Dirty Dishes

Dirty Dishes

Taehyung x you
Word Count: 890

There was one question that you really, really wanted to ask the wonderful husband of yours. It would flit through your mind at least once a week, if not multiple times during the week. Kim Taehyung truly was a wonderful man, a good husband, and would be an amazing father seeing the way he plays with almost every child he comes across on the street. It was adorable but also made you worried that one day he was going to come home with a little baby to take care of. It definitely wasn’t something you could put past him. Luckily, adoption didn’t work that easily. As much as you loved your husband though, that didn’t mean he didn’t make you frustrated from time to time.

Which brings you right back to staring at one of your biggest pet peeves. It wasn’t an earth shattering thing but sometimes it was the small things that made all the difference. Looking into the sink to see dirty dishes that haven’t even at the very least been rinsed off, you sighed. Once again Kim Taehyung had struck again. He was sweet and didn’t wake you when he had to wake up rather early for work. He made his own breakfast, even cleaned off the counter after himself, but… you sighed again. Every. Single. Time. He just left his dirty dishes in the sink for whatever bits of food or sauce was left to stick to the plate, cup, bowl, fork, or spoon and harden. It was ten times harder to clean the dish when he did that. “How hard is it to just run some water over a plate?” You muttered to yourself as you picked up the dish. You really just wanted to leave it in the sink and make him do it himself. Being the better person, you didn’t and ran the water while grabbing the sponge and dish detergent to begin scrubbing your arm right off. “How many times do I have to tell him?” You continued to rant to yourself about your husband who should have been at work right about now.

Should have been but wasn’t because his arms had already s around your waist and his deep voice was right next to you ear, warm breath ghosting against your skin. “How many times do you have to tell me what, yeobo?”

Dropping the plate and sponge in the sink, you jumped in his arms and yelped. Immediately after, you whipped around and smacked him hard on the shoulder. “Kim Taehyung! Don’t scare me like that. Oh, good lord.” Breathing a little faster due to the adrenaline, you watched as his boxy grin spread across his face, not bothering to hide his amusement at scaring you, even if it hadn’t been his intention.

“Sorry,” he added but there wasn’t even a hint of sincerity in that apology. Shaking your head back and forth, you waited for your heart to calm down and the adrenaline to leave your veins. The brunette pulled you back into his arms and began nuzzling your neck.

Huffing, you tried to push him away. “Don’t be cute. I’m still mad at you.” He pulled back just enough to stick his bottom lip out and pout at you. Immediately, you felt a tiny bit of your resolve crack. Ugh, how could this man after all these years still be so darn cute and get to you like this. Putting on your stern face, you answered his original question before he scared the bejeebies out of you. “How many times do I have to tell you to rinse off your plates if you’re going to leave them in the sink? Hm, hmm?”

The pout remained but a flash of guilt showed, and even if he didn’t know it, you had already forgiven him for the annoyance he caused you this morning. The fact that he had guilt meant more than enough.

“Shall I wash it right now? I’ll probably be late to work but I should have done it in the first place.” He let go of you to move to the sink, but you just grabbed the dish towel that was hanging over the double sink and smacked his behind with it.

“No, get to work. Go, go, you can’t be late. I’ll wash it; just please, try to rinse them next time.” Taehyung already had his hands in the sink, grabbing the dish and sponge, but you promptly stole them away from him.

His grin was back, “I promise!” He saluted to you before grabbing you around the waist and lifting you up in his arms, plastering kisses all over your face and spinning you around. Your laughter echoed off the kitchen walls along with your protests for him to put you down and get to work. After a couple revolutions he finally listened to you but didn’t actually let go of you just yet. “I forgot my keycard, but I’m going now just had to see my beautiful wife’s face before I leave again.” He leaned down brushing his lips softly against yours before heading out the door on his way back to work once more. Perhaps if he was going to be that cute in making it up to you for your pet peeve, you might let him slide just a little more.

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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 1: What an adorable husband he is <3
Chapter 1: Oh my gooood this is sooo cuteee ahhhh <3 Tbh whenever I imagine husband!taehyung, I really feel like he'd be like this haha. aww this is so cute i cant get over :')