The Reset

Exes and Oops
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As damn expected, when Baekhyun and I woke up about three hours later, our friends are already grinning down at us. They all look smug, like they have predicted that this would happen and are now relishing in the fact that they’re right. They all had glasses of juice (spiked with alcohol, I bet) in their hands which would most likely mean that they’ve had breakfast without us.


I inwardly groaned, prying a still heavily asleep Baekhyun off of me so I could get up. He groaned in protest but moved anyway. Once I was sitting up, only then did I realize that I had somehow moved in my sleep and was facing Baekhyun this entire time. I was the one tangled into him so really, I pried myself off of him and not the other way around.


I blushed furiously and quickly climbed out of bed, almost tripping on my own feet and falling face down on the floor. Everyone snickered to themselves and shook their heads before leaving us. “You’re both grown-ups! Food is down stairs and if you’re finished, you’re more than welcome to join us down at the beach, kay?” I haven’t even given a proper reply yet when Hwa Seok has slammed the door.


I blinked, unable to control my head from turning to look at Baekhyun. He has apparently woken up now and is staring at me, one arm tucked under his head and the other on his stomach. He had this soft and adorable sleepy smile on his face. I stared back at him but hopefully, I was giving him an odd look, not a dreamy one.


Because of the morning sun hitting his gorgeous face in all the damn right places, it was kind of hard not to. His smile widened, his eyes disappearing into crescents as he held both his hands out to me. What does he want? He can’t be telling me to get back in bed, right? To get into those muscular and secure arms? I shot him a glare for no apparent reason and grabbed the nearest pillow to chuck it at his face.


“What the are you doing? Get up! L-Let’s go get something to eat.” He shot me his own glare but it was anything but threatening, considering how the little bastard is pouting through it. I rolled my eyes at him and quickly turned away before my face betrays me and lets a smile grace my lips.


Breakfast with Baekhyun was… Yup! You’ve probably guessed it. It was awkward. It was so silent, except for some scraping sounds of our eating utensils and some throat clearing. I had never dreaded breakfast before in my entire life. My head was ducked, my eyes only focusing on the food despite knowing that Baekhyun was looking at me.


It was obvious that he wanted to strike up some sort of conversation but my awkward self just wouldn’t let him. In a way, I felt bad that I had to make him suffer but really, I didn’t know what else to do. What will we even talk about? Last night and what happened?! No, thank you. I’d rather forget that ever happened. Or just blame it on the alcohol or something.


When breakfast finally ended, I didn’t even hide the sigh of relief I let out before disappearing upstairs to change into swim clothes. Of course, I didn’t at all wait for Baekhyun to get into his swim clothes and literally bolted out of the house to join everyone at the beach and forget about all the damn awkwardness.


They were kayaking by the time I joined them. When Baekhyun came down, Chanyeol was ready to take him jet skiing. It was as fun as the sea allowed it. Some were playing all sorts of water sports while some were merely swimming. Our skin was red from being under the sun for too long by the time we decided to rest for a while and go back up to the house.


Everyone was apparently hungry while I suddenly wanted to be alone, so I went up to the balcony. One thought has been swirling in my head ever since I got here and of course, what else could it be but Byun Baekhyun? What else could it be but what happened between Byun Baekhyun and I last night?


I am utterly annoyed with myself and stressed out. I’m beyond worried because not having anything going on between us was awkward enough but now that something has happened, things will get worse for sure. I hated it! I hated myself for being stupid and weak but at the same time… I loved every damn minute of it.


It was like old times. Baekhyun was mine for that night, all mine, to love, to hold, to pleasure and to taste. He was just mine but then again, it was only for that night, it was only because of stupid alcohol and my stupid unresolved feelings that got in the damn way of everything, nothing more and nothing less.


My brows knit together at the now mental debate I was having with myself. I liked it but I don’t. I wished it never happened but I also wished it didn’t end and at the midst of the stupid mental war with myself, I felt a pinch in my chest and a sting at the back of my eyes.


“Damn, Eun Bin. Get yourself together!” I scolded myself before in a deep breath. I desperately whimpered at the tears now clouding my vision. I feel absolutely pathetic. I’m suffering when Baekhyun probably didn’t give a single about what happened. He probably thought nothing of it while I’m here getting all worked up.


So worked up that the thought of jumping from the balcony to meet my rocky death seemed like a much better idea than crying over whatever the hell I was feeling. I bit down on my lip hard and gripped tight on the hand rails. I was going to do it! I was going to jump but Baekhyun appeared out of nowhere and almost scares me right into a heart attack.


I jumped in shock, my hand on my uneasy chest as I glared up at Baekhyun’s stupidly giggling face. I asked him what the hell his problem was for nearly killing me but he only laughed. From glaring at him and him snickering at me, we had somehow ended up staring at each other.


Baekhyun looked like he had something to say but he seemed to have a hard time saying it. At first, I only waited for him to get it out but then I slowly realized what he’s probably meaning to say. “A-After pill taken! No need to worry. You’re not gonna be a father anytime soon, Baekhyun,” I said, laughing a little too awkwardly.


It was a horrible joke and it earned myself a weird look from the guy but I really had no other idea why he’s here and what he wants to say. I looked away with my cheeks flushing and Baekhyun only shook his head. “I don’t really care about that… It’s just…” He bit his lip then said, “Are… you okay? Are… Are we?”


My brows furrowed for a split second and I blinked. So he’s worried about us turning even more awkward too? I started to bite my lip as well before slightly turning to him. “O-Oh! Yeah. We– We’re still friends.” My smile was the fakest I’ve shown but really, I don’t want Baekhyun to think I was affected. I can’t let him think I cared.


I was nervously rocking on my heels while Baekhyun stared at me, his eyes unreadable and serious. “Friends…” he breathed out after a while of just staring. I nodded quickly and looked away again. “We’re friends…” he mumbled, finally tearing his gaze away from me. He in the fresh sea breeze as he looked at the horizon.


His arms, that were crossed, fell on either sides of his body before he rested his hands on the rails and sighed a sigh almost as deep as the ocean below us. There was something bothering him and it bothered me too that I still know him this well, that I can sense his emotions without even really looking at him or hearing his voice.


My eyes close as I bit down on my lip. I was caving in. I’m going to ask him what was wrong and we’re going to talk. And then what? “Do… Do you really like this Sehun guy?” Baekhyun suddenly said out of nowhere. I blinked in surprise, not able to stop myself when I snapped my head to look at him.


He nibbled on his lower lip, slowly turning to look at me as well. I was shocked that he even remembered who Sehun is. I guess, just because he was quiet when I shared about him, didn’t mean that he wasn’t listening. I tried to speak but really, all I ended up doing was blink at him pathetically.


He had this certain look on me that’s telling me he wants a sincere answer from me. He almost looks as if he’s begging, as if he's begging me to say something and not just give him a confused look, begging me to say no. His glistening eyes bore into mine and I had no choice but to really think of his question.


There’s only one thing popping in my head. I don’t like Sehun. I wish I did, so that I could move on from Baekhyun but I don’t. No matter what I really do, Baekhyun is still lingering at a corner in my heart. He’s still just there. Slowly, I opened my mouth to attempt to speak again. I was going to reply. I was going to tell him the truth but my mouth remained opened, my words stuck in my throat.


I dropped my gaze in embarrassment and awkwardly cleared my throat. “Uhh… I think the rest are done eating snacks. We should probably go down and join them…” I said instead, turning around and cursing under my breath for so obviously dodging the question. I felt Baekhyun stiffen behind me. I thought he was going to ask me to wait and force me to answer but he didn’t.


I heard him heave a deep sigh and soon after that, he was walking right behind me. I could already hear our friends screaming and arguing downstairs. “I call bull!” Chanyeol exclaimed and dramatically slammed his fist on the dining table. “Exes cannot be friends again!” Ilsoon argued back. She waved her hands around and said, “Hello? Baekhyun and Eun Bin? Could you really consider them friends?”


Their little murmurs died down as

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byunieee #1
Chapter 1: I definitely looooooooooveeee it >///////////< they still can't love on from each other uggghhh have to read the next chap
Cherrydorks #2
Chapter 3: THE FLUFFFFFFFFFF This was so damn cuteeeeee >/////////< and I love their friend, so much, like so much lol
Chapter 3: I apologise for being a silent reader bc I've read this ages ago without engaging. I've had now a change of heart and I just want to say that I live this story!! Short but filled with fluff and I just.. Needed that and also if ur username is a direct reference to hp I will love you forever
This was emotional but light-hearted at the same time. So cute!!! Great work author-nim ^^
Chapter 3: OMG SO CUTE
Im laughing at the last chap XD
Having friends like that is always a goal!
Chapter 3: It’s my second time reading it and I really am confused as to why i didn’t upvoted it the first time I read. What i really like about it is that they don’t even know what made them drift apart meaning it is something that is somewhat trivial and communication was what they lacked and not something that would have scarred them forever like betrayal of trust.