K.O. 2

Knocked Out
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The tomboy walked along the corridors of their school with her bag hanging on one of her shoulders, wearing black sunglasses. Ohh, she looked so darn hot with that getup, making her fangirls swoon over her. Ohh-hoh, if they only know the reason why she's wearing a pair of sunglasses even inside the school building, they will surely either laugh at her or pity her. Well, for the guys in the basketball team, it's more on the former, because as soon as they saw the tomboy step inside the basketball court for their training that day, their stomachs ached for too much laughing. On her right eye was a big black eye caused by the apple that unfortunately landed on her face the day before.


"Seriously llama! We can't believe you actually enrolled in their taekwondo school." Minho stated, trying his best to stop his laughs, but failed as he rolled on the floor once again laughing.


"Hey, don't be like that to our lover girl here. Pfft..." Onew tried to defend, but the same as Minho, he also ended up laughing his a*s out.


"Come on guys, it was an accident. And besides, for sure, it made THE Krystal Jung notice her." Kris, who witnessed everything, defended.


"Just laugh all you want. One day, I will get her heart. Just watch me do the impossible." Amber stated with determination in her eyes.


"As you say so llama. Bwahahaha!" It was Jonghyun this time, who responded, unconvinced.


The whole team was still laughing at the poor tomboy, when their coach finally arrived.


"Okay team, let's start with the warm up. Let's start with 10 laps around the court. Amb-.. What the heck happened to you?!" Their coach yelled worriedly as he saw one of his best players. "Did someone from the other school do this? Did you get in a fight? Oh no, this can't happen. We need you in this year's games." He blabbered.


"Coach, I'm fine. You don't have to worry. I just got it from a uhh... an accident." Amber reasoned out, scratching her hair out of embarrassment.


"Are you sure?"


"Yes, coach."


"Alright! Then, go start with the warmup."


The team went into their routine that day. In the middle of their training, since the court is open to everyone in the school, fangirls and basketball enthusiasts are free to watch. One of those are Luna and Sulli, who are both in the school's publication. Luna is the writer/journalist while Sulli is the photographer in the sports section of the school paper. And surprisingly, these two also happened to be bestfriends with Jung Soojung. So as much as the girl didn't like to be inside the court that time, she was dragged into by her two friends, promising her that they're going to buy her whatever bread she likes after they've finished watching the training, as well as interviewing their coach and some of the players.


Uninterestingly, she watched the players run around and pass around the orange ball and throw it into the basket. Something she thought was so stupid, hence the confusion as to why people are so crazy about it. Besides, it's a sport created by Americans, compared to Taekwondo, which was created by Koreans, and is now earning a lot of credit internationally.


"Kyaaaaa!!! Amber is so handsome!!!" She heard the girls beside her scream. She looked around as to who that Amber is, whose name she find familiar. As soon as she saw the shorthaired girl with a black eye on her right eye, she instantly remembered the person the day before, who got knocked out after she was hit accidentally by the apple she kicked up high, as part of the practice for the demo that their school is scheduled to do in an event this coming weekend.


"Oh, that stupid-faced dino-llama is a basketball player?" She whispered to herself, but loud enough for Luna to hear.


"Omo, don't tell me you finally noticed someone else, who's not related to taekwondo, Ms. Blackbelt Jung." Luna started teasing her.


"No I'm not, Sunyoung. I just remembered her from yesterday."


"Yesterday?" Luna asked curiously.


"She and that tall guy over there," she said pointing at Kris, "were in the dojang yesterday. They are new students."


"BWOH?! Are you sure Jung?" Luna yelled, a bit louder than she intended to, causing them to catch attention from everyone in the gym, including the players.


And unfortunately to Amber, who suddenly heard the name 'Jung,' broke her focus and turned her head towards Luna, seeing Soojung next. Her head suddenly froze, her brain panicking as her ears hear the words, "OMG! It's Jung Soojung! It's Jung freaking Soojung!"


Amber was so lost into their practice that she forgot they're in a game, until...






The ball was supposed to be passed to her, but since her mind is floating somewhere, she didn't notice the ball, causing it to hit her head.


"Shoot Amber-sunbae!" Jongyeon, one of her teammates, who threw the ball towards her for a pass, immediately ran towards the tomboy to check if she's alright.


"I-I... I-I-I a-am... a-alright." Amber stammered, causing the rest of the players to worry, except Kris, who had a hunch as to why his best friend was acting that way. Seeing Jung and her two friends by the court side, he approached the tomboy and held her cheeks with her palms before he repeatedly slapped the poor girl back into reality.


"Yah, Amber back to earth. Amber back to earth. We're in training."


"H-huh? W-what happened?" The tomboy finally came back to her senses. Too bad, their coach saw everything, minus the part where she was actually distracted because of the presence of a certain long haired girl.


"Liu, out of the game. 50 push-ups and 10 suicides, now." Their coach ordered as a punishment. "We're in some serious business here. I need your 100% focus. Any distractions like that is unacceptable, do you guys understand?"


"Yes coach!" The boys answered.


While Amber was mentally slapping herself because of another embarrassing moment, she didn't know how she just managed to draw a small smile on the lips of a certain girl causing her to mumble, "What a stupid dork."




"You know bro, I really think you should stop this already." Kris advised, as the two were once again in the dojang of the Jungs. It was officially their first day in the taekwondo school, since the last time, Amber was knocked out accidentally by that stupid flying cannon ball pretending to be a green apple.


"No. I'm just starting Kris. I won't back down."


"But you know very well that these lessons aren't free. And I know that you're on a tight budget." Kris reminded her.


"Don't worry, I've budgeted everything beforehand, so no need to worry, 'kay?"


"But you could've just saved the money instead..."


"Kris, I said I'm fine." Amber convinced the tall boy.


They finally entered the dojang after changing clothes and saw some students already stretching, most are in yellow and green belts. Those who seemed to be a bit lost were wearing white belts just like them, so it's obvious who are the newbies.


Being athletes themselves, they also started stretching, when a tan girl wearing a blackbelt with stripes stepped inside, followed by another tall guy wearing a plain blackbelt. They both walked in front and introduced themselves.


"Good afternoon guys. I see we have a couple of new faces here, so let me introduce myself first. I'm Kwon Yuri, a third dan blackbelt. I'll be your instructor during Tuesdays and Thursdays."


"Woah! If my instructor is that hot, then I'll definitely go with you, Am." Kris whispered to the tomboy beside him.


"Aish. Shut up. She's hot, fine. But my Soojung is hotter."


"Pfft... 'Your' Soojung huh? You really are a lovesick llama, my friend."


"And this is my assistant instructor, Kang Minhyuk, also a blackbelt."


"I don't like that guy." Amber hissed.


"Okay, let's start with the stretching then warmups."


"Neh!!!" The rest of the class answered.


The rest of the class involved all the white belts being separated from the rest of the colored belts. Kwon Yu

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triggered by the recent Kryber interaction


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Hirokichi #1
Chapter 18: woah you already made 18 chapter for K.O
please continue this story
i hope they have a happy story
Chapter 18: Please continue 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
bluesky2275 #3
Chapter 18: Authornim, kindly update this fiction. Don't left it hanging like this.
22 streak #4
Chapter 18: Doc.. Please update :(
Chapter 18: :|
2078 streak #6
This is so good
2078 streak #7
Chapter 17: Is it just my Kryber heart jumping or everyone else
2078 streak #8
Chapter 18: This is so cute I’m squealing
khakapot #9
Chapter 17: Is it just me?.i keep on smiling while reading all of this..hahahaha thank you
Appledots5 #10
Chapter 18: Finally~ you are back