Bus Ride and Gentle Touches

Little Dancer (Binwoo)

Chapter 5

When everyone was settled and seated, the van was finally able to move out of the school's parking lot.

Even though the vehicle could carry 7 other passengers and the driver, which is the trainee manager at the moment, they still needed to make a stop at the dorms to pick up some of the older trainees. 

So even though there are technically enough seats for the 5 younger trainees to spread out and sit more comfortably, everyone were still inclined to sit close together for the purpose of time efficiency when it does come time to add more people later.

Because Minhyuk and Sanha were fortunate enough to get picked up first, they were also able to take the front row seats, while Jinwoo, Dongmin, and Bin had to be squished together at the back, with Dongmin being the one that has to sit sandwiched in between Bin and Jinwoo.

Bin was sound asleep, head pressed up against the window and snoring softly despite the rocking of the vehicle. But after the van hit a large bump in the road, his head started swaying side to side, free of any prior support from the car's interior walls.

As it bobs around, Bin'd face would sometimes get dangerously close to the window, but before his hair even touches the glass, his head would roll back the other way.

At one point, perhaps during a sharp turn at an intersection, Bin's head was briskly jerked towards the window once again, like a magnet drawn to metal. However, before it could smash against the hard surface of the glass, a reflexive hand was quick enough to reach out and gently pull Bin's head away from the object of possible impact.

For a few seconds, Dongmin just stared at the puff of brown hair resting on his shoulder. He didn't understand why, but despite having only known the boy for one day, he had already began developing a slight inclination to care about the wellbeing of this reckless trainee named Moon Bin.

According to a prior conversation he had with the trainee manager, Bin was supposed to be a determined but cheerful person (not as much as MJ though) who loves playing with kids and enjoys stuffing his face with food. Apparently, he is also a bit clumsy and messy, but makes up for it with his hardworking personality and bright smiles.

However, when they were first formally introduced in the van that morning, Bin didn't seem like the lively person Dongmin had thought he'd be. Instead, he'd looked depressing to be honest, dazed and tired with prominent dark circles under his eyes, which was later revealed to be the result of a late night cramming session. 
But despite being visibly exhausted, Bin was always at Dongmin's rescue every time the crowd of girls came to attack him.

Throughout the day, Bin's alertness only seemed to deteriorate, yet he continued to refuse Dongmin's offer to bring him to the nurse's office to rest, mumbling something about protecting some buttons. 

Looking back on the day, Dongmin realized that perhaps he'd been wrong all along about his initial impression of Bin. Sure the boy did seem a bit awkward and out of it at first, but that's pretty normal for any new encounters really. 

Furthermore, Bin wasn't completely different from Dongmin's initial expectations either. In fact, that high pitched, husky voice and (unintentional) pouty face only made the younger seem...cuter and slightly more cheerful than his weary appearance.

While Dongmin was lost in thought, Bin's head had moved and was starting to slide off the older' shoulders. In an effort to stop it from completely rolling forward, Dongmin reached his hand out again to try and stabilize it once more. 

However, when Dongmin placed his hand on Bin's head to push it back on his shoulder, he was suddenly caught off guard by an unusual heat radiating from the flat surface of the sleeping boy's forehead. 

Even though the day was very humid and hot, Bin's body temperature couldn't have been that warm since they'd been in an air conditioned car for at least 5 minutes. 

Dongmin was starting to get a bit worried. He knew about the possibility of getting a fever when a person stays in the sun for too long, but he, himself, had been with Bin the entire day and he felt fine. But just to make sure, Dongmin placed his other hand on his own forehead anyway, hopeful that his assumption was wrong.

Unfortunately, even as Dongmin tries to prove himself wrong by comparing their temperatures multiple times, there was really no way of changing the clear difference between their temperatures... Bin was burning up.


Yes yes I know, this is pretty cheesy isn't it? But, I have warned you guys before. In this chapter, I wanted to recreate the cute couple bus scene, where one person would fall asleep on the other person's shoulder... but then I realized that trainees would have to commute by their company cars, sooo that was a fail. Guys I tried to make this as detailed as I could because I can visualize it clearly in my head, but whenever it comes time to write it all out, I always feel like it's missing something. Let me know if you have any suggestions for this story. I want to continue writing but my writer's block is BADD. I need help. Please help me.


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Chapter 7: I have just spend the last 20 min or so reading this I love it. You are a very good writer. I look forward to reading more.
Allenjira #2
Chapter 7: auhhh.. dongmin start admiring bin XD
Waiting the next chapter *givingheartsign*
Allenjira #3
Chapter 3: you write really well anyway :D
vinavoss #4
For those who has finals and exams coming up... GOOD LUCK!!!!!
vinavoss #5
I can' t update this week because of Mother's Day, and because of projects and finals, I won't be able to update next week either. I'm really sorry - v
XindyTan #6
Chapter 6: SO KYEOT
taehyung95_jy #7
taehyung95_jy #8
Chapter 2: it's good !! I would say it's a really good start! There is humor in it ~ to me it's flowing really well and I don't see major grammar problems so it's fine :) don't worry too much ^^ hwaiting !! Looking forward to next update as always ~ !
taehyung95_jy #9
Chapter 1: good start!! it's interesting and although it is a little bit cliche, I'm fine with it :) hope you continue~ I'll waiting for your next update ^^ hwaiting !! :D