❝ Lie ❞

Snow White and her Seven Knights

— //04// 〈〈Snow white & her seven knights〉〉


“It keeps happening even though I run away.

I’m caught in a lie. ”


I throw myself on the bed as soon as I enter my room. I can't help but smile. I can't believe that butterfly actually helped me get somewhere to sleep. I bit my lower lip to keep myself from smiling while I stare at the ceiling. If I actually think about it, isn't​ this my dream? I mean.. living normally like everyone, going out freely and enjoying my life how the way I like it. It's totally what I imagine everyday before I go to sleep. Thinking how my life is going to be like most of normal people... it makes my heart filled with so much excitement.

I kick in the air and cover my face with the pillow and scream there. I sit on the bed after I got tired from screaming. I really can't help but to smile.

“Weirdo.” I heard someone said. I quickly look where it came from and saw Justin closing the window from his room. It is just a floor higher than my room and the window is where it clearly see my room.

I scoffed and close my window and the curtain too. Such a mood killer. Hmpf!



I'm comfortably sleeping when the clock beside my bed wake me up. I turned it off and try to open one of my eyes to see the time. 3:45 am. Right, the cafe will be opening in 5 am. I should get up already. I sat on my bed rubbing my eyes. I tucked some strands of my hair behind my ear before I realized... “I don't have anything with me.” I unconsciously said.

I feel like my soul just left me when I realized I don't have anything with me. Not even clothes or anything! What should I do.... I snapped from my thoughts after I heard some knocks on my door. I immediately get off from bed and opened the door to see Jay's smiling face. Ah... he's such a sunshine.

“Good morning, Snow! Did I woke you up?” he asked. I smiled and shake my head.

“I'm already awake when you knock on my door. Is there... something you need?”

“Oh, nothing. Jin hyung said that he noticed you got nothing when you get here. May I ask where did your things go? I'm sure you have some things with you when you get here in the city, right?”

“Ah! My things? Uhm.. well... uh..” ohgosh! What to do? Who would I explain this? I bit my lip before I opened my mouth, “I actually got robbed. Someone get my things so I desperately find a job last night so I'm so glad I got accepted here.”

I my lips while looking at him, trying to hide my nervousness. I'm actually pinching my palm behind my back because of too much tension.

“You're lucky to got here then! Don't worry, you'll be safe here with us. There's really some bad guys here in the city. Hmm, I'll ask Chimchim to bring you some of his small clothes for you to use. Although it might look too big for you...”

“Really?! Thank you very much! I'll work hard so I can earn to buy my things. I owe you guys a lot from now on.”

I can't explain how happy I am right now. I'm so lucky I met some good people in here. I can't express how grateful I really am.

“It's no problem. We're looking forward to work with you.” he smiled at me as he walk away from my room.

I slowly closed the door and take out a deep breath. I kinda feel sorry though.. They gave their trust to me, being good to me, yet all I tell them are all lies. They don't even know what my real name is.. I shake my head to sway away my thoughts and decided to take a bath and brush my teeth. My room has a bathroom too, there are toiletries already inside too. After doing all of it, I wear the robe inside the bathroom get out. I brush my hair as I stare at myself in the mirror.


“Listen, Snow. I know you are guilty for lying to them. But what can you do? You have to survive. You're now living as Snow Crimson, not Snow Crimton. You just have to go through it and live. Hmm?”

“So you've been lying to us?”

I was startled and almost fall from my seat when I saw Chimchim in the door holding some clothes. His face is dark though, not like when I first saw him. I quickly stand up and go to him. I'm shaking my head as he pierced his eyes on me. I can't believe I got busted so fast.

“Let.. let me explain.” I said as I swallowed a lump on my throat.

He nod, “Yeah right. Explain why you lie to us again, Ms. Snow Crimson? Oh. I mean Snow Crimton?” he sarcastically said. I can't help but close my eyes tightly before looking to him again.

I'm desperate. I can't do anything but do what I just did.”

“So you're related to the famous business man. Why are you here? As a spy? Why?”

“No! I'm not a spy! No way! I'm.. I... I ran away from home.” I bit my lip hard as his expression soften.

“Nobody knew me. I'm the hidden daughter of a powerful business man. I live with my father and my step mom who... who..” as I remember all what happened, the memories of terror came back again. “Who wanted to kill me. I ran to live. I hide again to live. I have to do it.. to live.”

I try so hard not to cry. I have to endure it first. I should​ cry if I can't take it anymore.

“You lied to us to hide who you really are because they want you dead. Is that it?”

I nod to his question while looking down. He didn't say anything for some seconds before I nudged to clothes to me. I look up to him in confusion.

“You're caught in a lie... but I'm gonna let it pass for your reason. I'll make sure to hide it well, but don't think I'm okay with it because I'm not. A lie is a lie, hmm?”

I nod my head, and got teary eyed because of happiness. “Yes! Thank you! Thank you so much!” he smiled to me and nod his head.

“Just do your job well. You owe me this.” he was about to leave when I grab his arm.

“How can I pay you for it?” I asked. He just smile before stepping closer to me.

“Just stay alive... That way, you can pay me for hiding your secret.” he said and pat my head as he leave me.



“Good morning, Snow! Ready for your first day?” Jack asked me as soon as I enter the cafe. It's 4:30 am and we'll be opening soon.

I smiled before replying, “I am. I hope I'll be a big help today.”

“We all hope you do.” I heard Justin say. My expression changed immediately as I heard his voice.

“Just don't mind him.” Jay whispered to me. I just scoffed. He sound so bitter about me and I don't know why.

I look around and noticed there are missing. “Where's Jin and Monie, by the way?” I asked.

“Ah, they had an important business​ to attend. They also said you take in charge of managing for today. Also, they said that they wanted to taste your dessert, maybe we can add it in the menu and make you as our pâtissier.” Suga told me.

Me? A pâtissier? I'll be doing what I like during my work?! Omg!

“I'll be glad to have you taste my dessert!” I said while smiling. Suga just nodded. I took a glance to Chimchim who is smiling at me also.

“You'll be working with Justin inside the kitchen if that happens though..” Jay suddenly whispered to me again making me pout and let out a deep breath.

Working with that guy? Good luck to us then. Tsk. I look at Justin who is already looking at me. We stare at each other until he rolled his eyes and enter the kitchen. Gosh! Just look how petty that guy is!


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Chapter 4: Ooof that going to be tuff for her and please can you give a short intro who is who
Chapter 4: The name confuse me. I'm not familiar with the naming so I don't know whose who.... nice start though!
linhlinh1409 #3
Chapter 4: Do you have wattpad account? I really love your story.
linhlinh1409 #4
Chapter 3: Oh. I think they're have great name. You don't need to change their name. And the story is so amazing.
Chapter 2: This is so nice I'm crying
Chapter 1: I love this ❤