Hold Me Tight

Yijung:*asleep headphones over his ears*

Suho:Ayyy kyeopta *smiles takes a picture of him*

Chanyeol:*laughs*Don't show him that picture he'll be super upset 

Suho:Oh come on you can't deny he's super cute when he's asleep 

Chanyeol:Well I am his father

Suho:Aish I walked into that *pouts sighs*

Chanyeol:*laughs kisses his forehead smiles*I'll wake him up now so we can settle in then head the park

Suho:I'll wake him up you can get our hotel room *smiles*

Chanyeol:Alright I'll meet you guys there *grabs their bags walks in the hotel*

Suho:*smiles shakes yijung a little*Jungie it's time to get up

Yijung:*pouts in his sleep*Mmm 

Suho:Come on buddy we're here now *smiles*

Yijung:Mommy..*slowly opens his eyes*

Suho:*giggles*No it's me suho hyung

Yijung:Same thing *slowly closes his eyes*

Suho:*shocked looks at him*Yijungie

Yijung:Mmmm I want sleep *whining*

Suho:Aish this isn't going to work *carries yijung walks into the hotel*

At Their Hotel Room

Chanyeol:*shocked*Baby you could've called me that he wouldn't wake up I would've carried him instead

Suho:Babe it's fine plus it's so cute *lays yijung down on the bed*

Chanyeol:I don't want to wake him up if he's tired I guess we'll just have to go to lotte world in the morning

Suho:Naee we'll just wake up early when the park opens since we just have to cross the street *smiles pulls the blankets over yijung*

Chanyeol:Maybe I should take yijung out on long drives more often it's only 9 pm and he's asleep on a weekend 

Suho:*slaps his arm*Of course he's tired from school and all stop being a mean daddy

Chanyeol:I'm not like you said he is cute when he sleeps just cuter

Suho:Like his daddy *eyes widen covers his mouth*

Chanyeol:AH HA so you do agree with me *smirks*

Suho:Ugh great now your going to boost your ego

Chanyeol:Oh come on baby I am handsome that's one reason why you did fall for me and date me *smirks*

Suho:Well that's one but there's another reason *smirks walking over to chanyeol*

Chanyeol:Oh yea and what's that *smirks*

Suho:*smirks palms his buldge*Because of your monster down there is what I am in this relationship for

Chanyeol:MWO that's it *whines pouts*

Suho:*giggles pecks his lips*Just kidding I fell in love with you for you and you make me fall even more in love with you..

Chanyeol:I love you so much more *kisses him passionately*

Suho:*giggles mumbles*You're monster is just a bonus

Chanyeol:You're horrible *laughs*

Suho:You love me still *giggles sits on chanyeols lap arms around his neck*

Chanyeol:*smiles arms around his waist kissing his temple*

Suho:There is something that actually happened when I was trying to wake up jungie though *nervous*

Chanyeol:Oh no he didn't kick you did he..sometimes if he sleeps so good he just doesn't want to get distrubed *chuckles*

Suho:I'll keep that noted thanks..*laughs*

Chanyeol:What happened though

Suho:As he was slowly waking up he was looking at me smiling big but what's shocking is what he called me

Chanyeol:Waeyo what'd he call you *confused*


Chanyeol:*shocked*Really what did you say 

Suho:I told him that it was me suho hyung 

Chanyeol:What happened after

Suho:He said i'm close to a mommy *looks at chanyeol*

Chanyeol:Woah....that's *speechless*

Suho:I mean I'm not feeling upset about it of course he's going to miss his mother nothing compares to a mothers love a fathers love is special but when it comes to a mothers love it's irreplacable

Chanyeol:*sighs*I know I mean I make sure he and joy video call one another from time to time when she gets the chance and all he misses her

Suho:He still needs a mother figure chanyeol even if i'm dating you you can't deny that joy is his mother and it'll never change

Chanyeol:I know that I want her to be apart of yijung's life but she just uped and left I wish I could stop her by making her stay for our son but she wanted to let go

Suho:*holds his hand*Well what do you think you should do

Chanyeol:I can talk to joy sometime this week when she doesn't have any classes maybe have yijung visit her in the US during summer vacation for them to get closer not strain their bond

Suho:That sounds like a good idea *smiles* I'm sure joy and yijungie will both love that 

Chanyeol:It's just I'm scared I know joy won't try brainwashing and taking yijung from me it's just if I do i'm scared we've never been apart for so long I don't wanna let go

Suho:He will come back to you yeollie he chose you that you should know in your heart he chose you but he needs his mother too

Chanyeol:*sighs*I guess so

Suho:You can do it besides you still need to plan it but I'm supporting you with the plan *smiles kisses his cheek*

Chanyeol:Well I have one question for you

Suho:What is it

Chanyeol:Why do you sound so scared

Suho:Because when you start sentences with that voice sometimes it's the most weirdest things you do

Chanyeol:HA HA funny

Suho:I love you *giggles*

Chanyeol:Stop making me forget my question

Suho:It's not me it's you

Chanyeol:*shakes his head*

Suho:I am one amazing boyfriend aren't I you're so lucky to have me *scrunches his face giggles*

Chanyeol:*laughs pulls suho closer*Can I ask the question now

Suho:Well go on you're the one getting distracted 

Chanyeol:About yijungie calling you mommy...

Suho:*confused*Okay yea..what about it

Chanyeol:I was wondering if....maybe we can tell yijungie about our relationship tomorrow

Suho:*eyes widen*Mwoya are you sure

Chanyeol:More than anything baby plus I am sure yijung is starting to put the pieces together he is a smart six year old 

Suho:*smiles*If that's what you want then yes we can tell yijungie about us

Chanyeol:Really *smiles big*

Suho:Never more sure than in my life *smiles forehead against suhos*

Chanyeol:*smiles they kiss passionately*I love you so so much

Suho:I love you too so so much *pecks his lips*

Yijung:*snores loud*

Suho:Woah was that yijungie *shocked*

Chanyeol:I guess he's completely bummed out *laughs*

Suho:Who knew a noise like that would come out of a squirt like him 

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Chapter 28: awww cute and happy ending ><
Chapter 53: Woahh thank you for this cute preview scene about them. Thy are so happy family... Hahahahha ert chanyeol..
Chapter 52: This was so beautiful :) I hope you continue this story soon
Chapter 52: Iam so satisfied so much till the end of this story. I hope you can continue this story always.
I will support you always. I like this family. The little brat really sweet talk like his father who love suho damn much. Their happiness is such complete :))
Chapter 34: Omo.. Omo.. So this is amazing possible condition for suho. Wah it would be good if they can have own baby..
Jungkook is really stupid for scared by jun conditions. That is amazing gift from god to jun.
I cant wait to see jun pregnant hehehehe
Chapter 9: Eiiii that both rreally cute when being tgt. So far i was so enjoyable read this story. I love it. Omgg
The way they getting close each other is really awesome
Bazingadoodle #7
Chapter 52: Omo so cute
Bazingadoodle #8
Chapter 51: Awwwwwwwww
Chapter 50: This story is amazing and this chapter is too cute. Thank you for writing.