An Offer

Mad Love
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I never thought that letting someone go would be so hard. I never thought that a distance between two people could hurt so much.


Even after a week, I was still crying that I was far away from her. I was unemployed and depressed. It makes you feel like a dump of , to be honest. And I don't even know how, but I could see Taeyeon everywhere. Whenever my eyes would rest on some gummy worms or even a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it was all it took to me to remember her.

And like this the days passed. I tried my best to be surrounded myself with the positive things. I started taking some yoga classes and I was enthusiastic about at first, but after two weeks, I ended up dropping it.

I hadn't heard anything about Taeyeon's well-being whatsoever. Even when I tried talking to Yuri about it, she would just say she is alright and change the subject as quickly as possible. Everything was a mystery. And although, I desired the information, I also respected the fact that Yuri doesn't really like Taeyeon.

After a while, my encounters with Yuri and Yoona started to get scarcer. Last time I had seen Yuri, I could notice she was avoiding the issue like hell. And every time we would talk about the Asylum, she would quickly interrupt me. It was easy to see she was hiding something from me, but I respected her silence the best way I could.

One day, sitting down at my dining room table, the thoughts of what could have happened to Taeyeon began to spiral around in my head. Maybe Yoona could tell me what was going on. Yoona wasn't wishy-washy like Yuri. So, finally deciding to bite the bullet, I proceeded to ring her, saying “Hello” just as I heard her voice through the phone.


“Hey, Tiffany… How are you?” She asked.


“Same old.” I replied honestly. “I just called to know about...


“Kim Taeyeon, I know...” I heard her sigh. “I'm sorry, Tiffany… I have no information regarding Kim Taeyeon, I told you this before… I'm not her doctor. I can't give you what you want.”


I gulped, feeling a tear roam down. “I just want to know if she is alright. You can do that, can't you? Go to her doctor, whoever it is now, and ask him/her…”


“I can't.”


“Why not?”


“I'm sorry… Things are complicated...” That made me frown my brows.




“Hm. The only person who can tell you what you want is Officer Yuri, ask her.”


She doesn't want to tell me, I I thought to myself. “Yeah...I might try do that later.”


“I'm sorry, Tiffany, but I can't really help you with this.”


“Ok… Thanks, anyway.” I said turning my phone off after we said goodbye.


My brain was engulfed in thoughts, scenarios and feelings and all I wanted to do was scream. Why was it so hard for them to tell me what is going on? I just wanted a confirmation that she was alright. That she and Irene were alright. But no… no news! Zilch! I sighed, getting up from the table and going to my bedroom.



As I heard my phone vibrating I tried to grab it with my eyes closed still. As I got it, I opened my lids and my blurry vision read the name of the person calling me. It was Bora. I grunted and pressed answer on my phone.


“Wakey wakey, Sleepy beauty!” She said excitedly.

“What do you want?”

“Aish, Tiff, this is how you treat me?” I grunted again. “Haha… I have good news for you, pinky pig… Nicole and I talked to Doctor Jeong to hire you back and though he said he can't do that straight out of the bat, he got an interview for you to get in.”

I blinked. “Really?”

“Yeah. You will be interviewed by Doctor Park Shinyang, she's new here, but I don't think you will have any trouble with it. Just get dressed already because the interview is due to start at 10 am.”

I looked at the clock checking the time. 8:25. Yeah, I should get ready as soon as possible.

“I'll get ready now, thank you, Bora! Thank you very much!” I thanked her.

“You're welcome unemployed pig.”

“Yah, shut up!”

“See you soon, Tiff.” And with her giggles echoing the line went dead. I blinked looking at my phone.

A new job interview. Well, as much as I would love to run back to where Taeyeon was right now, there was no turning back. I had to move on with my life. Even if it meant to go back to the place I used to be before everything started.


And so the weeks came and went. I was settled, with a job that even though it wasn't as challenging as the Asylum, it was still a good job. It helped I had Nicole and Bora still there so it was easy to be fully active on my works again. Some staff I knew was long gone, but in the end, it didn't change much from when I moved to Lee Soo Man Asylum. Of course, that now being back to that place gave me strong nostalgia feelings and I even had shed some tears as soon as I saw some of the kids look genuinely happy I was back.

So my job was going down the path it should go and I felt like I belonged… however, there was always a missing piece. Every day it was the same, I smiled, conversed and did my job to my best ability but there was always something that wasn't quite right. I felt like I lost something very important to me and now I couldn't work properly without that thing. A tiny voice used to whisper me to go home. Go home didn't meant my place, that I was sure. It meant somewhere else, someone else.

I'd find myself thinking of her often as I walked the grounds and the corridors of the hospital.... If I were to see a kid solving a Rubik's cube I'd think “She would've done that.” If I were to see someone telling a joke, “I wonder if Taeyeon would laugh at that.”


It became obvious that just erasing her from my mind would be impossible. It's been over one month since I've been fired from the Asylum and she was still there, not close whatsoever to be gone from my life.






I heard the door bell ringing. I grunted as I was comfortably on my couch watching a documentary about a Korean serial killer. I sighed a bit angry with the interruption and I rose from the couch and walked to the door, instantly opening it expecting to see either Bora or Yuri.


“What the hell do you wan-


But my eyes frowned when I saw a completely different person. I cleaned my throat and felt my heart pound faster in embarrassment. It was a short female, fully covered with a Burberry black coat, thick gloves and a hat protecting her from the winter outside. I blinked a couple of times unsure of what to say. I decided to apologize for my rude behavior.


“I'm sorry about that…. I thought it was somebody else.” I said still with my cheeks pinkish due to my second hand embarrassment.


“Are you expecting someone else?” She asked slightly concerned.


“I Not at all.” I shook my head.


“Good then.” She said taking off her winter hat and bowing to me before walking into my house. I frowned.


“Uh… Excuse me...Do I… Do I know you?” I asked trying not to sound rude.


“Oh, Pardon

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Thank you for all your support. Sorry if I let you down with the ending, but that's how I pictured.
I'm really grateful for all your comments, upvotes and support. Thank you for sticking with this story for all this time.


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randompersonhere1 #1
well written!
Chapter 46: This story turns out better than I’d thought. Beautiful nontheless. Although it’s bit weird seeing a serial killer getting a chance to be free after such a short time, her sentence is even less than 10 yrs. With the amount of people she’s killed, I’m surprised she got such a short time. The way Tiffany would always be like when Taeyeon killed someone: ‘Taeyeon’s sorry, she didn’t mean it’ is really infuriating, I’m glad she’s constantly called out for that. I think what’s brilliant about this is the way the story presents Taeyeon, she’s absolutely unpredictable, sometimes I feel bad for her, maybe she was a mis-guided person and then it’s revealed she does horrible because she wants to. I truly feel like Tiffany, fallen victim to Taeyeon’s charm. Everyone around her always warn her about Taeyeon. At some point it felt like this was going to be the start Tiffany’s villain arc with Taeyeon.
The story has many similarities with DC black novel Harleen but i think this one does a better job of show casing the weird and toxic relationship between Taeyeon and Tiffany. It kinda feels like Tiffany is just one step from hoping on the Taeyeon train and going full Harley Quinn. But alas, this has the happy ending we all hope for. I’m quite surprised with the out come, that’s like the best ending Taeyeon can get.
Chapter 10: this plot twist was INCREDIBLE
Chapter 2: here again, I had to read this masterpiece one more time.
I hope it is well, author nim♡♡
12345678_xx #5
Still hoping for an epilogue😭😭
czankx #6
Chapter 46: Damn, what just happened? Did i just really finished reading this no more next chapter? Waah, it feels like a just watched a long series of movie, all the feeling just came into me.. The story has such a perfect balance, emotions are high emotions are low, it's just perfect and i like how TaeNy really ends up together with Tiffany's determination and Taeyeon not pushing Tiffany away that much but is welcoming... I finished this on Taeyeons birthday.. It's just overwhelming.. And now I'm sad because there's no more to read huhuhukekeke
Ree93brianti #7
Thank you for beautiful taeny fic, and waiting for taeny's other stories 👏
btcrules27 #8
Chapter 46: This is by far..the best fanfic I have read. I actually don't want it to end 😭😭😭 I really love this fanfic I wanna cry 😭😭😭
reveluv316 816 streak #9
Chapter 4: Im already hooked
164 streak #10
Chapter 46: I absolutely loved this story!!! It was extremely good and the end did them justice!!!