a broken heart and an angry one

Icy Love

The next morning, Minho woke up early to prepared himself to visit the appartment. When he came downstairs he found his father drinking peacefully a cup of coffee.

-Good morning Minho!

-Morning dad.

He took a cup and prepared a tea for himself, then he sat and looked at his father.

-Why are you awake this early?

-I wanted to visit the appartment with you...if you don't mind.

-No problem!

They finished their breakfast and left the house with a note for his mother.

-Where is it?

-It's near my school, I thought it would be good to live near it...

-Yes, it's a good idea.

-Dad, Have you ever done something you knew you shouldn't do it but you did it nonetheless?

-Hmmm....let me think....yes, one day, I had to choose between 2 girls for a show...

(His father was working in a model agency)

-One was really, professional, confident but she hadn't the real soul of a  model .....the other had a look....a real model look, she was amazing, but she was emotionally shaky. I knew she couldn't bear the pressure so I chose the confident one, even if it will break te other girl's dream and that she was better than the one I had chosen.

-I see.

-Some day later, my assistant informed me that the girl I didn't choose, committed suicide, I felt guilty, her suicide troubled me for a week....

-Wait, was it a long time ago?

-Erm...some years ago, I think, why?

-I remember a week wher every evening you didn't pay attention to me, you were always in your study...

-Oh yeah, it's true, I was really in my thoughts this week.... but why do you ask this to me? Is something troubling you?

-Can I tell it to you ? Won't you be mad or disappointed?

-Say it, I have been young too, I made mistakes too.

-I'm dating a girl to forget the person I truly love because this person disliked me, but I don't love this girl.....

Unlike what Minho expected, his father smiled.

-Sure, it's not really honest for this girl, but if you can't forget the person you love with your actual girlfriend, it's better to leave her.

Minho nodded.

-I'll do it.

When they arrived in front of  the high building with many flats a man greeted the.

-You're the young man who sent me a message for the visit?

-Yes, nice to meet you mr, Minho answered politely

-Let's enter.

They climbed stairs and at the 2nd floor, the owner opened a flat. It was light, clean and quite big (enough for only one or two people). The owner showed them the different rooms, and with the agreement of his father, Minho decided to rent it, they thanked the owner and decided to go to the estate agency after the end of Minho's classes.

-Minho what were you doing? You're almost late! Kyuhyun asked

-I was visiting a flat with my dad.

-Really, aren't you living in this city?

-Yes, but I'm 21! I can't stay at home forever!

-Yes, of course...

-By the way, where's Leeteuk?

-With a girl, there.

Minho turned his head and saw Leeteuk speaking with.....Jye Eun! Minho came toward them and heard:

-Excuse me, do you know Choi Minho ? Jye Eun asked shyly

-If I know him? Of course, he's my best friend!

-Really? Is he here?

-Just there....Leeteuk smirked while pointing Minho

Jye Eun smiled widely when she saw Minho and came closer to him.

-I'm sorry to disturb you by coming to your school but I wanted to ask you something....

-Jye Eun-ah....I can't.

-But, I didn't even say something....

-I can't be with you anymore, I've been dating you because I thought I could love you too and forget my real love but I'm now sure I can't.

Jye Eun was stunned.

-Please stop here before you got hurt more.....

-O....ok.... was dry and she was struggling to hold her tears back in front of Minho.

-I'm sorry....if I can do something for you...call me? Ok?

She nodded.

-I gotta go, bye Minho-ah.


He gave her a wave and joined Leeteuk and Kyuhyun.

-Bad news no? Kyuhyun said

-Yeah....but I've told you I wasn't sure to be able to continue with her...

-Yeah, I remember.

-You're quite crazy, she is so pretty, Leeteuk said with a smirk

-The person I love is pretty too...

-Hmm....How is she?

Minho knew he could tell everything to his friends so he said:

-It's not a she, it's a he.....

-OMO! Is it true? Kyuhyun asked

-Yes, I wouldn't lie on this subject.

-That's explain why you weren't interested in girls but I thought you were too busy by your studies, Leeteuk added, but you didn't answer me...

-He is shorter than us, cute like a girl, he has dyed his hair light blond, he is nice and shy. Really amazing.

-Wow, he sounds to be great! I would like to meet him ! Kyuhyun exclaimed

-Yeah, he is! Minho smiled while thinking about Taemin

-Our Minho is smiling again! I'm happy to see you smile, you looked so troubled and sad yesterday!

-Hmm! Minho nodded


Taemin couldn't follow his classmates, he was running aimlessly around the school stadium.

-Mr Lee, faster! Have you got snail's DNA?

He heard the manly and sporty guys laughing while looking at him with amused looks.

-Stupid PE teacher, Taemin muttered for himself

But he tried to speed up nonetheless. The teacher blew his whistle and they stopped to run.

-So now we will begin sprints. Bang, Myungsoo, Joon and Minhyuk you begin with a 150 meters.

They placed themselves on the running lines and when the teacher shouted: GO! they began to run as fast as they could.

Taemin barely saw Myungsoo winning the race, his sight was blurry, he was thinking about some random things when he heard:

-Mir, Chansung, Nickhun and Taemin you're the next ones.

Taemin gulped but went on his running line. The teacher shouted and they began the race, Taemin was in last position but suddenly wrath filled his heart and speeded up crazily, letting his anger against the stupid guys who were laughing at him, against Jye Eun, against the injustice of his situation explode, he overtook Chansung, Mir and Nickhun and won the race. Everybody shouted of surprise and joy. The shy, non sporty and quiet Taemin had won against the self confident, sporty and noisy guys of the class. Nickhun and Chansung sent agressive looks to Taeminn only Mir shook his hand and congratulated him for his victory.

Bang and Zelo were astonished.

-Guy, you didn't tell us you were such a beast ! Bang joked

-I didn't know it myself! Taemin said with a little smile

The other boys ran then the girls and finally the winners of each race ran together.

-So Myungsoo, Taemin, Junhyung and Kiseop you run the boy winners race and then Dara, Yoona, Sunny and HyunA you run the girl winners race. Are you ready boys?

They nodded nervously and when the teacher made a start sign they rushed toward the finishing line. Taemin's heart pounded and he thought about Minho and his odd dream.

"I love you. I don't care about what you've asked, I love you since I saw you the first time we met."

If only it could be true......

"If I win this race, Minho will love me... I'll win"

He forced his legs to speed up and from last he became the first. The other students shouted again, the girls squealed Taemin's name. But this time Taemin smiled widely, enjoying his victory.

"Minho will love me, I won the race after all"

The end of the day was sunny for him, his classmates were truly amazed by his victories in sprints, they were nice and cool with him except Chansung, Nickhun and Kiseop who were looking at him like if they wanted to kill him, the three of them were talking with low voices.

And when the class ended Taemin was about to leave the university when Kiseop blocked him.

-Hey Taemin, you know you've been great today. Kiseop said with a (plus or less) genuine smile

-Yeah, sure, Chansung added

-Really? Don't you are too much fed up? I mean usually you're the best and today....

-Fed up? No!

Taemin smiled.

-We're just super angry, Kiseop hissed

Taemin's smile fell, he looked at Kiseop, who gave him a fist in the tummy, Taemin yelped and mentally shouted Minho's name and it resounded in his head.

-Yah, bastard let him go!


~~~ Author Time! ~~~

I hope you liked this chapter! Normally it was the last chapter but I had other ideas so it is not! !^^

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Beau1996 1380 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 5: Minho is getting greedy - not sure which way this is going to go...
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 4: This is becoming a love knot!! The stage is set for some misunderstanding 😕 I am trying to pace myself but I also want to know what happens next...
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 3: Love triangle 📐 - this seems like it might get messy!
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 2: I thought for sure it was Minho who had the girlfriend!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 1: I have a good I've skating story - didn't go unconscious but gave myself a concussion!!
970 streak #6
Chapter 12: I finished this in one sitting!
Thank you so much for sharing.
Sequel!! :)
SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!
Interesting story ^^ Update soon^^
New reader^^