Chapter 18: slowly reaching for you


Chanyeol drove to Baekhyuns work place speaking and singing with the twins just having fun like they always did, once he arrived he pulled out his phone and text Baekhyun to let him know that he was waiting outside with the twins, it was the first time he was picking Baekhyun up like this and hoped it didn't bother him. He decided to do what Kai had said doing his best to normal like he was when they had first met but he wasn't going to act like nothing happen, that would be wrong if he did that.

Baekhyun had just finished his work beginning to put his thing's away when he got a message, he blinked slightly since it was the first time he got a message at this time of day. He pulled his phone out before seeing who had sent the message, his eyes widened slightly when he saw the message was from Chanyeol, he wasn't expecting him to come and pick him up but he didn't dislike it. Baekhyun said bye to all of his colleagues and friends hocking his bag over his shoulder and leaving, it wasn't hard to spot where Chanyeol was. Baekhyun toke a breath to calm himself before walking over getting into the car.

"Hello Baekhyun, how was work today?" Chanyeol asked once Baekhyun was in the car and comfortable, he never had asked about the other's day before but he thought it was a good way to break the awkwardness that was very noticeable, He looked at Baekhyun waiting for him to look back and answer hoping that it wasn't going to stay this way. Baekhyun had gotten into the car put the seat belt on but couldn't look at Chanyeol, he still wasn't sure how to react or anything. Baekhyun blinked when he heard the question before turning his head slightly to look at Chanyeol and made eye contact for the first time after everything that happen happened.

"It was OK, I managed to finished everything I needed so now I can just relax" Baekhyun said honestly with a slight smile as he turned to look out the window again, that question actually helped lossen the awkwardness around them even just a little bit making Baekhyun relax slightly in his seat. Chanyeol smiled slightly at Baekhyun before he also faced forward and started the car, he was happy that the atmosphere around them wasn't as awkward anymore and made a mental note to continue these little random conversations to slowly destroy the awkwardness and distance between them,  he hoped it would work.

"I see, I'm glad that you finally have a day you can just rest. Want to go somewhere? I'm sure you can use a little break from everything" Chanyeol offered, honestly he just wanted to spend more time with him slowly make him open up to him again, he also just wanted Baekhyun to have some fun for once too. Baekhyun looked over to Chanyeol humming slightly in reply since Chanyeol was driving, he wanted to act normalaround Chanyeol but it was easier said tgen done right now.

"Yes, I really do need a break from everything right now and it's also been a while since I actually went somewhere fun with the twins" Baekhyun admitted honestly as he looked out the window a smile slowly showing itself at the corners of his lips, he didn't care where they where going as long as it was fun for him and the twins and also for him to have sometime to clear his head and figure things out. Chanyeol was relieved that Baekhyun had agreed and didn't refuse and couldn't help the smile that began to show, he couldn't wait to spend time with the three of them today with no one to get in their way this time.

Chanyeol smiled once he arrived at the place he wanted to take them and parked the car before getting out, he went to get the twins out so that Baekhyun didn't needed to do anything today. Baekhyun got out the car and smiled when he realised that they had arrived at a skating rink the excitement clear in his face and eye's, he looked at Chanyeol who had gotten the twins out the car and couldn't help but think how generous he was to him and the twins making him feel bad about the way he was reacting to him right now.

"Thank you" Baekhyun said for everything up until now, he toke one of the twins hands in each of his with a smile and headed inside to get the slates, he was just feeled with happiness and excitement and had completely forgotten about everything else for now and hoped it would stay like that even if just fir now. Chanyeol smiled slightly before looking at Baekhyun and the twins walk into the rink to get the skates, he know what Baekhyun was thanking him for and felt happy. Chanyeol locked the car before heading in after them and also got a pair of skates, he helped Minyeol put on his sakes as Baekhyun helped Minyoung.

Once everyone was ready they headed to get onto the ice, Baekhyun stepped on first before helping the twins on holding their hands keeping them steady. Chanyeol also got on before taking one of the twins so Baekhyun didn't have to help both of them. Baekhyun smile as he saked around with Minyeol just enjoying it, he was also happy that Minyeol also enjoyed it and that he got the chance to enjoy it. Chanyeol helped Minyoung also enjoying it since it had been a long time, he had aways missed skating but now he got to enjoy it with Baekhyun and the twins.

It had been a long time with just them just skating around laughing and playing as they skated past each other going in the opposite directions, but their feet where Starting to hurt skating for a long time. Chanyeol helped the twins of the ice before helping removing the sakes for them, he also toke his own off before taking a breath and kneeled down helping Baekhyun too. Baekhyun was taken a back at the gesture but instead of pulling away he let him help, he lowered his head slightly not wanting Chanyeol to see the blush that automatically appeared now whenever Chanyeol got to close. Baekhyun was a little annoyed at himself for being this way but he couldn't help it.

"Thank you" Baekhyun mumbled once again but he had to admit it felt nice to have someone treat him like this again and actually mean it for once, he peaked up at Chanyeol thinking once again that he was a genuine and generous person making him regret the way he reacted before once again. Chanyeol finished taking Baekhyuns skates off before standing back up with a smile taking his time to get closer to Baekhyun and not rush it like last time. 

"OK, let's go get our shoes and head out to eat something?" Chanyeol asked with another smile as he picked up the four sets of skates as he waited for Baekhyun and the twins. Baekhyun stood up taking the twins hands into his own before following to get their shoes, he helped the twins put their shoes on before putting his own on.

"Where are we going to eat?" Baekhyun asked as he waited for Chanyeol to finish putting his shoe's on, if it was going to his favourite bbq place then this was going to be the best day of his life but of course he didn't get his hopes up or show how exsited he actually was. Chanyeol finished putting on his shoes standing up straight giving Baekhyun a smile, he had actually gotten the place's that Baekhyun liked from Taehyung and he was definitely going to thank him later.

"We're going to a bbq place not far from here, we can walk there if you want?" Chanyeol added knowing that Baekhyun and his family use to do this when they where younger, he hoped Baekhyun wouldn't think that he was doing this to get close it was actually so that Baekhyun would be able to have fun like he use to when he was younger and also to stop the awkwardness between them. Baekhyun eyes widened slightly when it really was his favourite bbq place, he felt his heart warm up before smiling brightly. 

"Thank you" Baekhyun could only say those two words once again, he was overwhelmed at that moment but also happy not expecting that Chanyeol would do something like thus for the three of them. Chanyeol was also taken a back at the smile that he was given since it was his first time seeing a smile that happy from him and smiled back, he hadn't though that Baekhyun could be any more cute but he was wrong. 

"Your welcome, I told you that you needed a rest and some fun right?" Chanyeol said taking Minyeols hand after paying for their time at the skating rink and started to walk to the bbq place, he was glad that he decided to take it slow one step at a time giving time for the other to think it over. Baekhyun toke Minyoungs hand and walked beside Chanyeol silently walking, he didn't actually know what to say in that moment so he just stayed in the calm silence.

It didn't take long before they arrived at the restaurant and walked it, it was exactly like it was the last time Baekhyun was here, the only thing that had changed was the staff that worked there. Chanyeol headed to a free table and helped Minyeol sit down, he also helped Minyoung into her chair before pulling out another one for Baekhyun with a smile. Baekhyun honestly didn't think he deserved this since everything that had happened but he had always wanted someone to do this for him.

"Thank you" Baekhyun say feeling stupid at this point at only being able to say thank you and nothing else, he honestly hadn't been treated this sincerely before by anyone not even his ex. Chanyeol couldn't help but grin at the blush that had unnoticely appeared on Baekhyuns face and ears, he sat down opposite Baekhyun looking at him with a soft smile.

"Your cute when you blush" Chanyeol said looking over to the twins to make sure they where doing good, he honestly wanted to tease Baekhyun at how much blushing he had done in one day even though he know it probably wasn't the best thing to do but he thought it super cute. Baekhyun frowned slightly before covering his ears since that was the place that gave him away the most he mental hit himself for his face showing everything he felt.

"Who's felt is that?" Baekhyun mumbled as he removed one hand from his ears and grabbed a menu to look at that to get for all of them hoping that Chanyeol wouldn't again, or at least not for today. Chanyeol chuckled before also getting a menu to see what to get, he picked out some dishes before waiting for Baekhyun to choose aswell.

Once all the dishes where chosen they called the waiter and ordered everything they wanted along with the drinks, Chanyeol looked back at Baekhyun just watching as he played with the twins, he couldn't help but smile at the cuteness of the three of them and completely forgot about teasing Baekhyun. Baekhyun know that Chanyeol was looking at him and his ears that had just cooled down became red again but he just ignored it, he continued to play with the twins happily hoping that Chanyeol didn't notice.

After about 30 minutes the food arrived, Chanyeol decided he was going to be the one to cook everything from the meat to everything else since this was Baekhyuns rest time. Baekhyun watched as the food was cooked by Chanyeol and couldn't help but feel relived that he had someone that he could relie on now even if it was a little awkward right now, he waited until most if it was cooked before giving the twins some and taking some for himself enjoying it. Chanyeol also ate once everything was cooked enjoying every bit of it, he had always enjoyed his time when it was with Baekhyun and the twins.

"This is really good" Baekhyun said happily as he ate, he also helped the twins now and then to make sure they where eating enough and that they weren't having trouble. Chanyeol smiled agreeing with Baekhyun completely, it was a really good bbq and he might come back here to eat once again when he could.

The 4 of them ate and talked just enjoying their time together and laughing now and then, Baekhyun felt happy and it was obvious in the way he was talking laughing and eating. Chanyeol was also having a lot of fun but he was also relieved that Baekhyun was laughing and having fun again. Once everyone had finished eating, talking and letting their stomachs rest it was time to pay the bill and leave, of course Chanyeol was the one that did that.

Chanyeol picked up Minyeol and Minyoung before walking out heading to the car, he looked behind slightly making sure that Baekhyun was still there. Chanyeol put the twins down once they reached his car and opened the door, he buckled the twins in before getting the car putting on his own seat belt. Baekhyun had already gotten into the car and put on his seat belt as Chanyeol buckled in the twins knowing that he wasn't going to alow him to do anything, he looked out the window as Chanyeol began to drive, he honestly felt so refreshed and relax that the silence wasn't ever awkward or to silent for him.

Chanyeol also stayed in silence until they arrived at Baekhyuns house, he got out the car first to get the twins out before walking the to the front door since Baekhyun had already got out and was standing by the door waiting for them. Baekhyun opened the door letting the twins in first to take their shoe's and coats off, he turned back to Chanyeol and smiled softly at him the awkwardness completely gone now between the two of them.

"Thank you for an amazing day Chanyeol, I really had fun and appreciated the help you gave me today. Um...maybe we could do this again someday?" Baekhyun asked after a moment of hesatient since it was the first time he actually had so much fun like this ever since the incident in the past. Chanyeol was surprised but also happy since he wasn't expecting that Baekhyun had that much fun and wanted to go out again, he smiled before gently reaching his hand out to Baekhyun and waited to see of Baekhyun would take his hand or not. Baekhyun looked at the hand that had reached out, he hesatient at first but he slowly reached out and toke a hold of Chanyeols hand.

"Yes, let's definitely do something like this again" Chanyeol said happy that Baekhyun had taken his hand, this was just the beginning, he was sure that they would share even more beautiful moments in the future, he gently squeezed Baekhyuns hand happy.




Sorry for the long wait for this chapter but life has been really busy and I added what I could when I had the chance ^^

I hope you like thus chapter, you could say that this is their first date after the kiss lol

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully the next one won't take as long as this one but no promises ^^"

Thank you fir reading and enjoying this story! <3

p.s  just changed a few things and added a bit too ^^


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Hope you like it a d hopefully the next chapter won't take as long as this one did <3


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
740 streak #2
Chapter 19: I managed to binge read all the chapters in two days, so glad I ran across this story. I am enjoying the characters and the plot. Something tells me that Sehun might try to take the twins, or cause some other trouble. I hope Chanyeol decides to pick them up that morning. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 19: As soon as you begin having fun and open yourself to new possibilities, your past comes back to haunt you 😧poor Baek - I'm sure his ex is not a great person...
Also, thanks for coming back to this story!!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 18: please update. they are getting to fall for each other soon. How and what happened to their relationship to be family. I can;t wait.
Chapter 18: Soo sweet
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 18: Very sweet chapter - I have fond memories of going ice skating when I was a kid!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #7
Chapter 17: I love shy Baek 🤗I imagine Chan has a lot of teasing to do!!
Chapter 17: I am curious as well
Beau1996 1371 streak #9
Chapter 16: Even though Baek's not 100%ready, I'm glad Chan kissed him - in some ways Baek needs to process his trauma and recover so that he can be happy and live the life he wants to ... Thanks author-nim ✌️
Chapter 16: Cute cute cute