The Bear & Her Rabbit

I Will Catch You




"And that's how 🐻🐰 lived happily~

#ImprovedALot #Let'sTryBikingNext

#YouCanDoIt #Today'sDiary #End😂

Thanks 🐧"

Translated By: oven1408






“Are you sure?”




“Yes Seul, just go have fun!”




After a quick break to grab a pair of gloves for Seulgi, the two returned to the rink again, Irene confident enough to move away from the railing. Like the thoughtful leader she always is, she insisted for Seulgi to go for solo rounds, to enjoy the speed like how the latter takes joy in. 




She fished out her cellphone, aiming right at the human bear who was still hesitating about making a move. 




“Seulgi, go..”




“Don’t go anywhere without me, okay?”




Irene pressed her lips together, cocking her head aside.




“I’m not Kim Yuna, alright? I barely left the railing so where can I go?”




Seulgi controlled her laughter at the sarcasm, sticking her tongue out at her companion who once again readied the camera. With a ghostly smile, she waved to Irene before turning around, about to speed off into the empty space.




Irene snickered at the way Seulgi pulled her slightly baggy pants, wondering how can her twenty-two years old member be so heart-flutteringly adorable.




Yet seconds into her train of thoughts, her heart was beating fast for another reason. 




Seulgi’s receding back got further away from her at such a high speed, she could feel the mild wind when the girl left.




The back view was incredibly dashing and she bit herself on the inner cheek, sight following wherever the figure skated to. 




“Is there anything you can’t do, Kang Seulgi…?”




She muttered under her breath, mesmerised by the skills of Seulgi.




They may be far apart at that moment but the smile Seulgi was wearing, one that could put the sun to shame for its brightness,  effortlessly caught Irene’s attention. 




Sighing dreamily, she continued to watch the young one spun around, weaving through the clueless crowd, then headed back for her. Mindlessly responding back to the wave she was receiving, her feet swayed against her will.




“Oh no, oh no no no!”




Stumbling about, Irene was almost sure and prepared to feel her bum get icy, wet and painful but instead, she collided into a pair of arms that she recognised instantly even without having to look. 




“Are you okay?”




Her body shuddered involuntarily at the breath exhaling by her ear, movement felt against the shell made none other than Seulgi’s lips.




Swallowing hard to hide the nervousness at their proximity, Irene stuttered.




“Yeah, yeah I’m okay. T-Thanks..”




If she didn’t know better, she would like to believe that Seulgi possessed supernatural power because she swore the girl was originally so distant from her but the next second, she was right there to catch Irene, just like she said she would. 




“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have left.” 




“Why are you even apologising, silly.”




Seulgi pulled a glove off to grip Irene better, skating them to the side again. 




“Your hand is so cold!”




Irene acted nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders. Pulling out the other one too, Seulgi put them on for her leader.




“I don’t know how you take good care of us all the time but never doing the same for yourself.” 




Seulgi stared disapprovingly when Irene tried to withdraw away.




“Let me take care of you today, Hyun. Keep them on okay?”




Obviously no wasn’t even an option as answer, so Irene merely blinked while feeling warm spread across her stiff fingers. Her heart too, was heating up at the tenderness of Seulgi’s touches. 




“You look like a baby!”




Seulgi cooed as she skated backwards again, this time her turn to film her twenty-six years old, fully grown leader, bending slightly to hold onto the penguin skating aider meant for kids.




In any usual circumstances with her members, Irene would rather slam her bottom onto the ground repeatedly than to use this… Child thing. 




Wendy being the nice little hamster she is would be encouraging her while controlling her laughter but she knew, the two youngest in the group would absolutely spare her no mercy by tearing the roof apart with their teasing.




She would likely become the laughing stock within the group for the next coming week, or month even. 




But Irene was with Seulgi, the warm human bear who looked genuinely happy when she managed to borrow the aider from a random kid for the sake of her leader’s safety.




She had no heart to reject the gesture and so there she was, treading around with this… Child thing. 




Their gazes met each other’s and that was when Irene couldn’t help but laughed at herself. She warned Seulgi to move carefully and to not fall because she was no Kim Yuna to save her. 




“Face the front, Seul. Watch where you are supposed to!”




“But Hyunnie, I want to watch you skate.”




With that reason, Irene stopped objecting, just pulling her mask further up to cover her blissful grin from the monolid eyes.




They returned the penguin aider back to the kid they borrowed from when Seulgi decided that the elder one was ready to take it to the next level.




Insecurity somewhat clouded Irene’s eyes, though soon dispersed when a hand found its way to hers. 




“Am I finally getting to skate next to you now?”




The voice heavily laced with excitement made Seulgi’s heart melt into a puddle of affection.




Even with bare make-up, unfixed hair and a mask half covering the face, beauty was still prominent.




Couldn’t resist the temptation to tease, the bear once again began to film, while self providing background music as she hummed a common commercial tune. 




“What are you doing!” 




Irene chuckled after throwing a brief glance at Seulgi who was grinning from ear to ear for unapparent reason, then looked straight ahead as she sped forward with more confident now.




The hand in hers was her sense of security. 




“Make a V!”








Seulgi didn’t bother to repeat herself, just focusing on memorising how it felt to be skating with her leader, how it felt to be the support of her leader, how it felt to be enjoying private time together. 




Instead of racing, her heart was at peace. 




It is the kind of serenity she gets whenever she hangs out with Irene; a sense of comfortability. They can be themselves when they are with each other, not as idols, but as temporary commoners, Bae Joohyun and Kang Seulgi. 




The rabbit’s bear, and the bear’s rabbit. 




Back at the dormitory, the five gathered together to laugh at Wendy’s egg-stagram update. A body knocked lightly onto hers as the sofa sank at the weight of another. 




“Lived happily?” Irene read Seulgi’s Instagram caption. “Is this a fairytale ending?”




Seulgi wrapped her arm around the shoulder when Irene leaned onto her, yawning. 




“Well not an ending, because our story will continue when we go biking on our next outing.” 




Irene simpered. “Silly bear.”




“Your bear, rabbit, your bear.”







Surprise surprise with a sequel!

I tweeted that I will do a sequel if SeulRene update both their skating videos & viola; THEY DID! 💖💛

So I did this thing at 4am in the night, hoping that it will be as much of a surprise as SeulRene did with their skating outing~

I broke my own record of finishing a short story within such limited time, all for the bear and the rabbit 🐻🐰

As always, may you enjoy my story just like how I enjoy writing them. :) 

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433 streak #1
Chapter 2: Awww.... so cute❤️
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 2: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 2: This is on point, I miss them😭 thank you for writing this!!
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
Chapter 2: ❤❤❤❤
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 2: Super fluffy! And i am very content while and after reading this. Cheers!
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 1: Oh… oh….. 🥰
Dorkydory_X #7
Chapter 2: Awww sweeeeet🧡
Chapter 2: damn, i miss seulrene even more 🥺❤️
Chapter 1: it's hard to stop smiling
2188 streak #10
Chapter 1: Reading this again!!!!!