This Is Love


Say You Love Me [ Hiatus]

by Onee-san



Kim Jongin and Kim Jaejoong has been best friends since birth, they are next door neighbours and their parents are close friends. Due to the close relationship they have build up during the years of their childhood, the two are inseparable. They are always together at school, after school, and even during weekends.

People around them are always trying to convince them that they have feelings for each other, but the two denies it everytime. They don't see each other that way, they are supposed to be best friends.

Love is a tricky thing. Are they just friends, or is there something more between Jongin and Jaejoong?





Just a simple and cliche love story. Same old. Same old.




Thanks to:

-lovescream - for the awesome trailer.

LeLeMato0914 - for creating the beautiful poster above.

xiuJunsubaozi99 - the beta reader to fix the gramatical errors for this story. (Chap 1 - Chp 11)

Annolibia from  YOur EDITer SHop - to fix the gramatical errors for this story. (Chap 12 - Chp ---)




Chapter 1


“Good morning, Mrs Kim.” Yunho politely greeted Jaejoong’s umma when he stepped into her kitchen.

“Good morning Yunho. You're early. Let's have breakfast first,” she replied with a welcoming smile on her face as she began setting up the table. 

“Jaejoong is not ready yet?” Yunho asked and looked around the room for his best friend.

“Ah… about that, can you help me go upstairs and check on him? He must have overslept. He came home very late last night from his cousin’s birthday party.” Mrs Kim explained to Yunho who nodded at her words.

“Yeah, sure.” Yunho immediately stood up and quickly hopped up the stairs to the second floor where Jaejoong's bedroom located. Yunho knocked on the bedroom door, "Jaejoong?" He called out but received no reply, the room was silent. Sighing, he turned the knob and entered the room. He hit bull’s eye; the room was still dark. He walked up and pulled the curtain open before checking Jaejoong's bed. As expected, Jaejoong was still in a deep slumber.

“Jaejoong, wake up." He said from the end of his bed. No reply. He walked up and sat on the bed next to Jaejoong's sleeping figure. "Come on, Jaejoong." He pull out the blanket that covered Jaejoong’s body. "It's time to wake up."

Jaejoong shifted uncomfortably, “Yunho, stop doing that.” Jaejoong raised his hands above his head, stretching out the sleep as a large yawn escaped from his mouth. Still lying on his bed, he gazed at him lazily through his half open eye and closed back.

"Jaejoong, get up." Yunho said in a somewhat commanding voice.

"No... I'm still tired..." He open his eyes slightly as he mumbled.

“If you don’t wake up now, I will…” Yunho gestured a tickling hand.

“Okay Yunho!" Jaejoong quickly opened his eyes and pushed his hand away. "I got it. I'll get up now. Jaejoong said and rubbed his eyes. "By the way, what are you doing in my room?"

Yunho grinned. “Your umma will send us to school today. Our school bus broke down yesterday and that's why I'm here. But now you’re going to make me late to school and I’m very piss right now.”

"What?” Jaejoong shrieked and immediately palmed his mouth before he said the word. Throwing the blanket away, he jumped off his bed and ran to the bathroom, snatching his towel on his study chair along the way. The instant he stepped into the bathroom, the sound of water hitting the floor was heard immediately.

“See you in the kitchen.” Yunho yelled and walked out of the room. He didn't go downstairs though, instead, he waited for Jaejoong outside his room. After a couple of minuntes, Jaejoong stepped out and wasn't surprised to see Yunho was waiting for him.

"Let's go." Jaejoong said. They raced down the stairs together like small kids.

Yunho sat in his chair and and Jaejoong sat next to him. Yunho took a huge bite of his toast while passing Jaejoong a glass of milk.

“Eat up now and hurry.” Mrs Kim said. “Jaejoong, umma will be sending you two to school today. Mr. Jung called last night said that your school bus broke down.” Mrs. Kim said passing her son the buttered toast.

"Okay. Yunho told me just now." Jaejoong replied nodding his head. They had their breakfast in silence.

“If you guys are ready, let’s go now. It’s late.” Mrs. Kim said and stood up. "Call umma when both of you are ready to be picked up after school." The two nodded.

Yunho and Jaejoong finished up their breakfast and carried the empty plate to the sink. Yunho grabbed his school bag and slung it over his shoulder and took Jaejoong’s bag with him.

“Oh, thank you.” Jaejoong said with a smile.

“I'm carrying your bag because you need to button up you shirt. You look like an old grandpa.” Yunho teased.

“A handsome grandpa?” Jaejoong answered, looking at him with a mocking face.



“Hey Jaejoong and hey Yunho.” Junsu and Changmin greeted as they walked toward their usual table in the cafeteria during lunch time.

It’s funny how Yunho and Jaejoong never been greeted separately, they are always together.

“Hey guys.” They replied in unison.

“What’s up?” Junsu asked, sitting down next to Changmin.

“Just some studies for the upcoming test.” Jaejoong said as he raised his book up.

“Jaejoong, I need to get some books from the library. Want to come with me?” Junsu asked.

“Sure. I need to find this one particular book too.” Jaejoong stood up as he said.

“Jaejoong wait.” Yunho grabbed Jaejoong’s wrist and pulled him to sit back next to him. “Can you get me the Chemistry book that we talked about yesterday?" He pleaded.

“Get it yourself. I’m not your servant.”

“Aw... Jaejoong. Please?” Yunho said and pinched Jaejoong’s nose.

Jaejoong crinkled his nose. “That hurt!" He exclaimed, rubbing his red nose. He heaved a sigh and gave up. "Fine... I'll find the book for you.”

“They totally like each other.” Changmin whispered to Junsu.

Junsu nodded. “Yup.”

Jaejoong looked at Junsu fishily, “Let’s go Junsu.” he said and stood up before picking his books up from the table.

“Looks like you two had some fun just now.” Junsu commented while walking to the library.

“He’s been doing that since we were like thirteen. It’s so annoying!” Jaejoong exclaimed.

“Annoying?” Junsu shot a questioning look at Jaejoong. "But it looked like you were enjoying all that skin-on-skin contact.”

‘Not again.” Jaejoong groaned. He knew where this was going. They've had this discussion countless times before. It usually went like, ‘you like him’, ‘no I don’t’, ‘yes you do’, ‘no I don't’... and so on.

“You can’t say there are no feelings at all and you know it, Jaejoong.” Junsu stated matter-of-factly.

“Junsu, you know I like Siwon already.” Jaejoong argued and playfully shoved Junsu's shoulder.

“Doesn’t mean you can’t have feelings for Yunho.” Junsu pointed out. “Best friends of the same opposite can always have feelings deep down for each other.”

"Friendly feelings." Jaejoong corrected.

"And love~" Junsu sang loudly.

“We’re not going to discuss about this again.” Jaejoong stated and looked away.

"No, we can’t stop discuss about this until you admit you are attracted to Yunho.”

“No, but I’ll admit that I have a very, very, very good looking best friend.” Jaejoong sighed. “We’ve talked about us being in a relationship before actually just for the fun of it. And we both decided against it in fear of ruining our friendship. Like I said, there’s no feeling right now.”

“Right now.” Junsu pointed it out and giggled.

“I used to have a tiny crush on Yunho in middle school, okay?” Jaejoong admitted. “Happy?”



Meanwhile with Changmin and Yunho, they were having the same conversation while playing basketball.

"So Yunho,” Changmin began, “when are you telling Jaejoong you like him?”

Yunho was shocked by that question, the ball thrown by Changmin almost slammed onto his pretty face, but he caught it just in time.

“I don’t like Jaejoong.” Yunho stated simply.

“But at least admit one thing, okay?"

Yunho nodded at him.

“Jaejoong… he’s pretty hot, isn’t he?”

That got Changmin a basketball to the gut.

“Changmin," Yunho's expression turned serious, "Jaejoong is beautiful. Not hot. Got it?” He stated sharply.

“Alright, beautiful... not hot.” Changmin said while groaning in pain.

“Sorry Changmin.” Yunho apologized, “it’s just Jaejoong’s my best friend, so it is my role to protect him since. You know?”

“Yeah I understand. But you got a little too defensive there. Are you sure there are no feelings?" His tall best friend questioned, passing the ball to him.

Yunho caught the ball after a bounce. "I had a crush on him back then in middle school but I'm pretty sure I'm over it now." Yunho said while spinning the ball in his hands. "He likes Siwon anyways."

"Aha!" Changmin exclaimed and his eyes brightened.

"Aha what?"

"You sounded disappointed when you said he likes Siwon." Changminpointed out. "You have feelings for Jaejoong."

"I don't. Maybe I do. I don't know." His hands were pulling at his hair in frustration at this point. "We talked about it if we were to date jokingly during sophomore year last year. We decided against it in fear of losing our friendship. We didn't even like each other."

"I think there might be some feelings there deep down." Changmin stated.

"How are you so sure about it, Changmin?" Yunho questioned.

"Because I'm the love whisperer."Changmin said, whispering the last part before drowning in laughter.



Hello there my lovely readers, thank you for reading and subscribing.& voting! ^_^ 

This story was really unplanned. I never thought I'm gonna write so soon after I finished with LIO. So please don't expect the update gonna be super fast like my previous fics ne... I usually write down everything before I post the first chapter. I don't know how  is this story going to turn up. I hope I'll get it right until the end. 

Chapter 2


"Honey, are you ready?" Mr. Kim asked and looked at his wife, then at his watch.

"Yes. I’m done." Mrs. Kim zipped up her blue bag and slung it over her shoulder as she pulled her matching suitcase off the bed.

The day was Sunday, it was still early in the morning. Mr. Kim walked down the stairs, carrying the suitcases in both of his hands. Mrs. Kim went to Jaejoong’s room and knocked.

"Jaejoong, come down for breakfast. Appa and umma will be leaving for the airport soon." Her umma's soft voice was heard.

"Okay umma. I'm coJunsug down now." Jaejoong's sleepy voice replied from inside her room.

At the breakfast table, Mrs. Kim was busy giving last Junsuutes instructions to her dear precious daughter, “Jaejoong, don’t stay out late, stay out of trouble. Behave at home and at school. Make sure to complete your homework on time. And remember, don't let any strangers in. You are a responsible child, I have trust in you, remember my words...” Mrs. Kim babbled on and on while Mr. Kim just smiled apologetically at Jaejoong and watched his wife.

After a couple of Junsuutes, Mrs.Kim's lecture still hadn't stopped, Mr.Kim decided to step up and stop the boring 'how to behave at home alone' session. “Honey, don’t worry. She can take care of herself. We’re going for only two nights.” He said and glanced at Jaejoong.

“Yes, umma, don't worry about me, enjoy yourself.” Jaejoong added with an angelic smile on her face. 

"I don’t understand why they planned for this high school reunion to be at Jeju. Why can’t we have it here? That way, Jaejoong won't have to be at home alone for three days..." Mrs. Kim let out a sigh and was about to continue being over protective when the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it, it must be the Kims.” Mr. Kim quickly stood up and walked to the front door. “Honey, they are here.” Mr. Kim shouted.

“All right, we're coJunsug." Mrs. Kim yelled back before turning to her daughter, "Jaejoong, umma is going now.” Mrs. Kim stood up and headed for the front door where the others waited. Jaejoong followed behind her. When they reached the door, Mrs. Kim was talking to his son, Yunho, while Mr. Kim and Mr. Kim were putting the suitcases in the car trunk.

Yunho greeted Jaejoong with a nod and she smiled back, but before they could say anything to each other, Mrs. Kim began, "Yunho, Jaejoong, please take care of each other when we’re not around." She turned to Yunho, "Yunho, you're older than Jaejoong, you must look after her.” Yunho nodded with a grin on his face.

"Older by one week." Muttered Jaejoong.

"Umma, you're only going for three days. Don't worry, I'm not going to bully Jaejoong." Yunho said and smirked.

“I know you're not going to do that." Mrs. Kim replied. "Both of you, please behave. And don't stay up too late at night.” Mrs Kim added, looking at the two who stood side by side.

“Yes umma." Jaejoong and Yunho responded in unison.

“Good. Now, where did I put them?" Mrs.Kim mumbled under her breath as she dug into her oversized purse. "Found it. Jaejoong, here's the spare key to our house. You'll need to check on Yunho too in the morning. He sometime sleeps like the dead." Mrs. Kim said.

Jaejoong took the keys from Mrs. Kim. “Yes, I know.” She replied, sticking her tongue at Yunho.

"If the ummas are ready, we should really get going now." Mr. Kim said and pointed to his watch. 

"The two of you be good! Bye!" The Kims and the Kims shouted from inside the car as Mr. Kim drove down the quiet morning street.

"I always wanted to go to Jeju..." Jaejoong said as she gazed far ahead down the road where the car gradually got smaller and smaller.

"We'll go there some day." Yunho replied without looking at her.

After the car was no longer in sight, Jaejoong turned to Yunho. Their eyes widened with excitement.

“My appa left his car key to me." Yunho showed the keys to her. "But for now, I’m going out with ChangJunsu.” Yunho exclaimed happily.

“I’m going shopping with Junsu, and I have to go to her house later for our dance practice. I might be home by evening." Jaejoong said and smiled at him. "Hey Yunho, since you got the car, can you drive me to Junsu's house?”

“All right. See you in thirty Junsuutes.” Yunho replied.

"Okay." Jaejoong grinned at him.


Later that day at night, Jaejoong was working on her math homework when her doorbell rang. Jaejoong looked up from her paper and smiled faintly. She already knew who it was at her door. 

“Yunho.” Jaejoong said when she opened the door. "You really can't leave me alone, huh?"

“I didn't see you at all today, so I miss you and I brought pizza and coke for dinner.” Yunho said and held up the pizza box he carried in his hand.

They were sitting on the bench at the balcony having their pizza. Jaejoong felt Yunho nudged her. "hmm?" Jaejoong asked without looking at him.

Instead of Yunho replying to her, he nudged her once again. Confused by his behavior, Jaejoong looked at him only to find half a pizza slice in front of her face. She raised an eyebrow at him and all Yunho did was moving the pizza towards . Jaejoong took a quick bite and gave him a small smile.

"I promised your umma that I will take good care of you and I'm doing my job now." Yunho explained when Jaejoong took the last bite of the pizza.

"By feeding me?" She questioned.

"Yep, you finished your dinner, good girl." He and patted her head. 

Jaejoong shook her head in disblief and smiled slyly. After she swallowed the food in , she wrapped her arm around his shoulder, "Don't worry, I'll tell her that you took good care of me." She said.

They fell into silence again.

"So, how was your club dance practice?'" Yunho asked, breaking the silence.

" dance partner just quit himself and we have the dance classes cancelled for the whole next week." Jaejoong sighed. "How about your basketball team?"

"They're doing good. We have friendly match in three weeks with All Boys International School."

"Friendly match." Jaejoong repeated sarcastically.

"Friendly. So, you want to go? You can go with the cheerleaders’ team." He asked.

"Huh... I would rather clean the school toilet than to be in one bus with all your chicks."

"My what?" He chuckled.

"Hey Yunho, why I didn't hear you ever date anyone at school? I passed to you so many love letters from the girls. What happened to them?"

Yunho shrugged. "I threw it away."

"Why?" Jaejoong asked looking at him.

Yunho just keep quiet.

He was about to say something when his cell phone rang. He picked up the call.

"Hello? Yeah, ChangJunsu. Okay, give me five Junsuutes." Yunho ended the call and turned to Jaejoong. "I'm going out with ChangJunsu for a while, he's on his way to fetch me."

"But it's already late." Jaejoong said looking at him.

"Just for a while. I promise." Yunho stood up and ruffled Jaejoong's hair. "Don't forget to lock properly. I'll see you tomorrow and don't be late." He said with a grin on his face.

"Yunho! Don't do that!" Jaejoong exclaimed and rubbed her head. Yunho just laughed and hurried away. "We'll see who's going to be late tomorrow." Jaejoong mumbled.




The next morning came, Jaejoong was standing in front of a full length mirror. Staring at herself, she focused on her own reflection as she tied her long black hair, getting ready for the day. After satisfied with her appearance, she grabbed the house key and went out from her bedroom to cook breakfast.

In the kitchen, Jaejoong made pancakes and decided to check on Yunho. She entered Yunho's house through the back door and went straight to his room upstairs. She tiptoed to Yunho’s bedroom quietly. He was still asleep, lying on his stomach without his shirt, the cover was up to his waist revealing his tanned back. Jaejoong just loved watching Yunho sleep. He looked so calm and peaceful. His lips were slightly parted and he breathed soundly.

'I know you're the one who will be late. Time to get up.' Jaejoong smiled as she thought in her head.

Yunho was sleeping peacefully when something poked his face. He rolled away from whatever was poking him and caused it just to climb on top of him. The poking continued and was accompanied with a familiar voice.

“Yunho.” Jaejoong said. “Wake up. It’s time for school.”

“Go away, Jaejoong. “ Yunho grumbled.

“I made pancakes.” She offered.

“It's still early. I just want some more sleep.” He said and rolled over again. His sudden movement caused him to flip himself and Jaejoong over so that he was on top of her. Being this close was nothing new to them. Like said before, they’re super close since birth. Yunho dropped his head to lay in between Jaejoong’s shoulder and neck.

“Yunho, as much as I’d love to just lay around and sleep all day, we can’t.” Jaejoong then pushed Yunho off her and onto the floor. “Now wake up. And get ready.”

“Is he up?” A voice was heard from the opened door.

“ChangJunsu?” Jaejoong flinched at the sudden appearance of him and gasped in shock. “What are you doing here?" She questioned.

“I stayed here very late last night so I just slept in the guest room." He answered casually and looked at Yunho who was still on the floor. “Yunho what are you doing on the floor? You said you and Jaejoong are going to school in my car, you need to hurry man, I need to drive back to my house and change.”

"ChangJunsu, you can wear my shirt." Yunho said lazily.

"Yunho, I need to get my school bag too and besides, I need to change my underwear. !"

Jaejoong laughed at the boys' behavior.

“All right ChangJunsu." Yunho unwillingly grumbled and held his arm out to her. "Jaejoong, help me stand up.” Yunho whined like a little kid.

Jaejoong reached for his hand and pulled him up. “Thank you Jaejoong.” Yunho said sleeply and pulled her onto his chest to give her a tight bear hug.

“You guys are too cute.” Cooed ChangJunsu. “ReJunsud me again why are you two not dating?”

They sprung apart immediately with that being said. Jaejoong started chewing on her hair, Yunho scratched at the back of his neck.

“We don’t like each other.” They muttered in unison.

“Yeah, sure. Just like what I see.” ChangJunsu replied nonchalantly.


Thirty Junsuutes later they were walking through the front doors of Seoul High School. Immediately they were swarmed by people. That’s what you get when you’re best friend with the star athlete also known as the most popular kid in school. Jaejoong and Junsu were in the dance club’s team.

“Hey Yunho.”A girl greeted, Lee Eunjung. She was with other two cheerleaders, Tiffany and Hyoyeon. They all had a huge crush on Yunho. They were constantly bugging Jaejoong about him nonstop.

Yunho smiled at them. "Hey girls." He gave them a little wave.

Jaejoong rolled her eyes, They walked to their locker which of course happened to be side by side. Junsu and ChangJunsu's lockers were also nearby so they see each other everyday.

“Hey Jaejoong, Hey Yunho.” Junsu said, putting her books away in her locker.

“Hey.” Jaejoong and Yunho waved back at her.

“Hey Jaejoong.” Another voice was heard behind her, a familiar voice. Lifting her gaze to meet the pair of twinkling black eyes reflected in the mirror in her locker. Jaejoong turned around and found herself face to face with Siwon.

Kim Siwon. Kim Jongin’s teammate and rival. They were both popular and good looking, but Yunho was the captain of the team and better at sports than Siwon. Yunho and Siwon certainly weren’t friends but they were civil enough for the sake of being on the basketball team together and also for Jaejoong’s. ChangJunsu too was in the school's basketball team.

“Hey Siwon.” Jaejoong said with a somewhat shy giggle.

“Siwon.” Yunho said sharply. He had the urge to put his arms around Jaejoong's waist and tell Siwon to go away. Well that's not going to happen. Yunho reJunsuded himself that he and Jaejoong were best friends.

Tension could be felt between the two boys who had a frozen smile on their face.

“Jongin.” Siwon practically growled before looking at Jaejoong again and putting a completely different face. “So Jaejoong, I was wondering what are you doing Saturday night?”

“Too bad Siwon. She already has plans.” Yunho answered for her earning a sharp elbow to the ribs.

“Oh really?” Siwon smirked at him. Then he turned to Jaejoong. “Because I was thinking of taking you out on a date. But you know, since you already have plans….”

“Yes.” Jaejoong responded quickly. “I mean yes I already have plans but I’m sure I can arrange my plans with Yunho to Friday instead.”

“Jaejoong.” Junsu started whispering in Jaejoong’s ear. “Are you really doing what I think you’re doing?”

By this point Yunho was pissed to say the least.  They had planned for sleepovers together with Junsu and ChangJunsu to do their assignments together. ‘You just don’t cancel or change that for a douchebag.’ Yunho thought. Siwon was a biggest player in school. Another reason why Yunho hated him. He hated how Jaejoong had feelings for a guy like Siwon.

“Yes Siwon. I’ll go out with you on Saturday.” With that being said, Yunho slammed his locker door and walked off. Leaving smirking Junsu and ChangJunsu knowing exactly why he got so pissed. A confused Jaejoong.  And a sly smile across Siwon's face. Siwon had a plan, and this was just the beginning.

“Well great.” Siwon responded with a smile. “I’ll pick you up at six.” And with that he walked off. The smile never left his face.



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Chapter 4

As soon as Siwon was gone, Jaejoong slammed her locker and went off to find her best friend. After ten Junsuutes of searching around the school, Jaejoong found him on the roof top sitting on the floor while leaning against the wall.

"Yunho, what was that?" Jaejoong asked as soon as she stepped her feet in front of him. When she received nothing from him, she asked again. "Yunho I'm asking you, what was wrong with you this morning?"

Yunho looked up at her. "That was you cancelling the plan we had made months ago for a date with a douche." He snapped.

"So you're mad." Jaejoong sat beside him and watched him carefully.

"Mad? No. Pissed off? Yes!" Yunho responded sarcastically and stood up with both hands in his pants pocket.

Jaejoong looked up at him with her lips pouted. She stood up and stood behind Yunho. She wrapped her arms around Yunho's waist from behind and placed her head on his shoulder. Rubbing her hands up and down his chest trying to relax him as she heaved sigh.

"Yunho," Jaejoong started. "Did you really think we would never have to move our plans once? You've done it before."

"I always have my plans on Friday so we don't have to cancel them." He pointed out.

"True." Jaejoong agreed. "Listen, I'm sorry Yunho. Okay? This will be the first and the last time I will ever do this. All right?'

"Fine." He grumbled while sighing. He turned and looked at her. He hated fighting with her. She was his weakness. He was not sure anymore if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Good." Jaejoong gave a quick peck on his cheek causing something that felt like fire to flare up where she kissed and on her lips. They felt that all the time whenever they were intimated with each other but always brushed it off as nothing.

"Now, let's go to our class. We already late." Jaejoong grabbed his hand and pulled him with her.

Yunho smiled a little ironically.


Later that evening after school was over, Jaejoong accompanied Yunho to his basketball practice. Yunho seemed unwell. He kept losing the ball from his hands. After their practice game, Yunho and ChangJunsu sat on the bench, rehydrating and thinking over each of their moves. That's when Yunho saw Jaejoong talking to Siwon so lovingly.

Suddenly, Jaejoong glanced at his direction and when their gaze met, all Yunho did was faking a smile, that stupid, adorable smile. He was a coward; a pitiful, prideful coward. His pride would not allow him to come to terms with admitting to her.

"ChangJunsu, we are going home now." Yunho suddenly said without looking at him. ChangJunsu followed his gaze and chuckled.

"Alright, let me call Jaejoong for you. You just wait here." ChangJunsu said firmly.

They were all quiet on the ride home in ChangJunsu's car. Yunho sent Jaejoong to her doorstep before turning to go back to his house.

"Hey Yunho, wait, do you want to have some icream in my kitchen?"

Yunho turned to her. "Naa.. I don't think so. Not today." Yunho said and tried to force a smile, but he wasn't able to.

Jaejoong stared at her best friend. "Yunho, are you still upset about my date with Siwon?" She asked worryingly.

Yunho looked back at her. "I wasn't upset that you have a date with him. I was upset because you canceled our plans." Yunho stated.

"Are you sure you weren't jealous?" Jaejoong asked.

"No Jaejoong I wasn't jealous." Yunho replied trying to be nonchalant.

"Really? Because you're acting pretty jealous." A smile crept up her face before she realized.

Yunho just kept quiet.

"Kim Jongin," Jaejoong began, "Are you jealous of Siwon?"

"Jealous? Of that douche?" he scoffed. "Why would I be jealous of him? I'm the captain of the school basketball team. There's nothing to be jealous of."

"Yeah." Jaejoong said her voice so quiet Yunho barely heard her. "Except that he gets to be with me on Saturday night instead of you."




Thursday passed slowly, but finally sixth period came.  Yunho and Jaejoong were walking to the cafeteria when Yunho suddenly stopped and stared at the boy that suddenly appeared out of nowhere and was now standing in front of them.

“Hello Jaejoong.” Said Siwon with an angelic smile on his flawless features.

“Hi Siwon.” Jaejoong replied with a little color on her cheek.

Yunho just keep quiet. He tried not to think too much about what this could be.

“I know our date is on Saturday but would you like to have lunch with me today?” Siwon invited.

Jaejoong looked at Yunho. "I'll see you later?"

Yunho tried to remain calm and relaxed, he doesn't want Jaejoong to know how much this one little question meant to him. “Go ahead. I'll join Junsu and ChangJunsu.” Yunho answered but with a piss expression on his face.

Jaejoong smiled at Yunho then turned to Siwon. “Sure.”

“Great.” Siwon said, glancing at Yunho with a victorious smirk.


Yunho slammed his lunch tray on the table. ChangJunsu almost choked on his drink and Junsu stopped chewing her food. The two looked up slowly to see an annoyed Jongin.

“Where’s Jaejoong? She's not coJunsug for lunch?” Junsu asked after she swallowed her food dryly.

Yunho turned his head and looked up to Jaejoong across from the cafeteria. He glanced over at two of them who were facing one another with broad smiles, carrying on a steady flow of conversation with one another. Both Junsu and ChangJunsu looked up following his gaze and had a teasing smile on their lips.

“Oooo…” Junsu and ChangJunsu said together.

Leaning against his chair, Yunho tried to distract himself from the scene playing before him. He just played with his food. He had lost his appetite.

“I thought you said you’re hungry just now.” ChangJunsu hid his grin by taking another bite of food.


"If you don’t want to eat then let me finish your food.” ChangJunsu said, still a hungry as he picked pieces of pasta off his lap.

Junsu kicked him under the table and gave him a glare.

“Aww… Junsu! You don’t have to do that.” He turned to Yunho. “Yunho, if you not going to admit it, you’ll be sorry later.” ChangJunsu said.

Yunho winced and turned his attention back to his plate. “Admit what?”

“You know what he was talking about, you dumbo.” Junsu said.

Yunho caught Junsu's attention and rolled his eyes. “Look you two, I just don’t like Jaejoong dating Siwon, that’s all. I don't know what she saw in him.”

Junsu glared at him. "He's a human whatever you may believe. A good looking one. And every girl in this school wanted to date him."

"Ahh... Jaejoong can date anyone but not that douche." Yunho said in frustation.

"Do you really?” Junsu asked, slightly awed.

“Yeah, yeah, we know that. Tell us something that we don’t know.” ChangJunsu added.

“There’s nothing else to tell.” Yunho through gritted teeth.

“Okay. Then stop acting like a jerk.” Junsu responded with a smile.

Yunho stood up from the table and walked out of the cafeteria. ChangJunsu stared at his tray and the food he left untouched.


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Chapter 5


Friday night was here. Jaejoong was sitting on Yunho's study chair jotting down some notes while Yunho sprawled on the floor in his bedroom doing their school homework together. She humed when she was doing her homework. It was habit, but today, she was using it as an excuse to keep her Junsud off her date with Siwon tomorrow. There was a knock on the bedroom door before it was opened by Mrs Kim. She brought in some cookies and two glasses of warm milk for the two.

Jaejoong smiled at her before she took the tray and placed it on the table. "I don't know what's wrong with both of you but since we came back from Jeju, this guy has been very quiet." Mrs Kim stated, pointing at her son.

"Maybe because we have so many assignments due next week." Jaejoong responded and glanced at Yunho.

"This wasn't new." Mrs Kim said to her with a smile. "Don't stress yourself. You guys can continue tomorrow if you cannot finish it by tonight." She reJunsuded them.

'But tomorrow night Jaejoong got a date.' Yunho answered in his head, not looking up at all.

"Thank you Mrs Kim." Jaejoong said and smiled at her.

After Mrs Kim left the room, only Jaejoong noticed so many crumpled papers around Yunho's area.

"Yunho..." She called him. "So, Junsu and ChangJunsu agreed that I can choose the topic for the group assignment for Mr. Chan's class next week. We’ve already discussed the assignment earlier on.” Jaejoong said. When she received no answer from him, she called again. "Yunho!" This time her voice was higher.

Yunho looked at her with a hint of annoyance, "What?" He asked and looked down at his papers again, continuing to ignore her.

She cocked her head to one side, looking confused. "What's your problem?" Jaejoong asked him.

"I don't have a problem." Yunho responded. He didn't even look up at her, all he did was stare at his books.

"Yes you do!" Jaejoong yelled at him. "You're in a pissy mood and have been all week. I just want to know why." She placed her pencil down and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

Yunho looked up and was surprised at her irritated tone. "I'm not in pissy mood!" Yunho yelled back at her.

"Yes you are." Jaejoong stated.

"And why are you staring at me like that?" He scowled further.

Jaejoong could feel herself pouting. She didn't want to show him that he hurt her, but she couldn't help it. She heard him muttered something under his breath.

She couldn't take it anymore. Something was up with him, and she was getting really pissed at his pissy mood. His behavior was really intimidating her. "Now tell me!"

Yunho sat up and looked at her. "Are you kidding me, Jaejoong?" He asked. "You seriously can't figure out why I'm pissed?"

"So you are pissed." Jaejoong said matter of factly.

"Yes I'm pissed. Figure out yourself." Yunho said stubbornly and looked away.

Jaejoong could only stare, still trying to process the situation in her head. "Yunho," she sighed and went to sit next to him on the floor. "Seriously, what's wrong?" She asked, her hand rubbed Yunho's arm softly.

Yunho just kept his silence.

"Can we do something tonight? Let's go to the kitchen and make pancakes? Jaejoong suggested.

"I'm not in the mood to make pancakes." Yunho responded.

"Or we can go out and eat your ice cream at your favorite ice cream shop?"


'Yeah, well it looks like you aren't in the mood to do anything.'

"Talk to me, Yunho." Jaejoong pleaded, she let out a long breath and leaned forward to him until their faces were only inches away.

Yunho ignored her, he stood up and went to stand by the window. "No." Yunho said looking outside.

"No? No to what?" Jaejoong asked.

"No. You're not going to just come to me and sweet talk to me to get it out of me like you always do."

"What else am I supposed to do?" She questioned. "Because I don’t want my best friend mad at me for a reason I don't know." She exclaimed and stood up.

They stared at each other before Yunho shook his head in disbelief. He gave Jaejoong a sincere look before he grabbed his jacket. "I'm going out. I need fresh air." Yunho said and walked past Jaejoong, out the door.

Jaejoong stared out of the door before she broke down. Yunho hadn't made her cry since they were thirteen. Yunho had promised her after they made up their last argument that he will never make her cry again.

But he did.

She was wrong. He did make her cry again now. All she know she is hurt. Very hurt. Usually if she felt like this she'd sit in her room with Yunho's arm wrapped her whispering that everything will be okay. Repeatedly. That will always calmed her down. But now that Yunho was the one who made her cry. The one that caused the pain. She didn't know what to do.

Jaejoong couldn't think why Yunho was so upset with her. Was it because Siwon? What when she on a date with Taecyeon, Yunho didn't say anything. Or do anything. But whe he found out Taecyeon cheated behind her with one of the cheerleader girl, Yunho and ChangJunsu shouted at him saying that he did a stupid mistake for breaking her heart.

Yunho said if he ever made her cry again, he will ask ChangJunsu to punch him in the face.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, let it out slowly.

Jaejoong took her cell phone and pressed the speed dialed number. "ChangJunsu, I need you to do something for me."



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Chapter 6



"What should I do!?" Yunho didn't even realize that he was speaking his thoughts out loud as he thought of Jaejoong's relationship with Siwon right now.

'Will I always feel like this?'

Yunho’s heart began to race. Laying still on his bed with hands behind his head. He looked like a statue, frozen in time as he stared at the ceiling.

There’s a knock on his bedroom door. The door crack opened slightly, ChangJunsu popped his head in. “Hey Yunho, what are you doing? Your umma said you never come out from your room for hours.” ChangJunsu questioned as he pushed the door wider. He entered the room and sat on Yunho's study chair.

Key tilted his head towards him, “Nothing.” He forced the word out and clenched his jaw tight. He saw from his bedroom window when Siwon came to fetch Jaejoong for their date earlier and the sight was really an eyesore for him.

Leaning against his headboard, Yunho tried to distract himself from the scene playing before him. It’s not the first time he witnessed Jaejoong went out for a date but for some reason, it was different this time.

"Hey, is everything okay with you Yunho? You have been acting weird for days you know?" ChangJunsu said, looking at him.

"Mmm. Nothing. Nothing at all,” Yunho replied, sitting up on his bed.

"Then why so quiet? Something wrong?"

"Just peachy," Yunho muttered with a slight smile on his lips.

ChangJunsu smiled a little at him. "You're a horrible liar, Yunho." ChangJunsu said softly.

“So what’s up?” Yunho asked.

“What's up?” ChangJunsu asked back as his enthusiastic expression disappeared. “You ask me ‘what’s up’? You made Jaejoong cry. That’s what’s up!”

“Oh my God.” Yunho said, his eyes went wide, the looks of regret showered upon his features. “Jaejoong cried?" Yunho asked hoarsely. He was stunned, "so, I guess you’re here to punch me in the face... Go ahead, I deserve it.”

“I’m not going to punch you.” ChangJunsu said. He couldn't help but smile at Yunho's reaction.

“Why not? I seriously deserve it.” Yunho stated. “I made Jaejoong cry. My Jaejoong. I promised her I’d never make her cry and I did. I’m the worst best friend ever.”

“You’re not the worst best friend ever. And  wasn’t I only supposed to punch you in the face if you make her cry intentionally? It wasn’t intentional, so therefore, no punch.”

“Did you just say therefore?”

“That’s beside the point” ChangJunsu looked at his watch, a half smile appeared on his face. “Hey, let’s play basketball. It’s good to release your stress.” ChangJunsu grabbed a basketball from under Yunho’s study table.

“I’m not stressed.”

“Stop lying Yunho. Let’s go.”

They went out to the yards between his and Jaejoong's house where Yunho's father had installed a basketball hoop outside their garage wall.


After twenty Junsuutes of playing ChangJunsu decided to stop their play.

"Hey Kim Jongin, what’s wrong with you? Am I  playing basketball with grade two boy?"

"I hate this." Yunho said throwing the ball at ChangJunsu.

ChangJunsu caught the ball. “You were thinking about Jaejoong right now right?”

Yunho sighed, "yeah, I was thinking how Jaejoong’s on that date with Siwon right now.”

“No she isn’t.”


“She just pulled in.” ChangJunsu said looking across the fence watching Siwon’s car drove away.

"Great." Yunho muttered when he turned and saw Jaejoong walking towards them.

"Hey guys." Jaejoong said sheepishly.

"What do you want?" Yunho grumbled and glared at her.

"So..." Jaejoong started, looking at him. "I see you're still pissed."

"Nah dip." He replied sarcastically.

"You could do without sarcasm, jerk!" She exclaimed.

"Oh, I'm a jerk, am I?" Yunho said, raising his voice a little.

"Yeah you are," Jaejoong said. "Not telling your best friend why you're pissed at her."

"Because she's smart enough to figure it out."

At this point, they were standing toe to toe, yelling at each other. ChangJunsu just stood there in shock, not knowing what to do. He had never seen Jaejoong and Yunho act like this towards each other. Yunho and Siwon? Yes. Jaejoong and Eunjung? Yes. But never Jaejoong and Yunho.

"Why won't you tell me?" Jaejoong asked.

"You want me to tell you? Fine since you're being a pain in the I'll tell you." Yunho replied.

Arms crossed, "I'm waiting." Jaejoong tapped her foot on the ground.

"I'm pissed because you went out with that douche Siwon!" Yunho yelled right in her face. "You know I don't like him. Why'd you do it?"

"I'll do what I want. It's my life, and I like him." Jaejoong stated coldly and jabbed him in the chest, she wasn't happy.

ChangJunsu at this point was tired of the yelling between the two. "That's enough!" He yelled, silencing them both. "You two are supposed to be best friends and but now you can't stop screaJunsug down the others throat." ChangJunsu said, looking at the two. "This isn't you guys. What happened to the Jaejoong and Yunho that I know?" 

Honestly, he had no clue. What did happen between the two? They were supposed to be best friends but now they were like enemies.

Yunho was done fighting with Jaejoong. He wasn't sure why he acted like that. Because Jaejoong went out on a date with Siwon? He was being a jerk to her because of Siwon? It's not because he hated Siwon though. He didn't understand himself. He needed to figure it out his own heart.

Jaejoong gritted her teeth. She was coJunsug over to apologize to Yunho for whatever she did and hopefully tell him how horrible the date was if he forgave her. She was staring absently at the ground.

Yunho sighed before speaking. "I'm sorry Jaejoong." He whispered. "I was being selfish. I shouldn't have made you cry. It wasn't on purpose. I'm sorry."

Jaejoong glanced up from the ground to look at him in his eyes. "I forgave you." Jaejoong said. "And I'm sorry too." 

"What? Why?"

Jaejoong looked at him. "I'm sorry I was pissed that you were pissed and wouldn't tell me. I love you Yunho. You're my best friend but please next time just tell me why you're so pissed off at me."

"I will." Yunho trailed off. "So how was your date with Siwon? You're back early."

Jaejoong smiled at him and all the tension had gone away. Then she frowned as she remembered the date with Siwon. ChangJunsu sensed it was going to be a serious conversation and quietly walked away.

"What happened?" Yunho asked, knowing the look in her eyes.

"Well...." Jaejoong trailed off. "Can we talk about this inside, please?"

"Okay. Hey ChangJunsu...." He turned to ChangJunsu but him already gone. "He's gone. Come on. Let's go to my room."

Inside Yunho's room, Jaejoong immediately went to his bed and sat down. She couldn't help but smile. Yesterday they were pissed at each other and now it was like nothing happened. That was one good thing about their friendship. They could be completely mad at each other one day and get over with next.

"So what happened?" Yunho asked sitting on his bed leaning against the headboard.

"Well..." Jaejoong started off. " The date was actually okay. He was nice to me and all. But after the movie, in his car, he asked me...."

'So, let's go to my house. My parents are not around.'


'I said let's go to my house.'

'What for?'

'You know.... for the night. I'm sure you know what I mean.'

'Wait. You mean we're having after this? At your house?'

'Well yeah. I mean that's what always happened after dates.'

'Take me home.'


'Take me home now!'


"That's what happened." Jaejoong said quietly.

"Jaejoong." Yunho said wrapping his arms around his best friend and pressed a kiss to her temple. "I'm sorry." He mumbled into her hair.

"I should have listened to you."

"But you didn't know. You're a little oblivious at times."

"Well then." She replied sarcastically.

"It's true." Yunho said chuckling.

"Shut up." Jaejoong said smacking him at his head then smiled at him. "You are the best, best friend in the world, Yunho." Jaejoong told him. "I love you." Something never changed. They told 'I love you' to each other like the words were just a family love.

"I love you too. Best friend forever and always." Yunho smiled at her.

"Now it's only nine thirty so what do you want to do?"

"You had a bad date and now you're asking me what to do?"


"Okay. Okay. Let me take a shower first."

"Yeah you should. You stink!" Jaejoong chuckled.

Yunho glared at her. "Then we watch movie."

"Another movie for tonight." Jaejoong sighed.

"Yup but this time with me. You go home first, change to something comfortable and come back after half an hour. And bring snacks."

“What would I do without you?" Jaejoong dramatically sighed.

“I don't know. You might just waste away." Yunho responded with a smile.




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Chapter 7


Monday at school had completely blown by. Jaejoong thought that maybe the rumors of her and Siwon would've just died over, but if anything, they just got more widespread.

"So how was your date with Siwon?" Asked Junsu.

"Uh uh... it was bad. Really bad then perfect." Jaejoong responded smiling at the end.

"What was so bad?"

"Well... turned out Yunho was right. Siwon is a douche who just wanted in my pants. So, I asked him to send me home and he did. I went to see Yunho to tell him that I was sorry but end up we got in a fight. ChangJunsu was there too and screamed at us to break up, we did. Then we watched movie at his room like nothing happened." Jaejoong explained in one breath.

Junsu looked at her with slightly parted, "...You guys are so weird."

"What do you mean by that?" Jaejoong asked.

"You get so pissed at each other, and then you're fine. You're like a married couple or something." Junsu laughed. "You guys like each other so much! Just admit it."

"We do not." Jaejoong interjected and pursed her lips.

"So, there's nothing you like about Yunho?"

"Well, of course there is." She said nonchalantly. "I like his personality, his smiles, his care towards me, his..."

Jaejoong was cut short by Junsu interrupting her. "Do you not hear yourself? You're practically in love with that idiot."

"He's not an idiot."

"That's the point." Junsu said carelessly. "But seriously, Jaejoong, you need to figure out if you like him."

"Like who?" asked a voice coJunsug up behind them.

"Oh nobody." Jaejoong said shooting a look at Junsu before looking the tall person behind them.

"He's Yunho, I already know." He grinned and replied with a wave of the hand.

"ChangJunsu, how do you know?" Jaejoong asked.

"Wait! So you do like him?" ChangJunsu asked getting excited.

"What?" Jaejoong asked confused. "I didn't say that."

"Not exactly. When I was coJunsug up you guys were talking about your liking someone. You said it was nobody, then I said 'if it's Yunho, I already know.' Then you're like 'how'd you know?' So, that's it. You just said you liked him in a weird way." ChangJunsu explained. "You're not going to stutter that it wasn't truth?" ChangJunsu added.

Jaejoong just kept her silence with a pout on her lips.

"How'd you figure that out?" Junsu asked.

"Well, I'm the love whisperer." He said whispering.

"Oh, God." Said another voice coJunsug up behind them making Jaejoong scream. "That crap again, ChangJunsu."

"Yes, I am. Accept it. I just figured out who Jaejoong's crush is even I already knew."

"Don't tell me you still like Siwon, Jaejoong." Yunho said, stared at her. "Because I'll be really pissed off if you still do."

"No, it's not Siwon." Jaejoong said to which Yunho sighed in relief. "And I'm not sure yet if I like this guy or not. I think I might a little bit tough."




Later that day, after finishing their homework in her house, it was storJunsug so Jaejoong and Yunho decided to watch a movie while Yunho waiting to go home.

They sprawled in front the television. Yunho laid his head on her chest - because he was Kim Jongin and he could do whatever.

"We're too comfortable with each other." Jaejoong stated.

"Mmmm" Yunho hums in response. "Way too comfortable." Yunho said, grin growing across his face. "I don't think it's such a bad thing though. Best friends are supposed to be comfortable and close."

"Yeah, best friends." She said a hint of sadness to her tone.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Yunho asked noticing her tone of voice changed.

"Nothing." She started playing with a few strand of his hair.

"Ah, poor the girl. The guy left her at the end." Jaejoong said referring to the movie they're watching. "That's why I don't want to do that."

"Don't want to do what?" Yunho asked.

"Fall in love." 

"Why not?" He asked with a bit of concern in his tone.

Why would she not want to fall in love? Why was he so dissappointed about what she said. Why was he asking himself so many questions?

"Well, "She began. "Everything that fell got broken. I don't fall in love, I don't get broken."

"Weren't you like in love with Siwon?" Yunho asked sharply in a bitter tone laced with jealousy.

"No, I liked Siwon. I wasn't in love with him." She stated. "Why would you think that?"

"Oh, I don't know." he replied sarcastically. 'Oh, Siwon is so cute.', 'do you think Siwon will ask me out?', 'Siwon looks so great playing basketball', Siwon, Siwon, Siwon.

Jaejoong stayed quiet for a Junsuute before she burst out into laughter. He was still lying on her chest so his head started vibrating along with her chest.  "Why are you laughing?'

"I don't know honestly." she told him. "I guess I'm laughing at your jealousy, you trying to mock me."

"Go to bed." He told her as if telling a child what to do. "You need sleep. I better go home now. The rain has stopped."

"No!" She almost yelled when he started to get off her. "Stay here please."

"Why? You need sleep."

"But it still too early to sleep." Jaejoong said yawning.

"Just sleep. Wait a second,..." Yunho said and suddenly realized something, he looked back at her. "You said I was jealous of Siwon?"

"Well, you were." She stated simply.

"Wait, are you saying I like you?" He asked, shocked.

"No." She answered quickly with a bit of guilt in her voice. "Why, do you?"

"Hey, just go to bed." He said and got up.


"Go to bed." He stated.

"Whatever." She muttered and turned off the television. She walked into her room and Yunho trailed behind. Jaejoong snuggled under her covers and Yunho lay beside her on top of her covers.

"I'll wait until you sleep first then I'll go home."

Jaejoong nodded her head.

While waiting for Jaejoong to fall asleep, Yunho wondered why exactly were they so close. This was something a boyfriend does for a girlfriend, not your typical best friend. In that moment, he realized maybe he did like her more than a friend.

They had always been close and maybe she also liked him. He knew he would do anything for her. He'd take a million bullets for her. He was her shoulder to cry on. He always had been and he always would be. He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead causing her to snuggle into him deeper. He couldn't help but smile at her reaction. He decided he would be in this position for a while before he go back.

He started to think again. Which aggravated him but it needed to be thought about. Does he like Jaejoong? Maybe even love? He's not too sure. He doesn't want ChangJunsu to be right because all of his 'love-whisperer' crap. But what if he was right? Would it be that bad if he really liked Jaejoong? They already acted like boyfriend and girlfriend so much everybody thought they were dating.

Despite all the complicated brain action, deep down in his heart, he hoped the one Jaejoong liked was him.



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Chapter 8



The ride to school the next morning was awkward. The two were quiet the whole fifteen Junsuutes in the school bus. Actually, the whole day was awkward. Jaejoong was trying to ask Yunho why he didn't say, 'No, I don't like you as more than a friend.' But Yunho started avoiding being alone with Jaejoong.

Yunho had been running through her Junsud all day. She found herself drawing his name with hearts in her notes during school. She made a mental note to add another reason to why he can't touch her book. What was this boy not answering this simple question doing to her?

Jaejoong decided she needed to confront Yunho. She waited outside the gym as she knew his game practice wouldn't be over for another ten Junsuutes and he will probably need another ten more Junsuutes to shower and change.

Yunho instantly saw her as he came out from the gym door. "Hi Jaejoong."

Jaejoong just stood there with a small furrow of her brow. Seeing how she looked so serious, Yunho asked, "What?"

"Okay, Yunho," she started. "Why won't you just say you don't like me?"

Yunho looked at her and smiled knowingly, but he didn't answer her question. "How was your dance practice?" He asked as he started walking away.

"It was really good." she answered, falling into step beside him. "We're working on a new routine..." Jaejoong trailed off as she realized what Yunho was trying to do.  "Stop changing the subject."

"I'm not." He argued. "Okay, maybe I am. Doesn't mean I really didn't want to know how your practice was."

"I guess that's true." She sighed. "But why won't you answer my question?"

Yunho stopped walking and looked at her. Did I like her or not? It was simple yes or no question. But of course, he was Kim Jongin, and couldn't make anything simple.

"Because," Yunho sighed, running his fingers through his hair, something he always does when he was nervous. "I didn't know the answer myself." He said, barely in whisper.



Jaejoong crawled under the covers and just stared at the ceiling. A bunch of thoughts were clouding her Junsud and she didn't think she'd could sleep now. Yunho admitted he didn't know how he felt about her. She had to say she didn't quite know how she felt about him either. She was so confused. She found herself wondering about the question everybody had always been convinced of. 'There's something between you guys.'

Maybe there were. Maybe they had just been too blind to see what was in front of them. Jaejoong thought back to all those years of their friendship. They did seem to act like a couple. The more she thought about it, the more she understood the reason why everybody was surprised to find out they weren't dating.

Jaejoong couldn't help but smile at the thought of them being a couple. They had talked about it back in middle school and decided against it. But that was middle school, they're in high school now. Maybe things would be different. Maybe they needed a little change in their relationship.

She got out of her bed and walked out to her balcony. She noticed Yunho who wad also was sitting in his chair on his balcony. She went back inside and took her cell phone and dialed Yunho's number. Yunho immediately picked up the call.

"Hey." Jaejoong said.

"Hey Jaejoong." Yunho responded.

Yunho was leaning at the back seat of his chair while Jaejoong leaned on her doorway, enjoying the starry night. They stayed silent for a while. She had been lying if she said him being shirtless wasn't a plus.

When she turned to him, Yunho smiled at her and Jaejoong's heart fluttered. He had an amazing smile and whenever he smiled at her, Jaejoong felt special. He always had a way of making her feel like she could be something different when she was around him.

"Do you remember the story of our first kisses?" Yunho suddenly asked, breaking the silence between them.

Jaejoong nodded and smiled at the memories. "We were each other's. We were like eight."

"We said 'if teenagers could do it, so could we.'" Yunho said chuckling slightly.

"You also said 'I promised my dad you'd be my first kiss." Jaejoong quoted then laughed lightly.

"I guess I had a pretty big crush on you back then." Yunho sighed. "And in middle school."

"And now?" Jaejoong asked.

"Why do you want to know exactly?" Yunho asked.

"Do you ever think maybe we could be a couple?" Jaejoong asked ignoring his question walking to the railing at the edge of the balcony.

"Back then when we were first talked about it? No." He answered straightening up a bit. "Now though..." He tailed off.

"Do you like me?" They asked at the same time.

"Don't you think now that we're asking each other the question do we like each other we should probably find out the answer from ourselves?" Jaejoong asked.

"I know the answer." Yunho said in nothing more than a whisper.

"I'm going to bed." Jaejoong said turned around and walking to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Hey Jaejoong, what are you doing this Saturday?' Yunho asked standing up.

She turned and looked back at him."Nothing."

"You are now." Yunho stated simply.

"Excuse me?" Jaejoong asked, looking confused.

"I'm taking you out." Yunho said casually.

"Like a date? Or just friends hanging out?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"Which ever you want it to be." Yunho said winking and beginning to walk back into his room. "By the way, you look really cute in my shirt."





"Yunho asked you out?" Junsu practically screamed the next morning while Jaejoong leaned against the cool metal of the lockers that lined the school halls.

Jaejoong smiled, "well technically he told me we were going out." She said. "Actually he said it was my choice if it was and actual date or not."

"Well are you going to have it be a date?" Junsu asked, she was super excited that Yunho and Jaejoong might finally relieve all their tension.

"Yes." Jaejoong said with a smile.

"Wait, are you saying you like Yunho?"

"Yeah," Susy trailed off. "I like Yunho."

"You like Yunho?" A voice coJunsug from her back.

"Siwon?' Jaejoong practically squeaked out.

"I see you got over me so quick." Siwon said bitterly.

"Maybe she's always been into me." Yunho said walking to stand behind Jaejoong.

"Maybe she's trying to make me jealous." Siwon said to Yunho. "Jaejoong, we need to talk." He said to Jaejoong.

"Maybe she wants you to go away." Yunho spit back.

"Maybe she wants to speak for herself." Jaejoong said.

"Sorry." Both boys said sheepishly.

"Siwon." Jaejoong said turning to face him. "It's over between us. There's nothing to talk about anymore. I'm done with you. Now please do not show your face in front of me again." Jaejoong turned around grabbed all of her books out of her locker and started walking away. She heard footsteps behind her and immediately knew it was Yunho.

"That was amazing.' Yunho said to her.

"Thanks." Jaejoong said smiling shyly at him. "So I think I'd like that date this Saturday."

"Date?" He asked a huge grin growing across his face. "So does this mean you...?"

"Yes." Jaejoong said nodding her head. "It means I like you too."





“Okay, I’ll see you at the library. I need to go back to the class first to take the book that I need to return.” Jaejoong said to Yunho and Junsu before they parted after their lunch. Jaejoong walked to her classroom leisurely, passing students scattered through the halls, most standing and chatting  with each other in various social groups.

"Jaejoong!" A voice called from behind her back as she was about to enter her classroom.

Jaejoong turned to her. "Tiffany. What's up?"

"Miss Heon wanted to see you now in the science lab on the second floor on the new building."

"Uh.. really? Now? Why would she want to see me there?"

"How should I know?" Tiffany responded sarcastically.

"Okay. Thanks Tiffany. I go now."

At the end of the hallway, someone had just came down from the stairs. From the corners of his eyes, something immediately caught his attention. He stopped walking and gazed at the two girls before continuing his walk, not sensing anything wrong with the situation.



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Chapter 9


Jaejoong quickly walked to the new building and went up the stairs to the second floor to the said science lab. She knocked on the door before she pushed it open and walked in. "Miss Heon?" She called as she walked around the room slowly in confusion as the room appeared to be empty.

Suddenly, the door slammed close behind her. She turned around and her eyes widened in shock as she saw him, Kim Siwon. 

Jaejoong couldn't believe her eyes! It had to be some kind of joke, some kind of sick twisted joke that normal people like her just didn't get. There was no way she can stay in the same room as Siwon after what happened during their date.

"So it's you. What do you want now?" She gave him one of the coldest, meanest stares she had ever given another human being in her whole life.

"I just want to talk to you. You never give me a chance to talk to you."

"But why here? You could talk to me anywhere but why here?"

"Aww Jaejoong, your friends never leave you alone. And they would never let me near you. So, I chose this place to talk with you." Siwon said with his creepy little smirk that all girls would have fanned over including Jaejoong if she had never gotten to know him, the real him.

Jaejoong crossed her arms against her chest and raised her eyebrow. "So talk. My friends are waiting for me in the library."

Siwon walked closer to her.

Jaejoong stepped back. "Don't come near me." She warned him.

"Jaejoong, I would not do anything to you. Just... talk."

"Just stand there." She managed to say as he made his way closer to where she was.





Meanwhile in the library.


'Where is she? She said she will be here in five Junsuutes.' Yunho was thinking as he looked at his watch.

"Hey, Yunho, Junsu." ChangJunsu took his seat at the table.

Junsu looked at him, "where's Jaejoong?"

Yunho lifted his head and stared at him.

ChangJunsu sat up a little dumbstruck. "She's still not here yet? I saw her talking to Tiffany in front of her classroom when I was coJunsug out from Mr. Han's office."

"Tiffany? Why would she talk to Jaejoong? She hates Jaejoong." Junsu said as she looked at ChangJunsu with a questioned expression.  "Wait a Junsuute." Junsu said and bit her bottom lip,  "Wasn't she with Siwon just now during lunch?"

"How long was that, ChangJunsu?" Yunho asked. His face darkened.

He scratched the back of his head. "Uh... I went to the restroom first before I come here. So… about fifteen Junsuutes ago?"

"What were you doing in the restroom for so long?"

ChangJunsu laughed at her. "You really want me to tell you all the glory details?" He gave her one of his famous grins.

Yunho froze in place, his eyes glued to ChangJunsu, slamJunsug his hand down on the table. "! That's already a long time taken for her to come here. She should've been here by now." Yunho instantly got on his feet. "We need to find her. I don't feel good about this. Let's find Tiffany first."

They search every corner of the school. As they ran down the the school hallway, Yunho noticed the familiar figure walking out from a restroom.

'That's her.’ "Tiffany!" He called, while he made his way running towards her.

Tiffany stopped walking and turned to him. "Oh hi Yunho." She had big smile on her lips.

"Where is Jaejoong?" Yunho rushed, in a near frenzy.

Tiffany's smile immediately vanished at the mentioning of Jaejoong's name, she averted her eyes as she gave a soft shrug on her shoulder. "Why are you asking me about her? She's not my business." She faked an innocent laugh. 

"How cute Tiffany, deny it all you want but you looked like a natural liar." Junsu said to her.

Instead of looking offended, she just smiled at Junsu.

"I saw you were talking to her just now." ChangJunsu added from behind Junsu.

Tiffany glared at ChangJunsu. "So?”

"Don't fool me, Tiffany." Junsu said. "What did you tell her? I'm sure you tell something to her because I know you would not be talking to her for nothing." Junsu looked her straight in the eyes. Her hands ball up into fists. She was ready to punch the red haired when she remembered the reason she was talking to her in first place. They needed to find Jaejoong.

Tiffany quickly fixed her face as if Junsu’s words meant nothing to her. “Really?”

Yunho’s heart started beating fast. He was nervous, real nervous. "Tell me Tiffany." Yunho said as he gritted his teeth, counting one to ten, trying to calm himself down before he does something crazy. Like strangle her.

Tiffany glanced up at Yunho. She sighed in defeated. "Jaejoong is... Jaejoong in in the science lab on second floor… in the new building."

"Who would want to see her there at this hour?" Junsu asked in disbelief.

Tiffany just kept her poker face, not answering to Junsu.

“Tiffany?” Yunho asked with an raised eyebrow, his head slightly tilted to the side.

"Siwon... he said... he wanted to talk to Jaejoong." Tiffany stuttered trying to remember how to breath while avoiding her gaze from them.

"This is not happening." Yunho said. Not wasting any time, he ran his fastest through the hallway, breaking all possible school's speed track records.

'I'll kill you if you hurt her, Kim freaking Siwon!!'




"Don’t worry, Jaejoong, I didn't even lock the door. And I’ll be on my best behavior and try to resist the overwhelJunsug temptation to take advantage of you, okay?” He added with a smirk.

Jaejoong did everything she could in that moment not to walk to him and slap him in the face. She swallowed dryly. "So, what did you bring me here for?"

Siwon smirked at her which gave her chills. "We need to talk."

Jaejoong got irritated but decided to listen to what he had to say. "I'm waiting."

"You know I'd never make you do anything you didn't want to do, right?"

"Go straight to the point, Siwon."

Siwon took two steps towards her. "Jaejoong, look, I know I'm a jerk for acting like that on our first date. I made mistakes, okay? But I really do like you."

Siwon's words make her skin crawl. "So?" She trailed off as she continued to stare at him.

"Can we start over? I promise I'll be the best boyfriend you could have. I really mean it Jaejoong."

"Siwon, we're over. I'm not going to start anything new with you."

"Please give me another chance." A low baritone, his husky voice pleading.

"I'm sorry. I can't do that." Jaejoong whispered and tore her gaze from Siwon's, unable to see the utter devastation that was surely to come.

"Why? Is it because of Jongin?"

"This has nothing to do with him." Jaejoong said looking away.

Siwon sighed. "Jaejoong, look at me."

Jaejoong turned and looked at him. "Siwon, please. Let me go." Jaejoong was begging, her eyes looked past his shoulder to the main door behind him.

Siwon drew in a lungful of air. "No, I'm not letting you walk out that door now. So, you want to leave? You're going to have to go through me." He laughed and threw his hands in the air.

Jaejoong decided that she needs to make a move. She walked past Siwon but he grabbed her wrist.

"You're not going out from that door until we finish talking." Siwon said firmly.

"Hands off me." Jaejoong said angrily but calmly.

"Please Jaejoong, I'm not going to do anything bad to you. I've told you many times already. Let's talk it over again." This time he said it gently.

"You better let me go now." She said through her gritted teeth.

Jaejoong tried to free herself from his grasp, but his grip was firm.  She tried to shove Siwon away, but he didn't let go. Instead, he jerked on his last tug, and while Jaejoong was trying to free herself, she twisted her leg and suddenly she was falling, dragging Siwon with her to the floor, lying on top of her.

The door banged opened by force.





Thank you for reading, subscribing & commenting & voting.^^

Sorry for the late update. The next one also gonna be another super late. Mian. :(

Not an update - Sorry Note

Hello lovely readers,


Please accept my apology that I have to lock this story to 'Subscribers Only' as this story has been copied and repost under different pairing. I don’t like doing this but I have no choice at the moment. I can't reach to that user as her wall is locked. I hope to be able to talk to her soon.

A BIG thanks to the person who informed me.






Chapter 10



Siwon looked up in shock. “Jongin, this is not what it looks like, I swear-”

Yunho swore, his heart skipped a few beats after he saw his best friend on the floor, beneath the guy who had tried to convince her for . His Junsud was consumed by nothing but rage. ChangJunsu and Junsu just reached the door, a step too late to stop him from running towards Siwon. Yunho grabbed Siwon by the collar and forced him roughly to his feet before slamJunsug him against the wall.

"You bastard! How dare you!" Yunho bellowed. "I'll kill you!" He growled in a threatening tone. He had lost control of his brain, rage was the only voice in his Junsud and it was screaJunsug Siwon's name. Yunho launched his punches at Siwon's face and slammed his body against the wall again, his hands wrapped around Siwon's neck, deterJunsued to choke the life out of him.

Jaejoong's eyes grew wide and a jolt of terror shot through her. "Yunho! No! Let go of him!" Jaejoong screamed, pulling Yunho away. ChangJunsu tried to help as well but was pushed aside by Yunho's strong arms. Yunho was like a possessed man.

"Yunho, listen to me. Stop this!" Jaejoong exclaimed, but he has gone too far in his anger to listen.

"S...Stop." Siwon managed to choke out, trying to pry Yunho's hands from his neck that was cutting off his air completely.

"Yunho stop, please. Look at me." Jaejoong was begging, wrapping one arm around his waist from behind and using her other hand to pull Yunho's hands away from Siwon's throat.

With difficulty, Jaejoong and ChangJunsu managed to pull Yunho away, releasing a gasping Siwon in the process. They wrestled with a resisting Yunho, who was struggling furiously to get free and go for Siwon again.

"You bastard!" Yunho spat at Siwon, who had collapsed onto the floor, coughing violently the moment Yunho's fingers were pried away from his throat. "You must have a death wish coJunsug to you!" Yunho yelled, fighting against the restrain of Jaejoong and ChangJunsu, wanting nothing more than to rip his throat open.

Siwon pulled himself to sit up leaning against the wall, gasping horribly for breath. He shook his head looking at Jaejoong. "I...I never w...wanted hurt you. You knew it Jaejoong." he said in a voice barely above a whisper looking at Jaejoong.

'You messed with the wrong people, Siwon.' ChangJunsu thought, looking at him.

"You dare to touch her again, you're dead Kim Siwon! You're dead!" Yunho threatened, pointing his finger dangerously in Siwon's direction.

"You idiot!" Siwon said, coughing lightly. "You think I was stupid to do that to her? Here? at school?"

"I don't care..."

Yunho was cut midsentence by Jaejoong. "Yunho, enough. It's not like that." Jaejoong said, still tightly holding onto his waist from the behind. "I slipped and fell and I dragged him along with me. Calm down."

Yunho turned to her, standing in front of her, his eyes widened. "It's not what I saw." Yunho responded through his gritted teeth.

"Trust me. It was."

Yunho said nothing, just continued looking intensely into her eyes. He let out a sigh. "Let's go." Yunho said pulling her hand with him as he walked. ChangJunsu gave a sign that he will follow them later. Junsu followed behind.

ChangJunsu sighed as he found Siwon was still on the floor. He walked to him and offered him his hand. Siwon gave him a cautious look before he accepted it. He helped Siwon to stand up and took him to sit on the lab chair. He saw some blood on Siwon's lips and nose. ChangJunsu reached into his pocket, pulling out a handkerchief and offered it to Siwon. Siwon took it and wiped the blood on his lips.

"Do you want me to call anyone? Tiffany maybe?" ChangJunsu asked with a smirk.

"No. Just leave me alone. I'll be fine on my own."

"All right then." ChangJunsu was about to walk when he turned back to Siwon. "Actually, Siwon, with this happened like this, you just made my life easier."

Siwon stared at him. "What do you mean?"

"Jongin and Jaejoong, they love each other but they're too stubborn to admit. I'm sure after this, things would be different. And easier." He rolled his eyes then chuckled, giving Siwon a thumb up.

"That explains it" Siwon mumbled.

"So, see you." ChangJunsu said with hands in his pockets and a huge grin on his face, he walked away.







ChangJunsu steered his car carefully out of the school compound. Junsu sat next to him in the front while Jaejoong and Yunho sat at the backseat. The car ride was mostly quiet, with a light conversation between Junsu and ChangJunsu. Jaejoong looked out the window as Yunho kept quiet. The moment he noticed the tension in her, he took her hand in his own and laced their fingers together, squeezing it tightly for the whole ride. Jaejoong felt so right having his hand in hers and she loved it.

ChangJunsu dropped Jaejoong and Yunho first and continued to send Junsu home.

After ChangJunsu's car was gone from sight, Jaejoong turned to Yunho. "Yunho, why did you have to do that to him?" A wave of guilt crashed over her as Siwon's face flashed through her brain.

"He was hurting you, Jaejoong! He was about to do a bad thing to you. He was lucky I didn't kill him." There was not a single trace of guilt in his answer. He looked like he could murder someone.

"No. He was not. We fell. Together."

"Don't try to save him! What I saw doesn't justify it." Yunho suddenly yelled at her, his raspy voice breaking the quietness of the street as he did so. "I did what I had to. To protect you, damn it!!" He was breathing in short fast gasps, gaze fixed stubbornly on Jaejoong.

Jaejoong felt something in his words. This was the man whom she believed, this was the man she knew would never betray her. From their childhood until now, he had never done a single thing that could hurt her. He was always there for her. Yunho's obvious care for her made Jaejoong’s heart melt more. "Yunho, I know what had happened. And I'm safe."

"No one does that to my best friend and gets away with it. He hurt you, Jaejoong. I shouldn't have let him off just like that."

"Yunho, nothing happen to me." Jaejoong put her palm on Yunho's cheek and smile a little.

Yunho sighed contently. This was the girl he wanted for so long; his long time childhood friend. It had always been her. The mixture of her lively attitude and naivety had drawn him to her. 

For years he had secretly loved her, showing her care and affection that he never gave to anyone. He had wanted to tell her his feelings but was dreading the consequences that could follow. What if she rejected him? Then their best friend relationship would change.

He did not want that. Having her by his side was enough. Caring for her was enough. Seeing her smiling brightly every day was enough. He would not want less than that. Time flies and he suddenly realized that he wanted more from her.

Yunho reached his hand to her cheek and gently caressed her soft skin. "I won't let anything to happen to you." 

"I know." Jaejoong knows exactly what he's scared off. "Yunho, umm.. I better go in first. I think I need a long bath. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, okay." Yunho nodded but before Jaejoong turned, he grabbed her wrist. "Siwon, what did he wants from you?" He asked curiously.

"Umm... he said... he really likes me and he wants second chance for us."

He frowned. "And?"

She cooked her head to the side then shrugged. "I have a date this Saturday." She smiled at him.

Yunho smiled back at her. "Go inside now. Call me if you can't sleep."



Thank you for reading, subscribing & commenting & voting.^^

Thanks a lot for the support and love for this story. I was on a tiring vacation and with this happened, I became more tired. Yup the copied story has been removed by mod. She made this story a story. OMG...I've been hiding away my stories but it gets back to me. LOL  I think if I get this again, I'll delete this story without a doubt. So, should I remove the 'Subscribers-only' lock now? Btw, thanks to the person who made the report. But I really wish to know who. PM me?


Chapter 11


Yunho looked up from his phone that he had been staring for the past ten Junsuutes of silence, restraining himself from calling Jaejoong the fifth time for the past three hours.

'Let him go. I'm safe.'

'I'm safe.'

He sighed under his breath as he remembered the horrible incident at school. Despite the fact that Jaejoong insisted on being okay, he couldn't help but still worry about her. He got up from his study desk and stood by the window in his room, gazing out across the yard to Jaejoong's room.

He was feeling a little nervous but he didn't know the exact reason. He perked up as he saw shadows of movement in her bedroom. About a Junsuute later, the room went dark as her bedroom light was switched off. He stared at the white lace curtain a few more Junsuutes before shaking the worrying thought from his Junsud and decided to climb into his bed. Staring up at the ceiling, he breathed deeply, trying not to think about everything that had happened. He flipped off the light switch on his bedside table before closing his eyes to sleep. 

"Sleep tight, Jaejoong" He mumbled.




After making sure he was ready for school, Yunho walked out of his room and closed the door slowly. After saying goodbye to his umma at breakfast table, he walked to Jaejoong's house and sat down on the front porch stairs, waiting for her to come out so they could walk to the bus stop together. Yunho looked around in confusion after waiting for a while, there was no sound of Jaejoong coJunsug out at all. Yunho decided to ring the doorbell.

Mrs. Kim opened the door with apron still around her waist and greeted Yunho with a bright smile on her face. “Oh Yunho, come in. Jaejoong is not feeling well so she is not going to school today.” She said as she walked back to the kitchen with Yunho trailing behind her.

“What’s wrong with Jaejoong?” He woodenly asked, his face set like a stone.

“She’s having a  fever.” Mrs. Kim looked at her watch. “Oh my, I’m late. I have a meeting first thing in the morning and I will be coJunsug home later than usual tonight. I have to supervise the company’s annual dinner night. Can you check on Jaejoong after you come home from school?” She said as she removed her apron and put it on the counter. She turned back to Yunho and added, “I already made porridge for her and she had taken her pills for this morning. I’m just afraid if her condition gets worse later," she sighed. "If Jaejoong needed the pills later, it's in the cabinet over there." Mrs Kim pointed to the cabinet.  "Her appa is outstation and will be back tomorrow.” She quickly ran to the front door, "And please locked the door before you leave. You know where the house key is, Yunho."

"Sure Mrs. Kim. Don't worry, I'll take care of Jaejoong."

"Thank you, Yunho." Mrs Kim replied before her hurrying out the door with her giant purse in hand.

Yunho quickly ran upstairs and knocked on her bedroom door. “Jaejoong, it’s me."

No answer.

"I’m coJunsug in now.” He opened the door and crossed the room to the sleeping girl. Staring worriedly at her flushed face, Yunho raked his fingers back through his black hair. Slowly he walked to her and placed the back of his hand on her forehead.

Jaejoong opened her eyes. “Yunho? What are you doing here? You should go to school.”

Yunho climbed the bed and lay beside her. He hugged her from on top of her covers. “You're burning, Jaejoong. I’m not going to school today. I’m taking care of you.”

Jaejoong shook her head. She grabbed his hand and squeezed lightly. “No you’re not. Just a fever. And I've taken my pills just now. I’ll be okay in few hours. I’m not a baby, I can take care of myself. Now go before you miss your bus.”

“Hey, I’m worried about you. You must’ve got this fever from the shock you got yesterday.”

Jaejoong reached for his warm hand.” Yunho, don’t worry about yesterday, okay? Just let him go. He didn’t mean anything bad to me. It was an accident.”

Yunho stared at her. "Okay. But I don’t want you to be near him again. Promise me?”

“Okay. I promise.” Jaejoong replied with a smile. “Now go to school.”

“I’ll be back soon.” He slid down the bed and smiled at her before walking out from her room.




‘High fever’ he murmured quietly as his hand touched her burning forehead.

Jaejoong's eyes fluttered open. “Hi.” Yunho smiled at her. “You’re hot.”

“Mmm.” Murmured Jaejoong faintly. “What’s the time now?”

“About twelve.”

“It’s still school hours. How do you get back?”

“Today is a very boring day at school so ChangJunsu and I… we skipped classes.” Yunho explained with a look of guilt and tried to keep a calm face to not worry the sick girl.

“You brat.” Jaejoong muttered.

Yunho chuckled. "Is there anything I can get you, Jaejoong?"

"Water... would be nice."

Yunho nodded,  "Give me a second." He said and hurried off to the kitchen to do so.  He quickly opened the cabinets and drawers, looking for the first aid kit. When he finally found it, he took the thermometer with him and a glass of water. Walking in a quick pace, he reached Jaejoong’s room and sat on the edge of her bed, he helped Jaejoong with the drink, carefully tilting the glass so that nothing would spill.

When all of it was gone, the tip of the thermometer was gently placed in her ear. The thermometer beep and he read the reading. 105.5 F?? He pulled the blanket off of the shivering figure. Jaejoong tried to reach for the blankets, but they were held away. The whine that came from her was so weak, so pleading. "Yunho, I'm cold..."

"You have a high fever, Jaejoong. You cannot cover yourself. We need to let the heat out. I'm sorry..." He looked at her. "Jaejoong, it's better to take a shower now. A cold shower. It will bring down your temperature faster."

“But it’s cold Yunho.” Jaejoong whined.

“Only this time. We have to bring it down a bit, ok? Do it for me, please.”

Jaejoong nodded and slowly slid off her bed. Yunho slide an arm under Jaejoong’s shoulder and helped her to walk to the bathroom.

“You wait outside.” Jaejoong said.

Yunho chuckled. “I know.”

After a few Junsuutes, Jaejoong opened her bedroom door and found Yunho was leaning against the wall. “I’m done. I'm really cold now.“ She said and walked back into her room. Yunho followed.

“Good. Now go back to bed and lay down.” He motioned towards the bed.

"But my hair is still wet."

"Let me dry your hair for you." Yunho said.

Jaejoong raised an eyebrow at him. Yunho smiled at her and held out his hands in demand for the small towel in her hand. "Let me."

Jaejoong handed him the towel watching as Yunho moved to her back. Yunho was smiling as he worked the towel through her hair and running it through his fingers to see if it was okay for her to lay on the bed.

"This should be okay." He said as he put the towel aside but his other hand continued running through her damp hair. "Down girl." He chuckled.

"Thanks." Jaejoong whispered as she slid under the covers and Yunho pulled the blanket up for her. “Yunho, I’m still cold.”

Yunho went to the other side of the bed and slid into the blanket. He wrapped his hands on Jaejoong’s body. “Maybe my heat will warm you."

"This is good." Jaejoong muttered.

"Feeling better now?” Yunho whispered.

Jaejoong nodded, enjoying his warmth. They stayed like that for a while. After Yunho was sure that Jaejoong relaxed a bit, he felt that he needed to get something for Jaejoong and tried to move out from the bed. Suddenly Jaejoong grabbed Yunho around the waist and hauled him back onto the bed, closing the gap between them.

“Yunho, don’t go. Stay with me.” Jaejoong whispered.

“Hey, of course. I’m  not going anywhere. It's time for you to take your medicine. I’m just going downstairs to get the medicine and some porridge for you. Okay?”

“Later.” Jaejoong moved her head gently so it was resting against his shoulder. “Later Yunho. Stay first.” Without even realizing, her arms went around her best friend’s neck and legs around his waist, just like when she was a kid.

"Jaejoong, I have to go get some medicine and something for you to eat from the kitchen. After that we continue what we’re doing now, okay?”

Jaejoong laughed on his chest. "Okay."

Ten Junsuutes later Yunho arrived with a tray in his hand. "Your umma already prepared porridge this morning before she left for work. I warmed it in the microwave.” Yunho explained. "Let’s eat this first, and then you have to take your medicine."

"Thanks, Yunho." Jaejoong answered. She shifted uneasily and lay her fevered head against the headboard, shivering when the cold sent a chill through her body.

After Jaejoong finished eating, Yunho took the tray and put it on Jaejoong’s study desk and went back to sit on the bed beside her. "Here, open your mouth, it'll help with your fever and headache." He was holding two white tablets to her lips.

Jaejoong nodded.

"Here comes the train. Choo! choo!" Yunho chuckled as he put the white pills into Jaejoong's opened mouth. Jaejoong gulped it down with water and melted back into the sheets.

“Take another nap. I will be here.” Yunho placed a soft kiss on her forehead and watched her falling into a deep slumber.

"Don't leave me.” Jaejoong murmured before closing her eyes.

Yunho smiled. “Don't worry Jaejoong. I won't."



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Chapter 12


Yunho entered Jaejoong's room quietly and stood at the end of her bed staring at her sleeping on her back with her bed sheet bunched up around her waist. Jaejoong was his friend; his friend who he was starting to look at as more than a friend.

"Good morning, Jaejoong." Yunho said softly.

It was quiet enough that his voice picked her up out of her sleep.  "Mm... Morning Yunho." Jaejoong replied with her closed eyes.

Yunho moved closer to her and stood by her side.  “Hey sleepy head, wake up.” Yunho said, gently moving a piece of her hair from her face.

Jaejoong groaned in reply.  “Five more Junsuutes.”

"You're so y in your morning voice." He said getting her attention.

"Shut up Yunho. Now get under the covers and lie down or leave."  Jaejoong patted the space next to her but never opening her eyes.  

Yunho put his palm on Jaejoong’s forehead then nodded. “Mm…you’re still a little warm…” Yunho said. He lifted up the blanket and lay down beside her.  She shifted in her bed slightly, turned from her side to her stomach and plopped her head on her pillow.

"Why are you here?" She mumbled under her breath.

“Your parents are having the best breakfast my umma prepared at my house. And they're waiting for you to come down." He said wrapping his arms around her, his fingers playing with her hair.

"Can't we just stay here and snuggle all day instead?" She said.

"Snuggle?" Yunho questioned with laughter clear in his voice. He stared at her for a Junsuute and smiled softly.  "Do you want to get up or you want me to bring your breakfast here?”

Jaejoong opened her eyes and looked to him with a small smile. “I've been sleeping all day yesterday and also last night, I’ve had enough.  I need to get out from this room.”

"Are you sure?" Yunho asked while snuggling closer to her.

"Yunho, I'm OKAY!" she yelled as she tried to get loose of his hold, but he only tightened it.

"Jaejoong, you don't have to throw fit." he reprimanded.        

Jaejoong lightly slapped his arm.  "I'm not throwing fit." She denied with a pout on her face.

Yunho smiled. "I think this fever is making you loopy."  Yunho accused.

"No. It's making me honest." She justified. 

 "I’m hungry.  Let’s have breakfast."  She suggested which led to Yunho loosening his arm around her and propping himself up on his elbow.

“Jaejoong, about our date today, maybe we can just postpone it to next Saturday.  You’re still not feeling well.” Yunho advised helpfully.

“No. I feel good. I can go out with you today.” Jaejoong said in rejection of the idea.  She wanted to get up.

"Jaejoong…" Yunho said worriedly.

Jaejoong took a deep breath as if she was about to say something extremely difficult. “I still feel…not like myself,” she said hesitantly.  When she saw Yunho’s expression she hurriedly explained further.  “But I feel better than last night. Definitely.” She let out a laugh, “and I know I don’t look too pretty.  But I'm not cancelling my date.  I'm looking forward to it."

“Mm, alright if you say so. I'll have to change the original plan. I'll think of something simple for our date tonight.” he said.

“Okay. I leave it to you.” she settled.

“Now, go take your shower, I'll do your bed for you." Yunho said commandingly.

"Then wait outside." Jaejoong said as she headed straight to her bathroom.

"I’ll wait outside.” Yunho echoed. After ten Junsuutes, Jaejoong was done with showering and after putting her clothes she left her room to find Yunho leaning against the wall talking to someone on the phone.

“ChangJunsu says hi. He asked how you are feeling today.” informed Yunho as he saw her coJunsug towards him.

“Say hi back to him,” she relayed. “Tell him I’m fine and not to worry about me.”

“ChangJunsu, she says she’s fine and not to worry about her and yes, she insisted on go on our date today.” Yunho told ChangJunsu while his eyes scanned Jaejoong.  He flipped off his phone and motioned with his head to Jaejoong for them to go down.  "Let's go."

“Who's going for a date today?”  They heard a voice saying.

Jaejoong let out a startled breath, “Appa!”

“Sorry if I startled you guys. I’m taking something from the bedroom and I heard you guys talking about a date.  So?” Jaejoong’s father enquired.

Yunho's eyes locked on Jaejoong's.  A silent conversation passed between them.

“It’s… us. We’re going on a date.”  Yunho answered scratching the back of his head.

Mr Kim looked at him for a moment.  “Good.” He said after a while.

Jaejoong looked up at her dad. "Good?" she marvelled.

“’ll always be kids to me, but it’s not like I don’t remember what I was getting up to, or wanting to get up to at your age. " Mr Kim nodded his head then smile.  He turned to Yunho. "But Jaejoong is still not really well so you'll take care of this pretty girl, okay?” It was more a command than a question, but Yunho understood well enough so replied with a cheeky grin.  

“Sure Mr Kim.  I'll keep her safe with me.”

Mr Kim laughed slightly, "I know you will, son."

Jaejoong playfully rolled her eyes and complained, “Appa, I’m not small child, okay?" She was feeling entirely embarrassed and knew that she was blushing, but she didn't know how to stop it from growing so obvious that her Appa would know that he hit the mark.

Mr Kim chuckled and ruffled Jaejoong’s hair and leaned in to give her a quick kiss on the forehead.  “Now you two had better go down now. Your Ummas are waiting. Appa will be down shortly.”

“Alright.” The two answered in unison.  They looked at each other for a few seconds, large smiles on their faces, and turned to Mr Kim, who’s smiling even wider.

Mr Kim just stood there watching the two walk down the stairs. If anything, he was glad to know that his daughter was going on a date with his best friend's son.  He could tell that they liked each other a lot, because of the spark in their eyes when they spoke to each other.  He always knew that they belong together. 

Yunho opened the door for Jaejoong to step in and they walked into the kitchen together.

“Good morning everyone.” Jaejoong greeted their parents happily and took a seat next to her Umma.

“Hi kid.” Mr Kim responded, looking up from his paper.  “Jaejoong how’s your fever? I hope Yunho took good care of you yesterday.” He asked handing her a cup of hot chocolate.

Jaejoong happily took the cup from him before responding.  “Thank you Mr Kim.  Ah… yes he did. I feel a lot better now.”  She smiled over at Yunho, her eyes sparkling with delight and smiling as if she had just seen the sun for the first time in a long time.  Yunho grinned back at her while reaching for his juice.

Mrs Kim looked at Yunho.  "You're so good to her, you know." she gratefully stated, satisfaction playing in her eyes.

 “Somebody is going for a date today.” A voice suddenly was heard singing at the door.  Mr Kim walked in and sat in his chair. The table was quite for a moment, the whole kitchen was hushed enough to hear the clock on the kitchen wall ticking.

The toast popped out of the toaster and Yunho quickly got up to retrieve it, dropped it neatly on the plates, and sat back in his the chair upon completion of his task. All the while he could feel all the eyes in the kitchen on him and Jaejoong.




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**As I said before this story gonna be a simple and cliche Yunhozy fic and so... I might end this soon. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this story.




Chapter 13


Kim Jongin was ready to go out for his first date with Kim Jaejoong. Saying he that wasn't nervous was an understatement of the century. He wanted it to be special, and for nothing to go wrong.

'Somebody is going for a date today.'

'Who?' Mrs Kim asked.

'Your son and my daughter.'

'Jaejoong and Yunho?" Mrs Kim asked looking at Mr Kim. 'But they always go out together. I didn't see any big fuss about it.' Mrs Kim blinked animatedly, staring at her husband's friend.

Mr Kim rolled his eyes, and kicked at his wife's leg lightly under the table. "Honey, before this those two just hung around together. But today they are going for “A Date” Don't you get it?'

'I'm processing.' Mrs Kim said, noticing the looks that she was getting.

'What took you so long? Your son has a girlfriend that just so happens to be his Jaejoong.'

His Jaejoong? That made Yunho smiled slightly.

'They're boyfriend and girlfriend now? Since when?'

'Since now.' Mr Kim responded.

'We are?' Jaejoong said looking at Yunho.

Yunho shrugged his shoulders.

'They're a now couple. I'm so happy.' Mrs Kim said with a wide smile on her face.

'Umma, we haven't gone out yet and you’re already calling us a couple? We haven't decided if this is just our normal best friend date or a couple date' Jaejoong said, frowning.

'It's okay. I gave the tittle to you in advance.' Mrs Kim said simply.

'We're so proud!' chimed in Mrs Kim.

'I knew you two would become a couple eventually. We are happy for you.' Mr Kim said, nodding his head.

'We saw the love you two shared before you two even did.' Mr Kim added.

'Oh God, this is embarrassing.' Jaejoong mumbled under her breath.

Suddenly Mrs Kim squealed. 'We can start planning your wedding!'

Jaejoong choked on her drink.

'Umma!' Yunho shrieked.


Yunho wrinkled his nose, giggling at remembering their parent’s reactions this morning during breakfast.

"You didn't buy her flowers for your first date?” His umma asked when he met his parents as he walked to the door.

"Umma, don't you think you're so bit too excited?"

"But you should, boy."

"I'll buy for her next time." Yunho answered.

"All right then, you can go now. Maybe she is waiting for you." His umma said excitedly.

"Bye umma, appa."

"Bye son." His appa replied.

Yunho closed the door and walked straight to her house. He lingered in front of Jaejoong’s house, nervously glancing at his watch as it got closer to seven. He felt like there was a particular pressure on them. They weren't just in friend territory right now, there was a possibility of something more, which he wasn't going to deny and say he didn't like the prospect of it. He always had harboured a small crush on her even though he kept denying it.

Jaejoong was pacing in her bedroom. Now that things had ended with Siwon and she was with Yunho, she realised that the feeling she had for Yunho were deeper and far more real than she had allowed herself to believe.

Jaejoong sat on her bed as she thought. Yunho had been very tight lipped about where they were going for their first date. She had tried to get an answer out of him, but he wouldn't budge. She couldn’t stop fidgeting with her jeans as she worried about so many things. What if she was overdressed? Yunho didn’t say where they were going so that was a definite possibility. What if she was underdressed? That would be embarrassing as hell to say the least. Although it wouldn’t be her first time going out with Yunho she had never gotten nervous at the prospect before. They always went out as just two of them but tonight would be her first official date with Yunho which was reason enough to fret like she was doing yet still…as much as she was nervous for the date, she couldn’t hide her excitement.

But what if he decided to blow her off? No, Yunho wouldn’t do that. Would he? As if on cue the doorbell went off.

“Jaejoong, Yunho is here for your date!” yelled Mr Kim from across the house.

Jaejoong couldn’t help but giggle excitedly as she went to grab her lip gloss. She honestly wasn’t sure who was more excited for this date, her or her appa.

Jaejoong looked in the mirror again then sighed, she didn’t like the way her dress looked, normally it was one of her favourites but today it just didn’t look right. However, she didn’t want to leave Yunho waiting at the door so she hurried down the stairs.

Mr Kim had always loved Yunho. He was best friends with Yunho’s Appa for goodness sake. But, his best friend’s son and his daughter going out wasn’t the only reason he was excited for their date. The twenty thousand won he won off Mr Kim from their little bet didn’t do either, but no, he was excited because he was sure Yunho was the one for his daughter. If anyone asked him the ideal guy he wanted Jaejoong to date, he wouldn’t say certain characteristics, no. He would just plainly and simply say Kim Jongin.

“Yunho!” Jaejoong called for attention while walking down the stairs.

“Wow.” Yunho breathed as soon as he saw Jaejoong walking down the stairs. She looked incredible but then of course she always looked incredible to him.

“Don’t drool. We all know she’s hot and we all know you’ve always thought that, but you don’t have to droo-”

"Appa!” Jaejoong shrieked cutting his words off. She gave her appa a pointed look.

"Stop it." Mrs Kim slapped her husband’s shoulder. Mr Kim's words made Yunho’s ears burn red and his face soon followed.

Jaejoong walked up to stand next to Yunho. He glanced over at her and smiled. "You look great." Yunho said to her.

"Thank you." Jaejoong replied with a duplicate smile. "You look nice too."

The two stood awkwardly for a moment before Yunho felt the need to break the silence.  "So are you ready to go?" he asked.

"Yup, we’d better go now before my parents start saying anything more embarrassing." Jaejoong quipped jokingly but with a hint off embarrassment shining though her words. She gave her parents a pleading glance in askance but was answered by sly grins which only served to warn her of their intentions to never stop accosting them on the matter. And so it was in essence with their grinning faces that the teasing continued.

“She loves him. Look at them. She may deny it, but she loves him.” Mr Kim said quietly to his wife while happily staring at the two. Mrs Kim just nodded in agreement.

"Did your appa give you his car? If not you can take Junsue." Mr Kim offered.

"Yes. I have the keys here." Yunho said with a smile, holding up the car key to him.

“Good. You two have fun tonight.” Mr Kim said.

“Yup!” Jaejoong said popping the ‘P’ and beginning to walk out.

“Have her home by eleven.” Mr Kim shouted out to them. "Drive carefully and pay attention to the road." he cautioned on.

“You can bring her home in an hour late if you want." Mrs Kim added. "Jaejoong, if you end up needing to sleepover let umma know, okay?”

Jaejoong’s face flushed immediately while Yunho couldn’t hold back his laughter scratching the back of his head at Mrs Kim words.

"Umma, he lived just next door. I'm not going to sleepover at his house just because we went out for a date.”

Yunho couldn’t help but just smile.

"You two look cute together. Now, go for your date." Mrs Kim said with a smile.

Jaejoong turned to Yunho and gestured towards the door. “It’s our first date and my umma thinks I’m going end up sleeping over.”

“Who knows you might.” Yunho said looking down at her, winking.




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Chapter 14


"Oh my God, my parents are so embarrassing." Jaejoong said as she closed the door behind them.

'Yeah, tell me about it. Junsue were also the same." Yunho replied softly. "Oh hey I forgot to tell you, we're going with my Appa's truck for tonight's date." Yunho grinned at her when he told her as they started walking.

"Really? Why are we taking the truck and not the car?" Jaejoong asked.

"It's what I've planned for our date." Yunho replied covertly.

Yunho, like true gentlemen, pulled open the door and help her to climb inside - since the truck was pretty high up - and held onto her hand until she was settled comfortably. Once Jaejoong was inside and secure, Yunho closed the door. He shut the door gently and jogged to the driver’s side, sliding into the seat and pulling away from the curb.

“So, Yunho…” She started.

“Not a chance,” He said immediately, laughing throatily. Jaejoong folded her arms and jutted her lip in a pout while sinking down in her seat.

“Please? I just want to know where we’re going,” Jaejoong said, putting on her best puppy dog eyes. The dark haired boy shook his head, eyes focused on the road ahead as they twist and turned up to Seoul’s busy streets.

"You'll see." He said nonchalantly whilst trying not to look at her. There was a tiny smile on his lips that made Jaejoong all the more curious as to where they were off to but it seemed that her best friend was not too keen on letting slip his secret for the time being. She’d just have to wait to find out.

After a few moments of silence, Jaejoong spoke.

"Yunho, I'm glad you finally asked me out." She tried to sound casual.

Yunho smiled widely at her. "I am as well. For the record I've wanted to for a while but you've just been too busy dating other blokes." He said shrugging, a hint of bitterness invading his thoughts. Jaejoong spotted this and pouted at the unfair accusation.

"But you never stop me." Jaejoong mumbled.

"Should I have?" he asked in a frank tone. They both knew very well what the answer to that was but Yunho was curious to know if he had perhaps been too presumptuous.  Seeing Jaejoong’s expression seemed to confirm his earlier presumption and his mood dropped slightly at the thought of her with all those other guys and the fact that he probably wouldn’t have had much of a chance had he made his move earlier than now.

Jaejoong looked to her side at Yunho and she could have sworn that she saw a bit of sadness in his expression that resembled that which she felt in her heart. Jaejoong opened to speak but nothing would come out. Somehow the reality of her past and just how much he knew about it made her feel ashamed. Even through Yunho had been her friend for so long and knew so much about her, she couldn’t help but worry about how he’d seen her over the time that they had been together as friends. What did he actually think of her? That question seemed to bother her all the way to their destination as they drove the rest of the way in silence.

"We're almost there." Yunho said out of nowhere, breaking her line of thought in doing so.

She gazed out the left side of the windshield as they approached an enormous lot containing few sporadic cars facing a big white screen.

“How did I not know that Seoul has a drive-in cinema?” Jaejoong asked.

“It’s a well-kept secret.” Yunho smiled as he turned into a driveway. After paying the entry fees, they drove into the lot. Yunho chose one of the numerous empty spots, just slightly off centre from the big screen. Jaejoong was confused when he reversed and pivoted the truck around so that the trunk was facing the screen.

“Why are you parking like this? We can’t see the screen.”

Yunho scoffed mockingly and turned the engine off. “Try not to make it so obvious that this is your first time.” He opened his door and nearly skipped over to Jaejoong’s side to open her door and helped her to get out from the truck. Once she was on the ground Yunho grabbed her hand and guided her around the truck.

“Are we sitting outside?” Jaejoong asked eyeing at Yunho with a hint of complaint. “I don’t think I dressed warm enough for this.”

Yunho turned to her and smiled boldly. “Do you trust me, Jaejoong?”


He opened the back hatch of the truck and within the space was a nest of cushions, blankets and comforter. Jaejoong smiled tenderly at Yunho while holding her hand, Yunho helped Jaejoong climb up into the back of the truck.

"Since you’re not feeling well, so I decided a drive-in movie would do best for our date. Just like watching in your own room." He said. "I had everything prepared; popcorn, soft drinks, and peanuts."

"I love you for that, Yunho." Jaejoong had to admit that that really one of the thing that she valued about Yunho.

Yunho shrugged at the comment lay on his back while Jaejoong lay slightly to his right.  "Now, let’s get ourselves comfortable." He said glancing at her.

"Only one blanket?" Jaejoong asked snuggling into his embrace.

"Sharing is caring." Yunho nonchalantly replied. “So how’s this for a date?” he asked as he pulled a worn out comforter up over them and snuggled in as the movie started.

 “I like it a lot.” She said looking around and grinning from ear to ear.

“Would you have believed me last year if I’d told you we would be on a date someday?” Jaejoong asked a few Junsuutes into the movie.

“Actually…” Yunho took his focus off the movie and directed it at his companion. “Yes.”

“Really?” Jaejoong asked tracing circles on him lightly with her fingernails.

 “I don’t really know.” Yunho sighed sticking some popcorn in his mouth then feeding Jaejoong some. “Kind of; I guess I knew something would happen since… you know… we have talked about dating before.”

“That make sense I guess.” Jaejoong said turning in his arms so she was facing him completely, her hand resting on his chest.

“Hey.” Yunho said kissing on top of her nose.

“You know I’m surprised this isn’t awkward.” Jaejoong whispered. “I guess we’ve acted like a couple enough already that this might not even make a difference."

“Maybe” Yunho said casually.

It wasn’t until the movie was nearly half over when the opportunity presented itself. The action packed scenes had been traded in for those of a different kind. The interest between the two main characters was supposed to keep the audience hanging on every word. But Jaejoong wasn’t interested in any of that, Yunho surely wasn’t either, so they found themselves sneaking glances at each other instead.

Yunho was looking down at her. Damn she was beautiful. The wind was blowing at a nice breeze and she wrapped her arms around herself as in a shiver.

“Are you cold?” Yunho asked.

“Just a little” Jaejoong answered pulling the blanket to her chest.

Seeing that, Yunho wrapped his arms around her shoulder and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug.

“Maybe my heat will help. I don’t want you to get sick again.”

“Yunho, I’ve told you I’m okay now.”

“I just… that day... I was scared if I was too late…”

“Kim Jongin…” Jaejoong spoke quietly. “Hey,” She placed a hand on his face, forcing him to look at her. “Nothing happen, okay. I know you’re worried about me getting sick because of that experience. But I’m okay now.” She tried cheering him up enough to make him smile. “You’re stuck with me forever, buddy.” She finished, causing him to chuckle quietly.

“Yeah, to be me.” Yunho replied playfully. “You know I’ll take care of you.” His voice became softer as he brought his face closer to hers.

Jaejoong could see his vision become focused on her lips. Her heart began to race, her breathing becoJunsug erratic. “How?” she whispered and as soon as the word escaped she knew there was no turning back.

With one last smirk aimed in her direction Yunho dove in. He captured her lips with his, at that moment the past was forgotten as Jaejoong kissed him back. The action spoke for them as it silently reJunsuded them that they would always be there for each other. He had her and she had him and that’s all they really needed.

A lopsided grin was plastered across each of their faces when they broke apart to catch their breath.

Both were thinking…




“I had an amazing time, Yunho.” Jaejoong told him as they walked onto her porch, fingers interlocked.

“Me too.” He said sitting on her porch swing, Jaejoong sat next to him. “We could do it again.”

“Is this your way of asking me out on a second date?” Jaejoong giggled.

“Yup” Yunho said leaning in and capturing her lips with his. The kiss was short and sweet. They pulled away not even a Junsuute later feeling light headed from all the sparks it contained. As soon as they started leaning in for another kiss the front door opened, causing Jaejoong to shriek.

“You guys are home.” Mr Kim paused to look at his watch.  “Fifteen Junsuutes to eleven.” He looked at the two. “So, Jaejoong, it’s time for you to go inside. Say good night to Yunho.” Mr Kim said before walking back inside the house.

“Good night Jaejoong.” Yunho said, clearly not happy their kiss got interrupted.

“Good night Yunho.” Jaejoong said leaning in and pressing her lips to his once more.  “I’ll see you tomorrow and we’ll finish what we were going to do before we got interrupted.” She said winking and laughing at his reaction before going into her house.


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Chapter 15


It was almost noon when Yunho reached his house from his basketball practise. He showered and quickly dressed before he walked out from his room to go to Jaejoong's house. He decided to knock on the kitchen door as he saw the glimpse of Jaejoong's umma there. Mrs Kim opened the door with a kitchen towel in her hand. Guess she was cooking.

"hi Yunho. Come on in."

“Hi Mrs Kim. I’m bringing Jaejoong’s homework that she missed school on Friday.” Yunho said as he entered her kitchen.

“Jaejoong is in her room. Go ahead just knock on her door.” She said walking back in her kitchen.

“Thank you, Mrs Kim.” He nodded and made his way upstairs and knocked on her door.  “Jaejoong, it’s me.”

After a while Jaejoong opened the door and said, "Hi Yunho. Come in." She gestured to him with her head.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he followed her inside. Jaejoong sat on her study chair, her desk was stacked with papers that are in a mess.

Jaejoong turned to him. “Maths." She answered, holding up her book at him. "Hey did you just wake up? I didn't hear from you at all since morning. And what's that in your hand?”

"I was at school gym for basketball practise." Yunho walked to her.  "Umm... I came here to give you the homework and groupwork that you-“

“All of those?” Jaejoong asked with sorrow face as she looked at the pile of papers in his hands.

Yunho handed her the papers. “Stop freaking out." He said. "Miss Ho gave an essay question which you will have two weeks to prepare for and write up the two thousand words essay. And for the group work, together with ChangJunsu and Junsu, we will discuss about the given topic after school tomorrow. The rest of the papers are only notes from Mr. Lee's class. That's all.”

“You're the best, Yunho.” Jaejoong said.

“I know.” Yunho said nonchalantly. He threw himself on her soft bed and he lay down with both his hands behind his head looking at the ceiling.

The room suddenly became quiet. Yunho slowly turned to look at Jaejoong. He noticed that Jaejoong was staring in the space.

“Yeah you seem to be spacing out.” Yunho stated.

Jaejoong turned around to face him and their eyes locked. “Ah no…I’m just thinking.” She said. Her cheeks darken instinctively as last night activities of her and Yunho's not-so-innocent typical best friends behavior flashed in her Junsud.

“What were you thinking?”

“No-no I’m not thinking of anything.” She lied. She felt her face blushed.

Yunho glared at her, he knew that Jaejoong’s lying, “You’re lying… it’s all over your face.” Yunho said, Jaejoong’s blushed deepened. “Tell me what you’re thinking Jaejoong.”

When he didn't get any responds for Jaejoong, Yunho became aware that Jaejoong wasn’t listening to him. He rolled his eyes and sighed, shaking his head before he slid down the bed and walked to her. He waved his hand in front of her face. “Earth to Jaejoong! I’m talking to you.”

“What?” Jaejoong asked as she snapped out of it and turned her attention to him. “Did you say something?” She put on her best innocent smile and tilted her head to the side.

“It seems like somebody got up on the wrong side of her bed today.” Yunho said before he went back to lay on her bed.

Things were a little awkward between them suddenly. Wouldn’t it be awkward if you went on a date with your best friend since birth and kiss?

Not once though but, twice.

Their relationship status still hadn’t gone past best friends though. They weren’t completely sure if they were ready to go straight into a relationship. It’s not like they didn’t want to be boyfriend and girlfriend. They did. But, they weren’t quite ready to label it. And Yunho hadn’t asked Jaejoong to be his girlfriend yet.

Jaejoong couldn’t keep her Junsud off the kisses they shared the night before. The feel of Yunho’s lips pressed against hers was something she’s never felt before. The sparks that flew at the connection between the two were massive.

An awkward silence fell between the two.

Yunho sat up on the bed. “Hey Jaejoong.” Yunho called Jaejoong suddenly catching Jaejoong’s attention.

“Yeah?” She asked, looking at him.

“We need to talk about ‘us’.” He said bluntly.

“Okay.” Jaejoong said looking at him with a raised eyebrow. “What about ‘us’ do you want to talk about?”

“Oh cut the crap Jaejoong. You know I mean the kiss.” Yunho said.

“Kisses.” Jaejoong whispered.

“Right. Kisses.” He corrected. A smile slowly crept across his face. “I just need to how you felt after them.”

“Only after? Not during?” Jaejoong asked jokingly.

Yunho rolled his eyes. "Come on, Jaejoong. You knew what I mean.”

 “A-are you enjoying it?” She asked feeling so embarrassed; she mentally cursed herself as to why she had asked such question.

 Yunho’s lips curled up into a smile and then he said, “Yes I am.” Yunho could hear the smile in his voice.

“What did you feel?” Jaejoong asked back.

“I felt sparks.” He slid down the bed and walked closer to her. “I felt like it was right. Like it was always what we were supposed to do. And you felt it too.” Yunho said as their body were so close together, Jaejoong can feel Yunho’s breath against her and the strange warmth of his body. Her heart beat so fast she didn’t know what she should do.

“I know you do.” Yunho whispered.

Only then did Jaejoong realize just how close Yunho was. His face only inches away from hers. She looked into his eyes and her breath caught at the intense stare he was giving her.

He ran his thumbs across her pink cheeks then slowly his hands cupped her face. “Tell me you didn’t feel that too and I’ll stop.” Yunho whispered. “Tell me you didn’t feel the sparks, like it was completely right. Like it was what we’re supposed to be doing. Tell me that and I’ll stop right now and we can forget about the kisses and everything and just go back to being best friends.”

”But then I’d been lying.” She whispered in reply. “I’d also be lying if I said I didn’t want you to kiss me right now.”

She didn’t know why but her chest was beating so hard that she thought that she’s going to be deaf, her cheeks were tinted red and as Yunho saw her face he smirked and then whispered, “When I get hold of things that I like, I will never let them go.” He said before he pressed his lips to hers.

Jaejoong wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him as close as possible. Their lips moved in perfect sync. One of his hand stayed on her face the other holding her close. He was slow and gentle. This was the Yunho that Jaejoong knew. This was the dark and y Yunho that only now she got to see. Slowly his mouth moved down to her neck.

Jaejoong pulled away from Yunho for a moment, saying breathlessly, “We can’t do this here! What if someone walks in?”

“That makes it all the more exciting.” Was the quick reply Yunho gave, before continuing to kiss her earnestly, tongue slip into .

Their hearts beating at the same high rate.

Then the door abruptly swung open and they jumped apart.

“uh…uh… I’m just checking to make sure there’s no grandchildren making going on.” Mrs Kim said.

"Umma!" Jaejoong shrieked turning to the other pale boy.

Mrs Kim could not help but letting a small smile creep onto her face before she cleared . “Lunch will be ready in fifteen Junsuutes. And Yunho, your umma is still at the MidYear Sale and she said she'll coJunsug back late, so you'll be joining us for lunch.” she spoke, looking at them.

"Uh.. sure." Yunho answered, scratching the back of his head.



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I hope you guys enjoyed reading this story. Have a fabulous weekend!! ^^

Chapter 16



“So what happened with you this weekend?” Junsu asked on Monday morning when they met at their locker room. “I didn’t hear from you at all. How’s your fever?”

“I’m okay now. No need to worry.” Jaejoong said taking her books out from her locker.

"ChangJunsu said Yunho ditched school to take care of you on Friday."

"Yeah he did." Jaejoong replied smiling at her.

“Lucky you.Did you go out for your date as planned?"

"Yup. We did."

"So tell me. How was it?"

"We went for a movie. We..." Jaejoong replied pulling her hair into ponytail.

"Jaejoong, what’s that?” Junsu asked, cutting her off. She looked at Jaejoong as if she saw a ghost.

“What’s what?” Jaejoong asked putting her books in the locker.

“Yunho gave you hickey!” Junsu yelled.

“Jaejoong’s eyes widened immediately. She looked to the mirror in her locker and sure enough clear as day was a purple mark on her neck. She untied her hair immediately.

“I’m going to kill him.” Jaejoong stated grabbing her makeup bag taking out the concealer. At this point she rather be jammed into her locker along with her books.

“So I’m guessing you guys had a little fun for this weekend?”

“We might have made out once, or twice.” Jaejoong replied nonchalantly.

“That’s it? Only twice?”

“Come on Junsu, I’ll tell you later for now I’ve got to tell Yunho he’s dead.” Jaejoong said as she walked out of the locker hall.

Jaejoong stormed the hallways of the high school, in search of one person in particular. Finally she spotted him, talking with his groups of friends. She huffed and walked over to them, stopping right in front of him.

"Kim Jongin." Jaejoong stated, causing him to face her. Along with the others.

"What?" Yunho looked at her dumbfounded.

"Hi ChangJunsu. Hi guys. And you!" She pointed at Yunho. "Don't look at me like that. I'm so pissed right now." Jaejoong stated. His eyebrows furrowed before she turned to his friends. “I’m gonna have to borrow him for a Junsuute.” Jaejoong said, adding a small smile at the end and dragged him to behind one of the big pillar.

“Oh okay. Can you tell me why you pissed at me?” Yunho said, trying to sound tough but coJunsug off as confused.

“You really made me mad.”

“Now what did I do this time?” He asked innocently. Jaejoong was sure to maintain her blank stare.

Jaejoong leaned in, “You gave me hickey.” She whisper-shouted and pushed her hair away from her neck to let Yunho see his art of work.

Yunho cocked his head a little to the side. "Did I do that?" Yunho asked, looking amused.

Yunho’s reaction surprised her. Jaejoong rolled her eyes. "Who else? God! I'd told you not to do it so hard." She said, shoving him lightly in his chest.

 Yunho's amused laughter spilled out into the hallway. causing her to glare at him. He kept laughing until he saw the look on her face.

“You’re actually upset?”

“That's not the point. I’m not that upset…” She began. “But my appa will.”

"I know you like it." Yunho smirked.

"Shut up. I don't know how to answer to appa later." Jaejoong said, pouted.

“Jaejoong, honey, your appa loved me. I don’t think he’ll care.” Yunho said in a baby voice putting his hands around her waist, pulling her flush against him, allowing her to take the scent of breath spray and bubblegum eluding his mouth. "Should I give you another one now?" The edge of his smirk raises a little to give him the impression of hungry wolf.

"Don't you dare!"

“Kim Jongin!” ChangJunsu yelled. “Say goodbye to your girlfriend and let’s go to the court. Coach is waiting!”

“Yeah I’m coJunsug.” He hollered back. He leaned in and gave Jaejoong a peck on her cheek. “Maybe you should give me one too. Tonight. To make it even." He winked at her. "See you at lunch.”






The next day, as usual, Yunho and Jaejoong sat next to each other on the school bus to school. Like expected Jaejoong’a appa wasn’t the happiest about her hickey. Yunho couldn’t stop laughing when she told him, that she got long lecture about that.

It was almost as if they hadn’t gone on a date. As if they didn’t kiss all weekend. They were just Jaejoong and Yunho the best friends. They may not have a label on their relationship right now. The only difference was their fingers were currently intertwined.

“So Jaejoong,” Yunho began awkwardly. “I have a question.”

“Okay.” Jaejoong said raising eyebrow at him.

“This is very important.”

“Yunho, just shoot.”

“Okay, the thing I want to ask…” he trailed off. “What exactly are we?”

“Well to my knowledge we’re best friends.” Jaejoong said with a shrug. “You still haven’t asked to be anything more than that.”

‘Oh, so she’s going to be like that.’ He thought. Maybe he could mess with her a bit.

“Yeah, just making sure. We’re best friend and nothing else. We’ll always just be best friends.” He said shooting her a grin before looking out the window again.

Jaejoong was taken aback from his answer. Her Junsud was going crazy with questions now. ‘Did he not want to date me? Did he only want to have a friend with benefits style relationship?’ She was speechless as she stared at his sudden serious expression.

“Yup, just best friends.” Jaejoong responded with her voice cracking a little.

“Well, good.” Yunho started off. “We wouldn’t want to ruin the great friendship we have.”

Jaejoong slipped her hand out of Yunho’s, grabbed a notebook from her bag and started to jot down something on it. Yunho looked at her with a smiling face.

Jaejoong noticed Yunho was looking at her. “What are you smiling about?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Later." Yunho answered simply.

Together they walked to the locker room. After taking their books, Jaejoong turned to walk to her class but Yunho grabbed her wrist.

“Jaejoong, in the bus.... I never ask you my question.” He stated.

“Wait. Wha…?” She stated only to be cut off by Yunho.

“Jaejoong, will you be my girlfriend?” Yunho asked nonchalantly.

“But… but weren’t you just saying that you didn’t want to ruin our friendship?”

“I was just kidding.”

“Kidding? You were kidding? I hate you!” She yelled at him trying really hard to sound angry but she didn’t succeed though because her face broke into a smile.

“Hate me? Really?" He asked leaning in.

“Maybe you could make me not to hate you?” Jaejoong said smiling.

“Maybe I could show to you. But we’re at school. So, I’ll show you later. So, for now you will be my girlfriend right?”

“Yes, you idiot." She said smacking him on the head.

"Awww... And for that, I'm going to give you another hickey." Yunho said with a smirk.

The school bell echoed in the background. "Let's go now." Jaejoong said almost instantly. She couldn't look at him. She could feel her heart skip a beat but she wasn't sure why.

"Yeah, lets go." Yunho said closing his locker door.

Neither Yunho nor Jaejoong noticed the two pairs of eyes watching them as they walking to their classes.


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Chapter 17


The school bell rang indicated the end of the school for the day. Everybody was busy stuffing their books into their bags and walked out of the class. Jaejoong slowly walked out and headed to her locker and put her book in. She let out a frustrated sigh and slammed her locker closed in frustation. A few people around her jumped in surprised, not expecting the loud bang but she didn't notice.

She felt someone behind her. "Jaejoong," Yunho called from behind her.

Jaejoong quickly turned around and met with Yunho. "Hey, I can't go home yet. There's a lat Junsuute call for basketball team meeting."

"Okay. So how are you getting home? Do you want me to wait here for you? I can wait in the library."

"It's oaky, Jaejoong. You go back first. I'll go back with ChangJunsu later. I'll see you later at your house, okay?"

"Okay." Jaejoong replied simply.

Something was not right, Yunho thought. "Hey, are you okay?" He looked at her seriously.

"Yeah I'm fine. See you later." Jaejoong though it’s not entirely convincing.


Aftter ChangJunsu dropped him off, Yunho immediately went up to his room, changed and fifteen Junsuutes later they found themselves in Jaejoong’s kitchen doing homework. Yunho noticed Jaejoong kept losing her focus from the maths they were working on. Something was clearly bothering her.

“You okay?” Yunho asked her.

Jaejoong looked up to see him staring at her, attempting smile. “Uh..yeah, I’m fine.”

“Jaejoong? You're not fine. You seemed out most of the time.”

Her smile wavered – just slightly. “What?”

“What’s wrong?” Yunho asked looking at her worriedly. He knew she was hiding something. What that could it be? She was normal all day at school. She was in the gymnasium watching his practice basketball. But… she was weird when he met her after his basketball practice.

What happen there?

Well Eunjung and her cheer team were there for practicing too…

“Jaejoong, what’s wrong?” Yunho repeated once again.

Her eyes skittered from his. “It’s really nothing. I’m fine.” Jaejoong sighed and walked up to the fridge to take a drink.

Yunho followed behind her. “Tell me.” Yunho said sternly wrapping his arms around her waist from the behind.

“No.” Jaejoong said when she felt his lips on her neck.

“No for which one?"

“No I won’t tell you but keep doing that.”

The two fell into silence again.

Yunho let out a sigh and pulled away. If she wasn’t going to tell him what’s wrong he wouldn’t continue. He started gathering his stuff and putting it all back in his bag pack, only to be stopped by a hand on his wrist.

“Yes?” He asked her.

“Where are you going?” She asked.

“Home.” He answered simply.

Jaejoong couldn’t keep the surprised expression away from her face. “But why?” He felt Jaejoong's hands tighten even harder on his.

“No Jaejoong, you tell me why.” He stated. Jaejoong felt Yunho's angry eyes on her.

It’s not like she doesn’t want to tell him. Within one week of their relationship and crap is already starting. For the moment Jaejoong was silent before speaking up again.

“Okay, fine. I’ll tell you.” Jaejoong said walking to the front and sat on the couch. Yunho sat next to her. By the look on the Jaejoong's face, this clearly wasn't pleasing news.

“So apparently it’s already spread like wildfire we’re dating….” She trailed off.


“While waiting for you today, I went to the toilet. So... when I was in the toilet, I overheard a conversation.” She began. “It was between Tiffany, Hyoyeon and Eunjung. They said you were only dating me to make Eunjung jealous and they were to get back at me for even thinking of dating you when I know Eunjung likes you. I did know Eunjung likes you, who wouldn’t? And….”


'That is too much now. Doesn't she know that I like Yunho?'

'Were they talking about me?' Jaejoong wondered and her eyebrow pulled together.

'She just pretended that she didn't know it. The whole school knew that the basketball captain and the cheerteam's leader is a couple.' Hyoyeon said.

Jaejoong does know it. Knew it to her bones. About the rumor.

Tiffany's voice came next.

'She's so desperate to have a boyfriend and now she use her best friend. What a pity.'

'Yeah, she so desparate she steals other girl's boyfriend.Hyoyeon's voice was heard in a mocking tone.

Eunjung's voice came next. 'Just so you know, Tiffany, hyoyeon, Yunho has no interest in her. He just pitied her, sad that she didn't have anyone to date her. Do you think she will be Kim Jongin's girlfriend? Never! He love me and he's Junsue. She just so going to get from me for even thinking of dating Yunho.'

'I'll teach her a lesson for messing with me. And I'll get back what was Junsue.' Eunjung added.

'I figured you might. That doesn’t surprise me.” Hyoyeon’s voice heard next.

Then laughter was heard filling up the space in the toilet.


Yunho figured out it easily. It seemed that she was suspicius of him and Eunjung and to him that was a ridiculous. “That’s what you were upset about?” Yunho asked her, trying to hold a smile.

Jaejoong looked at him confused on why he was holding a smile. She filled her lungs with a good breath of air and blew it out, steadying herself.

“You’re seriously freaked out, aren’t you?” Yunho asked curiously.

Jaejoong just stared at him, complete with soft, full lipped pout.


Yunho smiled, his voice dropping, and his eyes shining, and said, “You just looked cute. Come here.” Yunho motioned as she came to sit on his lap. “Don’t worry about Eunjung. Okay? I don’t want to date a like her. Besides I have you. And I am yours."

"I'll keep that in Junsud."

"What could be better than dating Kim Jaejoong? Tell me what you want me to do."

“Kissing Kim Jaejoong?” Jaejoong realised what she said then blushed.

“I love this side of you. That’s the best, yes. Don’t worry about anything with our relationship anymore. Okay? I don’t care what Eunjung, Tiffany, Hyoyeon or anybody does. This is us we’re talking about. Hey, we’re Kim Jongin and Kim Jaejoong. We can make it through together.” Yunho said before connection their lips.

“I’m home!” Mr. Kim called walking through the front door. “Jongin, get your lips off my daughter and both of you help me to carry the groceries from my car."

Jaejoong stiffened and looked at the direction of the voice. Yunho let go of his arms around Jaejoong and both of them stood up immediately.

"We’re having barbeque dinner for tonight. And Jaejoong, your cousin's family is coJunsug over for tonight's dinner. We're going to have a small welcome home celebration for them.” Mr Kim told them.

"Cousin? Welcome home celebration? Which family?" Jaejoong asked, looking dumbfounded.

"The one that went to US seven years ago."

Yunho looked uncomfortable with the news. He chewed on his lower lips.

"They're back? Luhan is back?" Jaejoong asked in surprised.

"Actually it's been a week now that they're in town. And Yunho, you and your family are invited to join us for tonight's dinner." Her appa answered her and gave Yunho a dopey grin.

"Hell!" Yunho muttered under his breath.



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A/N: I know this story is getting boringgggg, so a little drama won't hurt, right? But I'm not promise it's going to be a 'cute' drama. Shall I add the tag for 'hanzy' too?

Thank you for still supporting this story.



Chapter 18

"Relax, Yunho, there's nothing to be worried about." Jaejoong said playing with the hair on Yunho’s neck and meeting his eyes with hers. She's trying to cool him down after he seemed to be panicked after her appa told that Luhan and his family are coJunsug over for dinner.

"Yeah, I know."

"Uh... I can't wait to see him." Jaejoong said excitedly.

Yunho let out a breath of sigh.

Jaejoong narrowed her eyes. "What is wrong with you now?"

Yunho still remembered the event on Jaejoong’s twelfth birthday five years ago.


“Happy birthday, Jaejoong.” Luhan greeted her with his big smile. “I have something for you.” Luhan  reached into his pocket and pulled out a long, narrow box. “Here.” He handed her the box. "I've bought this few day ago and I think right now is the best time to give it to you."

“Luhan, you didn’t have to give me anything! I already told you!” Though Jaejoong opened up the box anyways. Inside was a beautiful necklace with heart shape pendant hung upon the chain.

Jaejoong stared at the necklace, her eyes wide. 'It was beautiful.'  She said and immediately threw her arms around him in an embrace, still holding the necklace box.

“As you know, I’m following my parents to the States, so this is my last present for you for now.”

Jaejoong broke the hug. “But your parents are going there for a while only, right? You’re coJunsug back here, right?”

“Of course, Jaejoong. When I’m back, I’m going to marry you.”

Yunho pouted when he heard what Luhan had said to Jaejoong.

Jaejoong just laugh hearing at that. "You're funny, Luhan."

"I'm being serious, Jaejoong." Luhan said.





"You're still not over it?" Jaejoong asked in disbelief.

"How can I be relaxed. Today is the one week you're officially my girlfriend and suddenly Luhan appeared. You know I don't like Luhan. " Yunho said showing his face.

"Why don't you?"

"He said when he comes back he will marry you."

Jaejoong burst out a laugh. "Yunho, are you seriously been thinking that Luhan meant what he said that time? That was when we were twelve years old! You're jealous with twelve years old boy?"

"I know... I know... twelve years old 'fatboy'. But then again, what if he really means it? Why does he has to come back now?" Yunho unable to keep the disappointment out of his voice.

Jaejoong glared at him. "Yunho. Don't be so absurd. Luhan was not fat. He just a little bit overweight."


"No but anymore. Now help me to carry this." Jaejoong said handing him the groceries bags.

"I'm going to tell him tonight that you're my girlfriend now. Or maybe I will show to him."

Jaejoong rolled her eyes. "Really?"


Luhan and his parents arrived exactly at seven o'clock. Luhan 's family used to live nearby the area and Luhan and Jaejoong were very closed because they're cousins.

The barbeque dinner was held at the yard in between Yunho and Jaejoong's house. Jaejoong was not aware when Luhan arrived as she was at the barbeque area. Luhan watched Yunho helping Jaejoong arranging the plates on the table, a smile crept on his lips seeing at the two. He found it amusing that the Jaejoong and Yunho looked good together.

"They're adorable, right?" A voice came up behind him. Luhan turned around and realized it was Mr Kim, he was wearing a smile, nodding to where Yunho was helping Jaejoong.

"Yes, they are." Luhan said awkwardly, not really knowing what to reply.

"Three of you were very close before you left to the States with your family, remember? And after you left Jaejoong and Yunho became inseparable. They always together." Mr Kim told with a smile that never leaves his lips before he walked to the barbeque pit.

"Of course I remember," Luhan answered, more to himself. The corners of his lips turning upwards in a slow smile. The sense of jealousy-tinged sadness swept over Luhan. Mentally, Luhan shook himself and tore his gaze from the two. What was wrong with him? Finally, he walked over to them.

"Hey guys, need a hand with that?"

"We're done." Jaejoong and Yunho answered in unison as usual.

“Oh my God, Luhan! That's you?” Jaejoong squealed as she turned around and saw Luhan. She can't help but look at how Luhan's grown. Unfairly, he's come to be taller than her, when before they were at least at the same height. A/N: Yup Luhan is sooooo good looking!!! He's cute!!! He's everything!!! OMG!!

Yunho was just as surprised Jaejoong was. 'Look who's here now. No more 'fatboy'.'

Jaejoong walked to Luhan and Luhan scooped his childhood friend up into his arms and crush all of her ribs.  Luhan looked at Yunho over Jaejoong's shoulder and gave each other a look that they both knew very well. The corner of Luhan's lip quirks up a little.

Jaejoong broke the hug. "You came." Jaejoong said. "It's really you."

"Yes, it really is me. You never expect to see me again?" His eyes meet Jaejoong's and he saw them crinkled as Jaejoong smiled at him, and a grin immediately spreads on his face.

Jaejoong sent him a vile look. “Maybe I did."

Luhan's mouth thinned. "It's ok," He said without a hint of emotion, "Just don't let it happen again. Because I won't." He said trying to sound cheerful. "I miss you, Jaejoong." Luhan said not hiding anything.

Jaejoong felt goosebumps raising on her neck. "Be careful how you speak, Luhan. You never think before you say things sometimes." Jaejoong said.

Luhan smiled. "I meant it,"

Jaejoong looked pensive for a second.  "Just keep it to yourself."

"Why?" Luhan asked.

"Oh! I like your hair color. It's blonde. Really suits you. You look cute." Jaejoong said trying to change the subject.

"Really? Then I'll stay like this for the rest of my life for you."

For the first time in his life Yunho was rendered completely speechless and had nothing to say. Yunho's breath hitched in his throat as Luhan stared into Jaejoong's eyes. What was he getting at? Yunho unwilling to consider the possibility of his words meaning what he thought they actually meant.

Yunho cleared his throat. Jaejoong and Luhan turned to him.

"Oh we forgot there's someone else here." Jaejoong said chuckled.

Hands in his pockets, Yunho shoots Jaejoong clear look of 'Enjoying yourself?'

"Yunho." Luhan chuckled, raising his hand to bump fists and then give each other a slight shoulders bump. Like they always did last time.

"It's good to see you again, Luhan." Yunho said with a smile.

"Yeah, me too. You look good by the way." Luhan praised him.

"And you, compared to the last time I see you, I thought you're an obese by now." Yunho said, chuckling.

"Don't dream." Luhan smirked at him.

Jaejoong raised an eyebrow. "Oh God! Not again guys."

"Jaejoong! Come over here for a Junsuute." Her appa called.

"Hey, give me a Junsuute. I'm going to meet with uncle and aunty first." Jaejoong said walking away.

Luhan's gaze followed her. "She's pretty. And hot too." Luhan said, turning to Yunho with a smile.

Yunho stared at him. "She's pretty, yes. But I don't know if hot suits her though. And don't you think about it. At all."

Luhan stared back at him. Then he grinned again. "You're very protective."

"Yup. For her, I am." Yunho replied sternly.

"Yunho, I know we always have unsettled things between us. Let's get it over and done with it."



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A/N: I'm nervous. Because I know nothing good is coJunsug out after this. I love you all!!!!!







Chapter 19


The night was getting darker. The mouth-watering smell of grilled meat fills the air. Sitting facing each other at a small wooden table, million thoughts racing through their Junsud.

Luhan looked at Yunho with a weak half smile. "Yunho, I know we always have unsettled things between us. Let's get it over and done with it."

"What were you talking about?" Yunho's posture changed. He seemed more relaxed.

"You know what I'm talking about, Yunho. Don't pretend."

"Do you want to talk about it now? With Jaejoong around?"

Luhan smiled. "You were right. Not tonight." He leaned his back in his chair and looked up at the clear sky. "I'm so jealous that you have all the time these years with her."  He looked down and smiled when he met with Yunho's eyes. "Anyway, thanks anyway for taking good care of my cousin. I know I can depend on you. You're the only people I trust not to take advantage of her."

"Mmm..." Yunho considered. "Of course I'll take care of her. She's my next door neighbor." 'I did it for my own purpose and not for you.'

Luhan nodded to him. "Well, good to hear that." Trying to ignore the small spark of jealousy that building in him.

"So, Yunho. Are you still playing basketball?"

"Of course." That light in his eyes told Luhan he loved basketball. "I'm the school team's captain."

"Wow, you must be popular among the girls and got a lot of attention. Especially the cheer girls."

Yunho laughed at Luhan's words. "Not me. And don't care about it." He said nonchalantly.

“Don’t tell me there’s no one that caught your eyes at all, Yunho. There’s must be someone you at least closed with. Tell me.” Luhan insisted.

"There's no one I could think of," Yunho growled, defensive again. "And Jaejoong is the only girl I've been close to."

Luhan really wants to know just exactly how far Yunho got ‘close’ with Jaejoong, but now is not the time. Luhan eyed him. "I play basketball too."

That caught Yunho's attention. "You did? I didn't know you have interest in basketball."

"Maybe one day we can have a game together." Luhan suggested.

"Yeah, sure. Why not." Yunho said shrugging his shoulders. "Are you good at it?" He asked with a smirk on his mouth.

Luhan was quiet for a while but he did recognize the smirk and mockingly raised right eyebrow. "That will be you who will tell later." There's a smile on his face.

"Cool." Yunho replied.

Luhan let out a long breath. "Hey Yunho, I know you don't like me since we're small. And I don't like you too because you always called me 'fat boy'. But that's all the past. I hope we can start anew from now."

Yunho sighed. Guilty clearly showed on his face. "Yeah, I'm sorry for calling you 'fat boy' back then." Yunho said.

"Do you remember why we always fight last time?"

Yunho grinned. "We will fight to whatever related to Jaejoong." He said with a laugh.

"Yeah, looking back at it, you're right." Luhan chuckled. "So, are we good now?"

"Yup. I don't see why not. We're good." Yunho replied.

Mr Kim called out from the barbeque smoker that meat was ready and it’s time to eat.

Yunho immediately stood up and went to Jaejoong when he saw her was heading towards them with two full plates of food. "Let me help you." Yunho took the plate from Jaejoong's hands and put it on the table.

"Thanks Yunho." Jaejoong smiled at him.

"What are you guys doing?”

“We’re talking.” Yunho answered.

“Good. Whatever it is, let's eat first. I'm hungry."

"You should just ask Luhan to take the food. You know how he loved foods." Yunho said with a smirk on his face.

Luhan smiled at Yunho's words.

"Hey Yunho, can you help me to take extra plates and some sauce? I don’t have enough hands to carry them all." Jaejoong said.

"Uh yeah sure."

Luhan pulled out a chair and motioned with a smile for Jaejoong to sit and she did. He sat in his chair on Jaejoong's right side. Luhan's smile grew even wider.

"So what are you guys been talking about?" Jaejoong asked looking at him.

"Some stuffs."

She furrowed her eyebrows. “And you’re not telling me?”


“Must be about girls.”

Luhan smiled his most charJunsug smile at her and batted his eyes. Jaejoong rolled her eyes but smiled at him. They were silent until Yunho came back with more empty plates and some barbeque sauce and sat in his chair.

"Yunho do you still remember how we always fight to get to sit on Jaejoong's right side, because we said whoever gets to sit on Jaejoong's right side during dinner or watching movies, is a winner and who gets to sit on her left side is a loser for the day?"

"And end up both of you sat next to each other and sat in front of you two." Jaejoong added.

There's a shock expression on Yunho's face. He took a long deep breath and exhaled through his wrinkled nose. "All right. Tonight is your day. You're the winner." He reached out for his glass, hiding his disapointment.

"No. Not again guys. Not tonight." Jaejoong whined.

Ignoring Jaejoong's plea, Luhan stared at Yunho. "Say it, Yunho."

It was like he was drawn in, Yunho unable to look away from those piercing eyes. Yunho stared back at him but not saying anything.

Luhan cocked his head to the side. "Say it."

"All right! All right!” Yunho grunts.  “I'm the loser." Yunho said through his gritted teeth. He pulled in a deep breath, letting it escape sharply through his nose. "You jerk.”

“Your favorite jerk, am I right?” Luhan wore a crooked smile, a smile of victory. 'You’ll get used to it.'



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Sorry short chapter.


Chapter 20


"I love this game." Luhan said clapped his hands once.

"Luhan, you still remember that? You're so cute!" Jaejoong raised her both hands to his cheeks but she stopped before she touch them. "Oh I can't pinch your cheeks anymore. No more chubby cheeks." Jaejoong said with frown.

That one stung, and he knew it. "Hey" Luhan replied coolly.

Yunho spluttered his drinks as he laughed.

"Oh my God, Yunho! You're so childish." Jaejoong said, gave him a serviette.

Yunho took it and wiped his mouth. "So Luhan, are you back here for good now?" Yunho asked after he settled down.

"Well not really. Actually it's my dad who wanted to come back. His health is not doing good recently. He wanted to visit relatives and to have around of tour in his own country. I just accompany him and my mum. I'm going back to the States after two months."

'I'm glad.' Yunho smirked. He took a piece of grilled meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

Luhan looked at Jaejoong. "Jaejoong, do you want to follow us for the tour? We're going to the places that we never been before. We will start with Jeju Island and we'll be leaving tomorrow. It would be more fun with you around."

Yunho nearly choked on his food when he heard that. He reached for his glass but its already empty.

"Yunho, take this." Jaejoong pushed her glass to him. "Let me get some more drinks." Jaejoong said as she stood up but Luhan grabbed her wrist.

"Can you take some drinks for me too?" Luhan said with his charJunsug smile.

"All right. I'm the waitress for the night." Jaejoong said and gave him a mocking smile.

Yunho felt a surge ran through him. Was that … jealousy? 'Yeah, right,” Yunho muttered to himself. 'Why should I be jealous? And of Luhan? Jaejoong is in love with me. With me.' Yunho pushed the thought aside viciously.

Jaejoong came back with two glasses of ice tea in her hands and passed to to Yunho. "Be careful next time." She said. And she put another glass on the table in front of Luhan.

"So Jaejoong, about the tour, come with us?"

Yunho shifted in his chair.

"Luhan, I have school, remember? Oh yeah, about talking school, how come you can be here for two months? How about your school?"

"It's summer break now for two months." Luhan told.

"Oh yes. Our summer break will stars in two weeks time." She said. "But you're so bad, Luhan. It's been long since you last contacted us. Only first two years you sent us letters then after that you just disappeared. I thought you've forgotten about us here."

Luhan did feel a little guilty though but smiled as he looked at her fondly. "I'm sorry about that. How can I forget about you? You're always here and here." Luhan said pointing to his head and then tapped on his chest. "Maybe later I can make up something with you as my apology. Dinner maybe? Just you and me."

"Yes you better do that. Oh by the way, you're so cheesy."

Luhan laughed. "So, I'll put in my list-to-do, bring my pretty cousin for dinner." Luhan said with a hand gesture as if he was writing something in the air.

"Cute." Jaejoong said with a laugh.

Yunho rolled his eyes at them and stuffed more meats into his mouth.

"You're so cute, Luhan." Jaejoong stood up. "Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom."

He took a glanced at Jaejoong who had gone to the toilet. "Five years I've been away, Jaejoong grew up prettily. She would grow up into a beautiful woman. Ahhh...I really missed our childhood time together."

"And you missed the most important part in her life."

"And what was that?"

"Her first date."

"Uhhh.... and I guess that boy was an to her."

"You got that right." Yunho answered and they laughed together.

"Is she dating anyone right now?"

"You could ask her yourself." Yunho replied, not looking at him. Pretending to dig the food on the plate.

"Do you still remember what I said to her during her birthday before I leave for US?" Luhan suddenly asked.

Yunho seemed to be deep in thought for few moments, pushing his dinner around the plate he looked up at Luhan. "I'm sure you didn't mean it. You're only twelve years old that time."

Luhan laughed weakly, shaking his head. "Maybe not at that time, but this time I'm very sure of what I'd said to her." He said, calmly.

Yunho clenched his jaw tight.

"I'm glad you two can get along now. You know... how last time you two always caught in fight with each other whenever I leave the two of you alone." Jaejoong said when she returned to the table.

"Hey, I'm the best at everything I do. And for you, I'll behave myself." Luhan chuckled seductively.

Jaejoong smiled because she knew she did not need to feel anything at what Luhan said when there was only one boy she liked.

Yunho gave his best I'm-not-amused face. "Of course you are." He replied, rolling his eyes. He looked at the barbeque smoker. "Hey, it's our turn to do the grilling. There are still plenty of foods to be finished."

Luhan gave a quick glance at his stomach, "Yeah. Let's go!" He stood up and outreached his hand to Jaejoong and she took it.

After few steps heading towards the buffet table, Yunho suddenly grabbed Jaejoong's arm and that made Jaejoong turned to him.

"Mmm?" she quiered, looking down at where he had grabbed her arm.

"Jaejoong, can you help me to take extra ice from the kitchen?"

Jaejoong was startled but immediately understood that Yunho wants to have some time alone with her. "Yeah... sure."

Meanwhile, Luhan witnessed the whole exchange between Yunho and Jaejoong. Although he doesn’t hear clearly what they are saying, he saw Yunho's playful grin.

Once they were inside the kitchen, Yunho was now seriously more than ever. "Jaejoong, you're the best thing that ever happen to me. I swear I'm never going to let you go. I promise.  Ever."

"Yunho, what is wrong with you? Why are you acting wierd so sudden? Is something wrong?"

"Ever." Yunho repeated. With that he closed the space between their faces and kissed Jaejoong passionately, not knowing Luhan stood there only few meters away at front of the open kitchen door.

"Damn!" Luhan said slowly but he smiled. He didn't expect the two to do that. "Oh well." He still was smiling walking to the barbeque smoker.

Yunho came out from the kitchen carrying juice boxes and Jaejoong carrying a bag of ice cube.

"Jaejoong, come here help me with the grilling so we could talk more. I have so much wanted to hear from you." Luhan said to Jaejoong.

"Yah! It's not like there is no tomorrow!" Yunho answered to Luhan.

Jaejoong rolled her eyes at him and lightly elbowed him in the ribs. "Give me a Junsuute!" Jaejoong yelled back at Luhan. After she's done replenishing the juices she went to Luhan.

The elders were busy talking to each other and never bother to what the younger were doing.

Yunho watched Jaejoong and Luhan talking to each other. Luhan was attentive and enthusiastic, listening carefully as Jaejoong told him tales about her life when Luhan was not around. Luhan asked questions, smiles, laughs, and Yunho got a twinge in his stomach as he realized how that he is being jealous and  he felt the familiar crushing feeling in his chest whenever he saw Luhan make a contact with Jaejoong.

Yunho don't know where the hell his head was at anymore. For some reason his easy patience infuriated him. Luhan made no secret of his fondness for Jaejoong. He occasionally touched her arm or hand, pushing her hair from her face and gave her his playful grin.

Jaejoong can feel Yunho was watching her. She turned to look at him. She must have felt the heat of his gaze, because he turned his head and like a proud, regal wolf staring at her.



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Sorry for the mistakes. I'll edit later.

A/n: Yesterday at 10am, 20 bodies of passengers and crews of downed plane MH17 arrived home. I was there the airport to pay my respect. 3 of them were my best friends. No words could describe my feelings seeing the hearses making their way to the victim's final destination. RIP my friends. 





Chapter 21


Obviously for the past one week, everybody would notice that Yunho and Jaejoong changed their behavior. At least they don’t have to hide anymore. They're no longer hiding their effection towards each other. Of course that would meant that they would highten their suspicions, but in some cases, it' wouldn't be necessary to some people.

“Hey Jaejoong, Yunho.” Junsu said when she met them at their lockers.

"Hi Junsu." Jaejoong answered and she waved at ChangJunsu that stood tall behind Junsu.

"So how was your weekend?" Junsu asked as she opened her locker door and took out some books.

"Well my cousin and his parents were back from the States for a holiday and we had dinner together at my house on Saturday night.... and..." Jaejoong said as she closed her locker's door.

"Which cousin?" ChangJunsu cut her, his eyebrows raised,

"Do you remember Luhan? Yeah he's here for summer break." Jaejoong told excitedly. Jaejoong turned to Yunho and saw his frown face. She smiled him a lazy smile that sent Yunho's heart lurching.

"You mean your cousin that moved to the States with his family? Luhan that chubby boy? I guess he's look like a sumo wrestler by now." ChangJunsu said. Yunho laughed loudly while Jaejoong slapped his arm.

"He's chubby but cute." Junsu added.

Jaejoong gave ChangJunsu an unimpressed look. "ChangJunsu, he's my cousin, okay? Just wait until you see him and I swear you will take back all your words." Jaejoong said with a smile. "And I spent all of Sunday with this pretty amazing guy.” Jaejoong said as she looped her arm through Yunho's and smiled.

Jaejoong saw his face melt at her smile and grinned even wider.

“Well, if it isn’t for pity he wouldn't even think about it.” Eunjung said venomously, passing by.

That caught Jaejoong's attention. “Shut up Eunjung.” She snapped. "Don't you have anything else to do?" There was fire in her eyes, and if looks could kill, Jaejoong was sure at that moment Eunjung would have needed resuscitation.

Junsu and ChangJunsu looked at each other and sighed. "That ." Junsu muttered. "I'm going to kick her ." She almost take her step towards Eunjung when ChangJunsu grabbed her wrist.

Eunjung rolled her eyes and completely ignored Jaejoong’s comment as she turned to face Yunho. Arms folded on her chest. “Why are you even with her, Yunho?” She asked looking at him. “She’s so rude. Not to mention such a nerd. I mean, of course it’s probably just a fake crush anyway." She continued. "You probably pity her because of what happened between her and Siwon and her failure date with other boys, you felt like you need to protect her and you know how she’s obsessed with you.”

Jaejoong looked at Eunjung in horror for saying such words. "Shut the hell up." Jaejoong said attempting to say it with confidence, but it eded up coJunsug out weak an pathetic. She hardly ever shouted at anyone like that. She stared at her, tears suddenly making her eyes look even more glassy than usual. She had never wanted to kill anyone but now she had.

"Don't call her that," said Yunho to Eunjung in a deadly voice.

Everybody in the hall froze. Jaejoong started shaking, tears forJunsug in her eyes. Eunjung had said some bad things before but this drew the line.

Eunjung laughed bitterly. She looked at Yunho. "What? Did I say wrong? Can't handle the truth? You don't think I don't know that little fact?! Oh don’t act so surprised, Kim Jongin."

"Stop it, Eunjung!" Yunho said with angry edge in his voice.

"How in the world could she possible think that you would even be remotely interested in her?"

"Now that I say I really do like her, will you stop now?"

"Whatever." Eunjung replied, rolling her eyes.

Jaejoong looked at Eunjung for a long moment as though considering what she had said. She turned to Yunho, opened but nothing come out. She was speechless and that made Eunjung smiled.

"You call me when you two break up, okay?" Eunjung said to Yunho cheerily, giving him a flying kiss before she walked away.

Jaejoong's face once again contorted in fury before settling into more stoic, calm kind of angry. This was the kind that worried Yunho the most. He reached out a hand to touch Jaejoong. But as soon as she felt his touch she jerked away, she backed away as if his touch burned her or something.

“Don’t touch me.” She snapped, an almost pained expression on her face. She swallowed thickly and took a moment to compose herself.

“Hey Jaejoong, don't listen to her.” Yunho said, stepping nearer to her. “You know what she’s saying is a load of crap, right?”

“Leave me alone." She whispered, staring at him. She looked so small and fragile that Yunho felt a sting in his heart.

“Jaejoong listen, I’ve been your best friend since birth.” Yunho stated. “You know me Jaejoong. You’ve known me way longer that you’ve know that attention seeker who’s been after you for years! Are you really questioning my feelings for you because something Eunjung said?”

'Did he really just pity me?'

Jaejoong didn't answer him, she was in deep thought. Should she lie and say she was not? She took a step backward.

"Jaejoong, I..." Before Yunho could finish his sentence, Jaejoong turned around and sprinted down the hallway as fast as she could.


Jaejoong just ran. She didn't care. She just had to get away from there. She knew Yunho was following not far behind her. She didn't know where she was going until she reached the stairs to the school rooftops.

Junsu wanted to run to Jaejoong but ChangJunsu stopped her. "Leave them alone. Yunho can handle this."

There was hardly a time when Kim Jaejoong felt had ever felt so terrible. She has been such a coward, running away like that. It wasn’t like she had done anything incriJunsuating. Jaejoong knew Yunho was there behind chasing her but she couldn’t bring herself to care. She just had to get away. She quickly made her way to the rooftops on the fourth floor. She leaned against the wall, catching her breath. She knew Yunho will arrive there at any moment and she will let him see her cry. She gritted her teeth so hard to control her tears from falling.

“Jaejoong?” Yunho called when he reached the rooftops, catching his breath. After a Junsuute, he walked slowly to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulder. “Hey listen to me, you know what Eunjung said wasn’t true. I’ve been your best frinds for years. I don’t pity you. I’m with you because I really, really like you."

Jaejoong was silent before she let out a sigh. "I don't know, Yunho. I don't know what to think right now."

"Please trust me, Jaejoong. You know me better than anyone else."

"Leave me alone, Yunho. Just... go." Jaejoong said pushing Yunho's arm off her shoulder. Jaejoong shook her head and looked down on the floor.

Yunho sighed. He stood in front of Jaejoong. "Jaejoong please look at me." He pleaded, no he begged. Slowly put his fingers under her chin and tilted her face up to look at him before pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "I'm not leaving here without you, Jaejoong. I've promised that I will not leave you anymore, remember? Too bad that you stucked with me now."

He was Kim Jongin. Her crush. Her love. Her everything! The tension of her earlier attempts to ask him the question was now gone.

The sincerity in his voice calmed her. She nodded at him. "Yeah, I guess I am." She said softly.

"I'm sorry." Yunho said.

Jaejoong leaned back slightly, a confusing look on her face. "Why are you sorry?"

He shrugged. "I just can't stand seeing you sad like this. You got all this because of me."

"I'm fine, Yunho, but I still hate Eunjung.”  Jaejoong said sulkily, expecting a rebuff and argument. 

“Fair enough.” 

She looked up at his smiling face with a confused look on her face.  He shrugged, “You’re right, I haven’t been clear enough with her and this time I’ll make sure she knows her place.”  Jaejoong looked down at her hands, not sure how to feel about what he had said. 

“I give you credit for that but you don’t have to.”

“I know.” Yunho put a hand to her face, “But you deserve better than to think that I would rather hurt you than her.  Or anyone really.”  He saw an unmistakable look of relief on her face. 

“It was wrong of me to make you think I don’t trust you.”  She answered honestly.

“I know!”  He laughed and she grinned lopsidedly with him, taken by these moments of confidence she sometimes had. 

He her cheek and looked into her eyes, “I want you to know that you don’t have to worry about Eunjung or anyone that matter.”  He said seriously, “Remember that.” 

Jaejoong frowned. “But now everybody will think it’s what she said about you.” Jaejoong said quietly.

"Are you embarrassed?"

Jaejoong considered the inquiry. "Well. . . yeah a little."

"Do I embarrass you?" Yunho asked in a voice that conveyed he feared the answer.

"No of course not. Never," Jaejoong reassured feeling his distress, as she placed her hands on Yunho’s shoulders for emphasis.

"You know what I think we should do?" He offered instead.

"What?" Jaejoong sighed.

"I think we should really give them something to talk about." He grin mischeviously.

"What?! You want to tell that we...we..." Her eyes widen. Her cheeks red. "Have you lost your senses? Why in the world would you want to encourage that?"

"Oh I don’t know. I’m sure if we think about it together, we could find some way of using it against them in the end. You know kind of a cruel practical joke to teach them a lesson to keep someone’s private life . . .. private."

"It’ll only make the rumors... badly." She whispered.

Yunho didn’t reply. He just stood there quietly her hair and tucked the hair he'd been playing with behind her ear and placing a kiss on her forehead and pulled her into a hug. "Hey, go to hell with what they might think." He sighed. "Jaejoong, I would love to say I love you if it's not too soon and I didn't know if we're ready for next step yet."

"I know... Yunho."

Jaejoong suddenly shot out his embrace startling him a little bit.

“What?’ Yunho asked.

“You said you loved me.” Jaejoong pointed out. Her previous sadness seemed to have washed away and evaporated into the air to be replaced by irritional hope.

Yunho frowned a little, “No, I said I would say I don’t just really, really like you but I love you if it wasn’t too soon.” He corrected as he ran his fingers through his hair. “It’s too soon. Besides... not like this.”

Jaejoong looked abashed as the reality of those words sank in. “Oh.” She said with a hint of sadness. “If it makes you happy, I really, really like you too and would say I love you if it wasn’t too soon.”

"Let's go down. ChangJunsu and Junsu must've been worried about you." Yunho grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. He smiled at her.

Suddenly the uncomfortable and awkward situation surrounded her.

'Is it very difficult for you to say that you love me Yunho?'

"Yeah, lets go."

They walked together down the rooftop, hand in hand. Somehow, Jaejoong felt depressed, more so often than she ever had. She felt as though things could not have been worse. For some reason, all her confidence was gone, she felt too drained to care about anything.

‘What’s wrong with me? Nothing makes any sense anymore. But why does it hurt so much?’


To: Miu_Miu, Frockpopper, CrabbyFatty, ChizuMizu, Maknae-Yura, GameLover, SulliMe, BuzyBee, baybeebird, loveisyam, HappinessMe, Alanya, Marlini - thank you.

This chapter is longer than usual. Well, enjoy!


Chapter 22


Jaejoong lay in her bed looking upward at the ceiling for a long time. She had a lot of things in her Junsud. Shaking her head she tried to dispel the memory of yesterday. She got up from her bed and walked into her balcony, she stared at a room across from hers, arms folded on her chest.

She couldn't understand, but the rush she felt when she thought about what they were now sent chills through her body. Why was this so much of a shock for her? They’d been friends for years. Best friends. She knew him. Everything about him. But this was confusing.

Yunho hinted what he felt, 'It's too soon. Way too soon.' And she'd been thinking about it too. Maybe she was going crazy. Yeah, she’s just going crazy. She’s stressed and crazy.

She turned to face the clock on the side of her bed. It was five thirty in the afternoon.

Picking up her cell phone from her desk, she called the only person who she can talk to about this.

“ChangJunsu?” Jaejoong said when he answered the call. “I need you to act like my big brother for a moment because I need to talk to you.”






Yunho stared at his cellphone in his hand.

'You know you love her. Are you sure you ready for this?'

"This is the time." He murmured under his breath.

He held down the number 2 that dialed Jaejoong’s cell but only to get to her voicemail. He called again a few times but the answers were only the same. Her voice mail answered. He decided to go to her house. Jaejoong's umma was watering her plants when he met her.

“Mrs Kim, can I go up to meet Jaejoong?”

“Oh, she's not home. She went out about half an hour ago.”

“Did she tell you where she was going?”

“Mmm… she said she’s going to ChangJunsu’s house.”

“Why she go to ChangJunsu’s house? She rarely ever goes to his house without me.”

Mrs Kim simply shrugged in response not exactly knowing the answer. At that moment Yunho’s phone beeped saying he got a text message.


From Jaejoong:

‘Hey, I’m at a bookstore to buy some stuffs. I’ll see you later.’

Yunho stared at his cell phone. Why was she lying about where she was? Why was she at ChangJunsu’s house? Was she still sad about yesterday?

Yunho sighed, closing his eyes. There were too many questions in his Junsud.






“Well I just text Yunho and told him I’m at a bookstore.” Jaejoong said looking at ChangJunsu.

“Why are you lying to him?” ChangJunsu asked. "Dia he made you cry again? You want me to punch his face for you?"

Jaejoong rubbed her hands across her face, groaning. Why was she lying to him? She looked at ChangJunsu her face growing very serious. She swallowed the lump forJunsug in . It was no or never.

Jaejoong shook her head. "No. Nothing like that."

"So what did you want to talk to me?" ChangJunsu asked, looking at her.

"Actually I want to ask you something."

"Okay." ChangJunsu motioned his hands for her to continue talking. "Then ask."

"How do you know that you're in love? Like really in love."

That got him to rub his head with his hand. He scrunched his eyebrows as he tried to come up with satisfactory answer. “I guess, when you always think about them, that’s the first sign.”

“I mean if you’re in love with someone. What if you, say love your best friend for really a long time, and then maybe you suspect you’re in love with them. How do you tell the difference? You think about a best friend all the time, too, right?”

“Where’s this come from, Jaejoong?”

“I’m in love with Yunho.” She said. As if to conform the thought, her heart skipped a beat.

“Yeah?”ChangJunsu questioned. “Is that it?”

Jaejoong's jaw dropped. “What do you mean is that it? I just said I was in love with Yunho!” She exclaimed.

ChangJunsu chuckled. Wow, was she oblivious. He shook his head still laughing. “Jaejoong, you’ve been in love with Yunho for…. Well forever! That why you’re dating him.”

“No, I like Yunho and that’s why we were dating, but now I love him.” Jaejoong tried to explain. “It’s too early to tell him I love him. We haven’t even been dating but what a month?’

ChangJunsu sighed, moving to sit next to her. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder pulling her to him. “This is you and Yunho though.” He whispered. “And Yunho told me when you ran off from Eunjung he almost said he loved you then. It’s not too soon. He loves you too, Jaejoong, Yunho and I have known each other for a long time. Trust me Jaejoong, he already did."

“I guess you’re right.” Jaejoong said a small smile forJunsug on her face, only to turn into a huge grin and laughing fit when ChangJunsu replied with a "Of course I’m right, I’m the Love Whisperer."

ChangJunsu clapped his hands and stood up. "Come, I send you home. Yunho must be worried about you."






Jaejoong thanked ChangJunsu for sending her home and immediately walked to Yunho's house to the back door.

“Mrs Kim, is Yunho home?" Jaejoong asked when she met her in her kitchen.

Mrs Kim gave her a smile. "He's in his room, dear. Go ahead and tell him I made his favorite cookies." She said, taking out a hot tray from the oven.

“Okay. Thanks.” She told her before making her way to his room.

Jaejoong  climbed up the stairs with ChangJunsu’s words repeating over and over in her head. Her cheeks were red and adrenalin pumped by the the time she reached his room. Her heart was beating furiously in her chest as she knocked on the door and open it.

Yunho was sitting on his bed when he heard the knock and his door being open and close. Jaejoong walked in and stood at the end of the bed. Yunho slid off the bed and stood in front of her.

“I was at ChangJunsu house just now. There was something I needed to talk with him.” Jaejoong started.

His gaze met hers and her eyes wide with wonder and he realized he was completely and utterly in love with this girl. More that he already knew he was. “I know. He called me just now."

"Did he told you why I went to see him?” Jaejoong asked.

"No. He said it's for me to find out myself."

“I see.” Jaejoong eyed him. It wasn't the reaction she was expecting though. "Are you mad with me that I lied to you?"

Yunho shook his head. "Do you want to tell me now why you went to ChangJunsu's house?"

Jaejoong puffed up her cheeks. "That's why I'm here now. Yunho, we need to talk."

Yunho eyed her. "Okay."

“We’re together now, right?”

He opened his mouth to speak, and her heart stopped beating, scared for the answer that she was to receive. How he responded to that question would change everything but then Yunho just nodded at her.

Jaejoong took a deep breath and carefully forJunsug her words before she continued, “So, it’s okay if I get something off my chest?”

The way she was fidgeting made Yunho nervous. People only got bad things off their chests. If it was something good, then she would come right out and say it. What could it be? Was she regretting this? Did she want to take a step back and return to friends?

“Can I say something first?” Yunho ventured. If whatever Jaejoong had to say was as horrible as he imagined, then maybe he could cut it off by finally spitting out those three syllables. If Jaejoong knew this was love, knew how long this had been love, she wouldn’t possibly think of backing out…right?

“Yunho, please listen to what I have to say.” Jaejoong said. “I really think you should hear me out.”

He reached full-blown panic. “Jaejoong, there’s something I have to tell you first. Something I’ve been trying to tell you for the past... well, always.”

“Just let me talk and shut up!” Jaejoong snapped.

“No I talk first.” Yunho said “Is it so hard to listen to what I want to say first? Do you know badly I’ve wanted to say this? So, before you go saying you don’t want to be my girlfriend anymore, just listen to me!”

“I love you, you idiot!”

Yunho thought his heart stopped. Everything was too quiet.

“I know it might be too soon to say it, but I just wanted to get it out in the open. Is…is it okay?”

He took Jaejoong’s hand in his own and gave it a soft squeeze. He used the other hand to cup Jaejoong’s cheek and Jaejoong leaned to his touch as he pulled her into a sweet kiss, gently nibbling on her bottom lip, before pulling away. “I’m absurdly in love with you too."

That was all it took, just to hear him say he loved her. Jaejoong couldn’t stop the smile that appeared on her face. Smiling from ear to ear with her captivating smile. “I love you so so much.”

Yunho pulled her into a hug and softly captured her lips between his again. A real kiss, not a shy slow kiss anymore. it wasn’t like the ones they were sharing before but one completely with passion and pure love. They just stand there kissing; the passion burns throughout their bodies. They move closer to the bed now, and Yunho know he need to stop but it’s hard to concentrate on anything but kissing her.

They both fell onto Yunho's bed with Jaejoong under him. Yunho trailed kisses down her neck and to her collarbone, where his sweatshirt she was wearing was falling off her shoulder slightly murmuring ‘I love you’ between kisses, bites and .

“What do you think you’re doing?” Jaejoong whispered.

"Keep quiet. I can't kiss you if you're talking."

“Yunho, we need to stop now.” Jaejoong pulled away from Yunho. She looked at him, longing written all over his face, and in his eyes.

“I know.” He sighed, disappointment now covered his face.

“It’s illegal.” Jaejoong said, showing her cute face.

“Not for long.” Yunho replied with a wink, and a mischievous grin. Jaejoong pushed him off her and they both laying side by side, staring at the ceiling.

The silence between the two was comfortable.

"Hey Jaejoong," he said propping himself up on his elbow. His other hand reached for Jaejoong's and he intertwining their fingers. A grin spread across his face.


“About my game with All Boys International School this Sunday, will you watch me play? It's a very important game to me and also the last game before our summer school break.”

“Uh that..." Jaejoong shrugged.

"Hey, you never go to any of my game." Yunho said with a serious face.

Jaejoong think about it for a while and then answer, “I guess it's going to be fun. Sure. This time I'll go with Junsu. "

“Yes?” Yunho brushed his fingers against her cheeks.

Jaejoong leaned up to him. “Yes. Take it as a celebration for today.” She whispered against his lips before kissing him on the cheek.

"You will go with me. I'm going to win the game and it will be a double celebration for me." He whispered.




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Chapter 23


The day has arrived. This was the first time that Jaejoong was going to watch Yunho's game as his girlfriend. She was putting her lip gloss when she heard a honking sound and she started running down the stairs.

“Yunho is here, Jaejoong.” She heard her appa call to her from the living room as she came to the bottom of the stairs.

“I know, appa. I heard it.” She smiled up at her appa as she walked out the door. “Bye appa.”

Jaejoong saw him leaning against his car, his appa's car to be exact, the same smile on his face, only this time it was a little brighter. “Ready to go?”8

“Yup.” Jaejoong turned to him smiling brightly. She loved how comfortable things were between the two of them. Things were always with them and she loved it. Jaejoong sat beside him, quietly watching him drive. Yunho dropped his hand letting it fall on her lap, his fingers brushing against hers.

“Are you nervous, Yunho?”

“Ah… no. I’ not nervous at all.”

Jaejoong turned to him and smiled, “Good then.”

Yunho smiled back at her as he turned into the parking lot of their school. Yunho quickly hopped out of the car and went to Jaejoong's side. Jaejoong was already out of the car when he reached at her. She barely closed the door when he leaned both hands on the car behind her, caging her in.

Jaejoong looked up at him. "Yunho, what are you doing?'

“Can I get a kiss before the game?” he asked, looking straight at her, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Without waiting for her answer his lips came down against hers and she couldn’t help but allow him to kiss her fully.

Suddenly Yunho felt she smiled against his mouth and then started to giggle, making him pull back and look at her quizzically. "What?"

“You have a game, remember?”

“Oh yea?” Yunho gave his girfriend a cheesy smile.

Jaejoong rolled her eyes. “Yunho, you should get in there. Now.”

He smirked lightly. “Point taken. We continue at home later."

Jaejoong glared at Yunho’s smirk. “Seriously, no!” She pushed away his wiggling fingers.





The game was being held in their own high school’s gymnasium. By the time they straggled in, the gym was crowded. Jaejoong spied Eunjung across the room laughing with her teammates.

She turned to Yunho, "All the best Yunho. Win for me.”

He smiled and stepped closer to her. He opened his mouth to answer, but Lee Eunjung walked up to them. "Hey Yunho," she smiled and touched his shoulder. "Hey, ready for the game?" She asked, looking at him. Jaejoong looked from Yunho to her and felt herself fill with jealousy.

"Come on Yunho, no time to chat up the ladies," Kimkyeol, his teammate yelled. "We need to get ready." Yunho nodded and took of his basketball team jacket and held it out to Jaejoong. “Wear this for me." He said help Jaejoong to don his jacket. "I want everybody here to see Kim Jaejoong is wearing the captain of the team's jacket." He told with a wink. "I’ll see you after first half of the game, okay?”

Jaejoong nodded with a smile at him.

Without a doubt Eunjung has to admit that Jaejoong look good in his jacket.

Yunho leaned in and whispered, “I love you.” at her ear and turned to Eunjung. “Eunjung go back to your team.” Yunho ordered her and ran onto the court. Jaejoong’s eyes followed him; a smile growing on her face and she could feel a slight blush turning her cheeks pink.

Jaejoong quickly snapped out of her thoughts when Eunjung stepped closer to her. "He is the captain of the basketball team," she whispered, "he’s supposed to end up with the head cheerleader, not,.." she paused, looking at her up and down, "...some geek like you. So, step aside and stop interfering with fate." She smiled before running to her teammates.

"Oh God, I really hate her." Jaejoong murmured. She quickly made her way to Junsu.

“Jaejoong!” Junsu squealed, hugging all over her. Jaejoong smiled at her. “Oh my gosh I can’t believe you came!”

“Yunho said he really wanted me to come forthis game. So here I am.” She replied.

"Wow, Jaejoong, you looks so hot in Yunho's jacket."

Jaejoong broke out in laughter. "He made me wear this jacket." Another pouting then both of them laughed.

They sat on one of the bleachers in the front row watching the game with Yunho and ChangJunsu in.

The game started and it took a few moments for the smattering of applause to grow into enthusiastic cheering and everyone was pumped.

Yayy… go Yunho…go Yunho…” Yelled Jaejoong.

“Two points for Seoul High School!"

The crowd roared. Jaejoong was so caught up in the game she never gave it a thought. She clapped and cheered as enthusiastically as the rest. Yunho was so good, and she was so proud of him.

Looking off to the sidelines Yunho caught Jaejoong’s eyes and sent a wink to her. Chuckling at this corny guy she called her boyfriend she scrunched her nose and continued cheering.

A few Junsuutes later, it was half time and the team was running off the field to the locker rooms but Yunho was running to Jaejoong.

“Yunho what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in the locker room?”

“Wow, I expected a kiss, not a question." He chuckled.

Jaejoong leaned in and gave a peck on his lips. "And I'm pretty sure everyone's watching us right now." She was correct when she said all eyes on them.

"Don't bother them." Yunho said and leaned for another kiss.

“Kim Jongin!” His couch yelled, causing Yunho to mutter ‘ed’ under his breath. “Get you in the locker room now.”

"Oh hell."

"Yunho!" Jaejoong shrieked. "Language!"

He grinned. "Sorry."

“Go now.” Jaejoong said.

“I’ll see you later.” Yunho nodded and he kissed two of his fingers and the put it on Jaejoong’s lips. With a wave he ran to the locker room.

Jaejoong walked over to Junsu. "Junsu I need to go to the toilet. I'll see you in here shortly."

"Sure, I'm going to get us some drinks. My throat is dry for screaJunsug so much."

Jaejoong quickly made her way to the toilet outside the gym. A few girls were inside the toilet and Jaejoong chose to use the last room. Jaejoong flushed the toilet and walked over to the sink. She was washing her hands when Eunjung and her friends walked into the toilet. Her heart stopped when she heard what Eunjung said.

“Oh my god! Did you see the way he looked at me, Hyoyeon? He was hitting on me big time! Can you believe that! I swear he is still such a dog!”  Eunjung voice was heard telling her friends. "I think things are getting back to normal now." She added without noticing Jaejoong was at the end corner of the toilet. They all giggled loudly.

"Good for you, Eunjung." Hyoyeon said. “You’re going to be great,” she playfully nudged her. “You…”  She looked at Jaejoong, "Oh guess who is here now. So you must’ve heard everything.” Hyoyeon said to Jaejoong.

Jaejoong was clueless as to what to say to any of them. The expressions were appalled, and hardly approving. It was what Eunjung expected.

"What happen to your face? You are red. Are you jealous Jaejoong?” Eunjung asked smirking.

Jaejoong wanted to say no in reality she was. She rolled her eyes at her.

"You’re jealous of Eunjung. Aren’t you? Just say it!” Hyoyeon pushed.

Jaejoong felt anger rise through her veins, she knew what Hyoyeon was doing. She was trying to make her angry on purpose. Jaejoong looked at her hand.

"Say it, Jaejoong. Just say ‘I’m jealous’ it’s not that hard. Wait are you getting mad?” Eunjung pushed.

Jaejoong looked at her hand again and suddenly…. She slapped her. Kim Jaejoong slapped Lee Eunjung!

Within second Eunjung was holding her cheek, she retaliated. She pointed a finger at Jaejoong. “ you Kim Jaejoong. I am telling you! You will pay for this!” She pushed past Jaejoong and got out of the bathroom. Hyoyeon and Tiffany followed behind her. She buried her head in her hands.

Damn! Damn! Damn!

Jaejoong felt as if her insides were were going to drop out, even though she had known that one day something like this sure to happen. She told herself she would worry about it later. She's here to cheer for Yunho and his team and that's what she's going to do until the end of the game. She huffed and walked out back into the gym. Jaejoong took her seat on the bleachers next to Junsu and acted like nothing happen. She didn't plan to tell Junsu what had happened between her and Eunjung in the toilet just now.

After a while, the second part of the game started, Jaejoong and Junsu cheered for Yunho and ChangJunsu even more wildly. Jaejoong never thought she could cheer so much in her entire life. She never thought she’d have anything to cheer so much over. Jaejoong and Junsu cheered so much for Yunho and ChangJunsu she thought they were both going to lose their voices. They also did a lot of giggling. She totally forgot about Eunjung and her warning to her. Every once in a while Yunho will wave at Jaejoong.

Yunho nailed the winning point and Seoul High School won the game. And Kim Jongin was announced as the best player of the game.

After the cheerleader’s performance for the closing ceremony, Yunho immediately ran to the shower room and took a shower faster than he thought. He wasn't too keen on the idea of going home smelling like a dirty sock. Jaejoong was leaning against the gymnasium wall talking to Junsu when he and ChangJunsu came out from the changing room.

"Guys, we'll see you at the Queen Cafe." Yunho said waving to ChangJunsu and Junsu. They promised to have meal together at their usual hang out cafe after the game.

Walking up to his car, they walked hand in hand. Yunho opened the door for her but Jaejoong was just stood there looking at him.

"I’m so proud of you, you know?" Jaejoong whispered tenderly.

"Why do you sound so surprised?"

"I don't know. Maybe I've never seen you play in a real game before."

"Of course you will. I'm Kim Jongin, the captain of the team and your boyfriend." He leaned in and captured her soft lips.

When Yunho and Jaejoong arrive at the Queen Cafe, ChangJunsu and Junsu were already there. They ordered their meal and talked about their winning game. Their meals arrived and for few Junsuutes the four of them took their time eating their food. After one hour of eating and laughing, ChangJunsu and Junsu excused themselves.

"I’m glad you came today, Jaejoong." Yunho said as he put the key in the car ignition.

"Uh... yeah, me too.”

Yunho turned to her and leaned in. “I love you.”

Jaejoong smiled at him and whispered a reply of ‘I love you’ back as she leaned her forehead against his. These are the moments that they both seem to love. They’ve done this since they were younger and when once of them was stressed, upset, or completely content with their life right now. It’s just a way to relax the other and make them happy.

One moment Jaejoong’s on a date with a douche, the next Yunho’s asked her out. And now they’re dating and nothing can come in between them.

Well, that's what they thought.



Thank you for reading, subscribing & commenting & voting!^^

So, what will Eunjung do? There will be more of Luhan coJunsug up next.

A/N: *Sighed* I did a lot of editing. Sorry for the mistakes. So quiet...Maybe it's getting bored.


you, are you still reading this story?


Chapter 24


Jaejoong sat alone in math class; she couldn’t hope to pay attention now. She had just spent the entire period trying to be inconspicuous. She hid a yawn behind her hand, blinking when her eyes watered slightly from the action.

Finally, the bell rang signaling that its lunch time. Jaejoong let out a sigh.

“Such a depressing day today,” She grumbled.

She didn’t feel like going to the cafeteria, so she decided to skip lunch. She texted Yunho to meet her at a place where they spent their free time, the place they went to whenever they skipped lunch. She sat on the green grass under a tree behind the school block, she brought her notebook, but she just put it on her lap – unopened. She felt like she was sitting there for ages but Yunho still hadn’t come yet.

Jaejoong was trying her hardest not to think of anything, because whenever she would think, she only thought about Eunjung, and it hurt her so much. Jaejoong closed her eyes and was so lost in her thought, until she realized someone was standing in front of her. She opened her eyes and looked up, Yunho was standing over her.

Yunho knelt down and bent his head down so they were eye to eye with one another. “Hey beautiful, missed me?” He teased and sat next to her. Their shoulders brushed each other.

“Sorry I was late. I was with Suho just now,” He started.

Jaejoong gave him a weak smile, her fingers trailing through her long hair. “What’s up with Suho?”

“Suho... he’s having his birthday party at his house tonight. He said it’s a last Junsuute plan and he invited the basketball team together with the cheerleader team to celebrate our winning game last weekend...”

“Uh it’s okay, Yunho; you don’t have to explain. I understand,” Jaejoong waved her hand at him.

“If you want to come with me…”

Jaejoong cut him midsentence. “You know I don’t like parties.”

Be in a close party with Eunjung and her friends? I’ve got to be kidding myself,’ she thought.

“You go ahead. Have fun, but don’t be naughty.”

“Are you sure?” Yunho eyed her for confirmation.

“Yes, I’m very sure. If I were to go to that party I would probably fall asleep in a corner,” She joked. “What time does the party start?”

He felt some relief as he answered, “Eight. ChangJunsu will pick me at seven thirty.”

“Don’t come home late. Tomorrow you still have school.”

The school bell rang indicated the lunch time was over.

“Let’s go back to class,” Yunho said standing up. He grabbed her hand and they walked back to the school building.

“Uh Yunho, I almost forgot, Miss Hana called for short dance briefing after lunch. I should be going there now.”

Yunho smiled at her, “Okay.”

“See you later,” Jaejoong said waving at him and walked to other direction. Suddenly, her cell phone beeped and she grabbed it from her pocket.


From Junsu:

Jaejoong, where are you? Come quick to the practice room. We’re waiting for you.

To Junsu:

I’m on my…


Before she could finish her text, she heard voices and laughter. She paused. She turned and walked quietly to the direction of the voices, as if something was pulling her to them. She peeked around the corner, there was Eunjung talking to Hyoyeon.

“So Eunjung, you’re going to Suho’s party with Yunho,” Hyoyeon asked.

“Of course,” she alleged.

“What if Yunho brought Jaejoong with him? They’re a couple now, you know. Everyone at school knows about it.”

“Hyoyeon, how in the world could you possibly think, that he would even be interested in her? He’s just pretending to like her. Nothing has changed between us. But of course, she doesn’t know about it. Yunho has always and forever will be my boyfriend.”

Hyoyeon smirked, “You know what I think we should do?”

“What?” Eunjung asked curiously.

“I think we should really give them something to talk about.” Hyoyeon grinned mischievously.

For some reason, Jaejoong’s heart stopped beating for a few seconds. It felt as if she just found out he was cheating on her or something. She had no idea what came over her. She shook her head, trying to clear the negative thoughts away.

On the bus ride home after school, Jaejoong was quiet. Yunho was listening to music on his headphones. Jaejoong decided to talk to Yunho about the party at Suho’s, so she took his MP3 player in his hand and press the stop button.

Yunho turned to her, “Yes?”

“Yunho, about the party at Suho’s house, how are you going?”

“I told you, I’m going with ChangJunsu. Why do you ask?”

“Umm... Yunho, I changed my Junsud. Can I go to the party with you?”

“I thought you said you didn’t like parties.”

“I said I change my Junsud about going with you.”

“Jaejoong, you can’t. No. You better not.”

“And why can’t I?” She asked in a displeased tone.

Yunho didn’t know what to say back to her, so he stayed silent.

“Yunho, I want to go with you.”

Yunho grabbed her hand. “Jaejoong, please understand. It’s not like that I want to go, but I have no choice. They’re celebrating our winning, and I’m the captain. It’s just that I have to be there. Besides, Eunjung and her team also will be there. I don’t want you to get hurt being in that party. There’s only a bunch of crap boys and crazy girls.”

“You don’t want me to get hurt? That’s crap!” She was already hurt having listened to Eunjung and Hyoyeon’s conversation this afternoon, and now her mood turned sour.

“Hey Jaejoong, what’s that supposed to mean? Why are you talking like this?”

“When you do something, saying you don’t want me to get hurt, you have no idea that you’re hurting me more.” An obvious note of disappointment was in her voice.

“I don’t understand.”

“Then don’t! End of story,” Jaejoong said pulling her hand from Yunho’s and looking out the window.

Ah, what a day,’ she sighed.

Yunho was not ready for his conversation to end with her just yet, but he didn’t know what to say to her. He knew it was not a good idea to have Jaejoong together with Eunjung and her friends in one closed party. Eunjung will definitely do something to hurt Jaejoong. He looked so serious at the moment, almost brooding, just staring at her.

“We will talk about this later,” Yunho said softening his voice. Jaejoong didn’t bother to reply.

After that the rest of the journey was silent. The bus stopped and Jaejoong got off the bus leaving Yunho behind. Yunho ran after her. He tried to say something to her but she keep acting like she couldn’t hear him and ended up both walking their separate ways to their homes.

In her room, Jaejoong check for messages she received in her cell phone.


From Luhan:

Movie tonight?

Jaejoong stared at her cell phone for a moment before she typed a reply.

To Luhan:

Were you in town now? I thought you and your family are still in Jeju.’

From Luhan:

Movie tonight?


Without thinking more, Jaejoong typed a reply to Luhan, ‘SURE




ChangJunsu furrowed his brow and looked Yunho up and down, “You’re going with me.”

“ChangJunsu, I really don’t feel like going,” Yunho whined to his friend. He’s still on the couch, flipping through the channels when this giant came barging in and ushered him to dress nicely, so then he could proceed to kidnap Yunho to wherever.

ChangJunsu glanced behind him. Pulling him along was more irritating than he had thought. All the complaints and reluctance in his steps, ChangJunsu stopped and turned around to a mildly annoyed Yunho, “Look, he told you he was going to hold a party his birthday and in celebration for our win, right? And you, being the captain, can’t just stay here! It’s basic etiquette Jonginnie~”

Yunho gave him a flat stare. He hated it whenever ChangJunsu brought out his title as team captain and said it like that, making him the bad guy.

“And, he said her sister also invited a lot of her girl friends from her school. And there will be a lot of pretty ladies~”the taller continued in a sing-song-y voice, playfully waggling his eyebrows.

“Whatever.” Yunho rolled his eyes.




Jaejoong was wondering at the cinema hall when Luhan came back with popcorns and soda drinks in his hands.

“Let’s go inside. The movie is about to start,” He said and pulled Jaejoong with him.

 After an hour later, Jaejoong and Luhan walked out the cinema with smiles plastered on their faces.

“So did you like it?”Luhan asked.

A smile forJunsug at her lips, “I did.”

Luhan smiled reaching towards the sky. “I’m glad you like the movie.” His eyes were on her, “Jaejoong, it’s still early to go back.” There was a long pause as Jaejoong looked at him. “Do you want to go for supper?”

“I’m still full from dinner.”

“In that case…” A suggestive look entered his eyes, and they lingered on her face. “Why not take a walk by the Han River?” Luhan said. He smiled at her, a warm, loving smile.

“I have school tomorrow.”

“Just for a short while, I’ll send you home whenever you ask me, okay?”

Jaejoong nodded, “For my cousin, sure.”

The two comfortably walked side by side, in silence, along the river bank. They strolled unhurriedly, without a destination. Luhan spent the next few Junsuutes sneaking little surreptitious glances at Jaejoong from the corner of his eye, before pulling out a pack of strawberry gum from his pocket and taking a stick out with his teeth. He offered one to Jaejoong, who in return nodded her head politely and took one.

“So, how was Jeju?” She asked.

“It was good. My dad and mom took it as their anniversary honeymoon. But I wished you were with us.”

Jaejoong kept her silent.

“Where is Yunho?” Luhan suddenly asked.

Jaejoong looked at him. “Oh, now only you want to ask about him.”

Luhan chuckled. “I didn’t want to ruin my time with you.”

“He’s at a birthday party with his basketball team,” Jaejoong told him then looked away.

“You didn’t go with him?”

Jaejoong ran her fingers through her hair, and tried not to think about how she felt like she’s missing something. “There are some people I don’t like to meet there. So here I am with you now. Aren’t you glad?”

“Of course I am,” Luhan said with a laugh. “Jaejoong, I have something to show you.”

“Oh? What is it?”

Luhan took out his cell phone and started scrolling. “Here,” He passed his phone to Jaejoong.

“These are my photos.” Her eyes widened, “How did you get these photos?” She bent her head to the side, confusion coloring her eyes. “Who took them?”

“I did,” He rolled his lips into his mouth like he didn’t mean to let that slip out.

Jaejoong pointed her finger at him, “You? When?” Her eyebrows had furrowed together in confusion.

“Actually, last year my dad and I came back here. My dad wanted to sell one of his houses to pay his medical bills. We were here for one week just to sign some papers. We didn’t tell anyone though, that we come back. During those few days, I sneaked out and looked for you.”

“What? You were stalking me? Why didn’t you say hi to me?”

It could be his imagination, but Jaejoong’s eyes look a little bit brighter.

“My dad was worried if people would ask why he needed the money, they would find out that he is sick. So for a few days just before the school session ended, I waited behind the big tree across the bus stop, watching you and Yunho waiting for the school bus. So I took your photos from afar.”

“You’re interesting, Luhan,” Jaejoong smiled at him.

Luhan just stared at Jaejoong. He took great delight in the way Jaejoong flushed. He still didn’t know why, but he was always captivated every time he looked at those eyes. He didn’t know why but he suddenly felt the urge to possess her, to make her completely his. Like she’s something he has been missing.

Luhan cleared his throat. “So, you and Yunho are a couple.”

That seemed to catch Jaejoong by surprise. Her eyes snap back to Luhan’s like a magnetic pull. “How do you know?”

“That night during the barbeque dinner, I saw both of you kissing in the kitchen.”

Jaejoong looked at him. “You did?” She smiled. “Yeah, I’m already his girlfriend.”

“And it breaks my heart,” Luhan said, sincerely.

Jaejoong felt her heart beating at a different rate. It wasn’t uncommon. “You’re funny, Luhan. Were you always like this?” She tried to partially change the topic.

“Has he been good to you?” Luhan asked, ignoring her question.

“Why are you asking this? Of course he has. He’s wonderful.”

“I hope he will not make my cousin cry.”

“I want you to know that you don’t have to worry, Luhan,” She said seriously. “Not just think it or suspect it. I want you to know it in your bones.”

“So it’s pretty serious with him then,” He muttered.

“Very serious”

“I’m happy for you then.” Luhan is an exceptional liar.



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To my new subscribers, hope you will enjoy this story!

BIG thanks for commenting & voting.^^

Each chapter is getting longerrrr!!! Yaaahhh!!!


My dongseang, BbyGi_x3 helped me in writing the party scene. (Bcoz I'm too lazy.) There will be more of that in next chapter.

Chapter 25

Yunho did not know how he ended up there tonight. At this damn party. The party was in full swing. The house was full to the brim with teenagers, some just standing around, others drinking, some talking and laughing.

The music was loud but luckily there were no neighbors to worry about. A privilege when you’re rich, Yunho guessed. All of his team members welcomed him and ChangJunsu warmly and they were immediately whirled away by the already tipsy teens. Once seated at the kitchen-island-made-bar, Yunho let his gaze drift, he scanned the large living room once and noted that almost everyone they know were here tonight. Well, he hasn’t looked outside by the pool so he wasn’t quite sure.

What he is sure off though, was that the cheerleaders were there too. And the fact that the cheerleaders are at a party without their own captain? Impossible. And sure enough he found her by a group of jocks of their school, laughing and joking. Lee Eunjung. His worst nightmare in human form.

Yunho instantly regretted even going over there, he was mentally cursing at himself for being such an idiot for not able to say no to the invitation. ChangJunsu was the one who dragged him to come. ChangJunsu seemed to be the one in the world who could capable to change his Junsud about anything. He sighed aloud. He wished he could leave. Now.

Out of the corner of her eye, Eunjung already noticed Yunho sitting at the ‘bar’. She had a plan for tonight, but didn’t want to rush things. Besides, what good will it do her when he is practically surrounded by his friends? No, he has to be alone.

An hour or so had passed, Yunho wasn’t really sure as he was a bit tipsy, and he couldn’t stand the heat anymore. He turned to ChangJunsu only to find the older completely wasted with girls all over him. He grimaced, “ChangJunsu.” He called, “ChangJunsu, can we go home already?”

“Noooooooo… Gimme ten more Junsuutes, okay?” ChangJunsu slurred, grinning goofily.

Huffing out of irritation, Yunho found himself outside by the pool. By himself. The cool breeze cooled his head a bit and he felt as if could breath normally again, away from that stuffy room full of sweaty bodies and alcohol. Not that outside was any better though, but he did managed to find a more secluded place.

Now is my chance! Kim Jongin, you're at the wrong place at the right time!

Eunjung grabbed a glass of coke and turned a bit so that her actions were hidden from the others. She took out a small bag and opened it, a puff of white dust clouded up before dissipating altogether. She smirked and poured the content in the glass, stirring it with her pinky. Showtime!

“Why are you all alone here, handsome?”

Yunho turned to her and gave a small smile, "It's too hot inside." He cast a look across the room where ChangJunsu was last seen, but he wasn't there anymore.

Eunjung watched him closely. “Here, I brought coke for you with lots of ice. It’ll cool you down.”

Always the friendly one, Yunho reached out to accept the cup and even thanked her. He downed the glass in one go. Junsuute passed in agonizing, awkward silence.

Eunjung smirked as she saw Yunho frowning, “Are you okay? You seem rather…unfocused.” She asked mockingly.

Yunho’s frown deepen when his vision blurred, the rush of blood pounding in his ears. He squeezed his eyes shut and clutched his head as he let out a small whimper.

"What drink did you give me, Eunjung?"

"Just a coke." She replied. 'With something to make you relax tonight.'

He whimpered again as everything getting blur to him. "This is not right. I need to find ChangJunsu and ask him to send me home now."

"I can send you home." Eunjung offered. An evil smirk was plastered on a face all the time.

"No. I came with ChangJunsu and I'll go back with ChangJunsu." Yunho replied, pushing himself up from the table, looking at her.

"All right." Eunjung sighed. "Come, I help you to find ChangJunsu and you can go home with him." Eunjung said as she pulled Yunho with her. When they headed for the door, her smirk grew wider.






Jaejoong and Luhan continuing their stroll along the riverbank. They found it easy to get lost in thought. However, they mostly just enjoyed the fresh air and delightful company they were alongside.

"So Luhan, tell me, what's life like in San Francisco?"

"Basically there are a lot of similarities." He laughed,


"Well, there are people, plants, trees, green grass, blue skies."

"Of course I know that." Jaejoong said.

"But really, it's still miserable for me."

"What do you mean by miserable?"

"I missed you." Luhan felt like dying at the words. Nobody understands just how much he missed Jaejoong.

"Aww... that's so sweet. I missed you too. Do you have girlfriend?"

Luhan smiled at her. "There's someone I like but she's taken."

"I'm sure there's a long list of girls waiting to be your girlfriend."

Luhan frowned. "But I just like her."

"Seriously? She's a very lucky girl. Oh dear my poor my cousin is heartbroken." She said mockingly. Both of them burst out laughing.

Suddenly Jaejoong became quiet. She was thinking about Yunho and that just made her miss him all the more. She heaved a sigh.


Startled, she snapped out of her whirling thoughts, back to the reality, to find Luhan looking at her, a worried expression on his face.

"You seem to be spacing out quite a lot tonight. Are you alright?"

“I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be? ” she smiled at him, trying to make it as convincing as possible.

Luhan did not seem too convinced by that. He placed his hand under her chin to gently lift up her head. “Do you want to talk about it? Just so you know I am a great listener.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

 “You are still the complete dork that I know and love, but maybe some other time. I don’t feel like talking about it.”

“That’s understandable. I will be here whenever you want to talk about it.” He smiled his famous smile.

“I know that, and thanks Luhan. You are amazing.”

Luhan glanced up at the sky. “Hey, look at that – a shooting star.”

She looked where he was pointing in time to see the last of the white streak wink out into the night.  “You have to make a wish,” she said.

He considered for a second and then shook his head with a slight smile. “Nah. I think I’ve used Junsue up for the year. You go ahead.” He nudged her, and she smiled at him.

“I think maybe I’ve used up Junsue too.”

"Lets make again then." Luhan took her hand, and they gripped each other tightly. Together, they had wished hard enough to make it come true.

The temperature of the night began to drop  as Jaejoong soon noticed. She shivered slightly in the cool evening breeze.

"Maybe we should go home?" Luhan asked, feeling Jaejoong shivered.

"Yes we should." Jaejoong responded.

When they reach in front of Jaejoong’s house neither one of them moved, they couldn’t believe how short the distance is, they want to be with each other longer.

“Thanks for the night Luhan. I really enjoyed it.” Jaejoong said.

“We should do it again. Soon. Very soon.” Luhan replied.

“For my cousin, sure no problem at all." Jaejoong replied. She noticed that Luhan’s not letting go of her hands.  She feels like he doesn’t want to let go. “You can let go of my hand now Luhan or else I can’t go inside.”

When he heard Jaejoong said that he couldn’t help but smile.

"Good night, Jaejoong."

"Drive safely."

With one last smile at Jaejoong, he turned around and got back in his car. She was still standing outside when he pulled back onto the main road.

He stopped at the red light, 'Damn, I'm too late.' and began laughing to himself in the car before realizing he'd look like a psyco if someone were to walk by.

In her room, Jaejoong checked on her phone. Nothing. She walked to her room balcony door, Jaejoong noticed that Yunho's room is still dark, meaning that he still hasn't come back from the party. Jaejoong changed into her pyjamas, cleaned her face and ready to go to bed. She wasn't plan to wait for him, 'I'll talk to him tomorrow.'






Scrunching his face up at the pain in his head, Yunho raised a hand to his forehead.

“Wha—…” the word left him even before he opened his eyes. With difficulty he blinked his eyes open only to shut them again due to the glare of the light in his eyes. The boy groaned and tried to sit up. ', I didn’t even drink at all.' His Junsud remained blank for the next few Junsuutes.

Sitting back against the headboard, Yunho took in the unfamiliar room. He looked around, everything was unfamiliar, even the smell was unfamiliar and it made his head throb more than it already does, “Where am I? What is this place?” His face turned pale at the sight. A bed that wasn’t his own or of someone he knew and the thought made him uneasy.

A glance down under the thin white sheet told him he was as as the day he was born, sitting on a bed with fluffy white sheets. He froze.

His head, however, felt considerably clearer than it had been just a moment ago and he realised exactly where he was, what he was doing.


'What happened last night?' But the harder he thought, the less he remembered. He glanced at his wrist watch. It showed five thirty in the morning.

Now he felt scared as he frantically searched for his phone as soon as he was on his feet before finding it on the night stand beside the bed. He couldn’t help the fear bubbling up in him however as he dialed a number with shaking hands. 'Please pick up, please please plea...'

‘Hello?’ sounded from the other line.

“ChangJunsu, help me.”

Yunho? What’s wrong? What happened?’

“ChangJunsu, please help me.”

What? Yunho, you’re not at home? Where are you?’

“Help me please.”



Thank you for reading, subscribing & commenting & voting!^^

BbyGi_x3, thank you for helping me writing this chapter.

Thanks for reading. Good bye to all.



Regarding updates


Hello dear readers,

I know that this will make a lot of you upset and for that, I apologize. It's my fault and I take the blame. I said that I wouldn't abandon this fic, but that is exactly what I am doing. So, instead of making readers wait, I am going to relieve you of waiting and say this all now.

I'll be truthful here, I didn't want to update anytime soon. I planned to, but didn't want to.

I will not be updating for a long time to come, probably never again. The reason being is that I have lost my will to write/type or whichever. I had the story planned down to the ending (which is already written) but right now my writing spirit is in the dumps. I can't make this story to be interesting.

For the recent new readers, I'm sorry that this fic you found will not be updated. I'm not even sure if I have any readers left here anyways. 

You have spent so much time waiting and anticipating updates, but I have only wasted your time. I'm sorry for that.

Once again I sincerely apologize for leaving my story half finished. I figure no one really cares anyway.

I am so sorry. 

Maybe one day, my old self will return.

But for now, I bid thee farewell.


Something BIG and unexpected happened to me today in AFF. And I'm so high and hype to update this story. But I think I'll wait for a while before next chapter comes up.  A little later won't hurt right?

Some of my readers here already know about the thing that happened to me. But I chose not to say it.^^ Sooner or later you will find out about it.:)

And, yes I'll finish what I've started. Sorry for the dramas I've created.


Much love and apologies,

Onee-san signing out,







Chapter 26

"I'll be there in twenty Junsuutes." ChangJunsu deadpanned before hanging up the call. "What was he doing there at this hour?"

He quickly dashed down from his bed. Putting on his shirt while running down the stairs, he can't stop thinking about his best friend. He hopped in the car and drove to the place, breaking all the speed limit. He yawned as he peered down the road before him trying to find the right exit. He shook his head as he turned at a corner and his sleepy eyes widening when he saw his friend standing under a dimmed street light.

Yunho immediately get in the car right away when it stopped in front of him. The first few Junsuutes of the ride were quiet until ChangJunsu spoke.

“You look like a wreck.”

Yunho doesn’t reply but ChangJunsu noticed the panicked expression on his face.

"Hey Yunho what happened to you? I thought you went back already by the time I went to look for you. I asked around but they all said they didn't see you. I called you phone but no answer.  How come you end up in that hotel?"

"I don't know, ChangJunsu." He said running his fingers through his hair nervously. There were million things going through his head.

"Do you remember anything from last night?"

Yunho shook his head. "Nope. I just remember waiting for you by the pool. That’s all." He tried to recall some events from last night’s partying but nothing came into his Junsud. It only worsened the throbbing of his head.

“Jesus, how do you not remember this?” His expression darkened.

ChangJunsu’s voice increasing volume finally seems to bring Yunho to the realisation that his situation is very much real.

He turned his head to ChangJunsu. His head still feels heavy and unclear but suddenly the fragments of memory begin to seep back into his brain as ChangJunsu’s talking.

"Do you remember who was the last person you were talking to before you woke up in that hotel room?"

Lee Eunjung.

His pulse skipped when he thinks of her, the last person he talked to before he found himself on a bed in a hotel room. But he decided not to mention about it to ChangJunsu. Not just yet.

Yunho turned around to look out the car window, not answering.

"This is not good, Yunho."

Yunho sighed before answering. He seemed to be pretty calm given the situation he was in. "Someone is playing a trick on me, ChangJunsu."

“So what are you going to do?” ChangJunsu asked.

“I don’t know.” But his Junsud was thinking about Eunjung.

"Let just go to my house first. Just tell your umma that you slept in my house." ChangJunsu said.

"ChangJunsu." Yunho called.


"Don't mention anything about this to Jaejoong." Yunho groaned.

"I know Yunho. But Jaejoong will have to be told eventually, you know, something like this can't be shoved under the rug."

Yunho gave him an appreciative look. "It couldn't be anyway. I'll find a way to tell her. Just send me home."


Jaejoong woke up at hearing her alarm clock buzzing. She got up off the bed and made her way to the bathroom, looking at her horrible reflection. Her eyes struck her the most. It had dark rings around them from lack of sleep.  They had lost their light, almost as if her will, her iron strong, unwavering will, had been crushed and simply disappeared. She heard her cell phone ringing on her study desk. She hesitated at first because it was an unknown number, but she still answered it.

''Good  morning beautiful,'' a husky voice melted through the phone.

Jaejoong groaned. ''Don't tell me this is Luhan.''

''Okay, I won't then.'

''What do you want Luhan? Why are you calling me so early in the morning?'' She groaned, laying back onto her bed.

'Well', aren't you a ball of sunshine.' Luhan replied with a sickly sweet voice.

''Not in the mood, get to the point.'' She mumbled ignoring the remark.

'Nothing special. Just wanted to hear your morning voice.' Luhan said childishly.

"Now that you've heard, I need to get ready for school."

'Jaejoong, wait.'

"What now?"

'Remember during barbeque dinner at your house, I said I will take you out for dinner?'

"Yes I remember you said that."

'So here I am now, calling to ask you about our dinner.'

"But last night we just went out for movie and dinner, too."

'Jaejoong, last night was a movie night, now I’m talking about dinner night and I'm not asking you for tonight. My dad and mum wanted to go Samcheok Beach so we're leaving there in the afternoon for a couple of days. Can we go after I came back from this trip?'

Jaejoong was oddly silent before she sighed. "Well... why not. We talk again later, okay? I need to get ready to school."

'Okay, bye beautiful.'

Jaejoong sighed after she hung up; this is going to be a long day. Somehow the thought made her smile. "Hmph! I can do this!" now with a more deterJunsued expression she got ready for school.


Jaejoong took one last bite of her bread before she grabbed her bag and heading towards the door. Usually, Yunho would have been outside, waiting for her but today she didn't see him at all. Not even his shadow. She sent text message to Yunho and told him that she will wait for him at the bus stop. But received no reply from him.

'Maybe he still angry with me? But I'm the one who should be angry with him.' She thought.

'Hurry up!' She typed another text message to Yunho. But there's still no reply from Yunho.

'Uh he must be waking up late again. Did he come back late last night from the party?' Jaejoong was wondering alone while walking to the bus stop. There, she saw Yunho was smiling at her.

"Look at your face. Have you not slept at all?"

"Nope. I did sleep. I just woke up early."

"Well, well, look who’s talking now." Jaejoong said, rolling her eyes.

Jaejoong noticed Yunho was quiet during the ride to the school. Half way to the locker room, Yunho excused himself to go to see his coach. Well, that's what he told Jaejoong. Jaejoong stared at his back until he disappeared, thinking only selfish, useless thoughts.  He's really... unlike him.

Jaejoong met with ChangJunsu at the hallway. "ChangJunsu, wait up!"

"Hi Jaejoong."

"Hey, I just need to talk to you before the class started."

"I'm not complaining." He chuckled.

"Have you seen Yunho this morning? He's kind of acting weird."


"Uh.. I just arrived."

"ChangJunsu, last night you went to Suho's party with Yunho right?"

"Mmmm..." ChangJunsu nodded, before setting his lips to thin line.

"Did you two come home very late last night?"

ChangJunsu looked at his watch. "Jaejoong, I need to see Mr Han now. See you later." After he told her he immediately sprinted to the opposite way.

Jaejoong was speechless and she seemed shocked and confused by ChangJunsu's reaction.

"What is wrong with him?"


Yunho paced at a nearby corner outside Eunjung's class room. He was nervous beyond reason, then finally he saw her walking with her friends, his heart was beating so fast he thought he was going to have a heart attack. He immediately ran to her.

"Eunjung, wait." Yunho grabbed her arm from behind.

Eunjung turned to him. "Oh hi Yunho."

"We need to talk."

"But of course." She turned to her friends, "You all go ahead first." She turned back to Yunho. "What is it you want to talk with me?" She asked sweetly.

“I wanted to ask you something.”

“Ask me something?” Eunjung said laughing nervously.

“Yes,” Yunho said, his heart beating faster.

“What is it Yunho?” Eunjung asked smiling kindly at him.

"Last night, at Suho's house, we talked, right? By the pool. You and me."

"Yes we did. So?" Eunjung asked him with an expression of innocence on her face.

"Stop pretending, Eunjung!"

"Oh what the hell, what do you want to know about last night?"

“Tell me Eunjung, how I end up in a hotel room last night?

“Oh about that. You don’t remember?” Eunjung asked.

“The last thing I remember was... I said I wanted to look for ChangJunsu to go home.”

“You really don’t remember anything?”

Yunho stared at her then shook his head. "You put something in the drink that you gave me, isn't it?"

"It doesn't take a genius to figure it out." Was her witty response. "Don't tell me you don't remember anything at all."

"I said I don't! You tell me!"

“We had drinks, you asked me if I want to go with you, I said yes and we end up in that hotel. We had great ...”

Yunho immediately felt like he had been hit with a ton of bricks or like he had been run over by an eighteen-wheeler. Either way, he was left breathless and unable to speak or even feel any of his limbs, for that matter. He stood completely still, his eyes locked with Eunjung’s brown ones. It was obvious from the way that she was looking at him that she wasn’t joking.

“I know I would never lay my finger on you, Eunjung. That’s all a bull. Isn’t it?” He stared at her sharply. He opened his mouth to speak but she cut him down before he could continue.

“You thought I had fallen asleep..."  She continued, leaning closer to him. ...  "...and you said...”

"Stop it!" Yunho felt the tiny hairs on the back on his neck stick up as Eunjung's words echoed in his head.

“You said you love me, Kim Jongin! And don’t try to deny it. I know exactly what I heard!”

"Why Eunjung? Why did you do this to me?" He had an expression of fear on his face, as he realised just how ed up he is now.

Eunjung looked deep into his eyes, and slowly smiled. "Because I'm in love with you, Kim Jongin. And I've been planning this for a long time, far longer than you can imagine."

"You're crazy, Eunjung!" Yelled Yunho.

"You made me, Kim Jongin. You're the one who made me become this crazy." Eunjung yelled back at him.



It's been a while, I know. My apology.

I'd like to thank everyone who has continued to read and support my fanfiction.

Till then. :)


Chapter 27

"Let me go, Eunjung. I don't love you. I love Jaejoong."


Eunjung glared at him. "Why does you have to make things complicated, Yunho? Listen here, I could not let you go, Yunho. I refused to let you go. You're Junsue."


Yunho stared at her. He can't believe how easily she manipulated the situation to trap him.  'This woman is no joke. I need to buy time from her to clear everything.' "Don't you dare to say anything to Jaejoong. She don't deserve to know about your dirty trick." Yunho warned Eunjung.


Eunjung shrugged her shoulders. "All right, handsome. I leave it to you to handle her. I have to go now to class now." Eunjung smiled to him before she walked into her classroom.


Yunho felt like his whole world crumbled under his feet. He wished the world would explode, swallow him whole, anything to stop what was going to happen. 


One heart going to be broken. Kim Jaejoong. The one that he loved. 


One life going to lose its soul. Kim Jongin. He felt useless.  He wanted to wave a magic wand and make everything to be all right in a flash, but he couldn't.


"Jaejoong, I'm sorry." He muttered under his heavy breath.


'No. This cannot be happening, this is a dream... a nightmare, it has to be. It has to be.' Yunho mumbled as he walked along the school hallway with no clear direction as to where to go. He clenched his fists, he couldn't believe what he just heard from Eunjung. His once calm and composed self was gone. He felt his Junsud break into pieces.



'We had drinks, you asked me if I want to go with you, I said yes and we end up in that hotel.'


'We had great ...'


'Because I'm in love with you, Kim Jongin.'



"No, that didn't happen." He muttered.


He heard voices. He looked over at the students conversing behind him, and he could've sworn they turned around right before he could get a good look at them.


They didn't.... they couldn't know....


It was unreasonable, and he knew it. They could be talking anyone or anything. Really. But paranoia reared its ugly head regardless, easily beating down to a bloody pulp and Yunho found himself nervously looking at eyes that seemed to purposefully avoid his, eyes he could feel staring back at his once he passed them by.


He was imagining things. There was no way they could know.


There was no way….


Yunho felt his state of anger begin to resurface. His body heat began to intensify as he started to run. He needed to get out of there.


'No, that didn't happen.'


'Jaejoong, I'm sorry.'


He ran as fast as he could.


He ignored voices calling his name. He ignored their looks of confusions he passed them.






To Yunho:

'Yunho, class about to start now. Where are you?'

Jaejoong waited few Junsuutes for his reply, but there's none. She turned to her back and saw ChangJunsu was talking to another boy. She was about to stand up to go to ChangJunsu when the teacher walked in, so she slipped the phone in her bag and took out her note book. She wondered where Yunho could be now. Fifteen Junsuutes into the lesson she felt hopeless. She could not pay attention. Jaejoong could not remember how many time she turned to the empty chair next to her where Yunho should be sitting now.

Whenever she turned to look at ChangJunsu, that boy will always look down at his book as if will never lift up his face again. 'Weird.' She thought.

Jaejoong could have sworn she caught a glimpse of Yunho outside the class door, but she blinked and he was gone. She gave up, slouching  back in her chair.  "I must be seeing things," She mumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose, returning her attention to the teacher in front.

Time passed and the school bell rang indicating lunch time. Everybody getting busy jotting down the notes from the whiteboard and some already walking to the door. Junsu was absent and when Jaejoong was looking around for ChangJunsu but only caught the glimpse of his back walking out of the door. Jaejoong slid out her desk and walked to the door while thinking about Yunho. She felt funny that she didn't see Yunho at all today and wondered if Yunho skip classes or even school at all. 'That was unusual of him.' She thought. When other students asked about him, all she can say was, 'I don't know.'

When Jaejoong was walking at the school hallway, she noticed few students were looking at her as if she'd committed a crime. She decided to skip lunch because she wasn't hungry and instead she decided to go to library but an instinct told her to go up the school rooftop and she was surprised to see Yunho there, sitting on the floor with his back leaning against the wall. His eyes were closed.

"Yunho? What are you doing here all alone?"


He looked over at her, and tried to smile but he could tell she saw right through him. "Oh hi Jaejoong." He ignored her second question. Small displays of panic that showed on his face.

"Something wrong?"

'Stay calm, Kim Jongin.' "Why do you think something is wrong?"

"You looked like someone walked over your grave. Did something happen at the party last night? Did you fight with ChangJunsu?"

Yunho shook his head and looking everywhere but at Jaejoong.

'Jaejoong, I'm sorry.'

She sat next to him, brushing their arms, "What's going on Yunho? Why didn't you go to your classes today?"

'Jaejoong, I'm sorry.' "I'm not in a mood."

“Come on, Yunho. Don't be like this. Some peoples are worry for you, you know?”

Yunho look at her. “Do you?” He asked, almost whispering.

“Of course I do. So now, are you going to tell me what is wrong?”

Yunho opened his mouth to say something, but the only word that came out was, "Nothing."

"Are you still angry with me about yesterday?"

"No Jaejoong. I'm not angry with you. Not at all." He answered quietly after a few moments and took a deep breath, as to prepare himself both mentally and physically to face her. It was almost as if it made him exhausted to speak, and he knew that he would probably feel drained out of energy later on. He didn’t want to think about that though. Grabbing her hands and squeezed it lightly, he said, "I love you." But his eyes were shut.

Jaejoong chuckled. "I know that, idiot." There was a strange suspicion on Jaejoong's Junsud. Something eating her up inside. He loved Yunho, but she could see a flicker of sorrow hidden behind Yunho's closed eyes.

Jaejoong sighed in exasperation. "Well, if you not going to talk with me now, we can always talk later."

There was uncomfortable silence but Jaejoong chose to ignore it. "Hey Yunho I need to go to the library to return some books before go back to class. It's already due last week. You will be coJunsug to class right?"

" Mr. Han asked me to help him at the gymnasium. I already have a 'Release From Class' letter from the office." A lie.

"Okay then. I'll see you after school?"

Yunho tried to smile at her. "Jaejoong, today you go back first, okay. I have something to do with ChangJunsu. I"ll see you at home."

"Okay." Jaejoong was curious but Yunho isn't talking right now.

A deep sigh escaped her lips as she started walking. Relationships were always so difficult.




After school, Jaejoong went home alone. No sign of Yunho while she was waiting for the school bus and until she reach home. She already expected that. She was just finished with her homework when she heard a knock at her half-opened bedroom door before she turned and saw Yunho leaning at the door frame, smiling at her.

"Hi Yunho." Jaejoong said as Yunho entered her room.

"You’re always wearing my shirts." he noted with an amused grin.

“You like it when I wear your clothes.”

Yunho chuckled in response. He ignored the loud beating in his chest as he walked towards her and cupped the back of her head as he leaned down and kissed her. “You got that right. You look great in my clothes.” He continued kissing her again.

Jaejoong pulled out to catch a breath. "Yunho, why are you keep kissing me?"

Yunho touched their foreheads together, their noses nearly touching. "You don't like it?"

"It's not that...."

"Because I love kissing you and I don't want to stop kissing you." He said kissing her again.

Jaejoong pushed him away and he frowned. "You were not you." Jaejoong claimed, staring at him.

Yunho stared back at her for ten seconds before he shrugged his shoulders and went to lay on the bed. Jaejoong laid down beside him on the bed, her head resting on his shoulder. She wanted to just to be there, in his arms, for as long as they both could. They both staring on the ceiling.

"Do you have anything to tell me, Yunho?" Jaejoong borke the silence.

"No." Yunho answered, still staring at the ceiling. He was intent on keeping his lips shut.

Jaejoong propping herself up on her elbow. "Then I have something to tell you."

"Okay. I'm listening."

 "Hey Yunho, last night, while you're out to Suho's party, I went out with Luhan." Jaejoong told him.

Yunho looked at her with wide eyes. "I never said you can go out with him. Alone. At night." He was slightly worried but, at the same time, he knew it wasn’t anything bad.

"Sorry I didn't tell you. It got his text message after I reached my room. I was upset after you told me that you didn't want to bring me with you to Suho's party that's why I didn't tell you right away."

"So why did you guys do?"

"We went for a movie and we strolled at Han River for a while then he sent me back."

A pang of jealousy crept in his heart.

Jaejoong was oblivious with the change on his facial expression. She continued. "You know what? He knew we're a couple. He saw we kissed that night during barbeque dinner."

"Mmm... Did he try to do anything funny with you?"

Jaejoong threw a soft punch on his shoulder. "No!! He's my cousin. He wouldn't do that. Please give him some credit too."

"Mmm..." Yunho murmured and snuggled closer to her and Jaejoong shifted quickly, adjusting herself so that she was facing him. His legs are around her and he wrapped his arms tightly around Jaejoong, squeezing her tightly against his chest. They stayed like that for a while, staring at each other in the eyes before he gently released her and brushed her hair out of her face and tucked a loose strand behind her ear, and gazing at her with a small smile on his lips.

Jaejoong smile back and asked, “Why are you looking at me like that, Yunho?"

Yunho just smiled at her. He gently rubbed his knuckles along her cheek and she closed her eyes for a split second to enjoy the feeling.

When she opened her eyes, Yunho was still looking at her. “What are you thinking about right now?”

Yunho stopped rubbing her cheek but keeps his hand there, apparently, deep in thought. He smiled before answering, “I’m thinking about how beautiful you are, I’m thinking about how lucky I am to have you, and I’m thinking that…I love you."

"Yunho, I know that. I..."

"You don’t have to say anything right now but I just wanted you to know that.” Yunho cut her. He took Jaejoong's hand and place it onto her chest. "...And keep it here."

 Jaejoong stared at him, clear concern etched in his eyes. Jaejoong can see how worried he was. For a moment she wondered why.

Yunho pecked at her lips. "Let's sleep for a while." Yunho said, his eyelids heavy.

Jaejoong didn't feel like pushing Yunho more to talk about his weird behavior. 'All right. If not today, maybe tomorrow you will tell me.'

"Sounds good to me. We have one hour before my umma and appa come home from work." Jaejoong said, her eyelids dropping close.

"Mmm... you’re so warm, Yunho." She whispered as the two of them drifted to sleep.




Another morning arrived.

Jaejoong opened her eyes lazily. It was another day of school for her which meant she had an agenda to follow before leaving the house: get out of the bed, shower, changed, eat breakfast then head to school. The first thing to do was always the hardest: getting out of the bed. And today was her worst.

Jaejoong lay in her bed not wanting to move. She threw her blanket over her face and tried her hardest to go back to sleep.

School . That’s what was in her Junsud nowadays. She sighed and sat up. Her hair was a mess. It frizzled out in all directions. She combed her fingers through her hair trying her best to straighten it down but it kept sticking up and out away from her head. She sighed exasperatedly, dropping her shoulders in defeat. She turned and slip out her bed. As soon as her feet touched the floor, suddenly her heart pounding crazily in her chest.

She gasped, and her heart was beating unusually fast. Placing a hand over her chest, she can feel her heart racing. Jaejoong thought her heart would jump out of her chest at any second, either that or she would have a heart attack because it could not be healthy for the heart to be pounding like that. She took a deep long breath, calJunsug herselfSuddenly she felt nervous.

‘That’s weird.’ She thought.

Jaejoong glared at her table clock and realized that she needs to get ready to school. Momentarily forgetting her nervousnessshe dashed to her bathroom.




Jaejoong and Yunho was walking to their locker after break time when there was an announcement made through school PA system that Kim Jongin was needed to see Mr Han, his basketball coach at his office.

A confused frown. "Again? But you already with him whole day yesterday." Jaejoong said looking at him.

With a smile Yunho pecked on her lips. "Jaejoong, I'll see you later. Bye."

"Bye." Jaejoong said and continued to go to her locker. As she got nearer to her locker, she saw a white envelope; it was stuck right in front of her locker door. She took it, opening it as she glancing inside. She took out the contents and she just got the biggest shock in her life.

Her face instantly went ice cold as blood drained from her cheeks. Her heart stopped. Then suddenly it starts beating again so fast. Jaejoong grasped at her chest in an attempt to control her rapid heartbeat when she saw the photos. Her heart felt like it’s going to burst out of her chest.

Déjà vu.

There are one million thoughts rushing by her, connections forJunsug and breaking in a matter of seconds.

Lee Eunjung.

In a second she was running. She has to find her. She has to talk to Eunjung. She had to find her and saw her in front of her classroom with her friends.

“Eunjung.” Jaejoong called nervously interrupted her from her conversation with Tiffany and Hyoyeon.


“Can we talk? Alone.” Jaejoong said trying to catch her breath. She help up the white envelope to her.

Eunjung at first appeared confused and then a look of realization crossed her features like it dawned on her just what Jaejoong was referring to. Raising her eyebrows, “Oh, sure.” Eunjung replied with a smirk at a corner of .

“I’ll talk to you two later, okay?” Eunjung said to Tiffany and Hyoyeon. She turned to Jaejoong, “So you wanted to talk about something?” Eunjung simply smiles. She knew that will freaking Jaejoong’s out.

From the way her eyes sparkled when she turned to Jaejoong, Jaejoong can’t be wronged that Eunjung was waiting for her, without a doubt.

Jaejoong steadied her breath, “About these photos.” Jaejoong said through her teeth. Jaejoong took out the photos from the envelope and showed it to Eunjung.

“Well maybe if you knew to keep your boyfriend satisfied, other girls wouldn’t have to intervene. You see, it’s really your fault, if anyone’s.” Eunjung told her with her a false sugary sweet tone, patting on her shoulder before leaving.


Eunjung turned to her. "What now?"

"Why are you sending me these photos? What’s the meaning of this?”

"Because I think it's time for you to know."

"To know what?"

"Jaejoong, I know this is hard for you to believe, but just listen okay?” Eunjung waited until she saw Jaejoong slowly nod her head. Eunjung actually expected herself to feel bad about breaking her and Yunho up, but she didn’t. She couldn’t care less. “Yunho is my boyfriend, and I wanted you to know it. That’s why I sent you these photos. Your flirt time with him is over.”

Jaejoong shook her head. "These photos aren't real."

Eunjung stared down at the photos thoughtfully, a psychotic grin playing across her lips. “Jaejoong, those photos… were real. That girl in that photos, all was me." She smiled then added. "And we really had a great time. He's really a great kisser.The rest I don't have to explain in details to you.” She muttered, feeling her cheeks blush from embarrassment about what she revealed.

Jaejoong felt as if all the air had been out of her lungs. She blinked at Eunjung. “Are you insane?!!” She said loudly. She shook her head; did Eunjung expect her to really believe that? “Eunjung, I know, they aren’t real.”

Eunjung rolled her eyes, she was expecting that. “Don’t be fooled.”

“No. This can’t be. This… this does not happen.”

“Sorry to disappoint you but it did happen” Eunjung said, for some reason staring Jaejoong waiting for her reaction.

“No. I don't believe you. They are fake photos.” Jaejoong added.

Eunjung let out a fake sigh. “What a pity.” Eunjung said with a chuckle. "Jaejoong, they aren’t fake. We... Yunho and I are real.”

“I don't believe you. They are fake photos.” Jaejoong added. She was on the edge of crying. Eunjung had to be lying. Yunho wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t betray her like that. “No, that isn’t possible.”

"Jaejoong, trust your eyes.” Eunjung said, eyeing her. “They aren’t fake. You’re so naive.” Eunjung smiled sarcastically, and continued. “I repeat, we... Yunho and I are real. Face it.”

“He wouldn’t do that to me. He isn’t like that.”

“You don’t know the real him, Jaejoong.”

“And you do?”

 “Better than you.”

“Bull!” Jaejoong screamed while tears starting streaJunsug down her face.

“It’s true, Jaejoong. It’s all a game to him. And you’re just his toy.” Eunjung said in a calm voice

“No, he's not  like that. If you believe that, you’re crazy. I have to go.”

Eunjung’s eyes narrowed in annoyance. As Jaejoong turned around and started walking away, she angrily walked up behind Jaejoong and grabbed her wrist. She harshly turned Jaejoong around so she was facing her again.

“I’m not crazy!” Eunjung screamed in Jaejoong’s face. She let go of her grip on Jaejoong’s wrist. “Now do you believe that he's in relationship with you because he just pity at you? It’s up to you if you want to believe or not. Just stay away from Yunho!”

Jaejoong was just about to scream back at her when something clicked in her head.

…but what if she did tell the truth?

Jaejoong's mouth was parted in shock as she watched Eunjung's retreating figure and blinked rapidly trying to understand what she just thought in her Junsud.

‘What if she did tell the truth?'



Thank you for reading.^^ BIG thanks to those who keeps upvoting this story even though the update is getting slower now.

** I feel this chapter is very weak. I'm sorry. I should have done it better. Yup, editing/rewriting will be done later.  But still, I hope this chapter is long enough to satify your reading pleasure until the next update to be ready. I can assure you guys that I didn't know when. \o/ I love writing this story the most amongst my other stories but the time is very limited for me to be spent for writing now.

Till then. Keep smiling.^♡^






Chapter 28


Seeing the half- Yunho in the photos in the arms of Lee Eunjung ripped apart her heart. Her Kim Jongin. Her childhood friend. Her boyfriend. Her Yunho.

Her heart started beating faster in her chest. 'My Yunho?'  It took her a while to think. 'Was he even my Yunho?'

Jaejoong felt sick. She felt disgusted. She felt broken, she felt hurt.

She felt no pain but knew she felt like dying. She has no words would come to her to describe how she was feeling. Suddenly, she felt the whole school became quite. Like she was alone in an abandoned school building. No voices of laughing, talking, running,

She only heard one voice, Eunjung's. 'He just pity at you. You're just his toy', repeating over and over in her head. Walking slowly she saw a solitary figure was coJunsug towards her from the other end of the long corridor. But as soon as he noticed her, he tried to turn away.

Jaejoong ran to him. "ChangJunsu, wait!"

He stopped and turned to Jaejoong. A curious emotion stirred in his heart. "Hi Jaejoong."

"Where were you and Yunho the night before yesterday?" Jaejoong shot the question straight away.

ChangJunsu blinked twice. "I thought Yunho already told you. We were at Suho's birthday party." ChangJunsu was careful to keep his voice neutral and his sentence short. He managed to keep somewhat of a straight face, but his heart was slamJunsug against his ribs and his pulse was dangerously high. He had the urge to wipe the drop of sweat running down his forehead, but he resisted, knowing Jaejoong would deduce something about it. He wasn’t exactly in the mood to feel even more mortified.

After a long period of silence between the two, Jaejoong shook her head ever so slightly, cocking it to the side and narrowing her eyes a bit. "Did Yunho asked you to tell a lie?"

"What are you talking about, Jaejoong?" ChangJunsu had certainly turned very pale. He would be lying if he said his knees weren't knocking and his heart wasn't thundering in his chest. He made sure not to look in Jaejoong’s darkened eyes for more than a second at a time.

"You know what I'm talking about." Her tone full of implication. "Yunho was with Eunjung, isn't it?" Jaejoong stared at ChangJunsu, and continued. "In a hotel room."

ChangJunsu stared at Jaejoong, his eyes wide with fear. "How... how did you know?" He had absolutely no clue as to what had happened to his best friend. Hotel room. Yes. With Lee Eunjung? No, he didn't know about that.

"So, it's true."

"What is true?" He asked back.

Jaejoong held up the photos to ChangJunsu. He took the photos from her hand.

“What the hell." He muttered. He looked at Jaejoong. "Jaejoong, there's nothing true about it. Listen to me first."

"So, you meant to say that these photos, aren't true? Or you want to take back your words now?"

'What the f!*k! She took photos?'

"ChangJunsu, stop pretending. Tell me the truth now." Her eyes rimmed with tears.

"The truth is... I didn't know about these photos."

"Fine, now tell me about Yunho and Eunjung."

"There's nothing to tell about Yunho and Eunjung! Yunho only loves you. This I'm telling the truth."

"You think I would believe what you're saying now? After all these lies you've been telling me?"

"Jaejoong, I didn't telling you lies. I never tell you lies." He rubbed the back of his neck as if he's having a neck cramp. "I.. I dind't know how you get these photos but that wasn't Yunho. I know Kim Jongn wouldn't do anything like that!"

"So who is this boy in these photos!?" Jaejoong screamed. Her tears started flowing down her cheeks.

There was no point in lying, so ChangJunsu didn't. "It's Yunho. Jaejoong, I... god…” ChangJunsu whispered, barely audible. He almost staggered, his head feeling dizzy. 

Jaejoong wiped the tears on her cheeks. "Thank you ChangJunsu for keep telling that you're my friend. But you're actually his friend." She turned her face to the side and took a step back. Her tears began to pour again as she started ran down the hallway.

"Jaejoong, wait!"

Jaejoong just ran.

"Hey, what happened to Jaejoong?" A voice was heard from behind his back.

ChangJunsu turned and met with Junsu. "Junsu. It's Yunho."

"What happent to Yunho?"

"He's in trouble. Big trouble."

"You sounded so serious, ChangJunsu." Junsu shot him a skepticsaid with curious eyes.

"It is very serious, more than you can imagine." 

"Tell me about it. And I want to know all."

ChangJunsu sighed. "Okay. "




Keeping herself calm, pretending like nothing happened until school hours ended was a nightmare for Jaejoong. When Junsu tried to approach her, Jaejoong immediately said, "I have nothing to tell you. Not Now. Not today."

Now she understood about all the faces that were looking or staring at her. The whispering voices she've been heard behind her back. Jaejoong understood them too well now.

She didn't wait for Yunho after school. In fact, she didn't see him at all again. And she didn't see Eunjung, too. 'Were they skip school and together now?' She couldn't care less anymore. She took a cab and went straight home.

Jaejoong entered her house with huge sigh. Walking up the steps she went into her room flopping herself on the bed. For a while she was thinking, then she couldn't think anymore. Jaejoong slid down her bed and walked to study desk where she placed her school bag. She looked through her bag until she found what she was looking for. In her hand were the photos. The photos that crushed her heart and soul. The photos of Yunho and Eunjung together on the hotel bed. 

Her eyes were filled with tears, and she was trying really hard to hold them. 

She kept repeating Eunjung's words in her head. Word after word. Thousand times. She didn’t know what to think. She was numb. She was lost, yet again.

'You don’t know the real him, Jaejoong.'

'It’s all a game to him. And you’re just his toy.'

Jaejoong thought about Yunho, about the times they spent together, about the things he has said to her. His sweet comforting words. His gentle touch.

'What if Eunjung did tell the truth?'

Jaejoong was confused. Jaejoong was angry. Jaejoong was sad.


"Jaejoong, I've been knocking for so long. What are you doing?" It's Luhan's voice behind her.

Startled, Jaejoong secretly wiped her tears and turned to him. Her face smiled the best it knew how but her eyes didn’t play along. "What are you dong here? How did you get in?"

"Hey, I was passing this area so I thought to drop by and ask you out for some ice cream. And you didn't lock the front door."

"Oh I must've forgot to lock it when I came in."

"Don't let it happen again. Anyway, the ice-cream, want to go?" 

 "Yeah, sure. Give me a Junsuute. I need to use the bathroom first."

"Sure." Luhan replied.

Jaejoong realised that the photos was still in her hand.  Jaejoong quickly hid the photo under one of her book on the desk and hurried to her bathroom.

Luhan sensed something was wrong with Jaejoong. 'Is she crying?' His gaze flicked down at the book on her desk. He walked to her desk and saw a photos that was partially covered by a book. With downcast eyes, he slowly pulled out the photos from underneath her book.

"Bastard." He muttered viciously under his breath.

When Jaejoong came out of the bathroom, she had a shock in her life seeing Luhan was staring at the photos. 

"Luhan, what are you doing? How did you..."

"Jaejoong, what is this?" Luhan cut her mid-sentence.


"Is this the reason why you were crying just now?"

"Give it back to me."

"Answer me first. You were crying because of this?"

"Does it matter to you?"

“What kind of question is that? Of course you always matter to me, Jaejoong. You have always mattered to me since we were little. And you're crying for this son of a ?" Luhan's eyebrows furrowed in anger.

Jaejoong looked at him; his eyes were pitch black, full with anger and disappointed. "Luhan, I..." She couldn’t take it anymore and was on the verge of tears. Luhan saw the glassy look in her eyes and he quickly pulled her into his arms to give her a hug.

"I loved him so much. I can't believe he would do this to me." Jaejoong cried.

Luhan gently rubbed her back as she quietly sobbed onto his chest. "Shhh... Jaejoong, don't cry. You are too pretty to cry and I hate to see you cry for this.” He whispered to her when she calmed down enough to listen to him. Just seeing her distraught was killing him on the inside.

"I'm such a fool." Jaejoong said. Her vioce sounded fragile.

"Jaejoong, look at me." Luhan cupped her face and their eyes met. "Stop crying." He wiped the tears on her cheecks with his thumbs. "You're not a fool." He her hair and kissed the top of her head, then added, "He is."

'I don't want you to cry because of him in front of me.'



Thank you for reading, subscribing & commenting & voting!^^


Chapter 29


This chapter contains a lot of cursing words. Don't read if that will make you feel uncomfortable.



After Luhan left, Jaejoong started to pace in her room. She couldn’t bear the thought of what Yunho did to her. She wanted to punch something, and all that's handy was her pillow. So she started punching her pillow, tears falling off her cheeks and splashing onto her fists. She can hear herself cry, and it sounds pathetic. She took a long breath and exhaled slowly to calm herself. 

Sitting on her bed, her eyes glued at her cell phone on sitting on her dresser and sighed. She had to talk to him; as fast as possible. Staring at her cell phone, her stomach in knots at the thought of the call she was about to make. Instead, she decided to send him a text message. Her hands were shaking as she typed the text.


To Yunho:

'We need to talk. Meet me at the park near the bookstore in one hour.'


Jaejoong sent the text message with trembling hands. She lifted a trembling hand to , feeling the contents of her stomach churning.

Few Junsuutes passed before she received his reply.


From Yunho:



One hour alone in her head with too many thoughts to contain. Jaejoong was restless. One hour arrived. After she was ready, Jaejoong gathered the last of her strength before she walked out of her door. When she arrived at the park, she saw Yunho over there sitting on a swing. She drew her breath as she quietly began to approach him.


Her voice made him look up from the ground and he smiled as he saw his girlfriend, Jaejoong’s pretty face.  "Hi Jaejoong."

Jaejoong watched him. "Yunho, you look pale. You looked like you haven't sleep at all for the past two days."


"After Suho's party, did you get any sleep?" 

"Err...I... no. I came back late actually so I went straight to school."  Yunho looked away, he couldn't meet her gaze.

Jaejoong knew when Yunho was lying, she knew it straight away. He would begin to stutter, his gaze would not meet her.

"Were you?"

"What?" Yunho had a hard time meeting Jaejoong’s gaze, his chest rising and falling with the adrenaline of movement.

“You really not telling me, isn’t it?" Jaejoong sighed. "Yunho…look at me."

Yunho stood up and reached for Jaejoong’s hand, this time taking it in him and not letting go when she tried to pull away. Her fingers felt stiff in his, when they used to fit so perfectly between his own. "Jaejoong, listen..."

Jaejoong pulled her hand away from his. “Answer me this.” She said through her clenched teeth. “Where did you really go last two nights, Yunho? Or, do I even need to ask?”

Her question hung heavy in the air between them. Yunho didn’t like where the conversation was heading.

”Jaejoong, I went to Suho’s party with ChangJunsu. You already knew about it.”

"Yunho, we really have an issue here."

Yunho stared at her. Million thoughts came into his Junsud but he just didn't know how to reply to her.

"The truth is Yunho..." Jaejoong closed her eyes, took a long breath and exhaled. When she opened her eyes, "I already knew where you were and who you with before I asked you.” Jaejoong revealed. "I just wondered whether you would volunteer the information yourself. But, you didn’t! You’re still hiding things from me. I can’t believe you lied to me, Yunho!”

Yunho was speechless. He turned paler. He felt his stomach flipping. Jaejoong’s eyes were cutting through him now, and he finally recognised the emotions he had seen flickering deep within them earlier. Fury. Jaejoong was furious, and it was all directed to him.

“When were you planning to tell me, Yunho?” She raised her eyebrows at him.

“T-tell you w-what?” He stuttered nervously.

“About you and Eunjung.”

Yunho eyes widened out of shock. 'How did she find out?'  "What are you talking about? I was there with ChangJunsu."

“KIM JONGIN DONT WITH ME! ENOUGH OF THIS .” Jaejoong shouted loudly. Yunho shut his eyes. After taking a moment to compose herself, she moved closer to him so that she was just inches away, Jaejoong started to speak again, her tone noticeably calmer but still with the same anger bubbling underneath . “Now… you will tell me the entire truth… And you will not hide a single thing from me… Do you understand?”

He stood quietly for a moment before taking a deep breath and running a hand through his hair. "Something happened." He was now staring at his shoes and he was afraid to look up.

"Look at me Yunho when I'm talking to you." Yunho lifted his head and met her gaze. His eyes became hard and dark. "Do you want to tell me about it?" Jaejoong asked.

Yunho tried to reach for her hand but Jaejoong refused. He sighed, “I…something…” He couldn't continue so he just stopped at there.

"Fine. You're still not talking. Do you want to know how I found out you were not at Suho’s party?” Her voice rose, her eyes glinted angrily and her tone sent shivers through him. She put her hands into the pocket of her jacket and took out the photos. “You want to tell me about this?” Jaejoong showed the photos to him.

Horror washed over him as he saw the photos in Jaejoong's hand. He tried to grab the photos from her but Jaejoong quickly kept it back in her jacket. He stared at Jaejoong, desperately trying to make words come from his mouth but they were stuck in his throat. "I...I..." He didn't know how to answer. He watched in surprise as Jaejoong gritted her teeth, her hands in fists beside her, eyes blood-shot from the anger that consumed throughout of her. Yunho could see the disappointment in her stare.

For a moment there, Yunho didn't recognize the person in front of him. "How... how did you get those photos?"

Jaejoong let out a breath of frustation. "Obviously from Eunjung. She was kind enough to tell me who you are when you're still lying to my face."

'That witch.' Yunho cursed under his breath. "Jaejoong, listen to me. It was a set up."

Jaejoong was about to shout back at him, but stopped herself when she looked into Yunho’s eyes. She saw anger and frustration, but most of all she saw fear. Fear was an emotion that Kim Jongin very rarely expressed.

She wasn’t sure whether to cry or to laugh. "A set up? A set up that you yourself walked into the room with her?"

"I swear I didn't know what happened and how I.. I end up in that room. But I swear, nothing happened." Yunho was that hopeless.

Jaejoong looked at Yunho. "That was why you refused to bring me to the party with you. Because you have other plan after the party." Her voice, soft, sounded sad. 

"That's not true, Jaejoong."

Jaejoong shook her head slowly, her calm composure returning. "It doesn't matter to me anymore, Yunho." She stared at him.  What I can’t accept is that you made a conscious decision to lie to me, Yunho. That alone, the fact that you lied, makes me doubt everything else you say.” Her frustration with him was clear. “I don’t know what to believe more. You said the right words, telling me you love me, but now… all I know I was nothing to you. I’m just your neighborhood friend you’re toying with.”

Yunho could see she was making a visible effort to calm down before things got any further out of control. "God no. That's not true, Jaejoong."

"Why, Yunho?"

Yunho could hear the barely-suppressed anger quavering in her voice. But he could not able to say a word to Jaejoong.

Jaejoong took a deep breath looking at Yunho. "I guess I know the answer.” There was a brief silence. Jaejoong's heart shattered into a million pieces. Jaejoong at this point was crying. She was shaking her head in disbelief, opening and closing as if she wanted to say something but just couldn’t. After a Junsuute of just shaking, Jaejoong spoke again, "Damn it! What are you, Yunho!!? What am I to you!?" The shock was gone and anger was beginning to build up in her voice and she was shouting now. Tears were beginning to fall down Jaejoong's face as she watched him.

"Jaejoong, I'm sorry." With shaking hand Yunho tried to reach Jaejoong's hand.

"Don't you ing touch me, Yunho." Jaejoong said without looking at him. 

Jaejoong's words cutting through Yunho's heart like a knife. He felt the tears rise in his eyes. This was not his 'Jaejoong' that he knew.  "I'm sorry."

"Why are you saying sorry for? For making me a fool? Is that what you mean?! You cheated on me! Why the Yunho? Why the would you ruin this? I ing loved you!  And I thought you ing loved me too, but then you just go and ing did this! I don’t know what the to think anymore!” Jaejoong exploded.

"Jaejoong, that's not what happened. Please listen to me first." Yunho said, taking a step towards her. "You need to listen to me and trust me in this."

Jaejoong said nothing, but just stared at him. She started crying again. She didn't want to let him go but could she trust him again? Trust is the foundation of every relationship, but with that broken, she did not think that this relationship survive.

"I don't do things like that. You knew me better. Please trust me." He was begging. He took another step to her.

"Yunho.. I can’t. Don’t come any closer." She said, fighting back her tears.

"Jaejoong, I don’t know what I can do to make you believe me enough. We've been together since birth, we grew up together  and you know me better than anyone. You have to understand that it wasn’t me. I won't do that kind of things. I’m sorry that it happened."

"I hate you, Kim Jongin." Jaejoong said through her gritted teeth.

Yunho froze, his eyes widening. Something in those words terrified him beyond all reason. Once again he felt his world shift. The array of emotions that flooded him was so powerful and numerous that outwardly he looked like he hadn't heard Jaejoong's words at all. He tried to grab her hand, she moved back, but keeping her eyes on his.

"We're over Yunho. Maybe we just should be only friends from the beginning."

He couldn't control himself any longer, tears started to well in his eyes, and drip down his cheeks. "I can't do that Jaejoong." The thought of losing her was almost too much to take.

He was broken, just like her.

"You don't have a choice, Yunho. Not anymore." Jaejoong said and started running.




Luhan looked at his watch. It showed six twenty in the evening. He was worried about Jaejoong. He didn’t want to think about it but he couldn’t help himself.

Luhan realized that he was also falling for her. He could feel his heart beat faster and faster whenever he thought about her. Every time he closed his eyes he saw Jaejoong's face in front of him. Her perfect smile, her warm eyes and her long black hair. He wanted to touch her again; he wanted to have her by his side all the time. Though it wasn’t just the passion that’d left Luhan delirious, but it was everything about her. She was so damn beautiful even when she was crying. Her soft arms that wrapped around him were heaven. He tried to track his brain for an adjective that could describe the bliss that came from Jaejoong’s hug, but it appeared he couldn’t describe the feeling in words. It was everything Luhan had fantasized about and more.

Not that he’s happy when Yunho cheated on Jaejoong but…

’I’m sorry Kim Jongin. This time Jaejoong is Junsue.’

He walked out from his room and noticed his dad sitting on the couch. "Dad, I'm going out for a while. I'm going to Jaejoong's house."

His dad looked up at him. "But I thought you just came back from there?"

Luhan grinned. "See you dad." He said grabbing the car key.

"What's with him?" His dad asked, looking at his wife.

"You son is in love. That's why." 

He looked up at his wife, giving a small smirk.

Fifteen Junsuutes' drive and Luhan already in front of Jaejoong's house. Mrs Kim was in front of her house, watering her plants smiled when she saw Luhan.

"Aunty, is Jaejoong home?"

"Oh hi Luhan, she said she wanted to take a walk to the bookstore at nearby corner with Yunho."  Mrs Kim said, pointing to the direction.

"Thanks, aunty. I'm going there."

Luhan drove his car slowly passing the bookstore but he didn't see Jaejoong nor Yunho. His chest was tight as his eyes scanned the area.

'Damn. I should have not left her alone at time like this. I should have stayed with her.' 

He rounded the corner and from his rear-view mirror he saw Jaejoong was running and past him in the car. He slammed on the brake, bolted out from his car and ran to her.



Thank you for reading, subscribing & commenting & voting!^^

Basically, the trailer in the foreword tells everything about this story.^^

Forgive me for the mistakes ne.... it will be edited later.

Till then, SMILES!!


Chapter 30



Luhan was chasing her.

Jaejoong heard Luhan called her name but she just ran as fast as she could.  She hoped that Luhan did not try to follow her. She didn’t care what happen to her when she bumping to the other person. She just wants to get away from Yunho. From everybody. She kept running before ducking behind an alley at the back row of shops. She tried to gain her breath. Then she slumped down, her back against the wall and she hugged her knees up to her chest. She was crying silently.

"Jaejoong!" Luhan called, worry began to run through him as he made his way to her when he spotted her. Standing in front of her trying to catch his breath. "Jaejoong?" Luhan asked gently. "Jaejoong look at me."

Slowly Jaejoong looked up. Luhan offered his hands to help her to stand. Grunting slightly, he hauled Jaejoong to her feet , but Jaejoong was still looking away from him. Her hair were all over her face.

"Look at me." Luhan said in a, now, a serious voice. He pushed her hair out of her face and tucked the hair behind her ear. "Look at me." He whispered softly tugging her chin to look at him.

"Are you all right?" He asked. He gently caressed her cheeks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied, embarrassed at how her voice cracked.

He noticed her rimmed eyes, quickly he pulled her into his arms  and she was letting him put his arm around her.  "You're lying."  Luhan whispered. The whole situation that had gotten them there was unbelievably ed up, but this one tiny part of it? Was actually pretty okay. Luhan thought.

After a moment, Jaejoong tried to free herself from him but Luhan wrapped his arms tighter and held her tightly against him and she cried silently onto his chest. "I'm so stupid, Luhan. I trusted him."

“Shhh,” he said, low and soft, rubbing her arm gently. “Shhh, Jaejoong. Don’t cry, okay?  It's going to be okay. But I hate to see you cry.”

"No. It's not okay. I didn't know how to fix this." Jaejoong said between her sobs.

Luhan cupped her face and made her look up at him. "Not everything can be fixed, Jaejoong. Sometimes when a relationship is over, it's just over." Luhan talked calmly and softly and with a soothing cadence. He stared deep in Jaejoong's eyes. "It's over." His voice was barely audible, but the words resonate deep within her.

Jaejoong looked at Luhan, her eyes softening on his gaze. Her head was a blur, she didn’t know what to think at that point. She was so upset. She wanted to yell at him and scream and just leave, but there was something about him that she never understood. She was extremely frustrated and lost. She opened to speak, but no words came out. Instead, she felt fresh tears falling from her eyes. She wrinkled her expression as she began to cry.

"Luhan, help me. I don’t know what to do. I’m going crazy."

Luhan arms engulfed her into a tight hug. Jaejoong buried her head onto his chest, crying into his shirt. Luhan simply held her in his arms, his chin rested on top of her head. "It's okay, Jaejoong. It's okay," he soothed, running his hand behind her back, trying to rub out the pain she was obviously suffering.

He could feel her shoulders shaking, feel her breath shuddering in and out, and he had to do something, something to try and comfort her beyond just being a literal shoulder to cry on. To make her forget.

"Jaejoong, you have me." He loosen the hug and put his fingers under Jaejoong's chin, tilted her head up. "You have me. If you let me, I’ll make you forget." Luhan whispered at Jaejoong's ear. He knew it's deeply unfair and selfish of him to yearn for those things, but he can't stop the desire that engulfed, to have her solely for himself. Only him. 

Jaejoong's eyes opened wide when she felt Luhan's lips on hers.

At nearby corner, Yunho was shocked, his eyes widened and his breath caught in his throat at the sight before him. His body went rigid upon witnessing the unexpected scene. His heart shattered into a million pieces. He felt dead. His knees started to buckle and he quickly leaned against the wall to hold him steady. He tried to walk away, he found himself rapping his knuckles a tad too hard against the wall. What he saw would forever be seared inside his brain, and not in a good way.




Luhan drove Jaejoong home and when they reached her house, it's almost seven thirty at night. The scent of her umma’s roast chicken filled the house and the tempting aroma was sure a sign that the meal was almost ready for dinner.

Mrs Kim came out from the kitchen when she heard footsteps. “Jaejoong you're home?" Her smiles got wider when she saw the unexpected guest. " Oh...Luhan, you’re here. We’re having dinner shortly and you’re invited. I’m almost done with cooking.”

“I’s okay aunty. I should be going now. Mum and dad must be waiting for me now.”

“Just call and tell that you’re having dinner here.” She turned to Jaejoong. “Jaejoong, maybe you should get change first and come down for dinner. Your appa will be home shortly.”

"Okay umma.” Jaejoong said not knowing what else what to say and quickly steps the stairs.

Mrs Kim expression turned to confusion when she turned to Luhan.  “Is she been crying? Hmmm… She must have a fight with Yunho again. These two kids… aish…” She shook her head. “Never Junsud, they’re always like that. Tomorrow they will be okay again like nothing ever happen. They’re inseparable. You don’t have to worry, Luhan. It’s normal for them to fight.”

Luhan smirked scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, sure." ‘Not anymore, aunty.’

"While waiting for Jaejoong to come down, umm.. why not you came to the kitchen and help me with setting up the table. I could use some help here." Mrs Kim said with a smile.

"Sure. I could do that."

When Jaejoong came down, Luhan was helping her umma putting plates on the table. Luhan looked up to see Jaejoong staring at him and he smiled. “Dinner is ready.” He said.

Jaejoong tried to smile back but it stuck on her face creating an odd painful expression.

“I’m home.” Suddenly Mr Kim’s voie was heard at the front door. “Oh you’re here Luhan. Good let’s have dinner together, and I mean now because I'm so hungry.”

Mr Kim took his seat at the head of the dining table. Jaejoong sat beside her umma as Luhan sat across from them. "By the way, where's Yunho?" He looked at Jaejoong. "You didn't ask him to join for this dinner?"

Jaejoong felt her stomach roll at her appa's last question. "I think he's not back home yet. He's been busy lately."

"Oh really?" He turned to Luhan. "Well Luhan, we haven't talk much before this, I'm glad to have this chance over dinner. So how was school over there?"

Nibbling on her salad, she listened while Luhan happily fielded questions from her appa about school, his life in The States and the two men seeJunsugly agreed on a few sport teams. And Mr Kim expression clearly shown surprise that Luhan, too, was good in basketball.

Jaejoong turned her head slightly and forcing a smile, she said, "You never know what else he is good at, appa."

Throughout dinner Jaejoong felt Luhan's eyes on her. She would occasionally look up and met Luhan’s eyes and she would in return cast him a smile. She attempted to eat her dinner, but she didn't have much of an appetite. Luhan noticed this and cast a worried look in her direction, to which she attempted a smile. 

After dinner was over and the dishes cleared, Luhan excused himself to go back. Jaejoong walked him to his car.

“See you tomorrow bright and early.” Luhan said while opening his car door.

“Okay.” Jaejoong replied but refuse to look at him in the eyes.

"Jaejoong, look at me," Luhan said. She slowly tilted her head upwards to look into Luhan's eyes. "I know you're sad. This was the worse day for you, but you have to let it go.” Luhan said encouragingly.

Jaejoong attempted a weak smile, but it didn't fool Luhan. "It's just that I… I was hoping the photos were fake but it didn’t and I was beginning to think that... " Jaejoong rambled on, her voice beginning to crack.

"I know, I know," Luhan replied soothingly before wrapping his arms around her shoulder, "but it's not the end of the world. You’re smart, beautiful; boys will be lining up to date you including me."

Jaejoong knew that Luhan was just trying to make her feel better, but she didn't want to feel better.  She slowly pulled back from Luhan and looked into his eyes. "Thank you for being here with me. I didn’t know what I would do without you.”

“You know I will always be here for you when you needed me.”

"You don't even seem disappointed," Jaejoong said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Luhan noticed that immediately and replied, "Jaejoong, that's not true, I am disappointed. Why would you even say something like that?"

Jaejoong immediately felt guilty for having said that to Luhan but she secretly wondered if Luhan really wasn't disappointed now that Yunho cheated on her. "Oh, never Junsud, it doesn't matter anyway," she said defeatedly.

"Jaejoong, it does matter, what you think and feel does matter to me. You know that," Luhan stated emphatically. “Well, sleep tight.”

Jaejoong just nodded and was about to turned when Luhan said, "Jaejoong, I'm not sorry about the kiss, and I don't regret it. Not in million years."

Jaejoong was still a moment before looking up at Luhan. She tried to read the emotions that crossed his face, but what she saw alarmed her.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "I think we should… ahh… I should go."

“Good night Luhan. Drive carefully."

"I'll fetch you for school tomorrow."

After thinking for a while, Jaejoong answered, "Okay."




Luhan was smiling while driving out from Jaejoong's driveway to the main road remembering the kiss he stole from her. The most amazing thing about the moment was not that it didn’t feel weird (though that was pretty amazing), but that she didn’t stop him. That was something unplanned actually. Even a short one but it was good enough to make him fly to the seventh sky. 

The street lights were bright enough for Luhan to recognize the figure sitting on a bench at the bus stop. His face lost its smile as he thought about what he did to Jaejoong. He stopped his car by the road side and walked to him.

Hands in his pocket, he stood in front of Yunho. "Yunho, I need to talk to you."

Yunho looked him up and down and said, “I have nothing to talk with you."

"But I do.  I already knew it. I’m very disappointed, Yunho, I didn’t know you were this kind of person"

Yunho stood up. "Luhan, what are you talking about? Stop this nonsense and come to point."

"You think I didn't know? You think you can go around and sleep with any girl behind Jaejoong?"

Yunho’s expression answered his question; it said ‘How did you find out?’ 

"Jaejoong is my cousin, you bastard. How could you cheated on her! You and that girl can go to hell.” Luhan screamed. He lost his control and threw a punch to the side on Yunho’s face.

Yunho staggered to his feet swaying a little, nearing lost his balance. He his lips and then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He looked Luhan directly and serious in the eyes. "“Luhan I think you need to calm down. You're going overboard. You don't know anything so stay out of this. I don’t want to fight with you." Yunho said, spitting blood from his mouth.

“I don’t want to fight with you? Why? Got scared? I knew Kim Jongin is coward but this much that I didn’t know." Luhan took out a photo from his pocket and showed to Yunho. “This is disgusting.”

“Luhan, look, it’s not like what you think. I didn....”

"Tell me what I should think." Luhan cut him mid-sentence. "I promise that you will not get near to her again." 

Yunho marched to him and grabbed him by his collar, pinned him up against the wall by his neck. "I love her and I swear I'll never let go of her."

 Luhan looked deep in his eyes. “Your time is up.” He pushed Yunho by his shoulder freeing his arm on his neck.

“Luhan, please listen to me. Nothing happen, okay!"

" want me to believe, that... after seeing your photo with another girI on a bed in a hotel room, nothing happen? I believe what my eyes saw, Kim Jongin.”

"Your eyes didn't see the truth. It's not something I meant to do!”

"And what truth is that?!"

"I didn't know why I was there. I don't remember any of it."

"Shut the up!" Luhan pointed his forefinger to Yunho. "You expect me to believe that? You're so low, Kim Jongin." He paused before added. “You broke her trust. Her heart. She told me that she love you so much that I not need to worry about you. She trusted you. You damnit!”

Yunho looked so lost. So miserable. He ran both hands through his hair.

Luhan stared at him furiously. “She was so happy and lively when she talked about you.” He took a deep breath, "Not only you hurt her heart, you also humiliated her with your wrong doing when everybody knew her as your girlfriend. She doesn't deserve you, Kim Jongin." 

Yunho looked up at him and gave him an inquiring look. "And she deserves you? That's why you kissed her?!" Yunho shouted, growing red in the face.

Luhan smirked. "It was good that you saw us." He was giving Yunho a stare as he inches closer to Yunho. "I won't treat her like you did. Stay away from her. Don’t even dare to utter Jaejoong’s name in your dirty mouth again and I mean it." Luhan set his final words looking directly into his eyes.

In no time Yunho’s facial expression changed.



Thank you for reading, subscribing & commenting & voting!^^

A/N: The storyplot has gone far beyond my intended planned for this story. Nevertheless, author-nim hoped you guys still wanting to read more of this story.

Chapter 31


 ‘Do you remember the story of our first kiss?’

 Yunho remember he asked Jaejoong.

‘We were each other's. We were like eight.’ Jaejoong answered. 'You asked what was the kiss taste like and I asked me to kiss me.'

'You tasted like ice-cream.'

'That's because at that time we were eating ice-cream.'

Flashbacks started to pop into his Junsud. Images of her bright smile, her glowing eyes…

“You were my first kiss, Jaejoong. And I never kiss anyone else besides you.” Yunho muttered.

He has never been able to picture himselkissing someone elseAnd he would never imagine how other boys would kiss Jaejoong. He couldn’t imagine ever finding anyone who loved her like he did. But today, he witnessed the kiss between Jaejoong and Luhan. Watching them kissing before his own eyes… it was eating him up and on the inside. Suddenly he was numb all over and the feeling, for once, was real.

What the hell, what the hell, what the hell. She's…   is she? Yunho swallowed.

Is she . . . ?

Yunho clamped the thought down hard. He let go of a breath he seemed to be holding. She’s angry and he can’t blame her. She was hurt, and he knows that this was entirely his fault. 

He was at fault that Luhan had a chance to kiss Jaejoong. He’s the one who’s created the hole for Luhan to slip in into Jaejoong’s broken heart. If not because of Eunjung….

Damn you Lee Eunjung!!

The world had drained Kim Jongin today. Actually, the past few days had been hard. He has been standing by his window for the longest time staring across the yard. He was frustrated when he saw no sign of movement in her room.

He had to physically restrain himself from knocking on Kim’s front door. It wasn’t unusual, nor particularly strange that Yunho want to see Jaejoong during night, he always stayed up in her room until midnight doing their homework, but he felt rather embarrassed about whole thing even he knew her parents doesn’t know anything yet.


He picked up his phone and dialed her number. He drummed his fingers on his study desk as he held the phone to his ear. He listened to it ring twice, three times, then her voicemail. He didn’t leave a message this time, just simply pressed End and put the phone on his desk. He didn’t remember how many times already he sent text messages to her but got no reply from her. His thumb and forefinger squeezed the bridge of his nose. He reached for his phone and dialed her number one last time. Again, he got her voicemail, this time leaving a message, “Jaejoong, I need to talk to you, I need to hear your voice. You don’t have to see me but please call me. I need to know that you’re okay.”

He looked at the wall clock; it showed almost nine o’clock at night. He decided to take a hot shower and after fifteen Junsuutes, he emerged from the shower, wrapping the towel around his waist. He checked on his cellphone hoping to see a reply from Jaejoong but there’s none. He collapsed onto his bed and stared up at the ceiling.

There's a knock on his door, lazily he walked up to the door and opened it, and his umma was standing there.

"Yunho, get dress and come with umma now. Appa's poor car doesn’t want to start. Must be the battery. Let's go for a rescue." She chuckled.

Yunho laugh a little. "Okay let's go then. Give me five and I meet you downstairs."

"Uh… by the way, what happen to your lips?" She asked while giving him a worried look.

Yunho put up a hand to his lips. "Uh... I got hit by a ball while playing basketball at school."

His umma just smile at him. "Let's go now then later we’ll stop by at our favorite tteokbokki shop."




Few hours later Yunho was back in his room and for some reason, he didn't feel tired at all. The ticking of the clock sounded in his room. Standing by his bedroom window, he stared at Jaejoong's room, wondering if she still awake.

 ‘Stay away from her. Don’t even dare to utter Jaejoong’s name in your dirty mouth again.’

Yunho found himself bitterly and pathetically jealous to Luhan. His heart was instantly pounding. He closed his eyes and tried to squash the anger rising in him. He clenched his teeth and emitted a sound akin to both a growl and a groan.

Oh with everything.




Jaejoong was lying in her bed, her arms crossed over her stomach. Staring up at the ceiling, she breathed deeply, trying not to think about everything that had happened… everything that was going to happen now that it was all over.

She sighed, "What is happening to me?"


‘Jaejoong, you have me.”  Luhan whispered at her right ear. ‘If you let me, I’ll make you forget.’

Tenderly, Luhan raised his hand to her chin and lifted it, then lowered his head and placed a soft kiss on her lips. He pulled back after just a moment and gazed into her eyes. She watched him, frozen, as his lips captured hers again.

His lips forced hers open, and she could feel his hot breath in . Her brain was disconnected from her body, and she closed her eyes as she was kissing him back.

‘I love you, Jaejoong.’ Yunho words echoed in her Junsud.

Jaejoong eyes shot open and she put her hands on his chest and pushed him lightly. "Luhan, s…stop."

Luhan gave a happy sigh when he pulled his lips away from hers. "You're sweet." Stunning Jaejoong into silence as he shook his head. "I didn't know what's gotten into me but I know that I always wanted to kiss you."

Jaejoong didn’t know how to respond. There was a question she tried not to ask because she knew there was an answer. She just stared at him. He was more of a grown-up then she’d ever given him credit for. "I'm sorry Luhan. I can't do this. You're my cousin."

Staring deeply in her eyes, a comforting smile appearing on his face. "Jaejoong listen..."

The air was freezing against her face. "I want to go home."


Jaejoong still couldn't stop thinking about what had happen today. The day she found out Yunho was cheating on her, she let Luhan kissed her.


For revenge?

Was she?

She touched her lips furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She threw her head back, letting out a loud noise of frustration. “Am I now becoJunsug one of the s like Eunjung is?” She bit her lower lip. 

Her feeling was horrible. She let out a deep sigh. She turned off the room lights and closed her eyes. She kept turning and tossing in her bed. As much as she willed herself to sleep, sleep would not come.

She longed for the simple times, for the days before everything went wrong. She tried to fight it with all she had, but some days it was just too hard. She was still so much awake when she heard light knocking on her balcony door. She her bedside lamp and went to the door.




The clock on the wall is ticking softly. The rest of the room is completely silent.

Yunho was pacing inside his room like an insane person. When he arrived back home after fetched his appa and dinner, he saw Jaejoong's room already dark. He needs to see her. He figured at this late hour she’d be sleeping or at least in her room.

The next thing he knew he was quietly climbed the drain pipe up to her balcony, careful not to make any noise. Once he got onto the platform, outside of her door, Yunho stood, his hands shoved deep in his pockets. He’d been standing there for the last five Junsuutes trying to build up the courage to knock. He had no idea why it was suddenly so difficult, why he was suddenly so nervous. Running a hand through his hair he reached out and knocked twice.

There was no response.

He lightly knocked again on the glass door for times before the room was dimply lightened and that beautiful face came into view. Even though the lighting isn’t that great, the sight relaxed him a bit.  She wasn’t shocked to see him there. She just stood there and still.

“Please. Open. The.  Door.”  Jaejoong reads his lips movement.

Jaejoong unlocked and opened the glass door slightly. “What were you thinking?” She crossed her arms, looking unimpressed.

Yunho looked at her with those black eyes that could burn her soul down. Clearing his throat, he his lips before answering. “You.” Jaejoong shivered slightly after hearing his voice but didn’t let him see that. She wasn’t going to give to him this time.

Yunho pushed the door wider, carefully, not wanting to upset Jaejoong to the point she would regret letting him in and closed the door behind him.

“What do you want, Yunho?” Jaejoong said coldly and hurt.

“Does it matter what I want? I’m came here for you.” He said as he held her hand tightly. They were cold like never before.

Jaejoong pulled her hands away. “For what exactly?”

He didn’t answer question, instead, “You’re wearing my sweatshirt." he said, looking up at her.

Picking at the hem of the sweatshirt, Jaejoong stole a glance at his face. “Um, well, yeah. It’s really comfy and it smells good.” She quickly turned her head away from him.

“Um, Jaejoong?” The words came out hoarse, as though he’d lost his voice. Jaejoong turned already turning her head slowly towards him. It was almost creepy how slow she was turning to face him. But she still looked beautiful. And sad. So, very sad. There was a light behind her eyes that had gone out, and he could tell with each flip of her eyelids. He’d almost forgotten what he wanted to say to her, until he realized he’d left his mouth hanging open a bit and his tongue was growing dry. “I love you.” He blurted out, he put his arms around her and softly pulled her closer to his body and hugged her tight.

Jaejoong was hesitant at his reaction as he felt she stiffened.  “Well, Kim Jongin, it didn’t seemed like you loved me when you’re in bed with Eunjung.” Jaejoong said sarcastically.

“You’re the only girl I do this way. Only you.” He ran his fingers through her soft hair. “I love you Jaejoong.”

Jaejoong pushed him slightly and freed from his arms. This time, when she looked up to him, she held a pained expression. “You can’t do this to me Yunho. You said those words to me but at the time you’re sleeping with another girl.”

It shot a pang of sadness to Yunho’s chest to see her look that way.  “That’s not true Jaejoong. I didn’t know how to convince you anymore but Eunjung meant nothing to me and I won’t do anything like that with anyone except with you. Please give me time, I’ll prove to that it's was all a set up."

She sat on her bed crouching her knees. “It already happened, Yunho. The picture is already in my brain. I… I can’t forget it. I’m so stupid. Maybe I am going crazy, Maybe I'm–”…”

“Hey, shh,” He sat down in front of her, his hands resting on her knees. “Jaejoong, I didn’t do things like that. That’s not me. I’ll figure this out, please stay with me.” The way Jaejoong was acting, reJunsuded him so much of himself. The fear of breaking. The fear of seeJunsug insane. Of losing your Junsud. Doubting yourself. “I just need you to try and calm down, okay?”

Her eyes squeezed shut, and her bottom lip trembled as she tried to silence herself by closing her lips.Yunho’s hands slipped off her knees as she slid abruptly, walking past him and beginning to pace in her room.  “Maybe we should just be friends from the beginning.” 

“Stop saying that, Jaejoong. I don’t want just to be your friend. I want you. I want you to be in my life. I want to be in your life. I want you.” That, he knew, would never change.

She collided into Yunho’s chest as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. She’d been so lost in her thoughts; she didn’t even see him stand up. She stood frozen in his embrace, his hand running up and down her back soothingly.

"I don’t want you anymore.” She whispered.

 “You lie.”

Jaejoong shook her downcast head, her eyes tightly shut while she bit her bottom lip before she glared up at Yunho with tear glazed eyes, trying valiantly not to show any weakness but failing and forced herself to say, “I’m not.” She tried to sound strong in her convictions, but it was impossible since she still loved him fiercely even though she caught him in bed with another girl. The memory was painful to recall, but it came back unbidden to plague her. 

"Do you regret, Yunho? Having me as your girlfriend?" She lowered her voice.

"Regret? Are you kidding me? I told you. I told you from the beginning that I love you because I really do and I still do. I am right here with you fighting because in this ed situation I’ve created but I still love you and I still want you.” He said, struggling to keep his voice calm.

“Stop saying that Yunho. I had enough hearing that. And stop doing what we’re doing now.  I….” She shook her head, not being able to finish the sentence on her lips.

Yunho tightened his arms around her. “What are you saying, Jaejoong?”

“I’m saying that… that...  this was a mistake.” she whispered, her insecurities getting the best of her. She felt him stiffen at her words. Now that she started, she babbled. “I don’t know what we were thinking. I mean we are two different people, with completely different thinking. I should have known this couldn’t work. We can’t be together. This won’t work. Forever.”

Yunho was staring at Jaejoong numbly. The reality of what she said dawning on him. They couldn’t be together? Not now. Not when she was so broken. But not forever. Sure, he could fix the broken pieces of a sword. But not the broken pieces of a girl. She needed to heal on her own. But the simple thought of not being with her…hurt.

“Jaejoong…” Yunho tried to speak.

But she interrupted, pulling away from him, "Let me go."

“I have no intention whatsoever of letting you go.” The statement he made was slightly ambiguous but there could be no mistake in his eyes of his true intentions. 

"I said let go of me."

He let out a groan of pained frustration.... and he let her go.

He let her go.

It was a few moments, silence engulfing them again. Jaejoong took a few steps back and raised her eyes to his chin, unable or unwilling to meet those black orbs.

“I don’t want you anymore.”

“You lie.” His voice was strong and firm with conviction.

“I’m not.” Hers, however, was not. A tear spilled from the corner of her left eye. She lifted her hand to wipe it away, but his hand beat her to it, her cheek with loving care, and forced her watery gaze to meet his. She loved him. Oh God, how she loved him!

“Why do you speak such hurtful lies, Jaejoong?” His eyes began to glisten as well, and his heart jumping in his chest.

She tried to hide her feelings, but she was a terrible liar. “I think we all know, that this is needed. We…”

“Like bloody hell, I can’t!” He cupped her cheeks with both hands and dove for her lips. He kissed her deeply. Time seemed to stop at the moment. She struggled against him to get free but his hold on her tightened. She jerked her head up and he winced a little bit in pain from the cut on his lip. His hand reached up, touching his own sore lips,

Jaejoong stared at him. She leaned closer to him. “What’s wrong with your lips?”


“Then why your lip is swollen?” She studied his expressions. “Who did this to you?”

“I was careless and I hit the door frame.” He said calmly but was not convincing.

Jaejoong didn’t buy that. “You were in a fight? With who?”

“I said I hit the door.”

“It’s Luhan isn’t it?”

"It doesn't matter."

Suz sighed. "You're right. It doesn't matter anymore." Jaejoong spoke skeptically, tilting her head to the side. "You better go now, Yunho. Before my parents become suspicious."

"I don't want to go. I want to stay with you. Besides your parents will never get angry with me if they find out I’m here now."

"I need to sleep, Yunho. We have school tomorrow."


"Go now." Jaejoong said pushing him onto her balcony. She closed her door and immediately went to her bed.




Yunho waited for Jaejoong at the bus stop but she never show up. He was not surprise to see Luhan’s car drove passed him and turned at a corner to Jaejoong’s house. Just in time, his school bus arrived.

After he dropped Jaejoong in front of her school entrance gate, Luhan didn't leave straight away. Instead he parked his car off the road side and waited inside. After a few Junsuutes, he saw the yellow school bus arrived. As soon as he spotted Yunho, he immediately slid out and quickly walked towards Yunho.

 “You,” Luhan said, gaze directed at Yunho, “We need to talk. Let's go over there." and promptly turned around to walk towards the school garden just next to the car park.

 Yunho sighed, frowning but followed suit anyway.  They both were just started walking when  ChangJunsu's car drove through the gate and stopped in front of them.  

ChangJunsu stepped out and asked, “What’s up?” Looking at Yunho and Luhan, back and forth.

Yunho glanced at ChangJunsu who just shrugged. "Five Junsuutes. Wait for me in the car."

ChangJunsu nodded and drove his car to the empty parking lot next to the school garden.

Yunho and Luhan walked side by side but neither of them acknowledged the other. Head bowed down, eyes drifting anywhere and hands in his pockets. 

As soon as they reached  there, Luhan spoke. “Let’s play a match.”

Yunho looked at Luhan. “What match?”

“The one that you’re good at. Basketball.” Luhan continued, head straight and looking ahead, not once sparing a glance in Yunho’s direction, “One on one, just you and me. We’ll play for first 20 points, two halves.”

Yunho paused. Looking at Luhan’s retreating back as he also stopped a few steps ahead. The older turned his head and raised an eyebrow. A tension beat passed through the air between them.

The younger narrowed his eyes suspiciously, “What’s in it for you? Knowing you, this surely can’t just be a friendly match.”

Luhan chuckled. Now fully turned around, hands in his pockets and a smug look on his face, “Trust you to always be suspicious of everyone, but…” he paused, a hard look on his face.

“Just get to the point.” Yunho snapped.

A tension beat passed through the air between them.

“Loser has to leave Jaejoong.”

“Jaejoong is not some lousy bet!” Yunho had seethed.

“No, but you are.” Luhan had replied back nonchalantly.

Curt. Direct. Honest. And it cut through Yunho like a razor. The fact that he could lose had him diverting his eyes elsewhere before looking back up, frowning. He is the basketball captain for God’s sake. “How are you so sure that I’ll lose?”

The blonde smirked, “I’m going back to the States soon, and I’m not going back handed, Kim Jongin. So I won’t, no, I can’t lose to you.”

Fists balled up and jaw set, Yunho said through clenched teeth, “All right. Let’s play.”

“Tomorrow, ”Luhan replied, not missing a beat, “I’ll let you know the place and time.” Then he grinned over at Yunho. “Just so you know, that day... back.”

Yunho’s right hand already balled into a fist when a voice called out his name. It was Eunjung walking towards them. 

Luhan mentally smirked. “Well, your girl is here. Time for me to go.” Luhan let out a sarcastic chuckled. “Tomorrow.” He reJunsuded Yunho.

Eunjung stood next to Yunho. “Leaving now?” She asked Luhan with her flirty smile.  Luhan looked between her and Yunho before he smile at her and walked away.

Eunjung turned her attention back to Yunho. “Let’s go to our class now?” He voice was so sweet.

“I’m not going anywhere with you. Just leave me alone.” Yunho answered and walked to ChangJunsu’s car where he was waiting for him, leaving Eunjung with her frowning face.

"What was that about, Yunho?" ChangJunsu asked when Yunho reached to the car after Luhan left.

"He asked to have a game with me. One on one."

"Luhan play basketball too? Is he good?"

"He mentioned before that he plays basketball at his school but I didn't know how good he is."

"Don't worry Yunho. No one can beat you on one on one play. You're the best!" ChangJunsu gave him his thumbs up to Yunho. "By the way what happen to your lips? Did Jaejoong punch you? I thought she will ask me to do it."



This chapter is a bit messy. Sorry for the mistakes. It will be edited later.


A/N: I'm so so sorry to keep you guys waiting for this update. I''m not well. And still. I've been in and out of the hospital for the past 3 months. Again I'm sorry to inform  that the next update will not happen anytime soon. I will be on hiatus. That's why this chapter is longer then I usually posted. Till then, have a nice day ahead!!


Chapter 32


Since Kim Jaejoong became Kim Jongin's girlfriend, she bagged a good unnecessary attention from everyone at school, the most challenging was she got girls jealous of her and everything. She became popular overnight because there’s also the fact that Yunho is pretty dang popular, but that was never on her dream boy criteria list; things just turned out that way. She has held the prestigious title of ‘Kim Jongin’s girlfriend’ for the past 3 months now, by far the longest relationship she’s ever had. She’s had 'boyfriends' in the past, but looking back on it, none of those lasted longer than a month. But now he was just her ‘ex-boyfriend’. Well, something she was never thought of it, too.

The day at school just seemed to crawl for Jaejoong. She spent every moment at school with Junsu, who tried desperately hard to make this easier and less painful for her by talking about anything but Yunho. But none of it worked. She still missed his voice, his touch, his laugh…everything.

“Jaejoong? Did you hear me?” Junsu asked, waving a hand in front of her face.

Jaejoong snapped out of her thoughts. “Huh?”

Junsu sighed. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” She forced a smile. “Of course I am.”


“Really.” Jaejoong nodded. “You were saying something before?”

“I said I need to go to see Mrs Han and explain to her why I failed her Biology One test last week.”  She told with a frown on her face.

Jaejoong smiled at her. “Well, good luck to you. Maybe you can come over to my house and we do the study together. I'm getting lost on her subject too.”

"Yeah, I should do that. Thanks anyway but I have to go now." Junsu replied.

Jaejoong watched as Junsu make her way to the school office. Jaejoong stood up and make her way to get some books from her locker. Life was resuJunsug its normal routine so it was up to her to keep up the charade. But she still felt like hearing noises whispering behind her back whenever she walked at the school hallway. She was not sure how many people knew about Yunho and Eunjung 'night together', hack she can't stop thinking about it either. With Junsu and ChangJunsu trying to cheer her up, nothing can stop her from her imagination.

She dig through her locker looking for the books when she heard Yunho's voice behind her.


Suddenly she felt very nervous and uneasy. "What do you want, Yunho?" She asked without turning around, with a clear annoyance in her voice. She could feel him coJunsug closer, she could almost feel his breath on her neck.

"Look Jaejoong, we need to sort this out.”

Jaejoong swallowed thickly before she took a step away from him and turned to face him, "I have nothing to say anymore." She sighed. "I don't know, Yunho. Me and you… I guess it could never happen, you know that right?" she tried to sound convincing.

"Okay, Jaejoong. I know what's happening between us, but if you keep avoiding me like this isn't going to help." he said softly to her.

"I... I really don't have time for this now. I have to go to..."

"Jaejoong, please don't ignore me." Yunho at how clearly upset he was whilst shooting Jaejoong a desperate look.

"Fine." She paused. "Yunho, I don't know how many times I have to repeat this. We just..." She took a deep breath, as if to set her resolve. "...we just go back to being friends. That will be easier. You and Eunjung can..."

"Stop bringing Eunjung into this." He said in a raised voice. "She is nothing to me. But you..."

"I don't want to hear it any more. Just go, please." Jaejoong cut him off mid-sentence. "Just go." She said calmly to him.

Yunho placed his hands on her waist, despite how much she loved his hands there, loved him holding her, she pushed him away.

He sighed. "Fine. I'll see you in class." he said before walking away.

As soon as Yunho stepped out of the locker area Jaejoong heard a few whispers and giggles come from a corner of the locker room. She immediately knew who they belong to, Hoyeon and Tiffany. She heard footsteps coJunsug towards her. Jaejoong try to avoid looking at the other girls, but it’s extremely hard to do so when she have such little will power. Her eyes meet each of the two girls eyes. She immediately regret looking at them, they gave her a disgusted glare and started whispering to one another.

She was relieved to hear the bell for next class, but then when she remembered that Yunho is waiting for her in the class, something popped in her Junsud. 'Okay, should I try it this time?'

She sighed. "Oh what the hell." She slammed her locker doors and started walking out.






"Hello gorgeous." Luhan greeted smoothly as he walked into the Kim's kitchen.

"Luhan? How... how did you get in?" She asked with surprise clearly shown on her face.

His cheeky smile disappearing as he observed her. "Are you getting too old now to remember to lock your the front door? You really have an awful habit about locking up the door.” He frowned slightly. “Anyone could have just come in.” Luhan continued, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"uh..uh..umma said she's be home soon that's why I didn't lock the door for her." She gave excuses. 'How can I been so forgetful. That was so stupid of me.' She mentally cursed herself.

"Even if you have gone insane, you should still lock your doors at anytime you're alone. You're lucky it's me. What if a bad guy walk in and do something bad to you?"

Jaejoong rolled her eyes. "Mmm..." She smiled weakly.

“Just lock it up next time, ok?” There was a certain hardness to his tone. "By the way, is everything okay? I waited for you after your school for one hour until I met with Junsu and she told me she didn't see you at all after the break. I called you many times but you didn't answer my calls." Luhan asked, with his worried look.

She could feel his expert eyes scrutinizing her face so she answered as honestly as she could. “Mmm..., sorry about that. I'm not in a mood today so I ditched half day of school. And my phone... I forgot to bring it to school today." She replied simply before catching his gaze.

"You ditched school?" Luhan carefully exaJunsue her face. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Jaejoong answered nervously. "Why are you asking like that?"

Luhan stared at her. "Were you still thinking about him?"

She folded her arms defiantly and laughed. “You know you can stop worrying, everything is fine now. It's nothing you have to worry about. Hey, I'm having my cereal, want some?” 

They both stared into each others eyes for a few seconds, both knowing they had to talk about what happened although it seemed Jaejoong wanted to avoid the whole conversation. She flashed her smile at him.

Just that one action melted his heart turning him into butter. He wasn't surprise how this girl could cause such reactions within him. His heart was beating a mile a Junsuute just from a smile.  “Sure.” Luhan smiled back at Jaejoong.

Jaejoong went to take an empty bowl and a spoon from a drawer and brought it to the counter. She then poured the cereals from the box and pushed the bowl and the milk carton to him. “Now, are you going to tell me why you’re really here?” She asked, sitting down in her chair as she filled with cereals.

Luhan who was leaning on the counter staring at her deep in thought. "I was thinking," he said, his face becoJunsug serious again. "I wanna take you out tonight. Like a date." He paused. "Just say it as the dinner date that I owe you. A special dinner date." Luhan said pouring himself a cereal into his bowl. He glanced at Jaejoong out of the corner of his eye, a smirk playing about his lips.

Jaejoong freeze mid-chew, and she looked at him seriously.  "Why do we need to go on a date? We’re cousin. We can just call it hang out." Jaejoong asked, stressing out loud on the word 'date'.

"Cousins do date too, Jaejoong.”

Jaejoong just looked at him.

"Jaejoong, are you ok? You look like you just see a ghost or something."

"Are you serious, Luhan?"

"Do I looked like making a joke on dating you? Of course I'm serious. Why on earth would I be not?" 

"But..." Jaejoong tried to speak. But then she remembered that she doesn’t have to worry about it, that it’s not important anymore.

He saw a glint of sadness in the depths of her eyes. "No but anymore. You need some fresh air and you're going out tonight. It's been one months since I’m here and I've been waiting for this." He said slowly, moving around the counter towards Jaejoong. He leaned in until his face only a few inches from her, forcing her to lean back.  

“Luhan, what are you doing?” she asked in surprise and she felt uncomfortable. Her heart was beating fast and she tried to breathe normally and calm her heart down.

"Will you let me take you on a date? I'll make sure to make it special." his smirk didn’t seem to go away.

"S..sure." She lifted her hands and placed them on Luhan’s solid chest. "Now eat your cereal."

"Okay. Okay." Luhan said straighten up and went to sit in his chair. He smirked as he took a spoonful of his cereals.

"I'm home." Mrs Kim's voice was heard from the front house and the main door was closed. Seconds later she was in the kitchen. "Umma stopped at the supermarket and got you your favorite cookies... oh Luhan, you're here too." She puts the grocery bags on the table.

Luhan smiled at her. "Aunty, I'm taking Jaejoong out for dinner tonight if it's alright with you."

Mrs Kim turned to look at Luhan. "Sure, why not." Mrs Kim answered with a smile. "Is Yunho going with you guys, too?"

"Ah no. Just Jaejoong and me." Luhan answered.

"Oh ok. Just don't be home too late." Mrs Kim said to Jaejoong, without letting them know the curiosity in her heart.

Luhan looked at Jaejoong quirking a smile. "I'll fetch you at seven?"

"Okay, I'll be ready."

"I better head home now." He turned to Jaejoong's umma, "Bye Aunty."

"Bye Luhan. Send my regards to your appa and umma."

"Will do." Luhan answered before walking out to the front door.





A/N : It's been long since I last updated. Life been busy bla...bla...bla... I don't know what else to say except for thank you for still reading this story. I really didn't expect much from this story anymore. It's getting weirder with each update.

**Mistakes will be edited later.


Sidenote: I received a so-called harsh comment on one of my fic, and it really does effected me in updating. Dear readers, if you don't like reading my stories/writings, feels like reading a trash, please immediately leave. Most probably I can't do any better than this anymore. I'm not a professional writer. I writes just for fun. 


Chapter 33 Yunho luhan game

Eunjung glanced over at the enterance of the mall.

"Hyoyeon, you said you're coJunsug. I've waited for one hour, you know?" Paused. "Fine. Suit yourself!" Eunjung yelled, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Hello Miss Lee Eunjung."

Eunjung turned to the voice behind her and was startled to see a tall frame clad in Armani shirt and Calvin Klein jeans. Her eyes bugged out, and her jaw dropped to the ground.

Noticing her giving him a once over, a lazy grin spread over his face. "Like what you see?"

"Do I know you?"  Eunjung processed that for a moment. "Oh wait, you're the one talking to Yunho at the school carpark right last few days, right?"

"Yup. That's me."

"Oh hello. By the way, how do you know my name? Do you know me?"

"I don't know you at all, actually," Luhan said, "though we could certainly rectify that."

"Not a problem, darling," Eunjung said, winked at him.

"Why is that a a beautiful girl like you walking around alone at this time of night? Hey, don't you know its dangerous for you to walk alone in the streets at night? There are bad people out here, miss, and you SURELY wouldn't want to get caught up in that kind of crowd." Luhan attention was caught by her outfit, quite obviously, actually. She was in jeans, and a black dress shirt, left open and ed to half display her black bra that was embellished slightly with lace detail.

"I'm not supposed to be alone but friend cancelled it last Junsuute. What a coincidence that we met."

"it;s not a coincidence at all. I am actually looking for you."

"So what made you looking for me?"

Luhan showed her the photo. "This. I want to know about this photo. The girl in this photo was you, am I right?"

Eunjung can feel her blood rush in her toes. "So what if it was me?"

"I want to know how the hell Yunho was in bed with you?"

"We're lovers. That's how!"

"Ckk...ckk...ckk... You have a good taste. I didn't know Yunho has such a bad taste. For a like you! Because I know he didn't!!"

"Watch out your mouth! Who are you to call me ? And why are you so........ about this?"

"For your info, Yunho is my friend. We knew each other since we're in kindergarten."

"So what if he's your friend. he was in bed with me and that matters."

"Why him?"

"I like him. I’ve had a crush on Yunho since…well forever. But he never look at me. Never once he try to give a chance to me. In his eyes he only saw Kim Jaejoong."



Luhan took a few photos and showed to her. "I believe this is you?"

Luhan cleared his throat again. His face still didn’t change. His eyes looked normal, staring at her. Eunjung flinched as she saw the photos.

“This is your work, is it not?”

It wasn’t really a question. It's a statement.

"You work as a part timer at a club that offers extras. The money was good, I believe."

"Now tell me how did he end up on the bed with you?"

"I... I put a drug in his drink and after that he just follow me........ to my car."

"Who else with you?"

'I'm alone."

Who else knows about this?

Just me and my friends. I didn't want to get expell from school though. ............


"Why are you doing this?" She adked.

"I have my own reasons."

"So what do you want from me now?" Eunjung asked quietly.

"Nothing. I've already got what I want from you."

"What do you mean?'

Luhan fished out something from his jacket's pocket. It's a voice recorder. "This. I've recorded all of our conversation just now. And from now, don't disturb Jaejoong or Yunho anymore or even better, DO NOT. EVEN. MENTION. THEIR. NAMES.  Or else..."

Or else what?"

"I'll make hundres of copy of this tape and distribute to ....... school."

"You bastard!"


He chuckled lightly as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "I wish you wouldn't call me that." He smiled at her. "But honestly, it doesn't matter anyway."

She looked at him sharply. "What do you want from me?"




"I'll take your silence as agreement."

Eunjung didn't know what to say. She felt a wave of defeat wash over her as she realized she couldn't go through with her plan.










Not wasting any time, Luhan skillfully spun around to avoid the ball being stolen. Eyes on the basket, hands raised and jumped. The ball arched beautifully over the bigger part of half of the field and time seemed to slow down. Breaths were held as they both looked at the ball. Yunho could faintly hear the alarm on his phone ringing, as a make-do-buzzer, and noted somewhere in the back of his head that the time was up. The scoreboard seemed to glare at him from the sideline.

Yunho 19 : Luhan 17

He felt how aggressive Luhan was. 'I didn't know you can play this good, Luhan.'

Everything swirled together in his head, making him light headed as he watched how the ball slowly approached the basket. No, no, NO!

The ball falls neatly through the basket. A clean shot. Three points. Buzzer beater. Yunho felt as if he was suffocating, the air around him felt too crisp to breath normally. His sweat soaked shirt clung to his body like a second skin, his heavy breaths harsh to his own ears. He closed his eyes and breathed in and out shakily as he heard the ball hit the ground. It bounced two times, he counted, before it was caught by Luhan, he guessed absentJunsudedly.

Luhan’s arms were position in the air, he took a deep breath and threw the ball. A magnificent throw of the basketball gone through the hoop very smoothly.

Three points!

Yunho 19 : Luhan 20

"Didn’t want to scare you off or anything so I never said anything, but I was the team captain of my school in the states and the team’s ace. And I'm the best at long distance shots." Luhan said to Yunho between his heavy breath.

I lost…

"Be a man and keep your promise. Do. Not. Disturb. Jaejoong."







"Jaejoong, I hate seeing you like this."

"Come with me to US."

"Every year my school would have a group of foreign exchange students. I'm the president for the Foreign Students Exchange Club in my school. I can resassure ensure for your acceptence."

"You don't have to worry about who are you going to stay with because you're going to stay at my house with my parents. Simple as that."













The basketball game between Yunho and Luhan was written by my dongsaeng BbyGi_x3






Chapter 34


It’s almost noon and Jaejoong haven’t go out from her room at all. She heard voices downstairs but she couldn’t be bothered by it. She stood up from her study desk and went into the bathroom. In the mirror she looked at herself. Looking haggard, she mumbling incoherently and still wearing her reading pyjamas.  She came out from the bathroom when she heard a knock on her door.

Opening the door, she saw Luhan smiling brightly at her. “Hi cousin.”

Suddenly his expression changed.

Distracted eyes flicked over in his direction. “What is it?”

“You look like ,” Luhan responded. It was the truth. Any idiot could see the dark smudges under her eyes and the way her shoulders hunched inwards as she looked at him

Normally, Jaejoong would roll her eyes at that, or go on to continue the banter. But this time she shook her head, one hand coJunsug up to massage her temple. “Is that all? If you don’t Junsud, I have some reports to finish up in the study.” She walked back to her desk.

“Oh no you don’t,” Luhan shot back.

Jaejoong turned to him. “Excuse me?”

“You've heard me.” He smiled at her. “Shower and come down. I’m taking you out.”

It wasn’t a request. 

She could not read him, not at all. Was he joking? His mouth was folded into something that looked like a smile-no, not a smile. A smirk, a bitter twist to his handsome mouth.

“I’m not in the mood to go out now. Please leave me be.” She shook her head, but her eyes continued to look hopeless.

Luhan crossed the room, walking right up to his stubborn cousin. “No,” he said, raising his chin to stare Jaejoong right in the eye. “You’re going out with me. Now.”

With a groan, Jaejoong closed her eyes, running a hand tiredly over her face. “Luhan, I’m tired and I don’t feel like going out now.”

“Enough,” he snapped, tone sharp in a way he hadn’t used in ages.

It worked, and Jaejoong’s head shot straight up, eyes alert and focused.

“You think you’re the only one who’s in this ? You’re pulling me with you if keep acting like this.”

Her shoulders slumped as Jaejoong let out a long breath, eyes flicking down to the floor and back again. “I know. I didn’t mean to imply otherwise.”

“For God’s sake, Jaejoong,” Luhan continued, voice softening. “Look at yourself. You really think you’re going to get anything done today being like this that you won’t just have to redo tomorrow?”

Taking a deep breath, Jaejoong closed her eyes. When she opened them again, Luhan could see that he’d won.

His words must have seeped into Jaejoong’s stubborn head, because she hung her head and agreed with a tired sounding sigh and a soft, “Fine. But just this once, and then you agree not to force me anymore.”

It was a crap deal, but Luhan wasn’t worried. If this worked out the way he planned, there’d be no need to keep up his end of the agreement; Jaejoong would be coJunsug to him.

His only response was a smile; a tight, controlled grin that sent an excited shiver racing down her spine. “Fine. Downstairs. Fifteen Junsuutes,” he left to go downstairs.





Luhan pulled into the[name restaurant] parking lot. He glanced over at Jaejoong with a smug grin and held up a hand when she reached for the door handle to get out of the car.

"No, Jaejoong, you stay here, I ordered take out." He said smirking at her.

Jaejoong rolled her eyes but sat back in her seat to wait for Luhan to return. He hurried out of the car and went into the restaurant as Jaejoong sat there impatiently awaiting his return. After several long Junsuutes he came back to the car and they began to drive.

"So where are we going?" Jaejoong asked curiously eyeing the big bag of food he had put in the back seat.

Luhan glanced at her a mysterious smirk playing across his lips. "It's a surprise. Just enjoy the ride." He said vaguely.

Jaejoong huffed and rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Fine. So what have you been up to? I haven't seen you lately." She asked looking at him.

Luhan sighed and began to tell her about his dad plan to return to the States earlier than they had planned. He told her about all of the work his dad had been doing and how he was going to have to leave.

"You're leaving?" Jaejoonge asked her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Luhan sighed and nodded not looking at her but concentrating on the road, "I am."

Jaejoong looked out the window, feeling sad. "When? Whay didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Probably in less than two weeks.” Luhan said looking over at her trying to guess her mood. He knew she was sad, but he wasn't sure how much. He didn't want to leave, but he had to. His dad needed him.

Jaejoong shifted in her seat taking in his plan and trying to staunch her anger. "You'll come back?" she whispered anxiously.

Luhan looked over at her to smile encouragingly, "This is why I’m taking you out now. I have something to tell you."

Jaejoong looked at him. “What is it?” She asked slowly while biting her lip in nervousness.

"I tell you later. Don't worry." Luhan said trying to sooth Jaejoong's nerves.

"I'll notice you're gone. " Jaejoong said quietly.

Luhan sighed heavily and pulled into a driveway suddenly. It took Jaejoong a few Junsuutes to realize that they were sitting at his house.

"What are we doing here?" Jaejoong asked forgetting momentarily the fact that Luhan would be leaving her in two weeks.

"This is where we are having our date." Luhan said grabbing the food and leaving the car. Jaejoong followed behind him.

Luhan laughed affectionately and grabbed her hand. Instead of going into the house they went around the back and went to sit by the pond.

The pond had a special place in both of their hearts and she should have known he would choose this spot.

"Why are we here, Luhan? Where are your parents?" Jaejoong asked watching as he spread a blanket on the grass and sat down on it. He began to open the bag of food, but stopped when he noticed Jaejoong wasn't sitting.

"They went to visit a relative in Janggok. The'll be back at night." He said looking up at her and patting the empty space beside him. "Sit down, Jaejoong."

Jaejoong raised an eyebrow and sat down next to him tentatively and looked at Luhan as he finished taking the food out.

"I got cheesy fries, ...., and ......" He said pointing to each container of food.

"I also got us drinks." He said holding up a bottle of orange juice with a smirk.

She smiled and watched as he poured the juice into two plastic cups.

"Why are we here?" she asked again sipping her juice.

"Do you remember my tenth birthday? We had it here?" Luhan asked putting some of everything on both plates.

"Of course. You and Yunho were about to fight." Jaejoong said rolling her eyes at the memory.

"Right, well I wanted to re-create it, but without Yunho staring at us." Luhan said quietly.

Jaejoong felt her cheeks heat up. Luhan looked at her. She knew how beautiful Jaejoong was, with those eyes that twinkled whenever she smiled and that serious yet gentle expression whenever she pondered about something. There’s also that innocence on her face and those lips that looked so soft. Little by little, he realized that he was also falling for her. He could feel his heart beat faster and faster whenever he thought about her. After so many years, he finally experienced what real happiness was.

"So now, Luhan, back to our main topic, you will come back, right?" Jaejoong asked as she began to eat her food.

“So this is what I want to tell you. I want you to follow me to the States.”

They stared at each other for a while then she asked, “What?”

“You heard me, Jaejoong.”

Jaejoong stared at him.

"I want you to go to the States with me.

"I got school here."

"I want you to take up a school there as an exchanged student." He eyed for her reaction. None. "Your summer breaks starts next week right?"

Jaejoong nodded slowly.

"Every year my school will have a group of foreign exchange students. I'm the president for the Foreign Students Exchange Club in my school. I can reassure  for your acceptance to be accepted. Even for last Junsuute application."

"I..I don't know, Luhan."

"Next week, at your school and fille up the Exchange Student Program. Just give the form signed by your principle to me and I handle the rest."

"This is crazy Luhan. Appa and umma will freak out if I tell them about this."

"I can convince them not to worry because you going to stay at my parents house. Simple as that." Luhan smirked at her before beginning to eat his own food.

"This is too sudden, Luhan."

"Give yourself a chance. Maybe Maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe it will be good. Just give yourself a chance. You really deserve to be happy."

'I'll make you happy and you'll forget how to come back home.'

Luhan plea gave her a lot to think about. She was honestly just dead-tired, and he put a lot on her Junsud along with every thing else.


Chapter 35


"Do you know your group for summer break assignment yet?" ChangJunsu asked Junsu

"Well, yeah, but then my plans kind of changed," Junsu shrugged, sipping on her lemonade.

"So, since Jaejoong isn't be here, is this where I say congratulations that you’ll be with me again?" ChangJunsu asked.

Jaejoong gasped. She looked at Junsu. "You said you hadn't told anyone," Jaejoong said softly.

"I said I told one person."

"And that person is ChangJunsu?"

"Well, I don't have a lot of friends to talk to about stuff like this and he's smart."

"Oh God," Jaejoong said. “I have to go. Bye.”

ChangJunsu and Junsu watch as Jaejoong walk away.

"Hey, I won't say anything about her application." ChangJunsu said.

"What applications?" A voice was heard from behind them.

"She hasn't told you?" ChangJunsu asked.

"I was kind of waiting."

"Man, you two really need to work on communication, but it's none of my business. Obviously I've said too much. I've got to go, though. I promised this guy a ride on the Ferris wheel," Junsu said, referring to the obviously impatient ChangJunsu looking at her.

"What applications?" Yunho asked.

"ChangJunsu has a big mouth." Mun muttered.


Junsu was hesitant before she said, "Jaejoong applied for a Student Exchange Program. An adhoc application.”

Yunho's heart stopped. "What?" He choked.

"That's right." ChangJunsu replied. "I honestly don't know what to tell you, Yunho. I love you and I'll help you through this as much as I can but..."

Yunho cut him. "To where?" He mumbled, fighting against the lump in his throat.

"She said she is flollowing Luhan to the States. She's attending his school."



In his room, Yunho stood against the door and slowly slid down it, his breathing shaky. Heart pounding uncontrollably, Yunho bit down on his lip and shivered. He didn't know how long he was on the floor. Everything just happened so quickly, he couldn't wrap his head around it.

Yunho tried to phone her but it went straight to voicemail. This is not what he wanted. He wanted to have a long talk about everything. No, no, no! I’m such a ing idiot. Why do I screw up everything that’s good for me? He put his head in his hands before he decided to go to her house.

Jaejoong was sitting at her study desk jotting down some notes when there was a sudden knock on the door, and before she could say anything the door flew open. She instantly straightened in the chair.

"Hey Jaejoong." Yunho said, halfheartedly. "I need to talk with you. Can I come in?"

Jaejoong nodded to him.

He stepped in and tried to reach Jaejoong's wrist to pull her into a hug but Jaejoong stepped back.

“I’m.. I’m here as your best friend if that make you more comfortable.”

When he didn’t get a respond from Jaejoong he added. “We can stop being lovers but we can’t stop being best friends.”

Jaejoong wallowed hard. The look on his face sent her heart pounding. "Yea…it’s fine." She answered him, forcing a smile. "I’m going to take a shower." Without waiting for a response from him she walked towards the bathroom. 

"Jaejoong…please. Wait." He ran after her and grabbed her arm, forcing her to turn around onto his chest. "Jaejoong, I know you've taken your shower this morning. Stay here with me." Yunho said pulling Jaejoong to sit on the edge of her bed. Both were silence.

"Jaejoong," Yunho said, and reached over and took Jaejoong's hand where it rested on her laps. She squeezed his hand lightly in return.   

"I'm sorry, Jaejoong. It has to happen like this." Yunho said. "It's just that I still can't believe it when my umma told me this morning that you’re going to follow Luhan to the States."

She didn't want to cry in front of him, not now anyway, not when she needed to be the strong one.

“Do you have to go?”


"Are you…are you going to leave me alone here?" Yunho asked her in a small voice. He was looking down.

Jaejoong didn't answer.

"Jaejoong, talk to me, please."

“I want to go. I need a break. I’m going to try for the two months program and if I like it…”

”If you like it?” Yunho cut her.

“If I like it I will apply for another program.”

"What program?"

"A one year Exchange Student Program."

He didn't think anything would ever equal the amount of fear he'd felt grip his heart as when he looked at her, felt the pain that he was in, saw the utter desolation on his face, he knew that he would never forget this moment.

A silence fell upon the two and Yunho felt his Junsud racing with thoughts and choices and decisions.

"Jaejoong, I will not giving up. Not now.  Never."

"I'll be leaving in two days."

"…don't leave me." Yunho whispered, his quiet voice catching in the back of his throat. He looked at her with wet eyes full with pain and heartache. Everything was all wrong and he had no idea how to make it right again.

Jaejoong eyes shone with tears at the near desperation in his voice as he pleaded with her to never do something she'd never be capable of anyway. Good, bad, and ugly, he wanted to be with him until the very end. But now things changed.

Feeling tears in his eyes starting to well up, Yunho took her hand in his. "Never." 

Jaejoong's stomach just has time to tangle itself in a knot before she felt his hand at the nape of her neck. Yunho’s lips brushed Jaejoong's and her body went into short circuit. "Never."





From: Yunho
Hey Jaejoong, I was just wondering if you would want to go out with me? just have a walk on by the river later? Maybe about 4 o’clock? I just want to see you.

To: Yunho


Jaejoong stared in the distance, folding her arms on top of her knees. She rested her chin on her arms, her head was spinning with thoughts she didn’t want to have. She wish there was an easy way out, but she knew there wasn’t.

Her convoluted thoughts were abruptly brought to a halt when she heard Yunho plopped down, sitting on the swing next to her with a sigh.

She kept her gaze forward, refusing to look at him. “Do you know how embarrassing that is?” She asked him

Yunho let out a deep, slow sigh. “I know,” he admitted, speaking nothing more on her statement. Silence drew between them. She could feel Yunho’s awkwardness radiating from his shifting. She still refused to look at him. Right now she didn’t want to even be near him. All she really wanted was to go home.

She could feel him become uncomfortable next to her as he played with the …….. He did this for several moments until the silence was unbearable. Yunho let out a deep sigh, hesitating before he finally spoke. “I’m not going to try to convince you anymore,” He shrugged, speaking in a slow voice.

Jaejoong swallowed hard, keeping her gaze forward. She watched his uncomfortable movements beside her. She waited for another moment, not saying anything.

“But regardless,” he finally continued after another drawn out breath, “I want you to know that I’m really trying to figure this out,” he said solemnly. Jaejoong bit her lip back, keeping herself from speaking back at him. Yunho shook his head, pausing. “And I want you to know that I'm trying hard.” Yunho added as if in thought. for a moment. He shook his head again, staring at his fidgety hands. Yunho drifted off, kind of scoffing to himself. He shrugged his shoulders before he continued. “I know you don’t want to hear that, but it’s the truth. I trust myself – I didn't do it.”

Jaejoong pulled her knees tighter toward her body, shaking her head. She saw him turn to look at her with sad eyes, but he didn’t say anything. She refused to look at him. Everything he was telling her she’d never heard before. He never spoke to her about any of this and it made her even more upset.

“I’m really sorry, Jaejoong,” he said, shaking his head. She saw he still had his eyes on her. “You don’t have to tell me I’m selfish and conceited because I know I am. I’m so lost in all of this.” he said sincerely, keeping his eyes on her. “I’m deeply and sincerely with every bone in my body sorry for everything I put you through. I’m sorry for what you’ve put up with this year and all the hurt that came with it.”

When Yunho finished he stared at her. Jaejoong shook her head softly, trying to keep the tears back, failing miserably. She didn’t know what to say – she didn’t know what he expected her to say. She hated how he did this. It was exhausting.

“I know I’ve been a complete an thime,” he added when she didn’t respond, dropping his shoulders shamefully. “And I have no excuse for that. It’s not fair to you and I can’t express how sorry I am,” he shrugged, beginning to play with his hands again. “But I love you so much, Jaejoong,” he said softly, tearing his eyes up from his hands. For the first time Jaejoong shifted her gaze, locking eye contact with him for a split second, seeing the pain in his eyes. She tore her gaze back to the lake before she had a chance to reconsider anything. “…I know I haven’t said it nearly enough lately, but I’ve always loved you and I always will. And I just want you to understand that there is no possible way in my heart that I can ever make the same mistakes again,” he added, turning in a different direction.

Jaejoong looked down, staring at her feet. Her vision blurred with tears again. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, feeling Yunho’s stare on her.

“So tell me what you want, Jaejoong,” he said in a different voice, not at all sounding too pushy. He shook his head sadly again, keeping his eyes on her. “Like I said, I’m not going to try to convince you to stay. I don’t want you to feel forced into anything. I haven’t given you your own choices and honestly I’d rather have you be happy than to put up with me.” He sighed, staring down at his open palms. “If you want to leave I’m not going to stop you. I’ll respect your decision, Jaejoong. I only want to do what’s best for you, but right now I don’t know what you even want.”

She turned her head to face him, seeing him lift his eyes up when her did. “No, you know what I wanted, Yunho?” She asked softly.

“I wanted for this not to happen. I wanted all of this to go away so that I could feel happy for the first time in the past week,” She continued, trying to keep her emotions back. “But instead, everything I was afraid about this, happened.”

Yunho nodded his head, reaching a hand up to rub the side of his face. He stared at his feet again, pausing in thought. “And that’s my fault,” he admitted with a small shrug. “I don’t know what else to say because there’s no excuse for it, either,” he shrugged, bringing his eyes up to hers.

She just shook her head, turning away from him. “Half the time I feel like you don’t even care,” She said, feeling her eyes burn again. It hurts to see you mess around with other girls,” She added, changing the direction of the conversation. “I try so hard for us, Yunho,"

Yunho pulled in his lips, swallowing. He let out a small sigh before he shifted in his spot. “Can I tell you something?” He asked suddenly, peeling his eyes up.

Jaejoong turned her head staring at his wide eyes. He stood up from where he was sitting, reaching a hand down for her to grab. She continued to stare back at him. Still not giving him an answer. After a moment she reluctantly grabbed his hand, allowing him to pull her up from her spot.

“You’ve always been important to me.”

Jaejoong stared at him, her eyes softening on his gaze. her head was a blur; she didn’t know what to think at this point. She was so upset. She wanted to yell at him and scream and just leave, but there was something about him that she never understood. she was extremely frustrated and lost. She opened to speak, but no words came out. Instead, she felt fresh tears falling from her eyes. She wrinkled her expression as she began to cry, the weight of the world suddenly crashing on her shoulders.

Yunho’s arms engulfed her before she had a chance to protest. But the second he wrapped his arms around her she didn’t want him to let go of her. She buried her head into his chest, crying into his shirt. He simply held her in his arms, his head rested on her shoulder. She shook her head into him, hating how he was the one who caused her so much pain.

“I don’t know what I want, Yunho,” She cried, muffled in his shirt in response to his question earlier. “I don’t know what to do,”  She added, crying a little harder.

Yunho only held her tighter, allowing her to cry into him. He didn’t say anything to change her Junsud or to try and say the right things. He never said anything, but she knew what he wanted. She knew exactly how he felt and it made her feel right.

It was the hardest decision he had made in his life thus far. Maybe it was stupid; he was just a girl, there were millions exactly like her. But there was only one Kim Jaejoong. And he lost her.

Love is unfathomable.

If Jaejoong knew half the reasoning behind her continual love for Yunho, maybe she wouldn’t be as lost. In a perfectly flawed composition, there was still so much good in him. She saw things that no one else saw. She don’t think he even sees these things himself. He has a good heart. He has good intentions and he has a good sense of judgment, even if he doesn’t use it all the time.

The way he held her against his body showed how much he cared about her . She could feel his own pain from everything bearing down on her, her head buried into the fabric of his shirt. He swallowed hard against her shoulder, his hands trembling on her back. She knew he was scared because she knew how much he didn’t want to lose her.

But she had made her final decision.





Chapter 36


There's a knock at his door. Jaejoong definitely heard that, someone was knocking lightly on her door. She woke with a heavy head. She glanced at the clock on the bedside table; the bright numbers illuJunsuating the clock face one in the morning. She jumped out of her bed and headed towards the door. Approaching the door slowly she opened it.


"Well," Her umma said, sighing, "Umma couldn't sleep and umma had a feeling you couldn't either."

"Come in, umma." Jaejoong immediately pushed the door wider and her umma stepped in.

Mrs Kim looked at the packed suitcases on the floor, slowly he looked away. After a Junsuute, she reached out and grabbed Jaejoong's hand and pulled her onto her chest.

"Umma, don't think too much about it. I will not be far. I’ll Skype you every night if I can, so you won’t miss me too much.” Jaejoong said.

 Her umma  looked at her and said, “Umma and appa didn’t know what happened between you and Yunho and why you’re following Luhan to the States. But umma and appa believe in you that you’re doing the best for yourself. Umma want you to take care and be happy.”

Jaejoong just keep quiet.

"You know everybody is going to miss you when you're gone." Mrs Kim smiled softly at her daughter. Looking upset. Jaejoong nodded her head softly, and she sighed heavily.

“Jaejoong, honey, you still didn’t want to see Yunho first before you leave tomorrow?"

Jaejoong shook her head.

"Fine then.” She sighed. “Umma and appa really am going to miss you though. Everything happened so fast. Just too fast." Mrs Kim sighed, still looking at her only daughter.

Jaejoong’s heart aches a little at hearing this because she’d never been away from her family  for such a long period of time. “I’m going to miss you too, umma.” Jaejoong whispered.

"You sleep first, okay. I'll wake you up later." Mrs Kim said kissing her daughter on the forehead.Jaejoong nodded.





AfterJaejoong finished with her shower and was done putting her clothes when his appa knocked on her door and walked into her bedroom. "Jaejoong, if you’re ready, let’s go down for breakfast. Luhan is already here.”

“Okay appa. I’ll be down shortly.”

Jaejoong stood there staring down at her bed sadly. On her bed laid several luggage bags filled with her belongings. She reached out to her nightstand and grabbed the picture in the wooden frame from where it rested. She ran her fingers over the glass covering a picture of her and Yunho. They both had their arms around the other's neck and were both giving off large, goofy grins. She put back the frame where it was before.

Mr Kim strolled over to her daughter's bed and sat down looking at her without saying anything. In this very moment, he truly had no more words that he could find to express his current feeling. Her daughter had always been by his side all these years. He knew this was the difficult decision for her to make.

Jaejoong sat next to her appa on the bed and placed her hands over his appa's and held it tightly. She still remembered how big his appar's hand seem to be when she was just a few years old. Jaejoong recalled the feeling of secure and warmth that she would feel whenever her appa held her hand. And now, that feeling came back ever so clearly. She knew this was a feeling that she would never allow herself to forget.

“Why are you so sad now? It’s you who decided to go. Besides you’re not going for long. Only for two months.” Her dad reJunsuded her with a smile.

“Yeah I know.” Jaejoong replied with a pout.

“Come let’s go down.”

"We just have to hold on to what we have discussed."



Yunho was laying on his bed when his umma walked in. She held up a parcel to him. “It’s for you. I found it in the mail box. It must have been there since yesterday."

Yunho’s eyes brightened and gently took the box from her. He opened up the box and ruffled through the foam peanuts before he felt something bushed against his fingers. Gripping the object he pulled it out from the box.

It's a voice recorder.

He pressed the play button, and his eyes widened and his jaw fell open in shock. He hear Luhan's voice.


ohhgod ohgodohgod

He knew I was freaking out but he didn’t know what to do. Everything was so ed up and it was all unfixable and it was all my ing fault. That crashing sensation was overwhelJunsug. He was completely paralyzed by it. His brain buzzed with it. He couldn’t focus on any one particular thought.

His vision swam. He couldn’t say if it was tears or lack of oxygen or something he’d completely made up in his head. He was startled by the sound of soft tapping on the door. He turned to see his appa standing there.

“Hey.” Mr Kim said softly. “Are you okay?”

Yunho shook his head, pursing his lips tight.

“What’s wrong?” He took a step closer to him.

“I uh… I don’t know I just…” Yunho breathed out, surprised his voice sounded so strangled and messed up.

“Have you been crying?” He took another step closer and pulled him into a hug.

“I don’t know I… probably.” He croaked. He felt warm tears rolling down his cheeks.

He hugged his son tighter.

“I’m so sorry to hear that you and Jaejoong broke up and she’s left to the States. I didn’t know what had happened between you two but I hope you can fix it someday.” Mr Kim said.

“I’m so sorry.” Yunho whispered.

“I know you are.” His appa said. “I know.”

“So sorry.” Yunho repeated. "I wish there's another day so that I can fix this and Jaejoong wouldn't have to go to the States."

"You think you can fix this?"

Yunho nodded. But it's too late now. Jaejoong already left to the airport."

 “Good. Let’s go... I’ll drive.” His appa said whilst walking to the door.

“Where?” Yunho asked dumbfounded.

Mr Kim stopped by the door and turned to his son. “To the airport, of course. You dumb."

Yunho stared at his appa. "Appa?"

"I didn't want my daugther-in-law to go to the States either."



He took her, Jaejoong, the girl he love. It took all of a second for him to decide to go find her.




Now Luhan had to decide if Jaejoong will make the same choice, if she knows the real story behind the photo?

Even though she chose to go with him, she would likely never be happy.

Would Jaejoong still be with him?

Jaejoong wasn't the only one who now needed time to figure out what they really wanted. So did he, he realized. Before, he thought he was okay with being her, knowing and believing Jaejoong could love him enough for the both of them to make up the difference. Now he wasn't sure. He loved Jaejoong and wanted a life with her but only if she really wanted it too. This time, Luhan would be the one to decide with both choices before him, either Jaejoong with him or who he really wanted to make other life given the opportunity.

"This is getting ridiculous" he muttered alone.




"It is done." Luhan said to himself.

He walked to Jaejoong

Jaejoong tried to gather his thoughts, stayed in silence.  She realized that Luhan was looking at her. "You’ve been staring at me. Is something wrong?”

“Jaejoong, you know what? Today I came to full understanding. Please just remember that this has nothing to do with you or Yunho. It is just…”  Luhan paused for a while. He took out his cell phone. He scrolled on and passed it to her. ”Jaejoong, listen to this."

Jaejoong blanched at the hearing of the recording. She gave a small choke as she look at the cell phone in her hand. The two of them looked at each other. Jaejoong's eyes full of a million emotions met with Luhan's hard, black eyes.  "You knew about this." Jaejoong said.

Luhan nodded. "Yes." He steeled himself. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” He gulped as the hurt became visible on his features.

Jaejoong let out a long sigh. “I’m sorry for involving you in this.”

“It’s okay. I’m still happy knowing at least I'd tried.” Luhan's gaze shifted from Jaejoong as he stared into the space.

Jaejoong merely nodded, relieved that at least one thing had a happy conclusion.

Jaejoong wiped away a tear from her cheek and nodded.

Luhan Jaejoong's hair with a soft sigh. "I might regret my decision today. But seeing you hurt like this making me regretted it more if I just ignore my own feeling that I hurt seeing you sad."

Jaejoong never leave Luhan gaze at him. She tried not to blink because she afraid that if he blinked, everything will just puff out. He afraid if it was just a dream.

“I used to think about how lucky I am if I have you in my arms, Jaejoong. And even though all the while I was secretly wanting more, I never expected it, because... well... I knew it was a miracle we were even what we were now." He reached over to wipe one of the beaded tears that cling to Jaejoong’s cheek. Jaejoong was sure she saw a flicker of dissapointment in his eyes.

"But I hope you will never forget that once in your life a man named ‘Luhan’ loved you and will forever wish for your happiness. I will never forget you too."

 “Go Jaejoong. Go to him.”


Luhan secretly uttered a silent wish that Jaejoong will have the happiness she deserved and if fate will let him, Yunho will provide that happiness for her.



Luhan turned his back from her and walked away with a heavy heart. Tears clouded his vision but he mustered all his strength to blink them all back. Hearts were shattered painfully that day but he knew he made the right decision even though he might regret this someday.

Luhan stood against ............. looking down to Jaejoong……….  for the longest time, and felt relieved.

Luhan pushed his trolley and walked with a smile on his face.




Jaejoong walked closer to him and stood right in front of him. “Yunho.” She called.

Yunho stopped his fingers and looked up to meet Jaejoong’s eyes.  

"Jaejoong, ........he began in a low voice, as if the sound pained.

“No.” Jaejoong lifted her chin. “I know why you’re here, and my answer is no.”

Yunho hesitated, unsure what to say. “No…what?” He rubbed his eyes. “I can’t—”

"I'm sorry." Jaejoong said.

Yunho just stare at her.

“I’m sorry, Jaejoong. It was a set up to hurt you.”

“I know it now. Luhan told me.”

“I’m sorry.” His eyes shone with sincerity. "I really am."

"Don't say sorry anymore, Yunho. You said that about six million times already.”

"I know," he replied regretfully,

Jaejoong lightly ran a hand through his hair. "Let’s go home."

Yunho smiled at her. "Junsue." He said quietly.

And she knew she doesn’t need any more words and any promises because she could feel that what he’s saying is true.




Chapter 33

The house was quiet. Yunho knew Jaejoong went out with Luhan was not back yet. He saw from his room when Luhan arrived to fetch Jaejoong. He turned off the room lights and forced himself to sleep. But his Junsud refused to follow. He tossed and turned but nothing seems to help. Finally he lay still on his bed, staring at the ceiling. The bed was soft and warm and as he buried his face into the sweet smelling fabric all he could feel was the miserable loneliness, only this time it felt just a bit more real. He again tried to fall asleep, but he still couldn't so he stared at the wall, at the door, at his drawer, wardrobe, anything desperately waiting for sleep to take over.

Yunho saw a flash of light on his bedroom window. He stood out from his bed and walked over to the window.  'She's back'. He rushed downstairs and went to the window nearest to where Luhan parked his car. From behind the curtains, he can clearly see two figures leaning against the car side by side. They were enjoying the chill night in early summer. It's like they are having some romantic moment and he saw how Luhan whispered something in Jaejoong's ear, leaning back and smiling as if he just told him some secret. Jaejoong didn't smile though, instead she looked up, to a room on the second floor. He was sure it was his room she was looking at.

Yunho stared some more, he frowned, unsure if what he was staring at was actually really happening. He clenched his teeth. That should be him standing beside her. That should be him who was looking at her eyes so tenderly, who was smiling so happily with her. He smiled bitterly before turning away. That sight of hers made him so envious, made him so jealous, made him regret everything so much. Made him want to scream his lungs out in frustration. He wanted to just punch the living hell out of Luhan but he knew he couldn't. And he wouldn't. 'If she's happy, t-then I s-should be...' He couldn't get it out even if it's only in his Junsud.

It was at that moment that Yunho realized he was so upset that he couldn't even cry. He had thought things would work up if he just pretended he was fine, 'Fine my .' but that seeJunsugly was the wrong thing to do, it just hurted him more and more. He smiled bitterly. Things have definitely changed. But were they for the better? It was always hard to think about them. Having that painful reJunsuder of what could have been him and her instead of Luhan. It was his own fault really. He ignored what his heart was screaJunsug at him, trying to tell him. He brushed it away as if it meant nothing. But in reality it actually meant everything.

Yunho couldn't stop thinking about reality of what's happening.


He stormed towards the main door and walked quietly towards them. He felt like a stalker.


The night was cool, and clear, the moon full and round, silvering Jaejoong's eyes and hair as she turned to face Luhan.

".............." Jaejoong said, wrapping her arms round her chest against the cold.




To rewrite


"Prove you're dating him. Kiss him right now. I know that if you aren't dating you won't."

Jaejoong just gape at him. She knew he has got her. She can't kiss Luhan. They weren't really dating.


Suddenly Luhan pulled Jaejoong and kissed her.



"Luhan …"


"What are you doing?"

"Kissing you?"

Jaejoong sighed, and turned around to look at Luhan in the face. 

"I told you how I …"

"Yes you did. But I begged for a chance to show you that I deserve a chance to show you that I am serious. And I’m still begging."

"This is probably going to sound really stupid, and I’d be something of a hypocrite, but considering everything that’s just happened, I don’t know if I’m ready to get into anything just yet. I need to take some time to myself first."

"You’re right, it does sound stupid. But I can wait."

Jaejoong tried to pull yourself away from Luhan, but he just pulled her closer. 

"You can’t deny that there isn’t something between us,"

"But I don’t -"

"Don’t what? Don’t want to admit that we could be good together, if you would just give me a chance?!"

"Luhan …"

"I’m not going to give up anytime soon. You’re going to have to give in and give me a chance one day."

"Oh yeah?"


Luhan arrived at exactly at 7 o'clock as promised. Jaejoong gave a sigh of relief  when she heard the sound of an approaching car. She peeked through the window blinds. "It's him." She took a deep breath  and slowly walked out only to find smiling Luhan just stepped out from his car.

Luhan watched intently as Jaejoong walked towards him, his own heart beating wildly as he saw her. Luhan heavenly sighed as he took in Jaejoong's features. His lip turned up at the corner as he watched her. Sometimes he still couldn’t get over how beautiful she was. His gaze traveled over her body taking in how the blue dress she wore hugged her curves.'She's really beautiful!' he thought thought.

Jaejoong approached him. "Let's go."

"Should we tell your umma first before we go?"

"Never Junsud. I trust you."

Luhan smiled.  He immediately opened the car door for her and lead her in.

Twenty Junsuutes' drive was filled with mostly the quietness. Only few questions from Luhan, and simple answer from Jaejoong and and they both fell quiet again until they arrived at the restaurant chose by Luhan. 

The reataurant was filled with candle lit tables, roses and flirting couples. The hostess leads them to their reserved table where Luhan pulled her chair out for her before taking a seat himself.

A waiter glides over to their table and takes a drinks order before drifting away again.

"This is really nice." Jaejoong said, looking around. "How do you know about this restaurant, Luhan?"

"If it makes you feel any better, I brought you here because of that." He pointed to the grand piano at a corner. "You know I was here one week earlier before we went to your house for that barbeque dinner, right ? During that time I did a survey for a restaurant that has a piano. So this is the place."

"You play piano?"

"Yes. But before that let's order our food first."

They took their time eating the food that was served while Luhan tried his best making them more comfortable with each other.

Suddenly Luhan put down his spoon and wipe his mouth with the napkin. "Give me a Junsuute. I need to speak to the manager."

Jaejoong just look at him as he made his way and talked to the person which she assumed the manager of the restaurant. After a while Luhan walked back to her. "Jaejoong, I'm going to play a song for you. I hope you like it."

He walked to the piano and sat on the bench.

"Are you serious?" Jaejoong mouthed the words with with a shock look on her face.

 Luhan smiled a bit  and before he began to play it, he gazed at Jaejoong, flashing  his famous sunshine smile at her.

Jaejoong was amazed as soon as she heard Luhan play the first few notes. She stopped smiling and looked at him with a raised brow. Her hands flew over while her eyes watched Luhan graze his hands over the piano. He was playing so beautifully just for her. With her heart throbbing loudly in her chest,Jaejoong tried her best to contain her emotions inside her. The wonderful sound that was being produced by Luhan traveled through her ears and into her heart. It almost felt like the music was speaking to her and telling her that he was another side of him. She felt like she hadn't figured him out yet.

Luhan continued playing, not knowing what was going through his Junsud. When he was finished, immediately a lot of cheering and applause were heard from each corner of the restaurant. He walked back to the table where Jaejoong looked at him with pleasure.

"Luhan..." Jaejoong began, a small smile appearing on her face. "That was simply beautiful. I never knew you could play the piano."

"Well now you know." luhan chuckled lightly. "I'm glad you liked it. I played it for you. I wanted you to hear me. To know the other side of me." Luhan told her.

"But you're really good." Jaejoong kept rambling , ignoring the wink but couldn't help a small smile creeping up her beautiful features. I have never ever heard anything more beautiful in my life. You... you're really something."

Luhan looked at her for a while and then smile. "Can't I be surprised?"

"You really are full of surprises, Luhan."

"Life is full of surprises, Jaejoong." Luhan smiled at her. 

She smiled back and she saw that his smile became brighter.

Luhan lifted his head and stared at Jaejoong. He secretly uttered a silent wish that if fate let him, he will make Jaejoong happy and smile again.

Jaejoong shifted in her chair. "Why are you staring at me like that, Luhan?"

"Could you do me a favour?"

"That depends on what it is," Jaejoong said suspiciously.

"Tell me honestly, what do you think of me right now?" Luhan perched on the edge of the table and waited for her to answer.

"You won't believe me," she said. "You'll think I'm telling you what you want to hear."

"Try me." He gestured for her to continue.

"I admit I never thought of seeing the new you like this. You're totally a different boy that I knew five years ago. It's only been five years and you've changed so much. You're totally a new person for me. You won't expect me to say it, but I admire you, Luhan. You know what you want and you're making it happen. You're not the cousin I used to know. Who are you? What have you done to my cousin?"



I know I couldn't do what you're about to do. I can't imagine how hard it is for me, but sometimes life isn't always black and white.

"I know it's too soon for me to ask you this but I can't keep it any longer." He paused. "Don't you feel something for me, Jaejoong? Haven't you felt like falling in love with me?

"Luhan, you...."

"Do you feel happy being with me?"

"I am. I am happy being with you and I feel safe." Jaejoong was careful with her words.

"You'll always be safe with me. I'll protect you with my own life."

"I know."

Because....I am very much in love with you, Jaejoong." He said firmly,  

A silence filled the room and Jaejoong watched him in that silence.


"That's a real surprise, Luhan." Jaejoong whispered. 


“It’s real.” He answered, looking her directly in the eyes. “I thought about you. I thought about you a lot.”

Jaejoong swallowed and shifted her gaze towards her water glass. Her heart thudded inside her chest. 

She knew it's going to be a tough ride, but she has the opportunity to try and be happy again, and she hope she can understand why she has to try. Surely, everyone deserves happiness in life? Even her.



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