The Bet

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3 years ago, Park Chanyeol made a bet with his friend and leads to Baekhyun's pregnancy.


They met in a small library in their school and Baekhyun, the loner junior student, fell in love at first sight.


"Mind if i ask you where's the Encyclopedia?" Park Chanyeol asked. Baekhyun then looked up to see who asked and he saw Park Chanyeol who everyone likes and he's the most popular guy and plus, he's a senior student and one step ahead from Baekhyun.


"Y-you're in the Romance section and the Encyclopedia section is r-right there." Baekhyun guided Chanyeol and he muttered a soft 'thank you' but before Baekhyun decided to leave,


Chanyeol asked again "You're Byun Baekhyun, right?" 


He knows me. Baekhyun mentally screamed inside and he just nodded quietly before returning to the Romance section.


Baekhyun's heart is beating so fast and he can't understand what he's feeling. He's in love! He's in love with Park Chanyeol.




He's waiting for Chanyeol to leave and suddenly,

"Meet me outside" said Chanyeol and left.


The locker room was empty and they met and this is the beginning of everything.


Dear Diary,

I met Park Chanyeol today and he makes my heart beat so fast. I can't breathe properly when he's talking to me. I will mark this date, 17th of May, our first day together.

01001001 00100111 01101101 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110000 01110000 01111001 00001010


-ByunBaek, 2014


Baekhyun loves binary and he's a mystery that Chanyeol can never understand.




note: baekhyun is 17 years old and chanyeol is 19 — 2014 


baekhyun is 21 and chanyeol is 23 — 2017



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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 9: I love mpreg Baek - wish there were more chapters!!
Chapter 9: Hello,,author. when are you going to update this story????

I love your story
deamustika #3
Chapter 9: Cheonsa :'(
Trishayuu #4
Chapter 8: (´ー`)
LovesAsianDrama #5
Chapter 8: I'm going to say this. As a mother of three 14, 22 and 27 (two are girls) I understand what your parents did. And here's why. You say you're in an "internet relationship" with a boy for 3yrs? Which means you have been "dating" since you were 14. Now I don't know the whole story, but again as a mother that sounds dangerous. The reason being and I'm giving you my perspective, how do I know this is a real teenage boy? Did y'all skype? How much did y'all know about each other? We're his pics real? These are ques I would have asked my daughters had they done this. Please don't think I'm coming down on you. I'm coming out of a place of concern. If he really cared, he would have said, he understood and said he would wait or what could he do to convince your parents that he has your best interests at heart. I know this hurts right now, but as parents, it is our duty to protect, love and make sure that you are safe. Hope this helps. ^.^
mz0905 #6
Chapter 8: oh dear!! i hope things get better for you.. thanks for your explanation.. :)
Chapter 8: Ty for this info.and take care,stay healthy.;)
yukinonakamura #8
Chapter 7: argh...why baekhyun soooo easy....update soon..
deamustika #9
Chapter 7: I want Cheonsa meet Chanyeol again