Chapter 3

Weird Love [ONESHOT]



We arrived at the concert at 12.50pm. The concert had already started 30 minutes ago. CNBLUE was performing Intuition.

“Whoa! You rock, CNBLUE!” Wooyoung yelled as he saw CNBLUE in front of his eyes. I looked at his excited face. I never knew he would look cute as a screaming fan boy.

“Taeyeon sshi, can you see them?” Wooyoung asked.

“Aniyo. I can’t.” I said because I was quite short. Moreover, the people in front of me were so tall that i don’t even see a thing except for their backs.

“Hmm…. I think you should stand in front of me.” Wooyoung said.

Since he was standing in front of the fence, he can get a great view of CNBLUE. So, he dragged mein front of him. I was really shocked when he did that. What I mean is I’m in his embrace now. Although it is not really a back hug, but I can still feel his warmth.

Unfortunately, it didn’t last long, because there were many people pushing from the back, which makes we nearly fell down.

“Are you okay?” Wooyoung asked.

I nodded. I was too happy to be in his embrace that I don’t even felt any pain by all of the pushing from the back.

“You’re not. Let’s go over there. This spot is too dangerous for a fragile girl like you.” He grabbed my wrist again and went to a more safer part.

After we found a more safer place, Wooyoung asked me if I can see the view or not. I nodded.

I felt so close to him when he asked me like that. I feel like he cares for me.




We got out of the concert. The concert hadn’t finished, but we decided to get out because we still have class at 2pm.

“Whoa! CNBLUE rocks! Wish I can play on stage like them in the future!” Wooyoung said.

“Yeah! The vocalist was so great!” I smiled.

“But, I don’t like it. We only went in there for a few minutes.” Wooyoung was being sulky.

“By the way, look!” He said handing a paper to me.

I looked at the paper. It was about CNBLUE’s next concert.

“Do you want to go with me?” He asked.

“Of course!” I screamed with joy.

“Great! Then, I’ll…. Oh, I forgot. I lost my diary. How am I going to write it down…” He said.

Again, he’s talking about the diary. What am I going to do!

“Uhm… It’s okay. We meet each other everyday at the tuition centre. So, I don’t have to worry.” He smiled, innocently.

I am really feeling guilty right now for what I had done. He’s seeing me as a friend that he can trust. How would he feel if he found out that I lied to him?




Class is going to start in 5 minutes more. We are so lucky to be able to reach early.

We quickly headed to the mathematics class. When I was going to go in the class, I tripped and fell down. All of my belonging fell on the floor.

“Taeyeon sshi, are you okay?” Wooyoung asked.

“Oh yeah. I’m okay.” I said picking up all my belongings on the floor.

I was going to pick up Wooyoung’s diary, but Wooyoung noticed the diary before I do. Damn it!

“Is this… my…. Diary?” Wooyoung stuttered. I looked down on the floor because I don’t think I can face him now.

Everything is over now!

“Why… Why…. Is…. My diary…. With you?” he stuttered. He seemed to not believe that the diary was with me.


“Wooyoung ah, she is not a student in this tuition centre.” Sunye stepped into the class.

Oh no! now I have to prepare for the worse!

“We just asked the tuition management. They said that there is no student from SooMan High School named Kim Tae Yeon registered here.” Yeeun said.

I felt like disappearing.

“You sneaked into here, you even pretended to be a student in here. It’s all because you like him, right?”

I couldn’t even lift my head and say anything. Words just can’t come out. I just sat on the floor. Tears flowing from my eyes. I just can’t believe everything is revealed in just a few seconds.

“I know that you’re a liar from the first time I saw you.” Sunye yelled.

“You know whar? You remind me of me a stalker. A stalker!” Yeeun said.

They were practically embarrassing me in front of Wooyoung and other students.

“Stop!” I cried. I couldn’t receive any of this yelling anymore.

I stood up and looked straight to Wooyoung’s eyes, “ Mianhaeyo. I never meant to steal it.”

Then I left.

I knew it would happen sooner or later. But I never expected it to happen so soon. Why? I just wish that he wouldn’t know about the diary in a bad way. Everything had ended now. Everything ended at 2.10pm.






I went straight home after the humiliation at the tuition centre. My mom asked if I was okay when I come home because my eyes were very swollen. I didn’t say anything and went to my room.

I cried all my heart out. I can’t stop myself from thinking about Wooyoung.

It is already 4pm. He should be going home now. I’m so curious.

Will he be going straight home?

Or will he hang out with his friends first?

I …. I’m not a crazy person. I’m not a stalker, not even a thief. I just want to get to know him better. 5 minutes every day was not enough for me.

Why? Is it that wrong for me to wish to be with him for more than 5 minutes?




After I ate dinner, I took a shower and laid on my bed.

I still can’t get myself to believe everything that happened this morning. Everything just happened in a blink of eye. I got close with him, went to concert with him, then suddenly, out of  nowhere she got stamped as a stalker, leaving bad impression on Wooyoung.

What’s this?!




Days went on just like that. Ever since that day, I never went back to the tuition class.

Holidays are going to end soon.

I need to get back on the train where I always meet him.

I don’t know if I can get on the train like I usually do after what happened.




1 week later…

It was 8pm and I was lying on my bed. Well, practically I spent my holidays by lying on the bed. I’m too distracted to go out. Besides, it’s raining like hell out there. I won’t want to get sick.


Uh? Someone pressed our door bell? This late night? Who could it be?

“Eomma! Someone’s on the door!” I yelled. I was too lazy to get up to open the door.

Think about it, my mother is not home. I forgot that she actually went back to our hometown in Mapo for her best friend’s funeral.


“Aish! What is this person trying to do! Why is he pressing the doorbell like crazy!” I murmured to myself as I went out with an umbrella in my right hand.

I walked to the gate and saw a boy with his head covered with hoodie and cap. He was shivering. Maybe because he was drenched terribly.  I was taken aback by the person. He looked like a thief.

“Taeyeon sshi….”

He called my name.

OMG! Just who is this person that he even knows my name!

“Who….” I said.

“Why…. You…. Left…. That day?”

I left that day? When was that?

I tried to squat down a bit to see his face.

I stepped a few steps back as I saw his face.

OMG! How did he manage to come here?

“Wooyoung sshi…. How?” I blurted out.

I was so shocked to see him in front of my house.

“You’re like pesticide. I want to get rid of you ever since you leave that day. But I just can’t do it. I don’t know what you did to me in that few hours in one day. I just can’t get you out of my head!” He yelled, despite him shivering like crazy.

I quickly put the umbrella under the two of us to avoid him getting even wetter.

“Woohyun sshi….”

He quickly grabbed my left hand and put it right on his chest. I could feel his heart beating so fast. I looked at him as my eyes widened, shocked with his sudden actions.

“It was you who made that beat crazily.”

He tried to smile. I threw away the umbrella on my right hand and quickly hugged him tightly. I was so happy. He hugged me too.

I don’t know how he managed to come here. But whatever the reason is still couldn’t beat what he just said just now.

“Sarangahaeyo, Wooyoung sshi….”


Author Note : The End.... LOL... I hope you guys nejoy reading this... I'll do more wootae fic after i'm done with my current-going fic... Hope you guys read my other stories too... 

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Chapter 3: wootae!!!!
Oh hey! I remember reading a comic thats a bit similar to thi story. I LOVED IT! AND I LOVE YOUR STORY!
wootae13 #3
awwww so cute!
cant wait for your next wootae fic :)
wootae13 #4
awwww so cute!
cant wait for your next wootae fic :)
kyaa! mushy ending you got me screaming and smili8ng like a crazy girl today!
hope you can do more wootae fics in the future!
Cute ending! :3
Omg what a cute chapter! XD
Wooyoung is so positive thinking and I like it! XP
wootae13 #8
oh man, this is so cute. <3
lol, taengoo is such a creeper!
keep up the good work!:)

i wonder if wooyoung wrote in his diary that he likes taeyeon...

Update soon... I love wootae. I only ship taeyeon with wooyoung. Miss winwin. Anyway, what font did you use at the last paragraph?