Constant Death

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Baekhyun always knew his place in this gang. Yet it never stopped the anger, the jealousy and, eventually, the pain rush through him every time Chanyeol tossed his jacket over his shoulders and left.

It was always hard, the landing back on the ground.


Life was stringing me along

Then you came and you cut me loose

Was solo singing on my own

Now I can't find the key without you




5 parts

2-3 chapters each

one breathtaking story.

1st installment of the Breathe for me series.


Started: 23 April 2017
Finished: 30 April 2017
Chapter #: 3
Genre(/s): Mafia!au, Angst, Action
Pairing(/s): Baekhyun x Chanyeol
Warning(/s): Language, ual themes, Physical violence, , Typos are my thing
Word count: 10k
Synopsis: Baekhyun tangles himself in strings of the underground. He knows he does not belong there, but Park Chanyeol makes leaving much harder.


Something I've been working on and off the past couple months. I know I have some old requests to finish but I hit some plot holes and instead of working on them like an organized, mature person, I thought of this idea instead. Not really proud of myself for this .-. OT12, as always, with all characters appearing on different parts of the series, either main or side. This one revolves around Chanbaek, and specifically Baekhyun. Feedback is always appreciated so don't feel shy to comment~


Other instalments of the series:

Second Instalment: Exiled Heathens

Spin off Instalment: Blue and Black


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 3: Very well written - so many Mafia au's make it seem like the leader is just misunderstood but Chan's character is much more believable - hearing Baek's inner monologue gives so many clues as to why he is in this relationship and how someone like Chan, who is always repressing his emotions and rationalizing heinous things can grow attached to someone else
ctskyn276 #3
Chapter 3: Can you do sequel??coz i love it..
Chapter 3: I... I... This fic is a whole new level
Chapter 1: This hurtss
I just know that this is gonna make me cry
Chapter 3: Ok but heart is crying ??? And i love it
Chapter 3: Okay, I didn't think these fic recommendations at the end would be any useful, but ivam so glad I clicked this one! This stoey was absolutely amazing. I loved it so much. It was very well written, the characters were so great and the feelings were really well portrayed. The scene where Chanyeol found Baekhyun taped and roped- I had to reread that scene like ten times, it was so good, my heart literally can't calm down. I feel so content reading this story, it brought so many emotions in me. It was so perfect. I love the characters so much. I love Baekhyun's determination, how he stayed even if it was hard. His heart stayed unwavered during all this time. It's so heartbreakingly beautiful. Everything was so on point, the story was so enjoyable to read and I would definitely love to read more of this. This story is a piece of gem. I got so absorbed in it - it captivated me. Thank you so much for writing this masterpiece, I loved it so much! ❤❤❤
Sakuindy #9
Chapter 2: Ah.... this chapter made me cry so much..