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Let's Get Married!
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“Little deer, your parents already know that you will stay here for a night.”


Luhan almost choked when he heard Chairman Oh’s statement. Did he heard it right? He’s going to st—


“Yes, grandpa. My little bambi would really love to stay here.” The spawn of satan suddenly interrupts his thoughts. He even has the nerve to smirk then place his arm around his waist and kissed his hair. He failed to see the nonverbal exchange of Chairman Oh and Sehun because he is preoccupied of glaring at the scoundrel.


“Remove your hand.” Luhan whispered in a gritted teeth. He’s very careful not to raise his voice or else, Chairman Oh will hear it.


“I don’t want to.” Sehun whispered in a mocking tone. He even has the gall to tighten his grip around his waist to aggravate Luhan even further.


Luhan let out a sarcastic smile. “Suit yourself, then.” He took a sip of wine on the goblet as he applied a pressure on Sehun’s foot making the latter scream. The corner of his lips curled into a smirk while drinking when Sehun finally pulled his arm. Serves him right.


“Oh, my poor little snookums, did a bug happened to bite you? Do you want me to kiss your oo?” Luhan asked in a cringey saccharine tone, purposely using his voice as if he’s talking to a five year old child. He presses his lips into thin line to stop himself from snickering especially when Sehun throws a glare at him while rubbing his sore foot. Isn’t it wonderful to let him taste his own medicine?


“You two really reminds me of my beloved Mina.” A nostalgic smile displays on Chairman Oh’s features. Luhan noticed that Sehun is a spitting image of his grandfather. Despite of his age, you can’t really deny that he’s still handsome and Luhan can already imagine what the future Sehun looks like. He internally giggled at the thought of a white haired Sehun.


“Yah, stop staring at my grandfather! You look like you want to marry him instead.” Luhan’s musings halted when a moron hissed on his ear.


Is this brat even serious? What does he think of Luhan? If they’re alone, Luhan will surely beat this idiot.


A thunderous laugh startled both of them. “You are indeed my grandson, Sehunnie. I am not fond too when someone caught my Mina’s attention.”


Sehun makes face at Luhan which completely dismisses the possibility of him being jealous. Why the hell would Oh Sehun get jealous, right? Then he faced his grandpa who has a playful glint on his eyes. “I never get jealous, grandpa. Why would I even get jealous when I have everything?” Sehun tilted his head while playing with his lower lip.


“Besides, my baby cakes will never attempt to find other guy because his ideal man is me. Right, muffin?” Sehun tilted his head toward Luhan then winked at him cheekily.


Luhan pretended to throw up. Oh Sehun is surely an epitome of arrogance. He rolled his eyes then diverted his gaze. But in reality, Luhan’s insides are now churning with something he can’t recognize. He is a doctor himself so he knows that he doesn’t have any complications in the heart. Maybe, he has too much of a wine.




“Am I seriously staying for a night here?” Luhan asked in disbelief. He really thought that they were just kidding earlier just to appease, Chairman Oh.


“Yes, sweetcheeks. Just think of it as a practice.”


“Practice? What practice are you talking about?” Luhan really tried not to think any explicit ideas but being in a closed space with Sehun, he obviously failed.


Sehun’s lips curled into a smirk. “What practice do you think?”


Luhan mentally cursed when Sehun walked slowly to him. He looks like a predator cornering his prey. But Luhan is not a compliant prey. He reached for Sehun’s pillow then hit him square on the face making the latter groan.


“, we are not married yet but I am a battered husband already.”


“Serves you right. Stop teasing me, you brat!”


“A brat that is capable of producing another brat with you, sweetums.”


Luhan’s cheeks turned into crimson. Meanwhile, Sehun’s whistling in satisfaction because he managed to fluster Luhan. “Don’t hesitate to join me if you want to save water, honey.” He winked once again before locking the door of his bathroom because Luhan threw another pillow at him.


Luhan can’t help but to stomp his feet. The next time he saw him winking at him, Luhan will really poke his eyes. Oh Sehun’s really getting into his nerves. He is the only one who has the guts to do that to him. He has given up reprimanding him for excessive usage of cringeworthy endearments but he has other ways to irritate him even more. Luhan took a minute of breathing exercise to calm himself. Instead of stressing himself over Sehun, he roams around the mighty Oh Sehun’s room. He saw numerous trophies and picture frames displayed. But he lingered on a specific picture.


It is Sehun holding a bow and arrow. So he’s an archer. Whether he admit it or not, Sehun looks cool and drop-dead gorgeous here. Of course, he will never admit that verbally to him. His head will surely get bigger than what it is now. Luhan held the frame then squinted his eyes. It feels as if he saw Sehun somewhere but he can’t remember exactly where and when. In the end he shrugged, maybe he saw him in a magazine because as what Baekhyun told him, he’s also a part time model. He returned the picture on its original place. He’s about to scan through Sehun’s wardrobe to find something to wear but his attention got caught by a large portrait.


He can’t help but to gape at the fascinating image of Sehun in a white suit and white bow. His side profile is really impressive, from his brushed up black hair, handsome forehead, down to his tall nose and pinkish lips. He has an apathetic expression paired with furrowed well-trimmed brows which is complete contrast on what he really is in real life. Just staring at the portrait will give you an impression to never mess up with him. Sehun was that intimidating if you will only base on pictures.


“You know what? You are really drop dead gorgeous especially in this picture. You have a princely aura that will make everyone kneel on your feet.” Luhan paused for a moment. He doesn’t sound stupid while talking to inanimate object right? Well, he can’t possibly say these words in front of Sehun. “If my child will look like you, it’s not that bad that I’m putting up with you. Though I hope that he will only inherit your physical features.”


“Finally, you admitted it, honeybun.”


Luhan shuts his eyes tightly. He should have kept his mouth zipped. Tell him that he’s just dreaming. That Sehun didn’t hear him praising him. How he wish the ground will open and swallow him whole.


“I really knew that you have a hidden desire for me, baby cakes.”


Luhan took a deep breath before facing Sehun. “You completely heard it wr—“ He didn’t able to finish his sentence because he caught Sehun in his glory, well, with only a piece of towel covering his crotch. His eyes travel from Sehun’s exposed collarbone where there are some trails of water flowing down to his muscular

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Chapter 6: I'm back at here again natatawa parin ako hayup ka sehun🤣 and loey's entrance aksksskskksjs
Chapter 7: My gosh! I want to know what happen in the past between Chanyeol and Luhan, and Sehun is so whipped for Luhan now.. can't wait for the next chapter, and I wish Luhan to get pregnant soon, so I will get to see Sehun being overly protective and whipped for their baby. Keep up the good work author-nim, will be waiting for the next update. See ya!
749 streak #3
Chapter 7: I am really enjoying this story so far and with Chanyeol making a grand entrance, the plot definitely thickens. I can’t wait to see how our Luhan will juggle his two giants. Something tells me that Chanyeol has feelings for him as well. Looking forward to your next update.
Chapter 7: Sehun 😭 just tell Luhan whatever your feelings are, Don't stress him out like that😭😭 first u come in his life and make him your fiance blah blah blah, without listening to him that much, and now u are just taking over his life just like that 😭😭

I hope Chanyeol would be straightforward..
Chapter 7: Omg I'm stressed out. Luhan do something!
Chapter 7: OMG!!! The dominance of the 2 men. I am excited on what will happen next. How Chan will get Lu. The tug of war between the giants.
r u forgetting this fic authornim🥺
Helookpppp #8
lu_chen #9
Chapter 6: thanks for the update, looking forward to the next chapter ❤️
Chapter 6: I feel like chanbaek gonna happen after this.