[2/3] Born This Way

There's No Post On Sundays! (And Expulsion Trumps Dying in Priorities)

Born This Way: Part 2 of the prequel to "Coffee and Criminals"

Minkyung x Kyungwon, featuring members of Pledis Girlz/Pristin

The kitchen was filled with the sounds of chopping and sizzling. The aromas of fresh herbs and spices wafted throughout the house. Pots clanked loudly in their haste to begin boiling soup and sauces on the stove. The more food that was prepped, the fuller the trash bin became. Once the thin black line along the side was crossed, the compost vanished.

“Yewon, where’s the oregano? I just had it.”

“Sorry, I thought you were done. It’s back on the spice rack.”

Minkyung opened a two-by-one foot wooden panel. Inside was a rolling spice rack that extended well beyond the external dimensions of the cabinet. It currently displayed a number of natural sea, rock, and seasoned salts along the top row. The bottom row held various peppercorn grinders. Minkyung looped her index finger around the bars of the rack and gave it a strong push to the left. The rack scrolled sideways to reveal two rows of fresh green herbs.

“So what were you saying about Arithmancy?” Asked Minkyung as she chopped three oregano leaves into ribbons and stirred them into a tomato cream sauce.

“I told Yebin during third year to just take Arithmancy, but she insisted on Divination instead. We have O.W.L.s at the end of the year. She’s been complaining nonstop, saying there should be a ‘RateMyProfessors’ for Hogwarts, whatever that is. Apparently, Trelawney doubled their workload,” frowned Yewon, chopping up two carrots into perfect squares.

“Are the two that different? Predicting the future and reading omens is generally an imprecise branch of magic anyway,” wondered Minkyung as she halved an onion.

“But Arithmancy uses patterns. It’s practical. I can see numbers written on my paper and I can count how many dishes we have. By the way, we should get started on that pie.”

“On it!” Sniffed Minkyung with watery eyes. She slid the chopped onions into a sizzling pan before bustling over to the free counter space with some flour, sugar, and eggs.

“Whereas Divination,” Yewon continued, “is just a load of hogwash. Do you know how many times she’s run up to me after a practical, ecstatic that she faked her way to an Exceeds Expectations?”

Minkyung snorted. She was reminded of a certain brunette who successfully submitted the same book report on two separate occasions. Minkyung asserted it was considered plagiarism, even if it was her own work. The girl begged Minkyung to just let her have the A as her GPA sorely needed it. Yebin and Kyungwon were so similar despite arguing otherwise.

Yewon sautéed the carrots with the caramelized onions while an enchanted knife chopped the celery. “Yebin never saw so much as a fingerprint when peering into a crystal ball. She admitted fortune telling is as much of a joke in the wizarding world as it is for Muggles.”

“So did Trelawney ever catch on? Is that why Yebin has twice as much work over the holidays?” Minkyung looked up from kneading her pie crust dough.

“Nah. Everyone knows Trelawney’s an old fraud. Yebin is just grumpy because she has to make up twice as much nonsense than usual. And I won’t help her.”

“Look at you, exerting your authority like the cutie prefect you are,” cooed Minkyung.

Yewon cracked a smile, her eyes disappearing into crescents. “It’s not my fault she won’t listen. She just has to it up and pass her exam so she can drop it next year,” she shrugged.

Minkyung chuckled. She should take a leaf out of Yewon’s book, but she knew she’d never have the willpower to say no to Kyungwon. “What about Potions? Are you still keeping up?” Minkyung asked as she set aside the dough to chill and began cooking down some peaches and sugar.

“Potions is fantastic!” Exclaimed Yewon. “If anything, it’s getting easier. The brews are much more complicated, but my techniques have improved. Slughorn says I have the sophistication and artistic skill of a true potioneer.”

Minkyung beamed in pride at her sister. Potions was Yewon’s favorite subject; she excelled in it since entering Hogwarts and didn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. At the same time, Minkyung was relieved that Yewon could find her own unique passion. She was always so timid as a child, too shy to try new things without Minkyung’s approval. But earning praises from the school’s Potions Master seemed to instill a new confidence in Yewon. She was bolder now, in actions and speech. Minkyung couldn’t be happier at how much Yewon’s grown.

As if reading Minkyung’s mind, Yewon said, “I wouldn’t be so great at Potions if it weren’t for you.” She wore a soft, appreciative expression, one full of sincere gratitude.

“Me?” Scoffed Minkyung. “I didn’t do anything. It’s all you. You turned potential into talent.”

Yewon shook her head and transferred the sautéed vegetables into a self-boiling pot, adding a small chicken, water, and salt. She covered it with a lid and the pot immediately began boiling on the kitchen table. “I learn so much just by talking to you. It’s much easier to retain information you tell me than from reading a book. I know so many properties of herbs at this point, I can edit my potions to a specific potency. I’ve earned my house loads of points from Slughorn that way.”

Minkyung’s heart nearly shriveled out of embarrassment. She didn’t know how to respond. Thankful nonetheless, she settled for squishing Yewon in a hug without warning. Yewon’s whines sounded like meows. Though by how much more her eyes disappeared, the hug was not completely unwanted. Minkyung took the chance to land a smooch on Yewon’s crown.


“Yebin, we have to go or we’ll be late!”

“Just give me like ten seconds! I have to wrap my presents!”

Kyungwon glanced at the clock on the wall. Hopefully they hadn’t missed the bus. She shifted the items in her arms. Yebin brought her gifts home from Hogwarts. She should’ve wrapped them using magic before she arrived back in London. Before Kyungwon could complain again, Yebin shot down the stairs at top speed, carrying a lot more than just presents.

“Uh…” Kyungwon eyed the bush of twigs sticking out from behind Yebin’s head. “You’re taking that on the bus?”

Yebin grinned. “No, we’re taking this instead of the bus. It’s quicker so you can’t blame me for being late. Besides, I’m trying to save my money.”

“Question. Where did you steal that from?” Asked Kyungwon suspiciously. She didn’t remember their mother allowing Yebin to buy a broomstick.

“I didn’t steal it,” drawled Yebin as she strapped on her winter boots. “Captain gave me her old broom to practice over the holidays. Says my beating’s on point but my flying needs work.”

“Right. You’re the destructive one on the pitch,” mumbled Kyungwon, feigning ignorance.

Yebin looked offended. “I don’t damage things with my bat… The Bludger does that perfectly fine on its own. I just help it along,” she shrugged with a small grimace.

“Didn’t you join the team to relieve your violent tendencies?” Teased Kyungwon, locking the door behind them.

“I don’t have violent tendencies. I’m just stressed. Quidditch is a legal sport, mind you.”

Yebin clicked her tongue and led Kyungwon around the house and into the forest lining the dead end of their street. Checking to make sure nobody was around, Yebin lifted the broom off her shoulder and held it parallel to the ground. She helped Kyungwon onto the back of the broom, slid the bag with their presents over the handle, and mounted the broom herself. She kicked off the ground and they flew through the bare canopy, just low enough to remain hidden.


“Merry Christmas!”

“Merry Christmas! Come on in, it’s freezing outside.”

Kyungwon and Yebin stepped into the foyer, their cheeks rosy from the slicing cold wind.

Yebin opened . “In the kitchen,” said Minkyung knowingly.

The young witch hopped out of her boots and ran to the kitchen shouting, “Ye-won-ie!”

Minkyung giggled and turned around. When their eyes met, she couldn’t contain her smile.

“Hey,” said Kyungwon simply, her grin broader than ever.

“Hey, yourself,” said Minkyung softly. She reached up and dusted the snowflakes off of Kyungwon’s hair and shoulders.

Kyungwon took advantage of their position and pecked Minkyung on the lips. Minkyung’s initial surprise turned into a playful glare. Kyungwon looked mighty proud of herself.

“Give me your broom and coat. You can set those over there,” said Minkyung.

She walked over to a closet by the stairs and turned the doorknob to the left. She hung Kyungwon’s coat and scarf on an empty hanger, grabbed Yebin’s winter-wear that had been discarded on a chair, and hung those up as well. Then, she closed the door and turned the doorknob to the right. There was a soft click. She stored the broom in the broom closet and returned the doorknob to the coat setting.

Minkyung walked over to Kyungwon, who was kneeling to set the last of her and Yebin’s presents under the Christmas tree. Kyungwon’s hair had been mussed by her flight. Rather than looking disheveled however, it gave her a roguish appearance. Minkyung reached out and threaded her long fingers through Kyungwon’s silky chestnut hair. Kyungwon paused in her motions and looked up at Minkyung with that same bright smile the older girl loved. They stared at each other in comfortable silence.

“Are you two done making out?”

“What? We weren’t— Yebin!” Shouted Kyungwon, glaring at her sister. Yebin held her stomach as she cackled in the kitchen doorway.

“You told her?” Asked Minkyung in surprise.

It’s not like they were trying to hide their relationship. She just thought it would be awkward since Yewon and Yebin were best friends. If it were up to her girlfriend, Kyungwon would’ve hiked up Mount Everest and beamed the message up to NASA for a global broadcast.

“No?” Said Kyungwon in just as much confusion.

They heard a snort from Yebin. “Please, the whole world knows, wizarding and Muggle.” Kyungwon raised her eyebrow at this. She was sure she had not carried out her intended plan. “Fine, Yewon told me,” admitted Yebin, rolling her eyes. She frowned and rubbed the back of her head. “Hit me when I said it came as a shock.”

“Because you’re so oblivious,” said Yewon, appearing at Yebin’s side. “I had my own suspicions, but wasn’t sure until Nayoung sent me an owl.”

“And how does Nayoung know?” Minkyung asked incredulously. “We just started dating last month and Nayoung hasn’t been home since beginning Auror training.”

“No idea. Intuition? Guess that’s what makes her suited for the job,” laughed Yewon. “Anyway, Yebin and I will finish cooking.”

“We will?” Said Yebin flatly. Yewon shot her a reproving look coupled with a pinch. “I mean, of course we will,” said Yebin, her tone rising to sound chipper.

Kyungwon gasped dramatically. “Who are you, and what have you done with my gremlin?”

Yebin narrowed her eyes. “I do actually listen to people. Just not you.” She stuck her tongue out.

Yewon continued, “Minkyung, why don’t you show Kyungwon your greenhouse?” The resident angel gave her sister a wink before turning around, dragging Yebin back into the kitchen. At the mention of Divination, Yebin forgot about Kyungwon and rattled off a whole list of complaints.

“Greenhouse?” Said Kyungwon, glancing at Minkyung. “You never told me you grew flowers.” Rather than sounding hurt, Kyungwon spoke as if it was the most intriguing fact she had ever learned and was eager to find out more about Minkyung.

Minkyung looked thoughtfully outside the window, watching the flurries of snow drift casually to the ground. “Before that, I want you to help me with something.”


The two girls trudged through the snow blanketing broken branches and mats of moss. Kyungwon was pleasantly surprised. The outer edge of the forest looked barren, as it should be in winter. But the further they trekked, the more lush and vibrant the vegetation grew. Kyungwon thought they looked pretty silly wearing coats and boots in a clearing that made it seem like the peak of springtime. Skirting around a pond, Minkyung led Kyungwon to the entrance of a cave behind a curtain of vines. The air felt cold and crisp, much like everywhere outside the forest.

“She should be nearby,” said Minkyung, rapping her knuckles on various rocks.

“Who should?” Asked Kyungwon, standing in the middle of the chamber cluelessly.

Minkyung tapped a slightly paler boulder on the ground. A ball of light shot out from a crevice. “Hello there, you’re looking beautiful as always.”

Kyungwon eyed the giggling ball of light curiously. Stepping closer, she realized it was a glowing miniature person with wings. So Tinkerbells exist, she thought.

“I’m here to harvest it. Mind showing us the way?” Asked Minkyung hopefully.

The Fairy nodded and flitted down a maze of passages until they came to a sort of underground garden. It was even colder in here than the rest of London, yet the entire chamber was filled with blooming flowers along the ground and walls.

“Over here.” Minkyung beckoned Kyungwon to a far wall and crouched down by a stump. Its wood was the deep shade of a clear night sky. “This,” Minkyung petted the trunk affectionately, “is a Tundra Trunk.”

Kyungwon’s watch vibrated. She glanced at the digital numbers reading 5:13 PM. She recalled the weather report on her computer stated this time to be sundown. A sudden rumbling alerted her. The top surface of the trunk split open to reveal an orifice out of which a bright, sapphire flame ignited. Kyungwon leapt back and tried to pull Minkyung safely away from the fire. Minkyung didn’t flinch and just smiled up at her. Kyungwon soon realized why. The flames reached out to nearby plants growing vertically along the rocky walls. Their leaves crystallized like ice upon contact with the blue tendrils.

Kyungwon cleared in an attempt to sound natural. “Well, frostbite is still a nasty thing to deal with. Better wear gloves just in case.”

Kyungwon slipped her own pair of warm gloves over Minkyung’s hands. The older girl smiled at the gesture, not bothering to explain that the wood of the stump actually remained room temperature. She didn’t think her girlfriend would appreciate a sudden lecture on homeostasis. Together, they chipped away at the roots until the stump was free from the stones.

“Do you only need one?” Asked Kyungwon, eyeing the rather plain trunk nearby.

“For now. I’ll harvest its brother during the summer,” said Minkyung. She moved to take the stump from Kyungwon, but the girl stepped back and shook her head.

“I’ll carry it. You lead the way,” smiled Kyungwon.

Minkyung glanced at Kyungwon’s slightly shaking arms. The trunk was quite heavy despite being a sapling compared to the others. Kyungwon had also been shivering since they entered the cave, having given her scarf to Minkyung. Deciding not to prolong their trip for Kyungwon’s sake, Minkyung nodded at the Fairy to lead the way out of the maze system. Before leaving the cave, Minkyung insisted Kyungwon take her gloves back.

Wanting to relieve Kyungwon of delivery duty as soon as possible, Minkyung walked briskly out of the forest and around her house to a green glass building in the backyard. With a huff, Kyungwon placed the stump on its designated bedrock.

Kyungwon swept her hair out of her face and sighed. Then, she cleared and stood as tall as possible with her shoulders back, grinning at Minkyung. “Easy peasy lemon squeezy.”

“Sure it was,” Minkyung laughed and wiped off a bead of sweat that had frozen to Kyungwon’s temple. Her fingers strayed upward and slowly combed through Kyungwon’s soft brown hair.

A tinkling echoed in the silent greenhouse. They both looked up. “You planted a mistletoe?” Kyungwon said in a low voice, staring at the glistening white berries above their heads.

“I didn’t,” said Minkyung slowly. Her lips curved at the corners. She had a good idea who did.

“Minkyung,” whispered Kyungwon.

Still staring up at the decorative plant, Minkyung felt an arm wrap around her waist and a hand rest gently on her hip. A familiar bubbling sensation rose in her stomach. Her head felt fuzzy, like a wave of pure bliss had washed over her. She tilted her head down and was met with Kyungwon’s signature grin, her eyes sparkling with adoration. Minkyung brushed her nose against Kyungwon’s. She closed her eyes as she felt Kyungwon’s soft lips press against hers.

There it was again. That rush of time standing still just for them. That excited anticipation that made Minkyung feel like she was floating. That deep aching in her heart that she secretly craved every day when she saw Kyungwon and every night when she went to sleep.

Kyungwon shifted slightly. Minkyung’s hands crept up to circle around Kyungwon’s neck, closing the nonexistent space between them. Kyungwon’s hand tightened unconsciously over Minkyung’s hip. She tilted her head, tentatively adding a bit more pressure. Minkyung responded with twice as much passion.

There was a squeak. Then another. Then three more. All at once, Minkyung felt cold and dizzy as reality kicked back into motion. She opened her eyes and saw a breathless Kyungwon. They stared at each other, confused yet unwilling to let go. Their attention was drawn to a very loud squeak from the corner. They both turned their heads slowly.

A sturdy Leaping Toadstool seemed to be directing a whole herd of its kind. Tall fungi hoisted their smaller counterparts onto their umbrella caps. The small shrooms gave a hop with that defining squeak and bounded up into an open sack of rich dark soil. They wriggled around and flung out mounds of dirt with every jump. The ones below helped spread the dirt around the bedrock the Tundra Trunk was planted on. The trunk extended its new-grown roots deep into the soil. The small toadstools leapt out of the bag and joined the rest of the herd as they all buried their stems in the box, keeping the stump company. They squeaked no more.

Kyungwon sighed, resting her forehead against Minkyung’s. “You know, sometimes I think magic is such a nuisance.”

“I can’t imagine why,” giggled Minkyung, massaging the back of Kyungwon’s neck. Her heart was still pounding in her chest. Her cheeks were sore from smiling, but she didn’t care. “We should head back in for dinner.”

Minkyung laughed as she dragged her groaning girlfriend by the hand through the snow to the glowing house with smoke billowing from its chimney.


After a hearty Christmas meal, the four girls settled in the living room, each with a steaming mug of frothy Butterbeer. Yebin’s itching hands moved towards the tree. Kyungwon glared at her. Yebin’s hand stopped inches away from a shiny box like a Niffler caught in the act. Minkyung had just stepped out to the back porch to check on their family owl hooting noisily. She came back with a package that was supposedly Nayoung’s reply to their own Christmas greetings.

“Now, we’re ready,” said Kyungwon as Minkyung sat next to her on the floor. Kyungwon’s left arm wrapped around Minkyung’s waist while Minkyung’s hand rested on Kyungwon’s knee.

Yebin happily snatched up the shiny box with her name written in the corner and ripped off the paper. “No way! But you—” Yebin stared at Kyungwon with wide eyes.

Kyungwon rubbed the back of her neck bashfully, ducking her head as if to hide behind Minkyung’s shoulder. “Of course I listen to you ramble on about school. I’m really happy you found something you enjoy. Honestly,” she said, staring at the foam in her mug.

The box in Yebin’s lap was a set of brand new Quidditch gloves and a Beater’s bat. The hilt of the bat was glossy. The gloves were sturdy and fit Yebin’s hands perfectly. They had a fantastic grip and weren’t restrictive like the ones she borrowed. These were also slimmer. The pair from school made her look clunky and dorky, especially with her small build.

Yebin looked like she wanted to both cry and laugh, as if on the brink of hysteria. Minkyung already knew this, but the current atmosphere made it extremely obvious. The one thing the Kang sisters could not handle was being sincere and mushy to each other. Yebin settled for a feeble but emotional “Thanks,” to which Kyungwon awkwardly raised her mug in cheers. Minkyung could see her hiding her grin while pretending to take a sip.

The next gift was from Minkyung. She bought Yebin a pair of fuzzy slippers that warmed up whenever someone put their feet in. Yebin complained about the cold floor of her dormitory during the winter for the past two years. She was forced out of her old room due to her roommate’s cursed dresser being trapped in there.

Yebin unwrapped another box, this one from Yewon. It contained perfectly aligned bottles of Pepper-Up Potions. At least, that’s what they were labeled. But from Minkyung’s knowledge, they weren’t supposed to be thick nor have a warm brown color.

“You always get sick at the height of the Quidditch season, especially when your schoolwork piles up. But you hate the bitter taste of them. So I made a batch that looks and tastes like chocolate syrup. You can even mix it with warm milk,” said Yewon shyly.

Minkyung had the faintest inkling that Yewon wasn’t just being modest about her aptitude for Potions. If she was, Yewon’s cheeks wouldn’t be tinged with a rosy pink. The blush only grew after Yebin had crushed her in a hug.

To finish it off, Yebin opened the giant package from Nayoung and retrieved two identical boxes, one for herself and one for Yewon. They decided to open them together. Yewon’s was a scrumptious assortment of chocolates with coffee and caramel nougat. A note fell out.

“Don’t let Yebin drag you into plans of raiding the kitchens. You’re a prefect. From Nayoung,” read Yewon with a giggle, her eyes turning into crescents.

“Psh, she’s just joking,” laughed Yebin nervously. She opened her own box that had the same assortment of sweets. She opened the card. “Don’t drag Yewon into plans of raiding the kitchens. She’s a prefect. From Nayoung,” she read flatly. The rest chuckled at her crestfallen face. Miles away in London, Nayoung the former Head Girl was still watching her like a hawk.

Yewon pulled out a rolled up cloth from a gift bag. A light but warm cloak unraveled itself over her lap. Kyungwon said, with a smug expression directed at Yebin who was determinedly avoiding her eyes, that Yewon was always supporting Yebin from the stands during Quidditch matches and practices. Since Hogwarts was far north, it must be cold for most of term.

“If you’re not going to spend your time wisely by doing anything else other than accompanying my gremlin, you might as well stay warm and healthy,” said Kyungwon cheekily. Yebin made the effort to stretch five feet across the carpet and shove Kyungwon’s shoulder.

Minkyung handed her own present to Yewon, who took out the tissue paper excitedly. She pulled out a bright yellow cushion lined with soft fur. She was already happy with it as is, but Yebin’s burst of laughter confused her. She looked at Minkyung and Kyungwon, both biting their lips to stifle their giggles. When she asked what was funny, Minkyung typed a colon and a capital D into her phone, picked up the cushion, and held both on either side of Yewon’s head.

Yebin caught Minkyung’s stare. “Yewonie, you look so cute when you smile,” she said truthfully. Yewon beamed automatically upon being complimented. Her smile broadened and her eyes disappeared into crescents.

Kyungwon only stopped shaking long enough to take a picture with her own phone before showing it to the rest of the girls. Yewon finally joined in the laughter. What Minkyung called an emoji looked exactly like she did with her beaming expression as bright as sunshine. The cushion’s mouth, that of the typed emoji on Minkyung’s phone, and her own mouth were all opened wide, as if serenading the world with the most joyous Christmas carol in history.

“If you’re ever having a bad day, just give it a hug,” said Minkyung.

Yewon did so as if testing it and immediately sat up straight. Her expression looked both bright and inquisitive. “You sprayed this with a potion. Elixir to Induce Euphoria, if I’m not mistaken.”

“Look at you, already recognizing Sixth Year material.” Minkyung grinned proudly at her sister. “Mum helped me make the potion, using ingredients from the greenhouse.”

Yebin scooted next to Yewon and sniffed the cushion. She sat up looking dazed and giggly. “It smells like sugar, whipped cream, and happiness.”

“And you look high,” guffawed Kyungwon. Yebin had apparently inhaled so much of the potion’s vapors, she didn’t care what Kyungwon said.

“Last but not least, Yebin’s present,” said Minkyung, handing over a carefully wrapped rectangular box. For a second, she thought it might have been an Ollivander wand. She noticed Yebin had quieted down from her laughing fit and was now watching Yewon anxiously.

“Oh my… It’s… Yebin, it’s beautiful,” gasped Yewon.

She held up a single rose. Its stem and leaves seemed to be carved out of emerald. Its petals were thin sheets of ruby. Its reflective quality made the firelight in the room dance across the walls as Yewon rotated it between her fingers.

Minkyung glanced at the oddly silent Yebin. Yewon and Kyungwon were both marveling over the stunning flower. Yebin, however, was looking right at Yewon. It had been a while since Minkyung saw the girl without a smirk. Instead, Yebin’s smile was simply serene. Minkyung had a gut feeling that Yebin wasn’t as emotionally oblivious as everyone made her seem.

“Well, I’ve been getting along in Charms fairly well. It’s the only subject you and Nayoung never needed to tutor me in. I picked the last rose from the Grounds when we first got back in September and tried to preserve it,” said Yebin softly. Her words were cut off when Yewon leaned over and swiftly pressed a kiss to Yebin’s cheek. Yebin grinned like a fool.

Minkyung almost squealed and held her left hand over . Her right hand was squishing her girlfriend’s fingers. Kyungwon had slapped her free hand over her eyes. She seriously deliberated whether to make fun of Yebin or squeal like Minkyung. She decided it was best to remain silent and thus shielded her eyes in second-hand embarrassment.

“Alright, your presents,” said Yewon cheerfully as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. She shook Yebin’s hand to tell her to get the gifts, and didn’t let go. Yebin cleared , her cheeks on fire, and pushed their sisters’ gifts forward without a word.

Minkyung received a joint present from the two. They had gone to Dogweed and Deathcap in Hogsmeade and bought her a variety pack of seeds. She was ecstatic. There were packets for Shrivelfigs, Puffapods, Dittany, and Starthistle.

Yewon spoke up, still holding Yebin’s hand. “I noticed you ran out of Nettles to make soup and wine, so there’s a few packets of those. And I know nasturtium doesn’t really have any uses…”

“But it makes for a wonderful ornamental plant. I’ve been meaning to decorate the greenhouse. Thank you, you two. It’s lovely,” said Minkyung, smiling at the pair of witches.

She then unwrapped an irregularly shaped object from Nayoung. It was similar to a snow globe. But instead of small figurines and white chunks floating around, the glass sphere functioned more like a captured piece of the night sky. The card said it was to put in Minkyung’s dark corner for the plants that required moon and starlight instead of sunlight to bloom. Minkyung had been wondering how to enchant her greenhouse to absorb more of the moonlight, but the natural sky was often cloudy during the winter. This was a perfect solution.

Kyungwon went next. She picked up a large package from the floor and tore off the paper. It was an assortment of tea leaves from Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop. Kyungwon was very pleased with the variety. Yebin and Yewon chose well. But when she looked up to thank them, she was perturbed. Yewon gave her an apologetic smile while Yebin looked to be on the verge of cracking up again. Kyungwon looked to Minkyung for an explanation. Her girlfriend seemed to be holding back a grin, herself.

“Madam Puddifoot’s is a popular tea shop in Hogsmeade,” said Minkyung vaguely. Kyungwon raised her eyebrow and waited. “It’s popular for couples to have dates at,” Minkyung finished.

Realization dawned on Kyungwon. To be honest, she was quite happy with the gift. She loved tea and got Minkyung into it as well. And it seemed rather thoughtful that Yewon and Yebin had gotten her something, seemingly after Nayoung told them she was dating Minkyung. But Yebin just wouldn’t stop cackling like a madwoman. Kyungwon sighed and decided to hold her tongue. It’s what made Yebin, Yebin. She wouldn’t have her gremlin any other way.

The last box under the tree was from Nayoung. She had gifted Kyungwon a set of pencils, pens, quills, and various bottles of ink. The card said they were enchanted to bring her sketches to life. Ever since she first perused Yebin’s textbooks, she’s been amazed at how the pictures were able to move. She told the others they resembled GIFs printed on parchment.

“What about your gifts to each other?” Asked Yewon curiously.

Minkyung and Kyungwon shared a look, both with an aura of shy anticipation. “Can I give it in private?” They asked in unison and immediately smiled.

“Is it something lewd? Ow!” Yebin rubbed her arm where Yewon had smacked her.

“Okay, you’re like five. What do they teach you at Hogwarts?” Spluttered Kyungwon, aghast. Minkyung looked down at her lap, hiding her bright red cheeks behind her hair.

“I’m only a year younger than you. Besides, teenagers are the physical antonym of innocent. You know how many times Yewon’s caught couples snogging at night in the corridors and classrooms? We’d all be out of House Points if she could deduct—mmph!”

“Kyungwon, you and Yebin can stay over since it’s late and our parents are away on holiday. Yebin and I will be in my room, not making a disturbance. Night!” Chirped Yewon, dragging Yebin up the stairs with her hand slapped firmly over her friend’s mouth. Yebin’s muffled shouts decreased until the slam of Yewon’s door rung throughout the house.

Minkyung finally lifted her head. Her girlfriend’s mortified expression was enough to make her laugh, which set Kyungwon off too.


“Merry Christmas,” said Minkyung softly, handing a flat, rectangular box to Kyungwon.

The two were sitting on Minkyung’s high, comfy bed. The door was locked, ensuring a certain gremlin would not barge in. Kyungwon carefully removed the paper and took off the lid. Nestled inside a foam layer was a silver picture frame. The photo itself was moving. Kyungwon smiled, reminiscing the day Minkyung took it.

Kyungwon had forewarned Minkyung in June that she would be holed up in her room for the next week and it totally wasn’t Minkyung’s fault. Deeply concerned, the Pureblood asked what was wrong. Unabashedly, Kyungwon admitted she entered an online tournament for Super Smash Bros. Minkyung was skeptical at first because it sounded like online gambling. From what she’s seen in a few Muggle newspapers, that wasn’t a good, nor usually legal, thing to do. Kyungwon assured her that it was a friendly competition to see who was the boss of all bosses and deserved eternal bragging rights. She invited Minkyung over to watch if the girl didn’t believe her, though she added Minkyung might get bored. To her pleasant surprise, Minkyung had accepted and proceeded to spend the entire week over at Kyungwon’s. The gamer had absolutely no objections to this proposal.

Minkyung had personally taken the photo. Kyungwon was on the verge of dying when her character followed through with its final move and knocked her opponent out of the arena. A giant K.O. flashed over the other person’s life bar and their character dropped unconscious. Mirroring her on-screen persona, Kyungwon jumped high in the air, her controller landing safely on the bed. She scooped Minkyung up by the waist and twirled around, the camera capturing both of them in cheers of glorious victory.

Kyungwon grinned at the photo reflecting her exact memory. It showed the entire scene. Then, the two-dimensional Kyungwon and Minkyung looked out of the photo and waved at her. The real Kyungwon didn’t remember waving at the camera. It must be common for the subjects of charmed pictures to acknowledge their audience.

“There’s one more part.” Kyungwon looked up and Minkyung handed her a tiny velvet box.

She didn’t want to jump to conclusions. It could be any piece of jewelry. It might not even be jewelry at all. Strangely, Kyungwon felt her stomach drop at the suspicion that it wasn’t the specific piece of jewelry she had in mind. She saw Minkyung biting her lip nervously.

With slightly shaking fingers, Kyungwon pulled back the lid. She was speechless. Resting between two cushion halves was a shining, thin silver band. Along the top was a spiral of tiny diamonds, reminiscent of flowering vines.

“D-do you like it?” Stuttered Minkyung. She was twiddling her thumbs in her lap.

Instead of answering, Kyungwon took one of Minkyung’s hands, weaved their fingers together, and pulled gently. She gave Minkyung a long, passionate kiss, attempting to convey all of her emotions. When Minkyung felt a tear trickle down between their cheeks, she leaned back. Kyungwon’s eyes were watering slightly. She tried to grin, but her lips quivered too much.

“I’m guessing you like the promise ring?” Laughed Minkyung softly.

“I love it,” said Kyungwon, unable to raise her voice above a whisper. Her eyes followed Minkyung’s hand as her girlfriend took the ring from the box, spread out her left hand, and gently slid the studded band onto her ring finger. Kyungwon thought of something when she saw an identical ring glinting on Minkyung’s finger. “What promise are you making?”

Minkyung caressed the stones before gazing directly at Kyungwon with confidence. She took a deep breath, her eyes never wavering, and said, “I promise to get you a better ring in the future. So that this one has a friend.”

Minkyung broke out in an adorable, infectious smile. Kyungwon giggled and tightened her hold on Minkyung’s hand, wiping the last few tears from her eyes with the other. It was exhilarating to feel the cool metal press against her skin. Minkyung must have been so anxious when she picked it out. But Kyungwon didn’t care that they had been dating for only a month. She had been in love with Minkyung for four and a half years now, and she was absolutely sure she had a whole lifetime to love her girlfriend more.

“I can’t be this emotional already. I haven’t given you your present,” whined Kyungwon cutely, trying to pull herself back together. “But first.”

Kyungwon scooted back against the headboard. Minkyung laughed as Kyungwon patted the space in front of her. Minkyung happily settled between Kyungwon’s legs and pulled a blanket over them both. This was easily her favorite position to sit in. Kyungwon reached over the edge of the bed and rested the large, flat gift on their legs before settling her hands comfortably across Minkyung’s stomach.

Minkyung leaned back to rest against Kyungwon’s body, reveling in their shared warmth. She tore the paper off and let it drift to the floor. Minkyung ran her ringed hand over the surface. The shining diamonds contrasted with the black leather cover of the sketchbook. Kyungwon took a peek at the book and rested her chin on Minkyung’s shoulder, hugging her tighter.

Minkyung flipped open the cover and gasped. She had never seen Kyungwon sketch live subjects. She knew Kyungwon was an excellent artist, but this was surreal. The first page showed Minkyung’s profile, perfectly shaded to reflect the angle of sunlight. She was sitting at a café table outside of an ice cream parlour across from Ollivanders, holding a cherry by the stem. How had Kyungwon memorized the day of their first accidental meeting with such clarity?

She flipped to the second page. This was a week after she enrolled at Berkshire Academy. Their teacher had run out to make copies and gave them an assignment. The rest of the class obviously didn’t follow through, but Minkyung was determined to settle into her new lifestyle. After her parents’ efforts to create legal documents for her to enroll, she didn’t want to disappoint them. They always made her feel valued. She was kin and that’s what mattered. But it always stuck in the back of her mind that she couldn’t make it as a witch. The least she could do was be a good Muggle daughter. Looking at the drawing, Minkyung remembered she had caught Kyungwon staring at her, but that was only a second before their teacher returned. The lines on the page were so defined, the shading blended so well, that Minkyung almost couldn’t tell she was looking at a black-and-white sketch. The uniform did look navy like her real one.

The third sketch was of her during a chemistry lesson. She was taking out a test tube from a boiling beaker. More importantly, she had just confessed she was a Squib. But she was smiling. Minkyung smiled too as she ran her finger over the paper. The only reason why she would ever be happy about being a Squib was because it was Kyungwon who knew. Her girlfriend, the smug, outgoing, geeky girl with beauty rivaling that of Veelas, was her strength and happiness. Minkyung never felt unwanted. Kyungwon made sure of that.

The fourth page was set at Kyungwon’s house. Minkyung recognized the shelf lined with games in the background. The sketch was so detailed, she could read every title along their spines. Again, Minkyung was the sole subject. The floor was littered with small pentagons. More spilled out of her hands. was open as if speaking animatedly. Two shaded Chocolate Frogs squatted in the corner seemingly in deep conversation. In the opposite corner sat a lonely striped box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans. Minkyung let out an airy laugh and pointed at it.

“You cheated,” said Minkyung simply. She felt Kyungwon’s nose brush against her right ear.

“Are you accusing me? I’m the one who ate them,” said Kyungwon, trying to sound incredulous.

“Exactly,” said Minkyung softly. “I should’ve lost the bet, but you purposely didn’t buy that last Chocolate Frog with the card both of us needed to win.”

Kyungwon’s eyes widened in surprise. “You knew?”

Minkyung pecked Kyungwon’s cheek and rested her head against Kyungwon’s. “Of course I knew. You passed by it three times, paid for it in secret, then slipped it into my school bag.”

Kyungwon grinned. “That’s my nerd,” she whispered and leaned in to kiss Minkyung properly.

Sketch number five. It was the night of Minkyung’s fifteenth birthday, two years after they met and the first birthday she celebrated with Kyungwon. The previous year she had gone abroad on a family vacation. During this one, her parents had to travel for work and her sister went back to Hogwarts for an experimental summer program. She was alone and called Kyungwon, who immediately showed up at her doorstep. They spent the entire night out on the swings under the twinkling stars and bright, full moon. Kyungwon didn’t go home until the wee hours of the morning, after Minkyung had fallen asleep with a peaceful smile on her face.

Six. Minkyung posed with sunglasses and a coffee cup on a random day in autumn. Minkyung was feeling stupid, so Kyungwon said they should do something stupid. They went to the mall and bought a cheap pair of matching shades. They ordered two pumpkin spice lattes that tasted horrible, but it somehow made Minkyung feel better. Kyungwon somehow made her feel better.

Seven. Minkyung was playing with three baby corgis. She had only ever seen a Crup puppy, so Kyungwon took her to a local shelter despite her fear of all organisms under Canidae. Minkyung eventually got Kyungwon to pet the barking triplets. Kyungwon was still shaking when they left the shelter, but she was overjoyed at having touched a dog.

Eight. Kyungwon had sketched Minkyung walking between parallel rows of Cherry Blossom trees. They had just finished their biology lab in which their group was the only one to not have killed their flower while recording its growth under some variable change. Kyungwon strongly asserted that Minkyung had a green thumb, because she was sure she forgot to take care of it. Though they got top marks for the lab, Minkyung was a bit irritated that Kyungwon neglected their flower. So Kyungwon found a botanical garden with plants that weren’t sabotaged by her. Minkyung seemed to like it, and that was good enough for Kyungwon.

Nine. Minkyung was sitting on a balcony, her legs dangling over the edge, with the sunset in the background. Kyungwon had managed to shade in the sun’s fading rays to make Minkyung glow on paper. Minkyung had aced a test in their calculus class two months ago. She was the only one who did, and their smart aleck teacher didn’t feel the need to curve everyone’s grade as they all averaged a C anyway, which is a bell curve. So for once, the people who never minded Minkyung’s presence decided to pick on her at lunch. Kyungwon stepped in. They went home with matching bruises. Kyungwon led Minkyung through her house’s attic out to a roof porch in the backyard. They sat there all night, the two of them alone but feeling far from lonely.

Ten. The sketch was of her sipping hot chocolate, leaning against Kyungwon’s bed, a controller in her lap. Minkyung would never forget this day for as long as she lived. It was the day all of her worries burned up in flames. It was the day her pulse actually felt like the rhythm of life. It was the day she hoped for, prayed for, begged for during her best and worst moments. It was the day Kyungwon kissed her and told her she loved her. It was the day she became Kyungwon’s, and Kyungwon became hers.

Minkyung turned to the final page of the sketchbook. Only there wasn’t a sketch at all. There was a silver necklace threaded through two holes in the parchment, spread out as if the book was wearing it. Looped on the chain was a diamond studded infinity symbol.

Kyungwon’s hand reached up and gently pulled the necklace out of the page. Without being asked, Minkyung brushed her long, black hair over her left shoulder. Kyungwon clasped the necklace around Minkyung’s neck. She took a second to marvel at how beautiful her girlfriend looked with the moonlight filtering in through the large window, the necklace sparkling against her smooth skin. She kissed Minkyung’s collarbone and spoke into her ear.

“Stay with me?”

Minkyung felt a jolt of electricity down her spine because despite being sure of their feelings, Kyungwon’s whisper quivered with desperate hope as if terrified she would lose Minkyung at any second.

Minkyung didn’t feel like answering. She needed to say something else. Just one thing. She turned her head, her nose an inch away from Kyungwon’s. She whispered her heart’s deepest desire and kissed Kyungwon with every ounce of emotion in her body.

Minkyung loved her, and that was good enough for Kyungwon.

A/N: Why. Do. I. Keep. Doing. This. I got way too invested in this side story. I only meant the entire thing to be 20 or less document pages! It’s a side story, it wasn’t supposed to have parts! It gave me le feels imagining Minkyung and Kyungwon as the best couple ever and I just…kept…writing…

Also, Pristin… They used “elastin” and I have a science background so this is damn funny to me. But otherwise, the name doesn’t sound half bad. At the same time, names like Pristin from “prismatic” and “elastin” make me feel like company directors just whip out an English pocket dictionary, point at a random page and say, “Yup, that’s our group’s new name. Put it in the books. It’s genius.”

Shoutout to the hilarious user StoneNayoung. Her comment about the “Adore U” cover that Yewon’s face always looks like :D (despite the girls trying to be y as hell) just fit. I couldn’t get it out of my mind.

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[2/2] But it’s something I wanted to explore ever since combining Pristin with the Wizarding World. It’s messy, it’s chaotic, and that’s exactly the point. I hope you’ll be able to resonate with the characters, even if you’ve never felt the same way.


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Chapter 16: Can you write a fic about 2kyung again?
Chapter 19: What happen to nayoung???
Chapter 19: I seriously feel ridiculous... I keep coming back to this fic and wish to have a light of what happened to Nayoung... At least to get answer if she's alright or not (hopefully not the last).. but at the same time this story already ended, is it? Is it? Or should I wish for continuation... Urrrgggghhhh... Now I feel frustrated!!! (>.<)
Chapter 19: this story...your most compelling one yet. every scene was so fabulously written and magical and unreal!! bonus points in my book for the pinkwoo. i adore all the contrasts and parallels you’ve drawn in the story between the (so far) core three, and the pacing of the story as jieqiong and her relationships develop over time. i just want to read on and on and on...

if you didn’t win my heart over from fic exchange, you certainly have now. you’re amazing!! thank you for this
allysara #5
Chapter 19: what i really love about this chapter is how you show us, the different side of the Harry Potter universe.how people in the bad side live especially the Purebloods.As much as it not all sunshine in the good side, it' s also the same to everybody.the consuming fear, the confusion,the sacrifice, every stressful things.as intense it is reading the last book, i love the phasing, the woven lines between the JK Rowling universe and yours, it's amazing.it's like a collaboration between the two of you, if i may say.thank you for taking up a new challenge on writing Harry Potter AU.
please don't kill Nayoung T_T
Chapter 19: this was phenomenal. this was a rollercoaster of emotions... nayoung, please be alive :'(
spiritualgangster #7
Chapter 19: i was shaking throughout the last part. thank you for this, it was amazing!
Chapter 19: This was great. I hope Nayoung is okay
Chapter 19: Oh my god, this is the best one so far
xxthedarkguyxx #10
Chapter 19: Although I already loved this, I'm hoping for a continuation. :)