Chapter 2

Promise Me
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"Naeun." I don't even turn back to see who it is and keep walking home faster. I honestly don't even know who it is! His voice still sent shivers down my spine which is enough warning for me to keep moving forward. 


He yanked on my wrist and I immediately start panicking. He turned me around and our eyes met.Why is he back? He shouldn't be here. 


I frantically tried freeing my wrist from him as I feel the tears forming. "Please let me go." He wouldn't budge. " Please... father." I havent said that word in years. It felt strange to say it. It felt like poisson.




"It's been a long time, Naeun-ah." I could only manage to nod as I bit back my tears. I don't want to cry infront of him ever again. He finally let go of my wrist and I let go of breath I didn't even know I was holding. I rubbed my wrist softly, hoping for the redness to go away. 


" Is your mom home?" I shook my head slowly then started my attempt at walking away. He pulled me back by my backpack. " I'm deeply hurt Naeun. We haven't seen eachother since you were in first grade yet you try to walk away?" He still wears the same sick smile he did since I last remember. " I don't want to see you." I told him. 


"Let's eat." He pulled me along. The whole way I was tugging at my arm and hitting his arm with my current free one. " HELP!" I yelled as hard as I could to try to get someone to help me just this one time. He still didn't let it go and no one came. I sighed as for this was the first time I actually missed my mom. 


It's strange that not so long ago after she texted me she wasn't coming home, I felt nothing. I didn't feel lonely, sad, I felt nothing. Strangely in this current moment, I miss her more than anything. 


With all my force, I stood in one spot and looked him straight in the eye. " I hate you. Why did you come back? After so many years of missing,

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shadowshly #1
Chapter 4: It's really hard to find Apink x BTOB stories. I'm glad you make one! <3