chanyeol had more kisses with Jongin! That isn't fair!
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Chapter 32: qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,./qwertyuiopsdfghjkl;xcvbnm,!!!!
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Chapter 30: Another kiss and it is still not Sehun!
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Chapter 27: What was that? There was no kiss!
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Chapter 25: Chanyeol has always been a kind hyung even if had had flashes of admiration for the young Jongin! But now, with the more mature Jongin, he sure is getting in.
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nurulhuda #10
I hope it will be updated huhu