
Third Way of Love
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Yongsun was happily eating rice cakes in her dreamland before she got woken up by a phone call. “Miss Kim, it’s 8am! Why are you still asleep? Wake up wake up!” Eric shouted over the phone.

Still feeling sleepy and in a slumber, Yongsun slurred her words. “What? You’re not getting married today. I had a midnight shoot last night, I only got home this morning 4am!”

“Emergency emergency! Your presence is required for the casting call for your next drama. I can’t get through Wheein, so I’m waking you up first before I bombard her phone.”

“What casting call? Of course, you can’t get through Wheein. If I’m only home at 4 this morning, what makes you think she’ll be even awake when she probably reached home later than me.” Yongsun was still lying on her bed, reluctant to even move a single muscle.

“A meeting with the producer, director and script writer for your next drama project! It’s the drama you’ve been pestering me to get you an audition for!”

Yongsun immediately shot up from her bed, “You got it?!”

“Well, it’s not 100% confirmed yet but they’re more than willing to give you an audition. But remember, it’s just an audition! Nothing has been confirmed.”

“Sure sure! Where is the audition being held at?” Yongsun jumped off her bed and ran into her toilet to get washed up.

“RBW Arts Centre.”

“Does that building really belong to us?” Yongsun muffled through her words as she brushed her teeth. RBW Arts Centre is a building that had finished constructed recently. Though the entire building isn’t ready yet, the first few levels were more or less done with furnishes.

Coincidentally, it was also the same building that Wheein tried to “jump down” from. Somehow or rather by chance, it became partially owned by RBW or belonged to RBW now. Whether or not RBW would actually be moving to the new building was unclear, Yongsun was too busy to find out what was going on. But since the building was huge, RBW had allowed people to rent the studios and spaces inside for the time being while they sort out their internal discussions on what to do with the building. Yongsun had a gut feeling that it had something to do with Byulyi but she was too busy recently to even keep up a proper conversation with Byulyi.

RBW Arts Centre was the temporarily name for the building, and it had thus been used for various productions for holding their auditions for dramas, films, etc. RBW also held their own auditions for singers, actors etc.

“No idea, I’m too busy recently with all that’s going on in the company too. One day we’re informed of the new building we own, then next they announced they’re holding auditions for the whole nation. What’s worst is that with all the extra workload we have, they don’t have time to care about adding manpower. Our HR is too busy now too, so most of us are doing more than we usually can handle.” Yongsun could hear the frustrations in Eric’s tone. She was somewhat relieved that she and Wheein was not caught in this as they had been away for filming most of the time.

“Have strength, Mr Nam.” Yongsun could only cheer him on with words.

“Maybe you could ask your Miss Moon to add some manpower or allocate some of hers to us.” Eric sarcastically added in.


“Anyway, your schedule has not been cleared for this drama yet so do not promise them anything. I repeat, do not, ever, promise them anything until we know more details about the drama.” Eric emphasized once again, fearing Yongsun would agree on her own.

“Alright, alright. I’ve heard you, do you think they’ll just accept me easily?”

“Oh no. I have absolute faith in your acting. It’s just that I don’t have faith in you, as you.”

“Come on. It’s not like I would do something inconsiderate for my team.”




“You’re exactly what we’re looking for in the role that we’re casting!” The scriptwriter exclaimed as she stood up and clapped her hands.

Yongsun bowed deeply as she felt a gush of heat up to her face.

“Yes, you’re the one that we’ve visualized for the role. I’m so glad we didn’t reject your manager. We were afraid that you’ll turned out to be just a flower vase since you’re from a big company.” The director followed up with his comments afterwards. The producer slightly coughed from the side, gaining attention from everyone in the room.

“Yes, but I’m afraid we won’t be able to work with Yongsun-ssi.” His tone was more of awkward and ashamed.

“Why?!” Yongsun included, exclaimed.

“Firstly, because you’re from the Moon Group. Your fees might be something hard for us to work with.”

“I can lower my fees.” Yongsun replied quickly.

“Secondly, it’s a role that isn’t the female lead. It’s more towards the supporting side.”

“I don’t mind. It’s a role that I’ve never challenged before.” Yongsun responded back quickly as well.

“Thirdly, the most important factor. Your schedule is full till end of next year. We’re scheduled to shoot this early next year.”

The Director and scriptwriter seemed to have given up at this point. “That’s a pity.”

“It’s fine. I can clear my schedules. You just need to let me know how many days, or months you need me. I’ll get my team to clear my schedules.”

Everyone’s eyes lit at Yongsun’s words. “Really?”

“Yes, you have my word.”




“I really don’t understand. Which part of Eric oppa’s words do you not understand?” Wheein screamed at Yongsun’s ears in the car.

Yongsun had been listening to Wheein’s rants ever since she stepped out of the audition room.  

“Before you went in I’ve clearly reminded you not to agree to anything too! Do you know how many projects you’re already lined up for next year? And if I didn’t remember wrongly, all those projects are the ones you picked yourself. How are we supposed to clear your schedules when you keep adding on more projects on your own?”

Yongsun shuffled in her seat and chose to place her gaze away from Wheein. “Can’t we just postpone some of them? I don’t remember having to agree to that many projects.”

“You didn’t agree to that many projects because most of the projects that had been lined up next year was supposed to be this year before you became the sole decision maker for your own projects. The other projects are willing to wait for you and postpone their projects because it’s you! Why do you even need me as your manager when you’re just managing your own schedule without consulting me?!” Wheein was on the verge of crying.

“Oh my god Wheein, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” Yongsun got flustered and immediately turned towards her. “Did something happen between you and Hyejin?”

“No. Go away.” Wheein turned away, her tone immediately changing to a cold one.

“And I take that as a yes.” Yongsun mumbled to herself. “Where are we going by the way?” Yongsun directed her question towards Hyunkyu who had been silently driving.

“Moon Group. You have a meeting with the sponsors.”




“Are you not coming up with me?” Yongsun took a last glance at Wheein crossing her arms still sitting in the car.

“No. You have Hyejin to welcome you. I’m going to grab some food with Hyunkyu oppa. Text me when you’re done and we’ll come back for you.”

“I am?” Hyunkyu asked as her gave the most shocked face ever.

“I guess you are.” Yongsun answered and closed the door.

Before Yongsun stepped into the lobby, she took a quick glance at the parking lot just right outside, there wasn’t any cars. It seemed that Byulyi hasn’t arrive at the company either. Walking to this building right now, somewhat made Yongsun felt familiar and a sense of comfort. Perhaps because the person she loved is in this building almost every single day, and thus she now had a different feeling as compared to the past. The security knew Yongsun now too, he nodded at Yongsun and gave a smile. There was no longer any need for checking for her identification.

There were already quite a number of people waiting for the lift, then her phone rang. It was Hyejin. “Unnie, have you arrived?”

“Yup, I’m at level 1 waiting for the lift now.”

“Ok, I’m at level 7. We’re all here now, just waiting for you.” Hyejin hung up immediately, Yongsun took a note that Hyejin’s mood wasn’t good either.

Just as Yongsun was keeping her phone back in her bag, she heard a familiar voice. She turned her head and saw Byulyi walking together with two other male foreigners. 

Byulyi met her eyes with Yongsun at the same time as well, her eyes expressed happiness but she was still talking with the two foreigners.

People who were waiting for the lift turned to greet Byulyi, all Byulyi did was to give a slight nod and went back to her conversation. On the other hand, Yongsun purposely made a big action to turn away from Byulyi, acting like a stranger. In her heart, she was actually feeling cheeky and happy. Their status was different now compared to the past, she doesn’t have to act all polite and nice anymore towards Byulyi incase she gets offended. She could be mischievous and ignore Byulyi just to .

The lift door opened, as usual Byulyi allowed all the females to enter the lift first. Yongsun stood in a corner, against the lift wall. As Byulyi entered with the two foreigners, be it whether it was a coincidence or not, Byulyi ended up standing next to Yongsun.

As the lift went up, the atmosphere was absolutely quiet in the small space. Suddenly, someone secretly held Yongsun’s hand. Yongsun looked up at her, Byulyi acted nonchalant. Instead, her eyes were fixed on the numbers changing as the lift went upwards, yet her face subtly showed signs of happiness. Byulyi’s lips looked like she’s trying hard to purse her lips, preventing it from smiling.

Suddenly, in Yongsun’s heart, their secret love relationship yet filled with happiness, Yongsun tried hard to keep hiding her smile from spilling out, she kept her hardest to not show any signs that might give away their heavenly secret.

Ding. The lift stopped at level 5, Byulyi gave Yongsun’s hand a hard squeeze, as though saying goodbye. She let go of her hand and left the lift together with her two guests. As Byulyi left, Yongsun couldn’t help but to linger her eyes on her back view until the doors closed again.  


The meeting with the sponsors was smooth, they were local branded clothes designers that had just wanted to meet Yongsun to chat a little. They were impressed by the aura she gave off and they were more than willing to continue be sponsors for all of the projects that Yongsun is

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Chapter 37: I thought you gave up on this story. Cant wait for the next chapter
kimshishoshu #2
Chapter 37: Im glad that you are finally back but im also scared that you will again leave us for another year to update the story. How i wish i can get this update gap within months not years. 🙏

Btw, i really like this darkside of byul & i probably wondering who is the girl behind the mask 🤔
moon_and_yongkong #3
Chapter 37: omg welcome back!! i read again the whole story and it felt like the first time. Hope you don't go again for this long 😭 Great chapter btw
Beauty28 #4
Chapter 37: Am so happy you are back authornim. Great 👌 chapter.
mmm_0619 #5
Chapter 37: I'm a new reader it's such a pity that I only found it this late but I certainly do not regret it. This is so well written and I loved every single bit of it. Kinda slow burn but it was worth it. I hope they stop hurting soon, coz I really felt their hurt while reading it. I cried nonstop on some chapters. Can't wait for when Byul finds out that the woman she mistaken as an was no other than the love of her life. Please update soon. My heart can't wait any longer. 🙏
svela2233 #6
Chapter 37: Damn I cried, I just knew it was her 😭
Chapter 37: U are back!
Chapter 37: Omg, so glad you're back. Time goes by but we're here for this story!
lovemammoo #9
Chapter 37: Woah. This is a really an unexpected update. Thank you for coming back
Skye1234 #10
Chapter 37: Welcome back. Thank you for the update.