Chapter Three

Miss You

Kihyun is less than pleased by the crowd following him into Hyungwon’s hospital room upon his return. Of course the others would want to see him after such a dramatic exit from their last stage, but dammit. Is spending the last few nights he’ll have with his love before being forced away alone too much to ask? Kihyun doesn’t very well think so.


“Wonnie!” Hoseok cries dramatically as soon as they enter the room, launching himself towards a very surprised Hyungwon. The model idol glances around at realizing the entire group has come to see him, and not just Kihyun like he had expected. Of course, he realizes he should’ve expected such a visit tonight… He just hopes when they all leave to sleep at home, they’ll leave Kihyun behind.

“Are you feeling okay??” Changkyun asks, hurrying over to his bedside with the perfect picture of fear and anxiety set on his face. Hyungwon coos at the maknae, and holds out his arms to give the younger a warm hug, which Changkyun and Hoseok both take.

“I am,” he answers, albeit a bit groggily. “The meds the doctor gave me took away the pain, and I’m actually feeling really alright now.” He watches as Kihyun wordlessly slips into the room behind the group with a bag in his hands and sets it down beside the bed. The vocalist scoots a chair next to Hyungwon’s bed and sits in it, a look of defiance on his face silently proclaiming If anyone tries to take me out of this chair, they’re dead meat .

“Cellulitis can get pretty bad,” Minhyuk says, chewing on his bottom lip. “But, Kihyunnie said that they caught in time, so…”

“I’ll be fine, Min,” Hyungwon assures him with a smile. “Really, there’s no need to worry. I just need a few days of bedrest and the right meds, then I’ll be back to performing for our fans!”

“It’ll actually be a few weeks,” Kihyun finally interjects, his tone taking on more of a subdued air. Hyungwon reaches over to grab his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. “But,” Kihyun says, brightening a bit at the touch, “I’m sure it’ll only feel like a few days…” Absolutely no one in the room believes him, not even himself, but they all appreciate the sentiment.


The group stays for as long as they dare, being ushered out by their manager only a couple hours later. Hongsik doesn’t even bother asking whether or not Kihyun would like to stay. He merely tells the vocalist what time he’ll be by to pick him up for practice tomorrow, and he leaves the couple alone for the night.

Kihyun sighs, leaning forward on the bed to prop up an arm for a headrest. Hyungwon smiles over at him, a bit bleary-eyed.

“You really don’t have to stay,” Hyungwon tells him softly. “I mean, I feel much better with you here, but I don’t want you sacrificing your last few nights at home for me.”

“It isn’t a sacrifice,” Kihyun tells him simply. “Home for me is wherever you are, Wonnie, and, right now that’s in this sterile hospital room.” Hyungwon, again, feels like tearing up a little at his boyfriend’s sweetness, but he manages to keep it in. Kihyun’s free hand drifts to absently pet at Hyungwon’s arm, affectionate in every minute movement he takes.

“I’m… really sorry, Wonnie,” Kihyun says softly, his tone oddly loud in the silent room. Hyungwon looks at the shorter, brows furrowed in confusion. Kihyun pouts up at him, incredibly and wholly adorable despite the subject matter. “I hate that I have to leave you here like this.” The man’s voice is tense, strained, and Hyungwon finds himself close to crying once again only because his boyfriend is in the same predicament. “I wish I could stay back and take care of you, like I always do.”

“It’s okay, Ki, really,” Hyungwon tells him, genuinely comforting. The dancer scoots down in bed and lies on his side, becoming eyelevel with his boyfriend. “It’s part of the job, right? Sometimes things like stages and tours come at the worst of times, and we just need to work through it.” Kihyun smiles, though the expression is bittersweet as his eyes glisten with wistful tears.

“I love you, my Wonnie,” is all Kihyun says despite the plethora of words filling his mind, leaning forward to kiss Hyungwon at the corner of his mouth. Hyungwon returns the gesture gratefully, the motion being his last spark of energy for the day.


Neither man say a word for the rest of the night, Hyungwon sleeping as he faces Kihyun, his long, thin fingers entrapped in Kihyun’s grasp as they both are whisked away to dreamland. Kihyun dreams of days spent with his perfect Hyungwon, his angel, as they sing and dance on stages all over the world, their fans cheering them on and giving them all the love and support they truly are unsure if they deserve or not…


Kihyun spends the next few days in a strenuous back and forth, though he doesn’t even think a syllable of complaint about it. He spends his days practicing with everyone for the tour, everyone but Hyungwon, showers and eats quickly, and then returns for another night in the hospital. He’s gotten special permission from the hospital to stay for so long after visiting hours, officially claiming to be a representative of the company.

He and Hyungwon talk as much as they can, Hyungwon filling the vocalist in on the numerous theories he’s concocted in his mind of when he’ll get better. He figures he’ll get better during the American part of the tour, he claims, and wants to make contingency plans for what they’ll do together as soon as he catches up to them.

The two look at tourist spots, restaurants, parks, shops. Anything they can go and do together that’s within walking distance of the hotel. After all, Kihyun wants to get Hyungwon fully rehabilitated after spending so long in the hospital back to a quote-unquote “normal” life, and that means walking everywhere to do it.


On the last morning, the morning of the group’s departure, Kihyun remains within arm’s reach for as long as humanly possible. He keeps a hand on Hyungwon’s shoulder as Hongsik discusses things with the night nurse, ensuring Hyungwon isn’t released until they are absolutely sure he’s back to 100%, no matter what the idol might say.

“Just be sure to call me everyday, Kihyunnie,” Hyungwon tells the lead vocal in a hushed voice, blinking his big dark eyes up at his boyfriend pleadingly. There’s a hint of desperation there, as if worried he’ll be forgotten. Kihyun’s heart nearly breaks at the look, leaning down to quickly give him a small kiss to the cheek.

“Of course I will, Wonnie,” he assures his love. “I’ll call you everyday when I get a chance, I promise.” Hyungwon beams at him, so utterly grateful, and Kihyun’s heart is lightened ever so slightly by that beautiful smile… He takes a mental picture and stores it in his heart, sure to remember it whenever he’s particularly lonely or anxious over his boyfriend’s wellbeing.

He just hopes Hyungwon recovers sooner than the doctors say, for his own sanity’s sake…

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2482 streak #1
Chapter 3: Aw, Kihyun is such a sweet boyfriend! x] But it must be so frustrating for him to see Hyungwon in the hospital like this. :(