Operation Enemy

Operation Happy Ending
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[CONTENTID2] Sun Tzu once said, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

In which, in all honesty, for the past few years I have come to neglect the second part of this ideology.

Since after all, there were no problems within our family.

Father didn't seem to be running any illegal activities.

While I, myself, had kept myself in check by working, studying, and living my life diligently.

And with the plan of studying abroad in order to skip the timeline of "Moonlight Affair", I have always thought that my plan was completely bulletproof. But as always life, whether in reality or game-like universe, everything remained as complicated as ever.

"Get in," he told me casually as if we actually knew each other.

It took me a few seconds to register the fact that this was actually happening, of course. The third bachelor has appeared and is interacting with me out of all people. Not to mention coming to a place like this, already I can only imagine my school trending online with these many pictures and videos being taken by my fellow schoolmates.

Oh Sehun, heir of the Hwangje fortune, which mainly focused on real estate and tourism. The youngest bachelor on the list. At age eighteen, even if he doesn't look like it, Oh Sehun is already on his path to taking over the family business. The top ten families was always ahead with education for their kids, rebellious or not, they are all expected to become the very best.

Graduating high school early.

Attending prestigious universities.

Learning the family business as part-time and soon full time.

With such expectation and surely a busy schedule, I couldn't help but wonder just where in the world they even find time to do things like this?

"Do you know him Unnie?" Suzy suddenly said, pulling me back to reality.

"No," I stated and immediately his brows narrowed. "W-Well...I don't believe we have any business to be associated or any plan that was predetermined."

"Well you do," Sehun cuts in. "So get in. I don't have all day."

The rude bastard grabbed my backpack and threw it in his car.

You have no idea how much I wanted to refuse his offer and run away. But not wanting to cause a scene, I reluctantly had to follow.

"What are you doing?" Sehun glared. "She's the only girl I'm giving a ride to, so don't even think about it."

I wanted to punch him, just how could be so rude to her. For god's sake, Suzy is your future lover you idiot! And besides, you can't just treat anyone like that.

"It's okay Unnie," she smiled, squeezing my hand softly, reassuring me. "I'll tell Mr. Jin that you will go ahead."

"Suzy..." I really wanted to go with her.

But of course, I was stuck with him not even knowing what on earth was going on. I just couldn't believe it, I was in the car with one of the people I've been trying to avoid my whole life.

So there was no doubt that this car ride was going be awkward as hell. It's been exactly eight minutes and twenty-four seconds since the silence between us started. So far I've managed to avoid any contact, staring at the view of the outside world as they passed me by.<

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If you think jongdae getting married will stop me from loving him and Exo you're wrong. Everyone deserves happiness.


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32 streak #1
Still waiting for new updates...authornim fighting!!
32 streak #2
Chapter 37: Woah... loved the whole story... it was so amazing....loved the way all the characters and plots changed unexpectedly... I mean totally speechless about the plot twists... the characters, mystery and suspense...after reading every single chapters, I thought it was maybe going to happen or suspect the characters to turn out to be like these or that ...but everything it surprises me ... every single chapters and every single characters...but still I think oc should trust them cause they literally tried to make things right... for her sister, I don't know I got that bad vibes or hunch about her... maybe if oc just trust and give love to all them that they deserve...might things be more either good or complicated ... but just for that assumptions or predictions why waste such beautiful happy moments that she could easily make or get... glad that I found and finally got to read this fic.. thank you authornim for writing such an amazing, interesting, catchy and mysterious story.. will look forward to read future chapters..:) aah... forgot to mention , really loved oc and chanyeol's moment from beginning till now ( my favorite one), also oc and baekhyun's interesting (1st meeting and cheery blossom confession..kiss) interaction.... oc and sehun moments (kitchen and first kiss) even though he was the main culprit...also her mysterious relation with jongdae (beach confession moment)... aah... oc and junmyeon's promise moment,....hehe..and oc and kyungsoo's understanding level, kai's protective aura towards her ... xiumin (earrings), yixing is still mysterious but hope this time they really get their happy endings... really want to see Yuna and all the boys to get their deserved happy endings... so excited and curious about next chapter.
Chapter 27: Okay, things are looking up.
Chapter 25: I am...
Chapter 24: So...should we be worried about Suzy?
Chapter 23: Idk, I don't know how not to trust Yixing...
Chapter 23: So, it seems like...the personalities of all of these characters are different from her game...
Chapter 22: These men are bipolar
Chapter 21: So, we can't trust any of them...
Chapter 20: Oh, no...being married to Jongdae...oh, no... >:D