Nothing Beats Carrots


Instead of taking the prettiest and most expensive hybrid, Yifan choose Junmyeon who had been saved from his past abusive master.


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Chapter 1: How can i miss this beautiful story ❤️❤️
1489 streak #2
Chapter 1: Except for the abusive owner - like screw him, man - this fic is so so sweet! I love how Yifan's so awkward and always fumbling around Junmyeon but is always so sweet - tho Myeon had thoroughly misunderstood him at first, completely understandable tho. Junmyeon's just wanna make me hug him and cover him with a fluffy blanket and give him pillows and hot cocoa and cookies. He's just so innocently cute, my heart can't handle it, and he's so clingy in a good way. I love how their relationship developed! It's not too rushed nor too slow. Just perfect. The other characters are so extra, they make this fic so hilarious, especially Kyungsoo and his "split personality" D.O (lmao, sure Soo, I believe you).

Thank you so much for this! Kudos!

P.S: Ha! I knew it! Fan's Myeon's secret admirer!
cyfome #3
Chapter 1: This got me squeeling with fluffiness❣❣❣❣
RatedMe #4
Chapter 1: This story was an adorable hybrid au and one of the only I've read with an absolutely cute bunny Junmyeon. Yifans constant mess ups and awkwardness with his words was so cute. And I was so lost about the secret admirer thing for the longest because I always thought it was Yifan, except he started getting jealous over the admirer and made Junmyeon throw his bear out the window. But now I kind of think that maybe he was jealous because the admirer got more love and affection then he was getting at the time, so he was jealous of himself. Which is even more cute. The transition of Junmyeon from being uncomfortable to extremely comfortable was nice as well. And I like the fact that he hated Minseok so much more than Jongdae down to the end, it was hilarious. Oh and also cat hybrid Kyungsoo and his death threats and Dog Jongin. Thank you so much for creating this hilarious and adorable story.
Chapter 1: Yifan not knowing what to do (during Joon's heat) or fumbling while doing things is so Yifan, well at least in my opinion. Your fic is as fluffy as Joon bunny's tail I'm sure of that. So cute! Tysm
OTP_maniac #6
Chapter 1: The last paragraph, does that mean Yifan was the secret admire??
BTW, this is cute, gah!!
2438 streak #7
Chapter 1: waaaahhh they sure have gone a long way, it doesn't help that hybrids initially think that all humans are witches/wizards unless proven otherwise... so they tend to stay inhibited at first, so yeah it requires a lot to have a hybrid trust you completely... but im glad Yifan didn't give up on Jun! :)

and at the last interview where Jongdae and his team had to ensure that Jun was now in good hands, Jun's unhesitatingly way of answering that he was happy, im sure moved Yifan's heart :))) but i think he still has to work hard so that he'd beat carrots... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

thank you for this wonderful read! and thank you for participating in the 100xover fest!!!

ps. damn Jun's heat! it was funny reading abt flustered Yifan who didn't know what to do... but then, what else would he do anyway? HAHAHA at least he survived Jun's first heat! idk who's looking forward to Jun's next heat more, him or Jun? :)))
2438 streak #8
Chapter 1: and so with the story!
Yifan just wanted to be a good owner, idk what it is that changed his mind after seeing Jun that made him decide to adopt him... probably how he looked like he needed to be taken care off when he fell of that table... but Jun sure needs someone to take good care of him, every hybrid in that center deserves a good owner, it's just that Jun was lucky enough to catch Yifan's eyes... i loved how Yifan stuck to his decision, even risking not telling Kyung nor asking for his opinion, as he stuck with what he believed was the right hybrid for him *tho im sure Kyung's punch to his arm hurt a lot*

with a lot of faulty episodes during Jun's first time to move in with them, bottom line is, he just wanted Jun to get comfortable but he didn't know the right words or approach to get the hybrid to do so... but what do they say, we learn from our mistakes... and it showed how determined Yifan was to make Jun trust him or start regarding him at least

tho i was a bit confused at the admirer part for a bit, at the first mention of the gift sent to Jun, Yifan was the first to come to mind... and they came eith lame jokes, ofc! not to mention, Yifan was suddenly defensive abt people liking lame jokes... and when the gifts continuously come, surprisingly timely to Jun's current interests or needs, ofc Yifan is the only answer! but then he's suddenly frowning at the mention of the gifts? and at Jongin's suggestion of trying to contact the secret admirer thru the center? uhm wait...

but ofc, every hard work and dedication is bound to pay off! and after all the distrust and the miss communication, he made his way to Jun's heart successfully! and Jun's heat might've helped with that, but they came to a point where Yifan didn't need to send gifts disguised from a secret admirer anymore! that Jun was willing to let go of his desire to meet the person coz he had Yifan by his side already!!! and he said i love you to Yifan first! HUHUHU isn't it lovely?
2438 streak #9
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHA i love this so much!!!

anyway, before i proceed with the story, i also really loved your characters here!!! i'll start with them i guess... Kyungsoo, my fave, the stern assistant who thinks that Yifan's death will be the only way to end his misery! HAHAHA and his denial of the side of him who loves everything soft and fluffy! doesn't make you any less scary Soo, but whatever you want! :))) that part when he outright punched Yifan coz he thought they were just donating to the hybrid welfare center! HAHAHAHA

Jongin! who's the complete opposite of Soo!!! HAHAHA he's like one who purely believes in the goodness of the world! and while Soo refuses so hard, everything soft and fluffy, he can't exactly refuse Jongin who's personification of such... what can i say, opposites attract :)))

Yixing! lucky Yixing who easily got Jun's trust coz rabbit hybrid as well and from the same rabbit gene too! *that part when he said he was sibs with Jun to Jongin and Jongin was like "you guys look alike" HAHAHA i was laughing so much* im just glad Jun had someone to consider his friend as he was going thru the whole ordeal of recovering from the abuse from his previous owner to slowly developing his relationship with his new owner... even if he didn't trust Yifan completely, it's not like he poisoned Jun's mind into not trusting him as well

Jongdae! the hybrid angel! HAHAHA coz srsly, Minseok owned a hybrid as well but still didn't mamage to approach Jun in the right way... do i have anything to say abt his relationship with Baek and Yixing? well, whatever makes them happy :)))

Jun!!! of course bunny Jun who's always so scared and tentative at first but learned to open up in his own way to Yifan

and ofc! Yifan!!! HAHAHAHA he made me laugh so much here... someone who thought he didn't want to take care of a hybrid but i guess he changed his mind after seeing Jun and he just wanted to be a good owner after that... well at least his sincerity has paid off