


"Jungkook...I've never..y-you've never.." Taehyung is struggling to catch his breath and he's unable to meet those paralyzing eyes. His spine is slowly turning to jelly as Jungkook hangs over him and his face heats up quickly. "You're crazy for even asking me that!"

"Why? I've never heard you say it to him," Jungkook looks annoyed as he brings his lips to Taehyung's hair. "Is it that unfathomable that you make me lose my mind? I can't help that I want you. I want my tongue on every sinful inch of your body, Tae."

Taehyung is shaking so violently; everything is happening so fast and he's not used to Jungkook being so vulgar yet irresistible all of a sudden. He's feeling things he shouldn't and he wants to escape quickly before he does something he'll regret. But the eyes following his every movement are watching him like a hawk.

"Just answer the question. Do you love him?"

"O-Of course. Of course I do..."

"You're lying," Jungkook smiles in a comforting way, tilting Taehyung's chin upwards."I can always tell when you lie. You weren't lying when you confessed to me, but I was too stupid to believe you."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Don't tell me you're that dense Tae. If you just want me to say it, then just tell me that.." Taehyung still shakes his head in confusion. "I'm in love. Deep, real and raw love. The kind that hurts so ing good; the kind you can't even escape if you wanted to."


 "I know I'm pathetic. I know I'm not man enough for you, and that I talk big. Told you I'd never fall for you again, told you I hated you and all this other dumb that pretty much turned out to be a lie. Truth is, there's no world I can live in where I don't see you in my arms."

Taehyung is so shocked he can barely move, but Jungkook just lets the words flow mercilessly, confusing Taehyung's poor vulnerable heart.

"It drives me ing crazy to see you with him, but if he makes you happy then I have to build a bridge and get over it. That's what love is, right? You put your own desires aside to see the one you love smile. That's all I want--I want you to smile forever--you deserve it. But me...I certainly don't deserve you. I blew my last chance with you, but I'm going to be a man and accept it. I'll respect you and your relationship, and leave you alone."

He suddenly sounds defeated and his expression looks wounded. Jungkook seems to have regained control of himself and backs off, not wanting to scare Taehyung anymore than he already has. "I'm sorry for acting like was beyond inappropriate. I hope I didn't royally up things between us...again." He's a safe distance from Taehyung within seconds, but Taehyung is cemented to the wall, his conflicted feelings clouding his mind.

You can't just say all that and leave..

Come back...touch me again.

"I'll sleep on the couch, don't worry." He wants to grab Jungkook back as soon as his warm touch abandons his skin. Taehyung is trying to catch his breath, but with thoughts of ripping Jungkook's shirt off and begging him to touch him he can't calm down. He's not himself, he has a boyfriend and this is all wrong but suddenly it feels so right. Taehyung knows the wash of relief he feels when he clutches Jungkook's sleeve is because of that--because it feels so complete and so fulfilling. This flood of relief is telling him everything about Jungkook is right--is this where he's supposed to be? He wonders.

"Don't go," Taehyung bites his lip to keep from pouring his confusion out.

What are you doing Tae? This is wrong..  

Don't do this to Wonho.

If he's even Wonho anymore..

The painful revelation hits him then. Wonho is changing into someone--something--that he's slowly beginning to fear. Even with the obligation to love him, the purple marks on his skin are a reminder: he doesn't love him and he never did. He was kind and caring, loving and nurturing at a time when Tae was facing rejection. Now that his colors are filtering through the prism in Tae's mind, Taehyung needs to find a way out before things get worse. And the last thing he needs is the darling in front of him providing all the doors that he refuses to step through.

Jungkook doesn't deserved to be used. Not like this.

The only man he sees here is Jeon Jungkook. Tall, warm and comforting. Kindhearted and always smiling at him, since the beginning of the school year. No, since the day he met him. He wasn't just his childhood friend, he was his companion. He pushed him up and loved him harder with every push. He never asked for anything in return, as long as Taehyung would stay by his side he was the happiest child alive. He remembers when all he wanted was Jungkook, and suddenly it's all he can focus on.

Who doesn't deserve who?

When did I stop wanting Jungkook?

Taehyung convinced himself that Jungkook was done with him, and therefore tried to kill his feelings: with another man.

Did I ever stop loving him...?

"What's wrong Tae?" Jungkook looks bewildered, and Taehyung is finally brave enough to look him in the eyes. He comes closer and begins to Jungkook's shirt with his hands shaking immensely. He doesn't know why he's so nervous. It's just Jungkook, who he should not be doing this with at all. Yet his heart tells him to keep going, to grab this beautiful blessing of a man before someone else does. Jungkook smiles down at him, kissing his fingers lovingly before gently holding them. "What are you doing?"

"I don't know," Taehyung can't speak with Jungkook existing so disrespectfully right in front of him like this. "I want you to touch me. Please.."

Jungkook frames his face before pressing his forehead to his. "Is that really what you want..?"

"Yes," Taehyung sighs against him holding on to him tightly. Jungkook laughs into his hair before slightly nudging him away. "Then let me do it."

Taehyung is clueless before he watches Jungkook's nimble fingers unfurl each button painfully slow. He cautiously lowers himself to Taehyung's lips, asking for permission. "Is it okay..?"

Tae doesn't bother replying when Jungkook's shirt falls open and he catches a glimpse of the hard muscle laying across Jungkook's belly. He hooks a hand around the back of Jungkook's neck and melts into his lips, gasping for air in between slow, passionate kisses. With every wanton moan into each kiss, he feels the sparks gliding through his heart, those sparks that never came when Wonho kissed him for the first time. Taehyung's greedy hands rub down Jungkook's torso and peel his shirt down his chiseled arms. Taehyung presses his hands into Jungkook's back muscles, finally coming up for air. Jungkook looks shocked, his eyes widening.

" don't have to do any of this to please me. I love you because you're you, not--"

"I know," Taehyung is blushing so profusely and quaking with hesitance while he tries to get Jungkook's jeans open. He's never done this before and he's beyond nervous; he just wants to show Jungkook that he can do this.


He doesn't know himself. Here he is cheating on his boyfriend with someone he claims to have no feelings for, and he knows he's a mess. A hot, flaming mess of emotions and confusion and drama that Jungkook is so willing to clean up and he'll never know why. When Jungkook realizes that Tae isn't listening at all, he grasps his hands again and speaks to him patiently.

"Tae, stop." Jungkook kisses his forehead and calms his frenzied movements in almost an instant. "You're not ready. I was dumb for even insinuating this..."

"Don't tell me what I'm ready for." Taehyung frowns; he's embarrassed enough already and he feels disgusting.

"Maybe you think you're ready to have , but you're not ready to make love." Jungkook laughs despite Taehyung's frustration, pulling his shirt back on. "That requires you to actually have feelings for me. And I may hate Wonho, but helping you cheat on him just feels wrong. He's...a good guy."

Jungkook doesn't say another word before kissing Taehyung's cheek and closing the bedroom door, securing a spot on the couch and turning the lights off.

He leaves Taehyung to evaluate himself, but he decides to wallow in his own shame instead.

However, after the whirlwind of emotions he just felt, one thing is clearing up.

Maybe it's best...if we break up.


Taehyung awakens to the smell of home cooking infecting the entire suite. Once he brushes his teeth, he stumbles out of the bedroom like a walking corpse and collapses at the dining room table. It takes about five minutes for him to register Jungkook in an apron, singing over pancakes, eggs and bacon.

"American-style breakfast?" Taehyung's English pronunciation is perfect, earning him a wink from Jungkook. "Gyeom taught me when he came back from Seattle."

"But we have room service. Don't be so extra!" Jungkook chuckles before turning off the stove and pouring two glasses of orange juice. "I don't mind being extra if it's for you."

Taehyung's heart instantly skips a beat.

Is he flirting with me?

No, Tae. You're over him. You're in a relationship!

Play for the winning team!

"Tae?" Taehyung jolts, directing his attention to Kook. "I was asking if you wanted flavored syrup."

"Oh..yeah, sure." Jungkook smiles and sets a plate before him, piled generously with hotcakes, eggs, bacon and other items conveniently all shaped in hearts.

Jungkook blushes, rubbing his wet hands on his apron. "Um...sorry. The heart-shaped moulds were all they had in the drawers.."

"As long as it's edible," Taehyung pokes fun at him, getting a finger in response. "Hey, I'm a great cook. I make all of Yoona's favorites!"

"So you're the chef she's been praising on the phone," Tae crinkles his nose cutely. "I'll believe it when I see it. For now, your cooking tastes like poop."

He sticks a tongue out at Tae and goes back to tending the stove while Taehyung picks up his silverware. All jokes aside, this breakfast looked like it came straight out of a movie. There wasn't a burn mark in sight, everything looked pristine and absolutely mouth-watering. He wastes no time in taking a bite as Jungkook peeks over his shoulder, hoping he likes it.

Taehyung's eyes illuminate with life when he takes that very first bite.


He puts all his manners aside and dives in to every dish on the table, pleasing Jungkook beyond belief. "That's some pretty tasty , huh?"

"Why do you have to be so damn good at everything," Taehyung whines with eggs flying out of his mouth, still shoving more inside. "it's so good Jungkook. It's so good~"

"I'm really happy you like it. I made it for you, after all." Jungkook brushes stray crumbs off of Taehyung's mouth with a napkin, smiling before going to his seat and finishing his food. It's really hard to hear Taehyung's chewing over his own heart screaming in his ears. Jungkook is only a couple feet away acting normally as if last night didn't even happen. Yet Taehyung remembers every touch, every kiss, and every taste of Jungkook's lips. His lips were just as soft as he remembers, warm and tender and red like rubies.

"," Jungkook suddenly drops his fork and glances at his watch. "We're late Tae!" He abandons his food and quickly disappears into the bedroom to get dressed. "Late?? Late for what?" Taehyung is still half-asleep and adorable with his mouth full, beaming at Jungkook.

"Everyone's going skiing today. We were supposed to meet them at ten!"

"Can't we just stay in? I'm so tired..." Taehyung moans and puts his head down, and Jungkook rolls his eyes. He comes outside in the middle of pulling his shirt over his head, and Taehyung's eyes subconciously trail down his abominals. Taehyung swallows his food, quickly looking away.

Oh god...what am I doing?

"Hurry up and get ready. If we miss a group activity we'll never hear the end of it from the chaperones."

Tae groans and ventures in the bedroom to find a t-shirt and jeans, silently hoping that Jungkook doesn't sit next to him in the van. Cardiac arrest isn't normally a concern of his, but with Jungkook around it's a whole different story.


"So that concludes the tour of the mountain! Once you get your harnesses on, we can start climbing. You've all been given a manual that explains how to put it on. If you need help, one of our instructor's are happy to aid you in any way possible. One last thing,"

The tour guide's expression turns stiff all of a sudden, much to everyone's concern. "absolutely under no circumstances are you to go to the peak of the mountain for any reason. Temperatures and wind speeds get dangerous up there, and could possibly even kill you. The area is blocked off for your safety, so please don't abuse your privileges."

Jimin nudges Taehyung and Jin, whispering with a smirk. "We're so going to the peak."

"I think the not," Jungkook glares his way through the conversation he was never invited into. "didn't you just hear her??"

"Oh come on. It'll be fun!" Jimin claps his hands together, set on his stupid decision. His boyfriend wrenches him by the ear with a mute expression, his eyebrows knitted together in irritation. "It's fun to follow the rules too. You're not going." Yoongi ignores his boyfriend's whining while helping him with his harness, while Taehyung looks off into the direction of the mountain, appreciating all of it's eroded dents, invigorating scents of clean water and fresh greenery.

I wish I could stay here forever.

"Wouldn't it be amazing to stay here forever?" Kook slides his hands in his pockets as he occupies a spot beside Tae to admire the scene with him. Taehyung raises his eyebrows, shocked when Jungkook reads his mind like he always does. "I think so too. No thinking, no people, no responsibilities or grades or obligations...just life. Life and all of the good emotions that come with it. I'd love that."

"No people? Wouldn't you get lonely?"

"Well, I mean...I'd have you. So I don't think that would be an issue."

Taehyung's cheeks begin to burn and he quickly stares at his feet, grabbing his harness from the floor and struggling with it. "I-It's really hot today huh? I should put this on so we can hurry up and get going!"

Jungkook looks perplexed. "'s thirty degrees outside. Fahrenheit.."

"Exactly! It's blazing hot!" Taehyung laughs nervously while making a complete mess of all of the attachments on his harness. Jungkook just watches in confusion for a while, before getting enough amusement for the day and lifting the harness over his hips. "The hooks go here, like this. On these ridges on the left and right, see?"

Jungkook reaches around his body, lowering himself to properly tie the harness to his body. His dirty-blonde bangs tickle Tae's nose, urging him to sneeze. Tae shivers every time the soft hands slide up against his body, the ticklish sensations pulling small giggles from his chest. Jungkook smiles every time he hears one--if there was one thing he loved most--it was when Taehyung laughed.

"There. Ready to climb?"

Taehyung rolls his tongue in his cheek, hesitating. "I think I'm gonna sit this one out."

Jungkook tilts his head in confusion. "Why?"

"I'm...well.." Taehyung looks embarrassed, diverting his attention elsewhere.

Jungkook breaks into a fit of laughter, holding his stomach as it progresses. "Don't tell me you're afraid of heights. I'll laugh my off."

"So what if I am?! We're suspended in the air and we could fall to our deaths at any given moment!"

"That's what the cables are for, genius. Don't be a punk! Face your fears, this may be the only chance we get to come to Yang," Jungkook pauses, his teasing smile softening into a comforting one. "together, anyway. That means the world to me."

Jeon Jungkook, I swear to god...

You enjoy this. You enjoy shaking up my world.

You enjoy making me feel this way about you..

"I'm replacing you with a new best friend! You're so mean." Taehyung pouts and trudges towards the mountain, bopping Jungkook's nose whenever he makes a stupid comment about Taehyung's phobia. "Good luck finding someone who cooks for you~" Jungkook sings back, earning a shove into the snow from Taehyung.

Hoseok and Namjoon look on at the pair from afar, arms crossed and nodding in approval. "It's working! We barely had to lift a finger..."

"All according to plan." Namjoon on his lollipop, smirking triumphantly.


When afternoon blankets the Yang mountain region, Tae is busy on his console playing Overwatch while Jungkook lounges on the couch, looking up through the ceiling at the dimmed stars in the sky. The view isn't too clear considering the time of day, much to his discontent. He scribbles something in the notepad he's writing in, crossing his eyes in thought. Eventually he gets frustrated when he can't think of anything else to write and ruffles his hair before tossing the notepad altogether.

Taehyung finally turns around after staring at the screen for hours and hearing Kook crumple his seventh sheet of paper. "What are you writing?"

"Nothing," Jungkook purses his lips and collapses in the couch. "just thinking about what to do for dinner tonight."  Jungkook lies effectively right through his teeth, not ready to be found out just yet. Tae takes the bait, the topic of food piquing his interest. "I'll make your favorite strip steak. Maybe some vegetables, and some--"

"Yes!! Oh yes," Tae is drooling already as Jungkook describes his favorite American dish. He grins and pulls his hoodie on, grabbing his wallet and keycard. "I'll head to the grocery store then. There's one in the next town over."

Taehyung crosses his arms all of a sudden. "That's pretty far Kook. We can just eat dinner at the Cafe with the other guys..."

"Oh? So you want to go out now? This morning you were begging me to stay in." Jungkook rolls his eyes and Taehyung turns pink. "Well..that's because.."

Because I wanted to stay with you.


Because you were so warm, and your lips were so soft last night...

"Nothing! Nothing," Tae quickly changes the subject, avoiding his handsome face. "let me come with then."

"Absolutely not," Jungkook glares, sliding his feet into some rubber slippers. "you'll buy all these snacks and sweets that we don't need. It's so annoying."

"You're annoying! Everyone loves snacks..." Tae moans at him, and Jungkook crumbles up his gum wrapper before curling a stick into his mouth and pitching the ball at Tae's forehead. "Just sit tight. You won't die of starvation if I jog." Jungkook doesn't wait for another protest before disappearing. Taehyung groans into a pillow, met with the silence of a suite without Jungkook's deep delicious voice bouncing off the walls constantly.

Whether he's teasing him, praising him or laughing at him, Jungkook's voice was a treasure Taehyung didn't know he cherished so much. It had a way of making him feels so many different emotions at once, and it sent chills down his spine. It served as a confirmation, a reassurance that he was still there next to him. It gave him vibrations in his heart and heat in his fingertips, sparks in his head and an odd satisfaction. Jungkook's voice meant he was here, talking to him and telling him about his day. What he likes what he doesn't, all the quirks that make him tick and make him Kook. Kook, his best friend and someone he could tell anything.


Anything and everything except the fact that his boyfriend is abusive. Taehyung shames himself because he knows he isn't dumb--he knows he should have left when Wonho choked him the first time--yet the "we should break up" speech still sits in his inbox as a draft. He's more afraid of what Wonho would do more than anything, both to himself or to him. He's been ignoring all of the calls and messages Wonho has been sending, and it's only a matter of time before Wonho shows up at his door. He wants to face this head on, but every time he thinks of doing so he glances at the purple marks on his wrist and the Rolex Wonho bought him covering them.

He needs to do something quickly, he knows. Jungkook is way too vigilant to hide from, and covering the bruises gets harder every day. For Wonho to turn into this person he didn't know, something had to be wrong. Taehyung hates that he wants to help Wonho, even still when those very hands were strangling him. He wants to ease whatever is ailing Wonho and bring the old him back, even though it's beyond possible. Nothing is a lost caue for Taehyung, and he hates that. He hates how good he's being, and especially at his own expense.

I can't help wanting to be kind to him.

What am I supposed to do?

Taehyung knows exactly what he's supposed to do when he gets another text from Wonho begging for forgiveness with an invitation to dinner tonight. He sighs, wanting nothing more than to ignore the text and have dinner with Jungkook. However, deep down Tae can't bring himself to be this way towards someone he claims as his significant other. So he decides to agree to talking instead of dinner; his decision is concrete and unwavering.

Tonight is the night Taehyung will end things with Wonho, nice and easy, civil and mercifully.


Jungkook whistles a catchy tune on his way back from the market with two grocery bags dangling from his fingers. The resort is about a mile off, so he enjoys the path surrounded by crickets singing and streams flowing nearby. He spots a fox darting and weaving through the trees and smiles to himself, remembering how fascinated Taehyung used to be with the foxes that came to their doorstep at night. Jungkook's mom would leave chicken bones from dinner on the doorstep and the black-footed friends would mingle in front of the house while Taehyung watched in amazement through his bedroom window.

I really love him..

Jungkook is scared.

As his love for Taehyung gets stronger every day, he worries about himself. Will he lose control? Will he ever get to the point where his desire for Taehyung's prevails over preserving their friendship? He wonders. He suddenly remembers seeing Taehyung in tears when he and Wonho fought, and all that came tumbling after. He wants to get mad all over again, to hit things, to snatch Taehyung away from that stranger and love him instead. Just as he wants these things, he notes that Taehyung isn't his. Which he's said he's fine with, but he knows it's a lie.

I'm fine as long as he's happy..

He's never been more short of fine and it's because Taehyung isn't happy and he knows it. He knows deep down Tae would be happier with him, but with Jungkook's hands tied he can do nothing but be supportive. His mind is made up and he'll keep being supportive for as long as Tae stays by his side and allows him to. Until one day Taehyung puts his foot down, because Jungkook realizes he doesn't want anybody else.

He bites his lip the way he does when he's thinking way too much, running a hand through his hair. ". Kook, you need to do something about this. Fight for him, damn it!" Jungkook is annoyed with himself for playing the soft nice guy. He can't help who he is, especially when hurting Tae's feelings is the last thing he wants to do and he's done enough of that in the past. Staring ahead toward the mountain path, he spots a steep hill with something of a vibrant purple hue at the top. Studying the object closer, he realizes it's exactly what he thinks it is and nostalgia washes through him.

"Lavender? Growing up here?" He's just as bewildered as he is amazed. He rolls up his sleeves and surveys the hill and the large rocks covering it. It's steep and he's sure to fall and get a few scrapes or even a broken leg. The verdict is Taehyung's smile when he sees them is worth all that and more, so Jungkook drops the grocery bags and gets to climbing. It takes him about five minutes to struggle to the top before he gathers a generous amount, taking care not to crush the delicate fragrant petals. Looking down at the groceries on the floor, Jungkook realizes the only way down the sharp jagged rocks will be full of pain. He takes his time, reaching his left leg out and feeling out for terrain to make contact with his beat-up Adidas. Once he does he cautiously lowers his body, making good work of maneuvering down the dangerous path. As soon as he think he's almost to the bottom, the sweat from his hands get the best of him and he's unable to take hold of the rocks.

Jungkook loses his footing and tumbles down the remnants of the hill, wincing from the scratches on his face. He winces when he lightly touches his cheek, looking back at the wine-colored fluid on his fingertips. " am I gonna explain this to Taehyung?" Jungkook rolls his tongue in his cheek, perplexed. He looks down at the bundle of gorgeous flowers in his hand, relieved that even though he was pretty banged up, he took care not to crush the flowers. In an instant he's forgotten about the searing pain from the cuts on his face, envisioning how happy Tae will be when he surpises him with the freshly-picked flowers.

Because if Jungkook knows himself, Taehyung's smile is all that matters to him.


"I'm back," Jungkook's joyful voice floods the suite as he closes the door, with Taehyung nowhere in sight. Jungkook glances around the room quizzically, but there's no brunette to be found. It isn't until he goes into the bedroom and hears water running that he realizes Taehyung is in the shower. He grins mischievously before tip-toeing to the right side of the double bed and sliding the lavender under the bed. "He'll never look under here. It's perfect!" Jungkook decides to get started on dinner while Taehyung is freshening up, kicking off his sneakers and tying on his apron. He smiles to himself as he begins chopping onions, and his heart skips a beat when he hears the shower turn off. He quickly darts inside the cabinet, looking for the candles the housekeeping staff left for them to use. He sets them inside the candelabra and lights them before running back to the stove to save the frying onions.

When Taehyung smells cooking, he pops his head out with a towel secured around his body. He's chewing on his lip with a pitiful look on his face when Jungkook looks back at him with a wide smile. "Hey! I got back a few minutes ago. I didn't know if you wanted tenderloin or house sirloin, so I just got the best stuff they had."

"Not that...Kookie, your face! What happened?"

"I um...I fell." Jungkook's simple explanation earns a frown from Taehyung. "Do you think I was born yesterday?? Stop ing around!"

"I'm serious! I really fell and got banged up bad, but I'm fine. I promise." Taehyung marches up to him, his face with a heartbroken expression. Jungkook instantly starts blushing, not expecting him to do that at all. "This is an open wound. You're still bleeding, .."

"I'm a man, Tae. I can handle it." Taehyung flicks him in the forehead, pouting. "A man my ! When I get back you're getting peroxide and ointment."

Jungkook an eyebrow. "When you get back?"

Taehyung's eyes are suddenly downcast. "Right, about that..."

Jungkook looks confused, his smile unwavering. "Is something wrong? I can go get a different steak if you want--"

"No, it isn't that at all." Taehyung can't do this when Jungkook looks like a puppy that just wants to please him. He's still there, smiling back at him though it's a cautious smile. "Wonho actually...invited me to dinner. So we can talk things out and stuff.."

"Oh.." Jungkook's previously-cheerful voice cracks inaudibly and he turns away from Taehyung to hide his expression. His heart shatters in that instant and he turns off the stove. "That's okay, I can just pack yours up and you can eat it whenever you're hungry. I don't mind eating by myself, it's no biggie." Jungkook lies through his pained smile and Taehyung is still biting his lip with a sad look on his face. It's so hard for him to smile when his heart just exploded in his chest, and he's trying to hold back the rejection he feels.

"Kook, I told him no. We're just gonna talk for a few minutes and I'm...well, I'll be done."

"Done?" Jungkook looks perplexed.

"Yes, done. I'm leaving him."

Jungkook curls his lips together, holding in the relief that bursts through his ears and right into his brain when he hears those words. He knows he's absolutely terrible for being happy about this, but he can't help himself. "Why?"

"He and I...we just don't work. I'd like to end it now before things go any further."

Jungkook nods, not questioning him any further. "As long as you're happy, I'm happy."

"I'll be really happy if you turn the stove back on and we have dinner together..?" Tae poses it as a question, smiling cutely. "You went through all that, I know it'll be delicious Kook."

Jungkook's eyes widen before a smile falls into them. "S-Sure,yeah..I'll finish up." He clicks the stove back on and begins seasoning the steak, trying to stop his hands from shaking with joy. As if it isn't hard enough to keep calm with a very sharp knife in his hand, Taehyung swiftly presses a kiss to his cheek before scurrying back into the bedroom to put some clothes on. Jungkook almost chops off a finger when his hand slips, and his face turns pink. Taehyung makes him feel like a new person every day, and it shows.

Taehyung is all dressed when theres a light knock on the door. He's almost afraid to open it to the stranger standing on the other side. He in a breath to save face in front of Jungkook and opens the door, a wave of awkwardness dispersing into the air when Wonho lays eyes on Jungkook humming over bubbling pots behind his boyfriend. "Hey."

"Hey? That's it? No kiss?" Wonho's grin fades when he realizes Taehyung is still very angry. He nods before abandoning the sentiment. "So this is your roommate. Interesting." Jungkook glares daggers at him, instantly transitioning to a smile when Taehyung looks back. "I guess...?"

"Are you ready to go? The car is running."

Taehyung's voice descends in volume as he fidgets with the hem of his shirt. "I was actually hoping we could talk in the hallway, if tht's okay."

"Of course. Anything your heart desires."

The pair step out of the doorway and close the door, but not before Wonho gives Jungkook one final nasty look, while he mirrors the expression with an evil look of his own. If Jungkook didn't cherish Taehyung so much, he's confident he would've already killed the guy himself.


"So what did you want to talk about?" Wonho's hands try to reach for Taehyung but he moves away, earning a confused look from Wonho. "You know exactly what I want to talk about. You're not you...this person I'm dating isn't you, Wonho."

"I thought we were past this," Wonho sighs and Taehyung tries not to get angry at his insensitive reply. "It's kind of hard to get past something when I have all these bruises."

"Look, honey...I apologized. I truly, sincerely didn't mean to hurt you. I got lied to me. Even then, you wouldn't tell me the whole truth."

"What are you talking about? I told you everything." Wonho scoffs, looking into Tae's eyes intensely. "Come on, I don't need to spell it out for you. You're ing him. He didn't scare the out of my little brother for nothing; he's in love with you. Yet here you are, sharing a room with him. And he's cooking for you? You constantly embarrass me and you expect nothing to come of's like you try to make me angry on purpose."

Taehyung's blood vessels are popping slowly, one by one as his anger rises. "Did you just---not only are you making outrageous accusations, but you just gave me a ty apology and justified hurting me," Taehyung is completely flabbergasted, he can't even form words that would explain how he was ever attracted to such a prick.

"I don't know why I stuck around the first time you put your hands on me. I should've known you were full of ," Taehyung wrestles the expensive watch off of his wrist while tears are bubbling his ducts and he throws it at Wonho's chest. He's just standing there, smirking like a triumphant . He continues to watch Taehyung fall apart, visibly amused. "you can have that. I don't want or need anything you've given me. I'm breaking up with you."

"Oh? Are you now," Wonho's smile stretches even wider, before he grabs Taehyung by the throat and slams him against the wall. "You're not going anywhere. You will never speak to me like that again, do you hear me? If you ever speak out of line again, I'll snap your neck," Taehyung is so terrified he can barely move. He wants to make noise, to scream so that someone can hear him, but he's voiceless and powerless against the wall like this.

He raises his leg and kicks Wonho in the stomach before trying to get to his feet, but the lack of oxygen makes him weak. Wonho grabs his wrist again, the epitome of rage resting in his pupils. "You keep testing me. Why do you keep testing me?? Taehyung, I'm trying to love you and you're making it difficult for me to--"

Taehyung winds his hand back and punches Wonho square in the mouth, earning a splitting pain in his hand. "Get your hands off of me!" Taehyung shouts, backing away from the man. When Wonho recovers, he spits blood to the side of him and stares at Taehyung with a grin. "You shouldn't have done that, ."

Taehyung struggles to get to his feet to run away, and the tearing pain in his scalp when Wonho grabs a handful of his hair pulls him back. He yelps in pain when Wonho throws him to the floor, only to drag him back up again and slap him across the face. Taehyung's vision blurs to white before he sees the fuzzy image of Wonho standing over him. The warmth pours from his nose and he tastes copper in his mouth as he tries to come to his senses. The only thing he can see clearly is Wonho's body slamming into the opposite wall, and a familiar figure climbing over him to deliver punch after punch to his precious face.

Taehyung stumbles to his feet, making out the figure as Jungkook. He's completely lost himself--he sees red and he doesn't know how many times he's punched the man or if he's even dead. Wonho suddenly pushes his weight off of him and gets his own punches in, aiming for Jungkook's face in particular. Jungkook waits for his opportunity to grab his wrist and twist it behind his back. He swipes his legs from under him and sends him crashing to the floor. Wonho is completely powerless in the position he's in, and Jungkook takes advantage by slamming his face repeatedly into the tough fabric of the carpet.

Taehyung is horrified; he has no idea what to do and if he allows things to progress, both of them will kill each other. He grabs Jungkook's tensed bicep and begs him, before his worst fear comes true. "Kook, stop it! He can't breathe!"

"I don't give a , let him die then!" Jungkook continues, his rage heightening with every mocking laugh Wonho releases from underneath him. "I'll kill him and he'll never touch my baby again. He won't lay a ing finger on you." Jungkook's vicious breathing slows as soon as he sees Taehyung's tear-stained face, feels him pulling on him, hears him begging him to stop. He feels a pain in his chest and he releases Wonho's wrists, climbing off of him. Wonho rolls over on his back, coughing from the blood filling his mouth. He's grinning nonetheless, happy to see how much Taehyung fears him.

"If I ever see you again, I'll finish the job." Taehyung wraps himself around Jungkook's arm to keep him from going off again. "I'll be looking forward to it, then." Jungkook clenches his fist before turning to go back to the room, locking fingers with Taehyung. "Kookie, we have to call and ambulance--"

"For who? Are you ing crazy?" Jungkook isn't his usual quiet-angry--this is actually the angriest he's ever seen Jungkook. He slams the door behind them and frames Taehyung's face, speaking to him sternly. "How long was he hitting you?"

"Kookie I don't kn--"

"How long?! Answer me right now, Tae!"

"That was the first time he's actually hit me! Before it was just...I was just...I thought I could help him be him. I just wanted to help, Kook.."

"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you keep this a secret?" Jungkook has so many questions, he wants to scream even more but he knows how sensitive Taehyung can be. As if a cloudy day is becoming clearer, Jungkook now sees he purple on his neck and wrists, and he scans his body for more marks cautiously. "Did he you?"

"No! We've never...we never had ." Jungkook breathes a sigh of relief, taking Taehyung into his arms and kissing his head. Taehyung breaks down in his arms, the fear and pain he feels slowly dissecting him to the point of surrender. This is the only person that he can fall apart to about something like this--not even Jimin could handle him at this emotional state-- yet Jungkook slowly rocking him and kissing his tears away is the only thing easing the agonizing slicing in his chest.

"I told you I would never get angry in front of you," Jungkook tightens his embrace before dabbing the sweat on Taehyung's face. "But I couldn't help it. I saw him hurting you and all I wanted to do was murder him. Yet you were still so sweet to still wanted to help. How do people like you even exist?"

Taehyung looks up at Jungkook with no answer to offer, but looking into Taehyung's glassy red eyes is enough to turn Jungkook to jelly. "When are you going to realize you deserve nothing but the absolute best? You deserve the universe, every single galaxy in it Tae. Everything..." Taehyung tries to muster up a smile but he's hit with another crying fit. More tears pour down and Jungkook lovingly thumbs them away. "Give me a day."

"What? A day to do what?" Taehyung isn't sure what Jungkook is asking him, until Jungkook gets on his knees and presses his face into Taehyung's stomach. His strong hands gently brush against Taehyung's sides as he sighs into the fabric of Taehyung's shirt. "Just give me one day. Twenty-four hours to show you how a real man should treat the one he loves. One day to show you everything, and how I feel about you, and what you're entitled to. We don't have to kiss or touch, you don't have to go out with me afterwards--there's no catch--just give me this one thing...please. Taehyung...I love you. So much."

Taehyung loses his brain cells every time Jungkook says he loves him, and with so many things happening within the span of about thirty minutes, he can't even think straight. So he trusts himself before smoothing his hands around Jungkook's jaws and up to his cheeks. "Okay..."

"Okay?" Jungkook tastes relief, rising from his knees and pressing his forehead to Taehyung's. He checks his watch, reading 10:17 PM. "Then I'll start counting now. At 10:17 PM, I promise you'll be the happiest man alive. If not, strike me dead."

Jungkook locks hands with Taehyung, kissing the final remnants of his tears away.

"I think now would be a great time for peroxide and ointment..."


Finally! An update!! I deeply apologize for the hiatus guys. School has been tough and I'm actually very sick today, so I took the opportunity to be productive in bed and put this out for you guys! Let me know in the comments what you think, and I hope you enjoyed this LONG update!

Catch you guys in the next one! xoxo

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MalX02 #1
Chapter 31: When are you going to update!! This is so good!!
assilem10 #2
Chapter 13: Berealy half way and I can't stop
Chapter 31: well damn
i was ing scared for a few moments thinking that jk was cheating
obvs not my boy is loyal as hell
Chapter 7: I keep getting dentist ads for this fic. Coincidence? lol
Bubbaboo #5
Chapter 31: well....gahd. that was tense.


and hope you're already fine authornim
Chapter 31: Thank you for uploading! ^_^ i love your story and it was lovely to see the update to start my morning. Im excited to see Tae's reaction after the reveal. :D
Chapter 30: Please let Tae be okay PLEASE let Tae be okay
Chapter 30: Those two brothers are completely insane, aren't they? *sigh* well, I hope Kihyun rots in jail too.
Chapter 29: aish.. so kihyun is the one behind kookie's insident..

whoa!! a y tae is a big no!no!.. hahahaha.. well now the school know's who kookie belongs to..

whaaaa so exited and scared for the gala night.. hope nothing will happen