Chapter 3

Voices of the Deep
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“How are you going to do that Taeyeon?” Nana asked anxiously.

“I don’t know. But I need to do it. Can you even begin to imagine how many lives would be lost if we let him live?” Taeyeon snarled angrily. Nana backed away slightly holding her palms up.

“Taeyeon calm down.”

“How can I?” Taeyeon screeched angrily, her voice shrill and angry as it grated against Nana’s ear, “It’s my fault he’s still alive.”

“Taeyeon if you don’t calm down you’ll end up getting yourself killed before you can kill him!” Nana tried to reason with her. Taeyeon took a few deep breaths, it was a few minutes of silence before she spoke again.

“I have a plan.”

“What?” Nana asked curiously, unnerved by Taeyeon’s switching moods.

“The fact that they haven’t hunted any of us means they don’t know that there are Sirens living here. So we give them an excuse to set up traps.”

“What?! But- “

“Nana let me finish. They’ll be guarding the traps overnight, but there won’t be many. With any luck he’ll be waiting with the traps. Then we’ll take care of them.”

“How are we going to finish it?” Nana asked curiously.

“Use your voice to lure them close enough to the water, then drag them below or use a dagger to slit their throats. But always get rid of the body, we don’t want anyone discovering us after that.” Taeyeon said coolly. Nana looked doubtful but said:

“I don’t know Taeyeon, this is risky. Exposing ourselves? I don’t like the sound of it.”

“We won’t expose our real location. Just appear somewhere they will be able to see you,” Taeyeon explained, trying to soothe Nana, “I wouldn’t expose our real location for this.”

“But still Taeyeon this is very risky. We won’t know if he’ll definitely come down with them.” Nana reasoned. Taeyeon saw her worried face and sighed:

“Alright, just an observation mission. Watching the villages and allowing them a glimpse of us once in a while, just so they get their guard up a bit.”  She revised her plan. Nana nodded, still unsure but this plan was at least a little safer than the last plan.

“When shall we do this?” Nana asked.

“Tonight.” Taeyeon said in determination, “But I want to go alone first.”

“What?! Why? I can’t let you do that Taeyeon!” Nana cried.

“I’m not going to do anything. Just check out the place before we go and observe everyone.” Taeyeon soothed her.

“I understand but I don’t want you going alone. I’m coming with you!” Nana argued. Taeyeon sighed but eventually nodded her head.

“Fine. It’s probably a better idea anyway.” She said quietly.

“Alright. We’ll go tonight then.” Nana agreed.

That night Taeyeon and Nana swan out nearer to the shores than they had ever dared to when not on a mission. The cool wind made their hair flutter slightly above the surface of the water. Taeyeon’s heart was quickening as they got closer to the shore. The dark sky above them glittered with stars and the moon beamed down on them from above.

“Quietly.” Taeyeon whispered to Nana as they flapped their tails slowly, trying to make as little sound as possible. Nana nodded and they swum closer to the shore. Taeyeon and Nana spilt up, each of them taking a different side of the shore to exhibit. As they got closer Taeyeon noticed huge bushes filled with wild flowers near the shore. She reached out to the long stalks and the soft petals of the flowers.

“These are so beautiful.” Taeyeon breathed, all her focus was on the flowers until her gaze moved towards the objects next to the bushes. There were beautiful trinkets and jewels; it was in a Siren’s instinct to move towards jewels. The jewels along the shore got bigger and bigger the further she moved towards the shore. There at the very end was the silver pendant she had worn the day of the last shipwreck. She didn’t know why she was so attached to that necklace but she reached forward to grab the necklace. Her hands curled around the cold silver and she began to pull it towards her. What she didn’t notice however was the string tied to the end of the necklace, thin and black almost imperceptible in the dark night.

As she pulled it towards her there was a cracking sound causing Taeyeon to jump in surprise, it seemed to come from behind her. Instinctively she moved backwards, away from the sound, her eyes darting everywhere to see where the sound had come from. Suddenly she was jerked upwards out of the ocean, water dripping from her tail and hair as she clung to the thick ropes. She was tightly squashed and could hardly move her tail. High above the ocean she could see the ocean stretching round endlessly.

“Finally!” Taeyeon jumped at t

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Chapter 5: Woah! The end!! I want to know too!!
Poor taeyeon, dreaming all pretty and suddenly a nightmare and waking up to a fire!
Ohh! I want to be a siren reading the dream...
Onew is not nice tbh, but we will see how he gets!
Poor sanha too!
Thanks for the update!! ^^
I will wait for another update!! ^^
the foreword has me hooked!!
'listen to the voices, it may be the last thing you do' OHMY GOD
Oh! Btw last chap make me so enthrilled!! I want to know what will happen!! ^^
Hey!! Hope u can update this story!! Is really interesting!! Btw that poster is so catchy!! Well cheers!! ^^