
Icy Love

Minho woke up from his nap, he was still on the sofa, the TV was still on. After checking his phone, he realized it was only the middle of the morning. He read some messages his friends had sent him to wish him a quick recovery and tell him they'd lend him their notes. He also sent a message to Taemin.

"How are you? You're back to class I suppose."

"Yeah! I'm attending a lecture but I'm not into it."

"Sorry to hear that! At least you have time to spare for me! ;)"

"For sure! What can I do to entertain you? :D"

"Anything! I'm bumming around at home, I'm ill"

"! Want me to keep you company? My lecture is almost done!"

"Don't bother, you'll get sick too"

But Taemin insisted and Minho's resolution waned. He gave him his address and waited for the younger one to come, in a state of excitement and nervousness that spiked up his fever.

Some times later, the doorbell rang. Minho ran in the hall and opened the door. The person who greeted him with a big smile was not an adorable young man but a cheerful girl with mid-length hair. He managed to hide his disappointment and welcomed the girl inside.

- Eun Ji! What are you doing there?

- I was at the lecture with Taemin and he told me he'd skip his next class to come here since you are sick but I am free now, I thought I'd come by.

- Oh, I see. You don't have the same classes?

- No, we have different optional courses.

Minho nodded in understanding and asked her if she wanted to drink something. Eun Ji accepted but insisted on doing it herself so Minho watched her as she filled the kettle and picked a box of loose-leaf tea in the cupboard Minho had shown her. A casual chit-chat was enough to fill the silence. They talked about their studies, about Taemin and how he was doing, about their Christmas plans. 

Eun Ji poured the hot water into two cups and gave one to Minho before picking the other one. Minho was someone rather easy-going and extraverted but Eun Ji unsettled him, as if her confidence overshadowed his. 

- Say, how did you and Taemin get together? He told me you're in the same class but...

- Yeah. You know, it's nothing special. We got paired for group work, we have the same friend group, we are together basically all the time so it felt...natural, like an extension of our connection. From friends to lovers, you see.

Minho nodded. Their love looked genuine and warm but their story was quite mundane. Of course, by bringing up the subject, he had to expose his own situation when Eun Ji asked about him. He admitted being single at the moment after a couple of failed love stories.

- What happened? Did you argue?

- In the end, we'd inevitably argue but I feel that it's always my fault, and I'm not saying that to have a pity party, I honestly feel that it's hard for me to stay involved once I'm in a relationship.

- Hmm... tough situation. I guess you prefer flirting rather than being committed.

- No, I swear I'm not a flirt. It's like... when I get to know the person more intimately, I realize they're not what I thought they were and I lose interest. It's like looking for something but you don't know what you're looking for.

Eun Ji nodded but her face showed she didn't fully understand Minho. She saw life in a simpler way and Minho's deep musings were hard to grasp, however, she was weirdly drawn to his intricate mind and his soulful eyes. To distract herself from these concerning thoughts, she grabbed the empty cups and stored them in the dishwasher.

- Do you want me to go and get you some medicine? she asked

- It's okay really. We have some at home. 

- Porridge?

Minho was about to decline out of politeness but he did feel a little hungry so accepted the proposition and offered to help but Eun Ji declined and asked him to rest.

He sat back on the sofa and checked some Youtube videos. He could hear noises coming from the kitchen, judging by a series of soft bangs Eun Ji was looking for ingredients in the cupboards. 

- Rice is in the cupboard next to the fridge! he said loud enough for Eun Ji to hear, though his voice was slightly raspy and his throat painful.

- Thanks!

His head was stuffy enough, watching stuff on his phone made it worse so he put it on the coffee table and wrapped the blanket tighter around him. Those damn chills made his skin ache and his fever overheated his brain. He lost track of time as his mind teetered on the edge between consciousness and sleep. 

- Minho? Are you awake? a soft voice asked.

- Yes... I think so.

Eun Ji put a tray on the coffee table where a steaming bowl of rice porridge awaited him.

- Thanks a lot, it looks delicious. 

He picked up the spoon and plunged it in the porridge before putting it in his mouth with caution in order not to burn his tongue. It was warm and easy to eat, the satisfying kind of food for ill people. Eun Ji was definitely growing on him. She was perfect but for one flaw: she dated Taemin.

- I'm honoured you made something so nice for me. Do you cook like that for Taemin too? 

- It happens, yeah! He doesn't come too often to my student room, he's very close to his family so I would feel bad if I asked him to come by every day.

- Yeah, he was kind enough to meet with me on his brother's birthday just because I insisted on it but he still took the time to have fun with his little brother before meeting with me.

- He's a sweetheart to everybody. Sometimes, I wonder how he does that. Having so much kindness, empathy and love for every person in his life.

- Did he ask you out or did you ask him out?

- I did of course! Had I waited for him to confess, I'd already be a granny! she replied with a charming laugh and Minho followed. Alright, I'll get going, I have classes this afternoon. It was fun, I hope you didn't mind me coming instead of Taemin.

- No, at all. It was nice meeting you and having you there.

- Here's my number in case you need anything. See you around, bye!

Minho accompanied her to the hall to bid her goodbye and went back to his now favourite spot: the sofa. With a bit of research, he found Eun Ji's account on Instagram and followed her. There were a few pictures of her but the vast majority of what she had posted were shots of her life. A teacup and a book in a cafe. The city lights reflected on the river. College books stacked up on each other. A copper pot full of bubbling ramyuns. Everything was artfully placed and her efforts to make everything look nice gave a peaceful and nostalgic atmosphere to her pictures.

He quickly sent a text to Eun Ji, asking her if Taemin had Instagram but she replied that he wasn't a great social media enthusiast. Briefly checking his own Insta account, he saw that Eun Ji had followed him back. 


Eun Ji didn't understand herself anymore. She used to think of herself as someone rational, grounded and sensible. However, ever since the day she pushed Taemin's bedroom door and saw that tall and gentle young man speaking to her boyfriend, a sense of longing had started growing in her heart. Something powerful that obsessed her. It didn't mean she was completely over Taemin, it's just that her feelings had shifted a bit off track. 

So when Taemin had told her he'd skip his next class to keep Minho company, she had jumped on the occasion to replace him. The short time they'd spent together at the hospital hadn't given her the possibility to get to know him but by coming to his house to play nurse, she was able to discover more about him. And it had fed her little parasitic infatuation with him. She had enjoyed way too much cooking for him and chatting with him. Even when ill, he was pleasant to be with. 

It was tough going back to class and focusing on something else than her love life. Moreover, she had classes with Taemin. He didn't fail to ask her about Minho. 

Her boyfriend talking about her crush was such a weird and unpleasant thing. Taemin being Taemin, he had nothing but compliments and nice things to say about Minho. Of course, Eun Ji agreed on everything and had to refrain from raving about him. She only managed to silence him by reminding him that they had to study. He nodded and focused on the paper his teacher had given him.

Of course, as soon as classes were over, Taemin told her he was off to Minho's home and it took her some willpower not to accompany him.


Minhp greeted him with evident joy when he saw who was standing on his porch. Taemin didn't seem to realize how adorable he looked in Minho's eyes. Some fragile snowflakes were caught in his hair and his cheeks were rosy because of the cold. 

-Hello! Do you feel better? he asked as soon as the door opened.

-Yes, I feel okay-ish, Eun Ji took good care of me, Minho chuckled.

The glow in his eyes upon hearing Minho speak highly of his girlfriend was proof enough to how much he loved her and Minho wished he could spark the same reaction. he invited the younger inside and offered him something to drink to warm up. 

-Hey! You're barefoot, go and get your slippers! Taemin exclaimed, looking down;

-We have a heated floor. I'm not cold. You're such a sweetheart for being so concerned about my well-being though. 

Minho had launched his first attack on the younger man. Taemin's eyes quickly shifted from the floor to Minho to the floor again. The rosiness on his cheeks had nothing to do with the cold temperature anymore. Minho chuckled, his flirtatious jab had succeeded.

- Erm... yeah. No problem. Say.. er... since you're in law school... do you know a guy called Kim Kibum? He's your age so I thought...

-Yes, I know him! We happen to be in the same class! Well, we're not friends but I know who he is.

-He's a friend of mine!

Minho nodded with a "oh I see!" kind of look. As they were talking about how Taemin and Key came to meet and become friends, they heard a door closing downstairs.

-Oh, it must be my mother.

-I should leave now...

-Don't worry, my mother doesn't mind if you stay there.

They went downstairs, to the living room. Mrs Choi was peeling an apple and getting ready to eat when she heard the two boys coming down the stairs.

-Hi mom! 

Minho then introduced Taemin to his mom who enquired about his health. Taemin reassured her with his usual shy smile. 

-Good. Do you want to stay for supper?

-No thanks, my parents will be home soon, I gotta go, goodbye Mrs Choi! Bye Minho!

Taemin didn't want to leave, he felt good with Minho. He was mesmerized he had made a new friend in such a short time. It usually took a longer time for him to warm up to others, but Minho was so nice, caring and gentle that this task was made easy. 

He went back home, sending a text to Eun Ji on his way, as he did every day. But unlike every day, she didn't answer back.

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Beau1996 1380 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 5: Minho is getting greedy - not sure which way this is going to go...
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 4: This is becoming a love knot!! The stage is set for some misunderstanding 😕 I am trying to pace myself but I also want to know what happens next...
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 3: Love triangle 📐 - this seems like it might get messy!
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 2: I thought for sure it was Minho who had the girlfriend!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 1: I have a good I've skating story - didn't go unconscious but gave myself a concussion!!
970 streak #6
Chapter 12: I finished this in one sitting!
Thank you so much for sharing.
Sequel!! :)
SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!
Interesting story ^^ Update soon^^
New reader^^