[Actual One-Shot] Joohyun

Random Red Velvet One-Shots
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    You knew from the start that getting involved with the daughter of a Korean drug lord was easily one of the worst ideas you’d ever had. Now, this isn’t to say that her father was blatantly a Korean drug lord. He was just a man that managed many different restaurants across a few different countries, all owned under a shady parent company that also happened to operate out of Russia. So really, he could be up to anything. In fact, his own daughter had no idea what his profession was; she had never asked, and never planned on asking. And honestly, you didn’t want to know anymore than you had to. You knew that every step of this relationship was fraught with danger, and that at any moment you could be caught, and that would be the end it. The end of what, you ask? Well, you’re not too sure about that. But you’re not too keen on finding out.

    Her name is Bae Joohyun. And good lord, is she the most gorgeous woman you’ve ever laid eyes on. Her dark, thoughtful eyes. Her soft, sweet lips. Her smooth, silky hair. Her curvaceous, irresistible body. Each moment you spend with her is filled with a kind of smooth surrealness, as if it still hasn’t hit you that she’s yours. Sometimes you sit there and stare at her, at the innate grace of her movements. You’ve asked her in the past: does she even realize how perfect she is? And of course, her response is always the same - a flooding of light pink in those tantalizingly kissable cheeks of hers, along with a quick glance at the floor in embarrassment. She never knew how to respond, simply mumbling a tiny “thank you” before trying to shift the conversation topic to something else. That’s one of the things you love most about Joohyun. Her humbleness.

It almost doesn’t make sense, given the context. She’s a 26-year old woman who’s had literally everything in her life handed to her on a silver platter. You’ve never seen her wear the same outfit twice. She has four different cars she drives, and any given one of them probably costs more than your house. She insists on paying for everything for you, including the lavish hotel rooms that always end up being your rendezvous points. She books the hotel under the name of one of her “assistants”, and has you show up at a specific time to see her (usually at ridiculous hours of the night). The rooms are always stocked with the finest liquors and the most expensive, delicious food. The view is always amazing, the bed always roughly the size of your entire apartment, and the bathroom always sporting some kind of luxurious hot tub.

    And still, she never seems too excited about it. Her life is filled with adventure and luxury, yet she prefers the stories of your boring, middle-class working life by far. She hates talking about herself, and is willing to listen to anything you want to say to her. She loves to hear about what you did in the office that week. She listens, wide-eyed with sympathy, as you explain to her about the issues in your personal life, which usually just extend to mundane, everyday drama. There are even times where you’d had to explain things to her that she simply didn’t understand. Such as the process of going grocery shopping for yourself. It still makes you smile to yourself to think about the look of genuine interest as she listened intently to your story, nodding here and there and even asking questions when she didn’t quite understand a certain point in the tale.

    Something else you didn’t expect to encounter in your relationship with Joohyun was that she was a mod

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424 streak #1
Chapter 32: 🥵
424 streak #2
Chapter 6: Ah yeah the infamous Mexico vlive. Very sus indeed 👀
Sir_Loin #3
Chapter 22: Gaaaah
Sir_Loin #4
Chapter 9: Oh! So this is the continuation! I got… confused coz i skip the others 😓
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 6: Hohoho. I’m pairing this with the first part of Covet just because. Cheers!
Grats on the feature!
2072 streak #7
Chapter 34: Congrats on the feature!
congrats on getting featured ^^
1105 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!